

在 arm中文產品中有54篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11的網紅D.A.,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, -(中文版本往下滑!) I have keratosis pilaris on my outer arm, it’s a gene problem I suppose. After searching online, @paulaschoice weightless body treatment ...

 同時也有106部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集廣告與「Arm DevSummit 2021」合作播出。 #ArmDevSummit 將於10/19 - 10/21 重磅登場! ✅全球超過百場科技議程,免費隨選隨看❗ ✅10/19 CEO Simon Segars 主題演講❗ ✅10/21 Arm x Acer x Himax Techn...

arm中文 在 Vesper Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 15:57:20

🤙🏻Final boarding call 🌸GIVEAWAY ALERT🌸 (中文在下面) #VesperSOULmateBDparty @soulsporty 3 days WORLDWIDE giveaway. It’s my 30 birthday!! My dear friends❤️...

arm中文 在 Vesper Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 15:57:20

🌸GIVEAWAY ALERT🌸 (中文在下面) #VesperSOULmateBDparty @soulsporty 3 days WORLDWIDE giveaway. It’s my 30 birthday!! My dear friends❤️❤️ I’m so grateful tha...

  • arm中文 在 D.A. Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-21 17:58:36
    有 0 人按讚

    I have keratosis pilaris on my outer arm, it’s a gene problem I suppose.
    After searching online, @paulaschoice weightless body treatment 2% BHA has a lot of recommendations, thus I give it a try.

    There’s a time that I have some acne on my back, too. Tbh, I think this product works better for acne than keratosis pilaris🤣 be sure not to use it if you have cut on you skin! It hurts 😨! I love the scent, and it accelerates my acnes to scab. I always wash my hand after I apply it, otherwise my hand tends to peel😆 that’s how effective it is!

    Do you guys have body acne/ back acne issues?
    Let me know in the comments below:)

    Wish you all a lovely day!☺️

    More pics👉👉👉
    於是開始使用看看 #寶拉珍選 2% 水楊酸身體乳





    #makeupklever #化粧 #アイメイク #motd💋 #dailymakeup #아이메이크업 #메이크업아티스트 #오늘의화장 #눈화장 #makeupkontent #makeupidea #makeuptoday #100daysofmakeupchallenge #wakeupandmakeupsweeps #美妝 #美妝分享 #保養 #保養品 #paulaschoice #keratosispilaris #keratosispilaristreatment #paulaschoiceskincare #skincare #bha #bodylotions #身體乳 #skincaretips #skincareproduct #skincarecommunity

  • arm中文 在 Vesper’s yoga journey Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-09 21:01:14
    有 2 人按讚

    🤙🏻Final boarding call
    🌸GIVEAWAY ALERT🌸 (中文在下面)
    @soulsporty 3 days WORLDWIDE giveaway.

    It’s my 30 birthday!! My dear friends❤️❤️ I’m so grateful that each of you stand with me during my up and downs, your words ,your support and your love❤️ I would love to share my appreciation and love with each of you.

    I collaborate with @soulsporty, the yoga wear brand I love so much, not just their quality and design, but also their core beliefs
    🌸Slow Fashion
    🌸Empower Women

    AND WE WILL PICK TWO WINNERS WORLDWIDE!! EACH WINNER WILL WIN A SET(Top+ bottom) of @soulsporty newest collection❤️ (swipe to see the outfit)

    How to participate:
    1. Follow @yogivesper & @soulsporty
    2. Like this post and tag one yogi friend( 1 friend one entry)
    3. Pick one theme to share your thoughts in your practice. Remember to use hashtag #VesperSOULmateBDparty and tag @yogivesper & @soulsporty so we can see❤️
    👉🏻Any arm balancing variation- share what slow fashion means to you
    👉🏻 Any butterfly variation- how do you empower yourself to fly
    👉🏻Any inversion variation- what small thing you do everyday to save our beautiful planet

    We will pick the winners on 10 August❤️

    @soulsporty 三天的全球抽獎活動



    1. 追蹤 @yogivesper& @soulsporty
    3. 選擇一個主題,用你的練習傳達你的想法
    👉🏻任何手平衡的變化- 慢時尚對你來說是什麼呢
    👉🏻任何蝴蝶式的變化- 你怎麼讓自己變得強大呢
    👉🏻任何倒立的變化- 你每天做了哪些小事保護我們的地球呢


  • arm中文 在 Vesper’s yoga journey Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-06 00:00:15
    有 1 人按讚

    🌸GIVEAWAY ALERT🌸 (中文在下面)
    @soulsporty 3 days WORLDWIDE giveaway.

    It’s my 30 birthday!! My dear friends❤️❤️ I’m so grateful that each of you stand with me during my up and downs, your words ,your support and your love❤️ I would love to share my appreciation and love with each of you.

    I collaborate with @soulsporty, the yoga wear brand I love so much, not just their quality and design, but also their core beliefs
    🌸Slow Fashion
    🌸Empower Women

    AND WE WILL PICK TWO WINNERS WORLDWIDE!! EACH WINNER WILL WIN A SET(Top+ bottom) of @soulsporty newest collection❤️ (swipe to see the outfit)

    How to participate:
    1. Follow @yogivesper & @soulsporty
    2. Like this post and tag one yogi friend( 1 friend one entry)
    3. Pick one theme to share your thoughts in your practice. Remember to use hashtag #VesperSOULmateBDparty and tag @yogivesper & @soulsporty so we can see❤️
    👉🏻Any arm balancing variation- share what slow fashion means to you
    👉🏻 Any butterfly variation- how do you empower yourself to fly
    👉🏻Any inversion variation- what small thing you do everyday to save our beautiful planet

    We will pick the winners on 10 August❤️

    @soulsporty 三天的全球抽獎活動



    1. 追蹤 @yogivesper& @soulsporty
    3. 選擇一個主題,用你的練習傳達你的想法
    👉🏻任何手平衡的變化- 慢時尚對你來說是什麼呢
    👉🏻任何蝴蝶式的變化- 你怎麼讓自己變得強大呢
    👉🏻任何倒立的變化- 你每天做了哪些小事保護我們的地球呢


  • arm中文 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 19:01:23

    本集廣告與「Arm DevSummit 2021」合作播出。

    #ArmDevSummit 將於10/19 - 10/21 重磅登場!

    ✅10/19 CEO Simon Segars 主題演講❗
    ✅10/21 Arm x Acer x Himax Technologies,科技趨勢深度探討❗
    ✅10/21 Arm x Facebook x 成功大學敏求智慧運算學院,產學研跨界對談❗



    本集節目內容由志祺七七頻道製作,不代表「Arm DevSummit 2021」立場。

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
    ✔︎ 體驗志祺七七文章版:https://blog.simpleinfo.cc/shasha77
    ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 來看志祺七七粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb
    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77
    ✔︎ 如有業務需求,請至官網瀏覽「服務方案與說明」:https://bit.ly/2ZCQ5Jh

    #NETFLIX #串流平台大戰
    00:00 開頭
    01:28【Arm DevSummit】廣告段落
    02:40 台灣是迪士尼頻道第一個海外台
    04:26 串流OTT大戰!
    05:38 Disney+的秘密武器?
    06:40 Disney+ 強大的IP經營術
    08:02 Netflix會被拉下王座嗎
    09:14 18禁內容會被迪士尼禁播?
    10:24 串流大戰中的其他競爭者
    11:34 我們的觀點
    10:36 問題
    10:53 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →Disney+推出僅16個月 訂閱數破億:https://bit.ly/2ZzUufU
    →Netflix、Disney+和HBO Max,訂戶不可能「全都訂」!2021年他們有什麼殺手鐧?:https://bit.ly/3Ff35oX
    →串流大戰,迪士尼推「成人頻道」力抗 Netflix?:https://bit.ly/3olqj6O
    →【串流大平台】亞馬遜規模遠超Netflix、蘋果、迪士尼,旗下Prime Video如何搶攻小螢幕?:https://bit.ly/3EXdNQy
    →【串流大平台】蘋果為什麼想發展Apple TV+?令人摸不著頭緒的商業模式,背後圖的是什麼?: https://bit.ly/3omjYb4
    →Disney+ Doubled Its Subscriber Base in Past Year:https://bit.ly/3iis80e
    →擁抱數位串流平台!吉卜力工作室 21 部作品將獨家上架 HBO Max:https://bit.ly/2ZzUvjY
    →迪士尼 Disney+ 共擁 8,680 萬付費用戶,訂閱價格也跟漲:https://bit.ly/39O2sDZ
    →迪士尼 Disney+ 共擁 8,680 萬付費用戶,訂閱價格也跟漲:https://bit.ly/3mfYSbT
    →串流大戰,迪士尼推「成人頻道」力抗 Netflix?:https://bit.ly/3unQfzD
    →Netflix 創業 20 年:如何在夕陽產業做出偉大產品?:https://bit.ly/3kRth0A
    →迪士尼 Disney+ 共擁 8,680 萬付費用戶,訂閱價格也跟漲:https://bit.ly/3F6E92A
    →集 1 萬小時豪華內容!華納媒體 HBO Max 串流影音 5 月 27 日上線:https://bit.ly/3zW2Dbd
    →Amazon Prime 會員有什麼好處?申請試用和取消教學一次告訴你:https://bit.ly/3CWY6XH
    →台灣Amazon Prime Video訂閱方法、方案費用、中文字幕、語言支援、取消訂閱教學:https://bit.ly/3CWNyYK
    →【圖解】亞馬遜買米高梅、史匹柏與Netflix簽約...串流影音顛覆好萊塢, 誰才是真正IP王?:https://bit.ly/3ijVrQ8
    →華納媒體正式與 Discovery 合併,打造 1,500 億美元串流巨獸:https://bit.ly/3AWCElg
    →What you need to know about Disney+ Star:https://engt.co/3ohNE99
    →OTT:那些日常的專有名詞,是網路時代的機會?或是挑戰?── 葉佳臻:https://bit.ly/3oksBTF
    →不止迪士尼頻道 NCC證實:近期有7頻道將停播:https://bit.ly/3F3hILQ


    🥁 七七仔們如果想寄東西關懷七七團隊與志祺,傳送門如下:

    🟢 如有引用本頻道影片與相關品牌識別素材,請遵循此規範:http://bit.ly/shasha77_authorization
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    🔴 如果影片內容有誤,歡迎來信勘誤:hey77@simpleinfo.cc

  • arm中文 在 羅卡Rocca Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-26 17:45:00

    ✔IG在這邊: https://www.instagram.com/roccarocca45/
    ✔粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/Rocca45
    ✔訂閱生活頻道: https://pse.is/3c6m67


    #復活邪神3 #繁體中文 #Switch #羅卡Rocca

    ✔上一部影片: https://youtu.be/tXCPgdtJMm0 Switch新挑戰者!?可以用N64手把是怎樣啦?ARM架購的Odin掌上主機!

    ✔合作信箱: roccarocca45@gmail.com
    ✔郵政信箱: 23699板橋郵局第10-22號信箱

    No.1 https://youtu.be/0AQNFQWugDA 推薦10款Switch遊戲
    No.2 https://youtu.be/Z1KyP0QILZA 邊緣人專用13款NS遊戲
    No.3 https://youtu.be/qwFioYjb-So 健身環大冒險開箱
    No.4 https://youtu.be/0CLOj3T0QDY 推薦八款瑪利歐遊戲
    No.5 https://youtu.be/iYQVwJalNrM 樂高不使用塑膠了?

    SONY A7S3 + ZEISS 2.8 18mm + SONY 24-70 F2.8GM + SONY 20mm F1.8
    SONY ZV-1
    Insta360 ONE R
    iPhone 11 Pro、iPhone 12 Pro
    Rode VideoMic
    Rode VideoMicro
    剪片軟體:Final cut pro

  • arm中文 在 R. Y. Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-25 18:04:55

    Summoning Familiar-Possessed - Eria and Armory Arm using Big Whale.

    Duel Replay: