Yesterday, I posted a video about how things led to the discontinuation of the production of my feature film, Jellyfish Eyes Part 2, and received a va...
Yesterday, I posted a video about how things led to the discontinuation of the production of my feature film, Jellyfish Eyes Part 2, and received a variety of reactions. Some were of course condolences for the fact I had to abandon the project. Others were from puzzled people in the art market asking whether the artworks they have been waiting for would actually get produced, or what would happen to the values of my artwork. @artnet has also written up about it, expressing concerns.
On the other hand, some have reached out with ideas and kind offers to explore the possibilities of keeping the production of the film going. All in all, I have received such tremendous reactions, which warms my heart. Thank you so much.
There’s an idea I would like to share with you all here. It has to do with the question of what an artist’s job is. I, for one, believe that it has solely to do with how, after they are dead, they manage to leave behind works and a way of life that could be deemed as iconic of their era.
As a Japanese artist, I was fortunate to be given a chance to make my debut in the Western art scene; the American art scene in particular welcomed me warmly. Several curators and critics kindly pushed my back, which allowed me to have exhibitions in museums, which in turn earned me enthusiastic fans, who were often racial minorities like myself. A lot of children visited my exhibitions as new museum audiences. I have truly been lucky.
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#一日一藝術家 Jim Dine (1935- ) 16/June
Happy Birthday Jim! 今日有呢位美國藝術家,Jim成日畀人定位佢係普普藝術嘅一分子;事實上,有別於其他普普藝術家,佢嘅作品帶有強烈感情色彩,而且主題著重於對每個個體意義重大嘅物件。佢啲作品線條粗獷又有豐富色彩,而且仲鍾意運用唔同媒介創作,所以亦被視為新表現主義嘅先導者〜睇睇佢啲作品先〜
1 Pinocchio walking to Boras
2 Two Tomatoes
3 Olympic Robe
4 Nine Views of Winter
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最近白晰的阿姆斯特丹海灘上突然出現一群奇形怪狀物品,看似藝術品,但又說不上來到底是什麼,這稱為UrbanCampsite Amsterdam的計畫實為一項嘗試性開放藝術,想透過超乎一般想像形狀的藝術品,將不同人們吸引到此,使所有人在瞭解每一個藝術品的意涵後,進而彼此交流,這中間包含小孩和大人,連同藝術家也一起加入,更別說在這裡能享受夏天海邊的清新,最令人驚訝的是,每一個作品其實也是能居住兩人的海邊小屋,如果想要居住可以透過Airbnb訂房,其中有一棟小屋屋頂直接做成彈簧床,真難想像住在裡面欣賞日月星辰變化的當下,心裡將遭受何種漣漪。
Urban Campsite Amsterdam