

在 area音標產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅吉娜英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大家晚安: 課程學習,中級英文。 獅子如果也從地球消失,那麼以後獅子王就只是「想像中的動物」了!有種奇怪的感覺! 第 07 課:塞內加爾西非獅面臨存活威脅 West African Lions Under Threat in Senegal 01. as many as 多達;高達...

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area音標 在 PanSci 泛科學 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-24 01:05:27

【#科科小知識 聊聊 #空想性錯覺 這件事】 那些看過人面魚照片的人幾乎都說看到了人臉,是真的有人臉嗎?不,那只是人類對臉部辨識太敏感了。 _ 例句:醒醒吧!你沒有____,那只是空想性錯覺! _ 人類自嬰兒時期就對臉部辨識特別敏感,在我們的大腦中,有一套專門用來處理與人臉相關訊息的系統。 當...

  • area音標 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-07-29 20:47:55
    有 9 人按讚



    第 07 課:塞內加爾西非獅面臨存活威脅
    West African Lions Under Threat in Senegal

    01. as many as 多達;高達
    02. estimate [ˋɛstə͵met] v. n. 估計,估算;估價,報價
    03. remain [rɪˋmen] v. 繼續,依然;停留;剩餘;留待
    04. antelope [ˋæntəlop] n. 羚羊
    05. roan antelope n. 馬羚
    06. ranger [ˋrendʒɚ] n. 國家公園管理員;國有森林護林員
    07. poacher [ˋpotʃɚ] n. 偷獵者;侵入他人地界者

    Some experts say as many as 40,000 lions once lived in West Africa. But a recent wildlife study estimates that only 400 of the big cats remain. The lions have been pushed out of their homelands. Today, they are fighting for survival in just four protected parks in the area.

    The trade for wild-animal meat in Senegal has cut the numbers of other animals in the park that lions would normally eat. The population of animals like the buffalo and roan antelope has decreased by 95 percent over the past 20 years.

    Demba Faye is one of 150 rangers who guard the park. He says the rangers arrested four poachers earlier this year. He says they are fighting hard to save the park. But he says there is not enough money to end illegal hunting.
    Demba Faye 是看守公園的一百五十個管理員之一。他說,公園管理員今年年初已經逮捕了四個偷獵者,他們盡力拯救公園,但是沒有足夠的經費杜絕非法狩獵。



  • area音標 在 吉娜英文 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-07-08 20:44:52

    加入吉娜英文FB 粉絲頁


    Get out.
    (出去。 / 滾開。)

    Get out of here.
    (請離開這裡。/ 給我滾出去。)

    A: Get out! I’m changing my clothes!
    B: Sorry! I didn’t know you were in here.
    A: 出去。我正在換衣服。
    B: 很抱歉!我不知道你在這裡。

    A: Get out! I don’t want to talk to you anymore!
    B: Fine! You won’t ever see me again!
    A: 滾開!我不想再跟你說話。
    B: 好!你再也不會看到我了!

    A: Did you know Sarah got married?!
    B: Get out! I didn’t even know she had a boyfriend.
    A: 你知道莎拉結婚了嗎?
    B: 不會吧!我甚至不知道她有男朋友。

    I got a bad feeling. Let’s get out of here.

    A: This is a restricted area. Get out of here!
    B: Sorry, I got lost!
    A: 這是限制出入的區域。離開這裡!
    B: 抱歉,我迷路了!

    A: I’m tired of listening to you talk. Get out of here!
    B: Fine, this argument is over. Don’t talk to me again.
    A: 我厭倦聽你說話。你給我出去。
    B: 好,這個爭論到此為止。不要再跟我說話。

    A: Did you hear John bought a new house?
    B: Get out of here! That’s great news for him.
    A: 你有聽說約翰買一間新房子嗎?
    B: 不會吧!那對他是很棒的消息。

