

在 articulation音樂產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,785的網紅Ling tse 謝裕鈴,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Song original by 盧廣仲 @captain.lu Vocal : @lingtse Guitar : @lai.22222 Please don’t mind my poor mandarin articulation 🙏🏻🙈 #刻在我心底的名字 #盧廣仲 #crowd...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過390的網紅Ting-Wei Chen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,FLUTE.TING X SOLO.THING . Astor Piazzolla is the one who established the new tango ‚Nuevo Tango‘, which was challenging the idea of the traditional ta...

articulation音樂 在 Ting-Wei Chen 陳廷威 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-22 07:52:14

FLUTE.TING X SOLO.THING . Astor Piazzolla is the one who established the new tango ‚Nuevo Tango‘, which was challenging the idea of the traditional ta...

articulation音樂 在 Ting-Wei Chen 陳廷威 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-22 07:52:14

長笛樂團攻略 — 音符的藝術 — 2019年0817日 — 莫札特篇 之二 Workshop — Flute Audition and the Art of the Sound — Mozart Part II 到底為什麼聽莫札特會看到蝴蝶谷 🦋? 這劑太強? 歡迎在下方留言聊聊你們聽莫札特都...

  • articulation音樂 在 Ling tse 謝裕鈴 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-24 16:09:00
    有 24 人按讚

    Song original by 盧廣仲 @captain.lu
    Vocal : @lingtse
    Guitar : @lai.22222

    Please don’t mind my poor mandarin articulation 🙏🏻🙈

    #刻在我心底的名字 #盧廣仲 #crowdlu #cover #song #國語 #mandarin #vocal #guitar #guitarist #music #音樂 #中文歌 #國語歌 #coversong #lovesong #mood #taiwan #film #theme #gay #lgbt #電影 #同性戀 #台灣 #香港 #hongkong #hk #igers #hkig

  • articulation音樂 在 小游老師 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-29 17:16:12
    有 65 人按讚


    瑋瑋雖然上了小一課業變得超級無敵忙,還是盡力認真要求自己,這次有自信的上台、拿出氣勢完整發揮,得到了「Great articulation. Excellent use of pedal. Tempo steady, good job!」等超棒評語🥳五位評審一致給予最高分呢!


  • articulation音樂 在 陳廷威 Ting-Wei CHEN Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-19 06:46:57
    有 80 人按讚

    Astor Piazzolla is the one who established the new tango ‚Nuevo Tango‘, which was challenging the idea of the traditional tango quintet with two bandoneons, two violins, a bass, a cello, a piano and an electric guitar. This Tango Nuevo fused together the worlds of classical music, jazz and tango.
    When Piazzolla was in Buenos Aires, he got a job as part of the Anibal Troilo orchestra as their bandoneón player, later became their arranger. The extreme popularity of this band in Argentina made his position also very prestigious. The time he played in the Troilo orchestra has been very important:
    „I learned the tricks of the tangueros, those intuitive tricks that helped me later on. I couldn't define them technically; they are forms of playing, forms of feeling; it's something that comes from inside, spontaneously.“
    This Tango Etude No.3 for solo flute has the form of ternary A-Quote-B-A in which the theme of the quote was taken from the Chilean composer Sergio Ortega’s popular song El pueblo unido jamás sera vencido (“The People United Will Never Be Defeated”).
    I hope you enjoy this kind of ‘spicy’ music in terms of variety of articulation and accent with extrem dynamics and percussive rhythms within its high quality of singing and dancing. #tingflute
    Learning by Doing with

    長笛廷 X 獨奏廳
    阿斯特·皮亞佐拉(Astor Piazzolla)是“新探戈”的創始者,該新探戈挑戰著傳統的探戈五重奏組的想法,並將古典音樂,爵士樂和探戈音樂融合在一起。
    皮亞佐拉(Piazzolla)在布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)時,他曾是Anibal Troilo樂團的一員,後來成為該團的編曲者。 這支樂隊在阿根廷的極高知名度也讓他享有很高的聲譽。 他在Troilo樂團演奏的期間對他創作非常重要:

    “我學了探戈的技巧,這些直覺的技巧後來對我有所幫助。 我無法從技術上定義它們; 它們是遊戲的形式,感覺的形式; 它是自發地從內心產生的。”
    這首長笛獨奏的探戈第三號練習曲具有三元A-Quote-B-A的形式,其中Quote 主題引用自智利作曲家塞爾吉奧·奧爾特加(Sergio Ortega)的流行歌曲El pueblo unido jamás sera vencido(“團結一心終將勝利”)。
    希望你們能在極度動感、高節奏感的舞曲中,帶著多變的重音及語法,從而欣賞這種對我來說非常“辣”的音樂。 #tingflute
    和朋友Yamato Moritake學習錄音💁🏻‍♂️

  • articulation音樂 在 Ting-Wei Chen Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-19 06:20:56

    Astor Piazzolla is the one who established the new tango ‚Nuevo Tango‘, which was challenging the idea of the traditional tango quintet with two bandoneons, two violins, a bass, a cello, a piano and an electric guitar. This Tango Nuevo fused together the worlds of classical music, jazz and tango.
    When Piazzolla was in Buenos Aires, he got a job as part of the Anibal Troilo orchestra as their bandoneón player, later became their arranger. The extreme popularity of this band in Argentina made his position also very prestigious. The time he played in the Troilo orchestra has been very important:
    „I learned the tricks of the tangueros, those intuitive tricks that helped me later on. I couldn't define them technically; they are forms of playing, forms of feeling; it's something that comes from inside, spontaneously.“
    This Tango Etude No.3 for solo flute has the form of ternary A-Quote-B-A in which the theme of the quote was taken from the Chilean composer Sergio Ortega’s popular song El pueblo unido jamás sera vencido (“The People United Will Never Be Defeated”).
    I hope you enjoy this kind of ‘spicy’ music in terms of variety of articulation and accent with extrem dynamics and percussive rhythms within its high quality of singing and dancing. #tingflute
    Learning by Doing with
    @Yamato Moritake

    長笛廷 X 獨奏廳
    阿斯特·皮亞佐拉(Astor Piazzolla)是“新探戈”的創始者,該新探戈挑戰著傳統的探戈五重奏組的想法,並將古典音樂,爵士樂和探戈音樂融合在一起。
    皮亞佐拉(Piazzolla)在布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)時,他曾是Anibal Troilo樂團的一員,後來成為該團的編曲者。 這支樂隊在阿根廷的極高知名度也讓他享有很高的聲譽。 他在Troilo樂團演奏的期間對他創作非常重要:

    “我學了探戈的技巧,這些直覺的技巧後來對我有所幫助。 我無法從技術上定義它們; 它們是遊戲的形式,感覺的形式; 它是自發地從內心產生的。”
    這首長笛獨奏的探戈第三號練習曲具有三元A-Quote-B-A的形式,其中Quote 主題引用自智利作曲家塞爾吉奧·奧爾特加(Sergio Ortega)的流行歌曲El pueblo unido jamás sera vencido(“團結一心終將勝利”)。
    希望你們能在極度動感、高節奏感的舞曲中,帶著多變的重音及語法,從而欣賞這種對我來說非常“辣”的音樂。 #tingflute

  • articulation音樂 在 吳海文 Kevin Wu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-09 20:30:11


    一:要區分什麼是「Fun Fact」什麼是「Critical Fact」。發聲技巧背後的運作原理只能當做「趣聞」來聽,懂不代表你能做到,做到也不代表唱歌變好聽。


    三:把歌唱好有三個重點:好的音色、好的咬字、好的樂句處理 (Good Tone、Good Articulation、Good Phrasing)。

    1) 他能不能示範出你要的演唱風格
    2) 他能不能清楚的把你從A帶到B
    3) 他有沒有成功教會過別人唱歌
    4) 不要只聽一個人的

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KevinWuOfficial
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KevinWuOfficial

    #吳海文 #學唱歌 #唱歌不好聽

