< 出書了! >
上星期突然收到David的電郵,說是得到Sigmund Groven的推薦,邀請我進行一個Skype Interview,準備推出一本書名為 < Love of Chromatic Harmonica >。 當我首先看到Sigmund Groven (Tommy Reilly 傳...
< 出書了! >
上星期突然收到David的電郵,說是得到Sigmund Groven的推薦,邀請我進行一個Skype Interview,準備推出一本書名為 < Love of Chromatic Harmonica >。 當我首先看到Sigmund Groven (Tommy Reilly 傳人,現今的大大師級人馬)的推薦時,已經有點受寵若驚。然而,當我再仔細一點細閱另外18位同樣獲邀的人選,更是使我不得不倒抽一口涼氣!名單中大部份也早在我出世前便已成名的大師級人馬,例如傳說中的Franz Chmel,多年前已在世界舉行大大小小的大師班的Brendan Power,爵士樂大師Jens Bunge 等等。
' Hello Leo! It was a fantastic playing and arrangement on the Invierno Porteno by Piazzolla! Would you like to describe how you have made the pieces outstanding, and what do you think Piazzolla intended to do?' 一聽,便知有備而來!Piazzolla...好像是半個世紀前的事了,最近滿腦子都是Miles Davis、Chick Corea、James Brown、Bill Evans...
' Let me start with how I interpret the song, there are five paragraphs from the piece... (竟然仲記得...)' 一邊講,一邊絞盡腦汁記返兩年前篇曲時的感覺... 'What you have to do, is to articulate, imagine something different in every paragraph. To tell a story...' 邊講著講著,好像終於知道自己在說什麼了!
就是這樣,談了兩小時。Articulation、音色、音量、用氣、呼吸的用法、口型、演繹、變化、手協調度的 Milestone、手型、坐姿、口琴設計、五種震音的方法、用Mic、口琴的潛力等等....
This is their website! http://masterofharmonica.com/
articulate用法 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳解答
今天文章是由三篇小文中的第二篇,延續上一篇的文章,主題是:The Board’s Role in Sustainability主要介紹SCORE這個框架,score是由simplify, connect, own, reward, and exemplify五個字所簡稱的。詳細內容大家有興趣可以再點留言中的連結看唷~
article是一個可數名詞,大家一般記得的中文為:n. 文章。
1. 物品或商品
例句:Guests are advised not to leave any articles of value in their hotel rooms.(from Cambridge dictionary)
2. 冠詞
3. 條文
例如:the article of the UN Charter 聯合國憲章的一個條款
v. pronounce or say distinctly
a. able to speak clearly
轉變為n. 時,是指articulation n. 表達
例句:He made a clear articulation of his aims.
獻上本文例句:SCORE outlines five actions—simplify, connect, own, reward, and exemplify—that can help boards articulate and foster a firm’s durable value proposition and its drivers.
articulate用法 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
下班了嗎? 忙祿的一天! 趕快來唸十句精彩對話補充一下營養!
電影 The descendants - 繼承人生, 10 句精彩對話 Part 23
Matt is doing the howdy thing to Julie Speer and trying to find a chance to have a conversation with Brian.
1. I thought that was you. You've been in the paper so much lately.
2. I figured you had to know Brian. He's been pretty involved.
我猜你一定認識Brian。 他已經涉入很深
3. Maybe we met in passing. I don't know.
或許我們在無意間 (in passing, 這樣翻OK嗎?) 曾碰過面, 我不知道
4. That's probably a conflict of interest.
那可能會有利益上的衝突 (conflict of interest)
5. Julie Speer: Do you guys want some lasagna? Matt: No, thanks, we just ate. Julie Speer: A drink then.
Julie Speer: 你們要吃點千層派 (lasagna) 嗎? Matt: 不了, 謝謝, 我們剛用過餐。Julie Speer: 那喝點東西吧! (then的用法)
6. We unhooked her from the machines this morning. She'll be dead in a few days.
我們今早拔掉 (unhooked) 她的維生系統, 她這幾天就會離開人世了
7. Alex: Why would she go for him? Matt: Beats me. Well, he's very articulate.
Alex: 她怎麼會看上他? Matt: 我也搞不懂 (“Beats me!” Funny words), 他能言善道吧!
8. I'm sorry. I never thought it would come to this.
9. Look, I'm not here to wreck your life.
聽著, 我來這不是要破壞 (wreck) 你的家庭
10. I can't have you here. Do you understand that?
Brian is nervous that Matt is gonna wreck his life if his wife knows everything.
To be continued...
articulate用法 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
午安啊!! 星期二了! 天氣雖熱, 帶著愉快的心情唸英文準備迎接下午的挑戰!
電影 The descendants - 繼承人生, 10 句精彩對話 Part 23
Matt is doing the howdy thing to Julie Speer and trying to find a chance to have a conversation with Brian.
1. I thought that was you. You've been in the paper so much lately.
2. I figured you had to know Brian. He's been pretty involved.
我猜你一定認識Brian。 他已經涉入很深
3. Maybe we met in passing. I don't know.
或許我們在無意間 (in passing, 這樣翻OK嗎?) 曾碰過面, 我不知道
4. That's probably a conflict of interest.
那可能會有利益上的衝突 (conflict of interest)
5. Julie Speer: Do you guys want some lasagna? Matt: No, thanks, we just ate. Julie Speer: A drink then.
Julie Speer: 你們要吃點千層派 (lasagna) 嗎? Matt: 不了, 謝謝, 我們剛用過餐。Julie Speer: 那喝點東西吧! (then的用法)
6. We unhooked her from the machines this morning. She'll be dead in a few days.
我們今早拔掉 (unhooked) 她的維生系統, 她這幾天就會離開人世了
7. Alex: Why would she go for him? Matt: Beats me. Well, he's very articulate.
Alex: 她怎麼會看上他? Matt: 我也搞不懂 (“Beats me!” Funny words), 他能言善道吧!
8. I'm sorry. I never thought it would come to this.
9. Look, I'm not here to wreck your life.
聽著, 我來這不是要破壞 (wreck) 你的家庭
10. I can't have you here. Do you understand that?
Brian is nervous that Matt is gonna wreck his life if his wife knows everything.
To be continued...