

在 aspiration中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,410的網紅周永鴻 台中市議員,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 雖說您將離開台灣,但台灣永遠不會離開您!祝福酈英傑處長鵬程萬里! --------------- 轉載 @美國在台協會 AIT 貼文 📝酈英傑處長給台灣人民的道別信 「隨著我擔任美國在台協會處長的日子即將畫下句點,我也即將離開台灣,我想藉這個機會和大家分享,這一番歷練對我來說的意義是什麼。當我...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Yu Young,也在其Youtube影片中提到,👉 訂閱頻道訊息不錯過 ▶ https://pse.is/KJKE8 雨揚老師發心將《阿彌陀佛極樂淨土祈請文》配上現代感的編曲,以虔誠歌聲將此經典文句重新演繹。修持阿彌陀佛的法門,今生可獲長壽、消除病痛,增長功德,離世後能投生極樂淨土。 另外,尊貴的 穆松古千法王是秋珠昆桑謝饒之轉世、伏藏師明珠多...

aspiration中文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-07 14:35:19

#日常英語🌋 今日睇返琴晚凌晨兩點幾寫俾大家嗰封信,發現咗兩個字特別想講,就係”Aspiration”同”Dream”, 因為”dream”呢個字可以係noun, verb, adjective同埋流行歌曲都會常用到”dream”字,所以大家都會好常用,例如adjective就會話”dream jo...

aspiration中文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-08 06:38:32

#JUPAS🌋 👉🏼Personal Statement 建議框架👈🏼 1. Quote 2(a). Personal Experience Interests towards particular subject 2(b). Personal Attributes which make you ...

  • aspiration中文 在 周永鴻 台中市議員 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-10 09:00:32
    有 139 人按讚

    轉載 @美國在台協會 AIT 貼文

    — 美國在台協會處長 酈英傑
    📝A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen
    "As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.
    The first time I left my hometown at age 19, it was to come to Taiwan. From that early age, Taiwan became synonymous for me with the ideas of exchange and understanding, exploration and adventure. Taiwan represented both disorienting foreignness and unexpected opportunity, as I tried new food – like shuijiaos and qiu doufu – and learned to navigate my way through streets crowded with bicycles and scooters. And struggled to make myself understood with my rudimentary Mandarin. But all the while discovering the kindness and generosity that welcomed me wherever I went.
    It felt appropriate for me to serve my first tour as a U.S. diplomat in the place that first sparked in me a lifelong interest in Asia – and in Taiwan in particular – and in cross-cultural understanding and shared purpose, or in other words, diplomacy. After that, my career took me to other places, but mostly still in the China region. But the memories of my experiences in Taiwan stayed with me. And finally having the opportunity to serve as the top U.S. diplomat to Taiwan was the culmination of all the years that came before. It is clear that I have a lifelong connection to Taiwan, or “yuanfen,” that has led me to return again and again.
    People often ask me why I have such a fondness for Taiwan. “Isn’t it obvious?!” I always think. But when forced to explain my affection for and professional fascination with Taiwan, I usually come back to a few themes.
    First, dynamism and constancy; progress and preservation; innovation and tradition. Every time I return to Taiwan, I am immediately struck by the many ways Taiwan has advanced as a society. Taiwan’s democracy grows more mature, its economy more prosperous, its environment more cared-for, and its arts and culture more vibrant.
    Taiwan’s industry continues to set the benchmark for global innovation in some of the most sophisticated technologies, but at the same time, Taiwan society is remarkable for its stability and cultural continuity. Taiwan’s people, despite their relative wealth and stature, continue to be modest and unassuming. Taiwan’s most ancient traditions are alive and well. Cultural and historic sites are restored and preserved. Young people may learn calligraphy techniques handed down for generations, but then share their work on Instagram.
    Second, for the United States, Taiwan exemplifies the intersection of shared interests and shared values. Our partnership is about making sure our economies are beneficiaries rather than casualties of technological development and ensuring that technological development advances rather than undermines our principles. Our shared values of freedom, diversity, equality, and transparency inspire our efforts to build the resilience of democracies around the world. And we continue to find new ways to contribute to global problem solving, both because it benefits our own peoples and because we share the belief that this is what it means to be a good neighbor in the 21st century.
    Finally, I associate Taiwan – and the broader U.S.-Taiwan relationship – with hope, promise, and growth. This friendship has expanded and flourished over the past 40 years; I believe every person who has done this job walked away knowing they left this partnership better than they found it. I will similarly leave AIT with a sense of accomplishment and success, knowing that the U.S.-Taiwan partnership is deeper and stronger than ever, and feeling immensely proud of my small role in getting us there.
    But more than any of these things, I will remember the ways that Taiwan has touched me personally. I will always remember my first Christmas in Taiwan – and my first Chinese New Year. I will remember the warmth of Taiwan friendship, the faith of my fellow church members, the taste of a mango bing on a hot summer day, the echo of “Fur Elise” from the recycling truck, the fragrance of jasmine blossoms in village alleyways – these are just some of the memories I will treasure. I will remember the long dinners with dear friends, full of laughter and stories. And I will remember their many kindnesses. I will remember all the ways big and small that you, the people of Taiwan, touched my life and the lives of my family. And for that, I thank you.
    I may be leaving Taiwan, but Taiwan will never leave me. "
    -- AIT Director William Brent Christensen
    ✅Read the letter: https://bit.ly/3hUrsgw

  • aspiration中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-09 14:15:22
    有 75,960 人按讚












    — 美國在台協會處長 酈英傑


    📝A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen

    "As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.

    The first time I left my hometown at age 19, it was to come to Taiwan. From that early age, Taiwan became synonymous for me with the ideas of exchange and understanding, exploration and adventure. Taiwan represented both disorienting foreignness and unexpected opportunity, as I tried new food – like shuijiaos and qiu doufu – and learned to navigate my way through streets crowded with bicycles and scooters. And struggled to make myself understood with my rudimentary Mandarin. But all the while discovering the kindness and generosity that welcomed me wherever I went.

    It felt appropriate for me to serve my first tour as a U.S. diplomat in the place that first sparked in me a lifelong interest in Asia – and in Taiwan in particular – and in cross-cultural understanding and shared purpose, or in other words, diplomacy. After that, my career took me to other places, but mostly still in the China region. But the memories of my experiences in Taiwan stayed with me. And finally having the opportunity to serve as the top U.S. diplomat to Taiwan was the culmination of all the years that came before. It is clear that I have a lifelong connection to Taiwan, or “yuanfen,” that has led me to return again and again.

    People often ask me why I have such a fondness for Taiwan. “Isn’t it obvious?!” I always think. But when forced to explain my affection for and professional fascination with Taiwan, I usually come back to a few themes.

    First, dynamism and constancy; progress and preservation; innovation and tradition. Every time I return to Taiwan, I am immediately struck by the many ways Taiwan has advanced as a society. Taiwan’s democracy grows more mature, its economy more prosperous, its environment more cared-for, and its arts and culture more vibrant.

    Taiwan’s industry continues to set the benchmark for global innovation in some of the most sophisticated technologies, but at the same time, Taiwan society is remarkable for its stability and cultural continuity. Taiwan’s people, despite their relative wealth and stature, continue to be modest and unassuming. Taiwan’s most ancient traditions are alive and well. Cultural and historic sites are restored and preserved. Young people may learn calligraphy techniques handed down for generations, but then share their work on Instagram.

    Second, for the United States, Taiwan exemplifies the intersection of shared interests and shared values. Our partnership is about making sure our economies are beneficiaries rather than casualties of technological development and ensuring that technological development advances rather than undermines our principles. Our shared values of freedom, diversity, equality, and transparency inspire our efforts to build the resilience of democracies around the world. And we continue to find new ways to contribute to global problem solving, both because it benefits our own peoples and because we share the belief that this is what it means to be a good neighbor in the 21st century.

    Finally, I associate Taiwan – and the broader U.S.-Taiwan relationship – with hope, promise, and growth. This friendship has expanded and flourished over the past 40 years; I believe every person who has done this job walked away knowing they left this partnership better than they found it. I will similarly leave AIT with a sense of accomplishment and success, knowing that the U.S.-Taiwan partnership is deeper and stronger than ever, and feeling immensely proud of my small role in getting us there.

    But more than any of these things, I will remember the ways that Taiwan has touched me personally. I will always remember my first Christmas in Taiwan – and my first Chinese New Year. I will remember the warmth of Taiwan friendship, the faith of my fellow church members, the taste of a mango bing on a hot summer day, the echo of “Fur Elise” from the recycling truck, the fragrance of jasmine blossoms in village alleyways – these are just some of the memories I will treasure. I will remember the long dinners with dear friends, full of laughter and stories. And I will remember their many kindnesses. I will remember all the ways big and small that you, the people of Taiwan, touched my life and the lives of my family. And for that, I thank you.

    I may be leaving Taiwan, but Taiwan will never leave me. "

    -- AIT Director William Brent Christensen

    ✅Read the letter: https://bit.ly/3hUrsgw

  • aspiration中文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-06 20:59:06
    有 811 人按讚

    [關於反芻動物全身麻醉的風險,反芻動物中,全身麻醉的弊大於利。] 有興趣的朋友可以多了解一下喔! (中文翻譯的部分為Google翻譯的,能夠閱讀英文的朋友建議看原文會比較清楚喔)




    General anaesthesia is an essential component of modern medicine. It is a drug induced reversible condition that includes specific behavioral and physiological traits unconsciousness, amnesia, analgesia, and akinesia- with concomitant stability of the autonomic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and thermoregulatory systems.
    [General anesthesia in ruminants has inherent risks such as regurgitation of ruminal contents, excessive salivation and the possibility of pulmonary aspiration; therefore it is not always recommended and local or regional techniques may be used instead. Epidural anaesthesia is a central neuraxial block technique which is used regularly in veterinary practice for treatment of different obstetrical and surgical interferences in the perineal, sacral, lumbar, and caudal parts of the thoracic region of domestic animals. There have been several scientific researches on the use of epidural anesthesia in ruminants and other species for various surgical and laboratory procedures. In conclusion, the disadvantages of general anaesthesia outweigh the advantages especially in ruminant specie. Therefore, epidural anaesthesia is the most preferred.

    Ruminal tympany, bloat, regurgitation, and aspiration pneumonia are common problems associated with general anesthesia in farm animal species that should be anticipated and addressed with proper precautions and the necessary preanesthetic considerations. Regurgitation and aspiration of stomach content can occur in farm animal species during anesthesia, especially in nonfasted animals. Ruminants normally salivate profusely during anesthesia. The triggering agents of malignant hyperthermia include stress (e.g., excitement, transportation, or preanesthetic handling), halogenated inhalation anesthetics (e.g., halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane), and depolarizing neuro-muscular blocking drugs (e.g., succinylcholine). Similarly, halothane appears to be the most potent and most frequently reported trigger of malignant hyperthermia in pigs. Preanesthetic fasting may not completely prevent regurgitation, but it will decrease the amount of solid matter in the rumen content. Veterinarians should incorporate the knowledge with proper preanesthetic preparations and appropriate perioperative management to ensure successful outcome of anesthesia in these animals.

  • aspiration中文 在 Yu Young Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-11-22 14:00:04

    👉 訂閱頻道訊息不錯過 ▶ https://pse.is/KJKE8

    另外,尊貴的 穆松古千法王是秋珠昆桑謝饒之轉世、伏藏師明珠多傑「意」的化身,而明珠多傑尊者在過去世中曾於13歲時親見阿彌陀佛,接受極樂淨土法門的教法,阿彌陀佛更授與他成就法海的灌頂及口傳,親近尊貴的 穆松古千法王,亦能感受阿彌陀佛的恩澤。



    稀有難得無量光 右有大悲觀世音
    左為大力大勢至 無量佛菩薩圍繞
    但有無量之妙樂 此即清淨極樂國
    願我命終隨即能 不為他生所阻斷
    生彼親見彌陀佛 我今如是發願已
    十方諸佛及菩薩 加持令無礙成就

    爹雅他 班札 知雅 阿哇 波達那耶 梭哈

    諸佛菩薩力怙念 資糧圓滿我隨喜
    三世所積諸善業 悉以供養三寶尊
    願諸佛法普傳揚 善業迴向有情眾
    願諸眾生悉成佛 積聚一切諸善根
    惟願自心得成熟 二障清凈資糧圓
    長壽無病證悟增 願我此生登十地
    一旦命終得隨即 願能往生極樂國
    生已蓮花開放時 即依彼身願成佛
    乃至得證菩提果 願以化身度有情


    #佛曲 #請訂閱 #開啟小鈴鐺
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    ▶ 雨揚老師親授開運小祕技一次學 ▶ http://user68068.piee.pw/L5P3T

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  • aspiration中文 在 The Regina. Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-02-07 01:47:28

    點這邊訂閱我的頻道吧👏🏻 https://goo.gl/P94QPa
    Click For More info.|點這邊看更多👇

    🔎Social Media|來社群網站找我 🔍
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    Official Blog http://theregina.com/
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    B站 http://space.bilibili.com/67431652/#!/index
    小紅書 The Regina🌹

    🔹Business Inquiries|合作接洽🔹

    📌items in Video|影片資訊📌
    直捲兩用電捲棒 Aspiration
    鯊魚夾 MUJI無印良品
    髮箍 淘寶
    梳子 VS沙宣
    面紙 屈臣氏自有品牌
    牙刷盒 韓國文具店(很久以前買的)
    牙刷 Oral B
    牙線 刷樂
    牙膏 MARVIS
    沐浴巾 Francfranc
    早安面膜 Ayura
    保濕面膜 韓國 Medi Hydro Vial
    化妝包 3CE
    卸妝濕巾 bifesta
    矯色洗髮精 Lakme萊肯
    分裝小白罐 淘寶
    深層保濕髮膜 AG hair
    金緻柔馭露 Kerastase卡詩
    Fire Wall護髮噴霧 AG hair
    化妝棉 蘭韻
    棉花棒 屈臣氏自有品牌
    長型小收納盒 MUJI無印良品
    洗面乳 Evita艾薇塔
    噴霧活泉水 URAIGE 優麗雅
    噴霧化妝水 Omorovicza
    玻尿酸保濕化妝水 Dr. Wu
    迷你卸妝油 Bobbi Brown
    小黑瓶 Lancome蘭蔻
    小綠瓶 La Mer
    玻尿酸保濕精華液 Dr. Wu
    角鯊 Dr. Wu
    經典乳霜 La Mer
    玻尿酸保濕乳液 Dr. Wu
    護唇膏 貝德瑪
    護手霜 URAIGE 優麗雅
    橙香身體乳霜 Aesop
    香氛精油 Diptyque
    防曬 Lancome蘭蔻
    天生光圈鑽石光粉底液 shuuemura植村秀
    遮瑕膏 tarte
    蜜粉餅 Giorgio Armani
    腮紅露 Giorgio Armani
    打亮 OFRA
    眉筆 I’m meme
    眼影 Zoeva/Hourglass
    眼線液筆 excel
    唇膏 Maybelline

    Rucipello 漱口水+牙膏組
    Briskin 粉紅面膜
    Clio mad matte唇膏 #06
    Clio Kill cover 遮瑕膏
    La Mer 奇蹟煥采氣墊粉霜
    Labiotte 擴香
    Labiotte 刷具
    Fila 白色老爹球鞋

    🔛Subtitles Wanted|徵求中/英字幕小幫手🔛

    📽Equipment|影音設備 📽
    Camera 使用相機:Canon EOS M50+15-45mm
    Editing App 剪輯軟體:Final Cut Pro X

    🔱About My Look|今日妝容與搭配🔱
    Foundation|粉底: La Mer 奇蹟煥采氣墊粉霜
    Lipstick|唇彩: Clio mad matte唇膏 #06
    Eyelash Extensions|睫毛: LashLab 忠孝店
    Nail Art|光療指甲: Lady's(nail/make up)
    Hair|髮色: Happy Hair市府店 設計師Winnie

    Thanks for your watching!

    *This video is not sponsored.

  • aspiration中文 在 The Regina. Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-17 21:04:30

    點這邊訂閱我的頻道吧👏🏻 https://goo.gl/P94QPa
    Click For More info.|點這邊看更多👇

    🔎Social Media|來社群網站找我 🔍
    Instagram https://instagram.com/thereginatw
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thereginatw/
    Official Blog http://theregina.com/
    微博Weibo http://www.weibo.com/thereginatw
    B站 http://space.bilibili.com/67431652/#!/index
    小紅書 The Regina🌹

    🔹Business Inquiries|合作接洽🔹

    📌items in Video|影片資訊📌
    Omorovicza 妝溶潔顏凝凍 100ml/NT$3550 https://goo.gl/itPz6r
    bobbi brown 茉莉沁透淨妝油 200ml/NT$1700 https://goo.gl/q9NAS4
    La mer 濃縮精華露 150ml/NT$4700 https://goo.gl/7RiLu3
    La mer 經典乳霜 30ml/NT$6600 https://goo.gl/ExCQ2Y
    Darphin 保濕乳霜 50ml/約NT$1100
    原辰 WONJIN EFFECT Medi 透明質酸面膜 Hydro Vial 10片一盒 NT$310 https://goo.gl/5ukEH8
    日立 HITACHI CM-N840導入美容儀
    ASPIRATION Long Barrel Curl Iron 32mm 約NT$1400 https://goo.gl/SjZcz7
    LUX Botanifique 瑰植卉 植萃修護柔順洗髮精 510g NT$359 http://bit.ly/2BrPZpm
    LUX Botanifique 瑰植卉 植萃修護柔順護髮乳 510g 約NT$359 http://bit.ly/2BrPZpm
    雪花秀 sulwhasoo 完美瓷肌氣墊粉霜 NT$1980 https://goo.gl/B3g7rP
    植村秀 shu uemura #55 零刷痕粉底刷 NT$1750 https://goo.gl/RhjavL
    肌膚之鑰 Clé de Peau Beauté 光采飾妍筆 NT$1980 https://goo.gl/mozCMD
    無印良品 MUJI PP攜帶盒 NT$35 https://goo.gl/hajN6j
    Zoeva Caramel Melange 約NT$410/Beauty Bay https://rstyle.me/~aLh7w
    植村秀 shu uemura yazbukey聯名唇膏 #Brown is brown NT$1000 https://goo.gl/87MDza
    媚比琳 maybelline 超持久霧感液態唇膏 #70 NT$360 https://goo.gl/3qUjfY
    迪卡儂 decathlon NABAIJI 柔軟微纖維擦頭巾 NT$99 https://goo.gl/wG6gKj
    mercci22 無縫美背彈力BRA TOP(大U款) NT$590 https://goo.gl/s3d6cn
    ZARA 彩色老爹鞋 NT$1590 已下架
    Sorel Caribou boots USD$160/Shopbop https://rstyle.me/~aLh7Z

    🔛Subtitles Wanted|徵求中/英字幕小幫手🔛

    📽Equipment|影音設備 📽
    Camera 使用相機:Canon EOS M50+15-45mm
    Editing App 剪輯軟體:Final Cut Pro X

    🔱About My Look|今日妝容與搭配🔱
    Top|上衣: 淘寶
    Foundation|粉底: La mer 海洋拉娜 奇蹟煥采氣墊粉霜 #13
    Lipstick|唇彩: 媚比琳 maybelline 超持久霧感液態唇膏 #70
    Eyelash Extensions|睫毛: LashLab 忠孝店
    Nail Art|光療指甲: Lady's(nail/make up)
    Hair|髮色: Happy Hair市府店 設計師Winnie

    Thanks for your watching!

    🎵Cloudy - KODOMOi
    *This video is not sponsored.

