[爆卦]arbitrary meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇arbitrary meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在arbitrary meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 arbitrary產品中有203篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過52的網紅Benny Price Fitness,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, This morning, as I started putting on my shoes to go for a run, my grandfather exclaimed "You've got to teach online in 25minutes!" 😱 "Yeah, I'm just ...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅CGA,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The Teamfight Tactics ASIA ELITE, invitation match of Teamfight Tactics will be having live streaming on 12pm (GTM +8) this Sunday (28/3)! The tournam...

arbitrary 在 Charmian Chen Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 01:01:29

將生活流動成舞 化作首詩 那是種優雅 加入自己的隨性與個性 那是更重要的自由 (我的布丁頭跟阿包毛色完美mixed) (影片三.8倍速的樣子) Outfit @meetthemood.tw 🎵 Oom Saha La La by Haley Heynderickx Lyrics The ...

arbitrary 在 Coach Benny Price Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 11:16:01

Some of those riding at the front of the current exercise mechanics bandwagon glamourise things being black and white. They’re the same mouths that no...

  • arbitrary 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 08:54:38
    有 4 人按讚

    This morning, as I started putting on my shoes to go for a run, my grandfather exclaimed "You've got to teach online in 25minutes!" 😱
    "Yeah, I'm just going for a whizz round the block." 😎
    "What on earth is the point in that??" 🤨 he responded.
    I would be less fit if I never went for a run unless I had time to warm up, run 5k and stretch. I would be weaker if I only lifted weights when I had 1.5hrs for a full balls-to-the-wall session 🏋🏻‍♂️
    Sure, some people can routinely make time for high intensity, high volume exercise.
    Some people love making that the centrepiece of their day.
    Some are both and content with fitness being a focal point of their life 👍🏽 but, contrary to what the instagram fitness world will lead you to believe, that's really fucking rare.
    Way too may of us seem to think the goal is to "get fit". I can almost guarantee it shouldn't be for most. Not by whatever arbitrary definition of it you're using. You just need to get fit-ter 📈
    A friend of mine the other day said "I can't go to the gym without a PT because if I go on my own I just get in a 60% workout and it's a waste of my time." 🤦🏻‍♂️
    HOW have we been convinced that exercise at 60% is a waste of time? I’ll bet most “waste” more time daily scrolling 📱
    Side note: If you think a PT's “job” is to run your arse into the ground at 100%, I can almost guarantee you've got a mediocre one 💁🏻‍♂️
    Equally, it doesn't have to take a lot of your day ⏱ I consulted a couple the other day who have been "meaning to get fit" for a while. They already had a few machines, but seemed to think 15mins on them 3 times a week was pointless. No. What's pointless is having machines you never use.
    🙏🏽 Please, just start by doing SOMETHING. Something you enjoy, that doesn't feel unpleasantly or unsustainably intense / difficult, and then do it for as long as is convenient. Once it's a habit, start trying to give it a bit more effort, and making a bit more time for it. I know we say to have goals in fitness and business and life but, for some, maybe it's the goal that has been getting in the way? Maybe it's the goal that's so daunting that you don't do ANYTHING to get yourself closer to it? 🧐

  • arbitrary 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-08 00:48:09
    有 122 人按讚

    //An activist detained under Hong Kong’s national security law is planning to apply to the High Court to lift restrictions on the media’s reporting of her bail hearing on Wednesday.

    In a message published on Tuesday, Gwyneth Ho argued that laws banning the media from reporting details of bail hearings failed to protect the interests of the accused. The press should be allowed to freely report what happened during those hearings, she said.

    “After the defendants under the national security law were arrested and remanded in custody, the reporting restrictions on bail hearings have turned the process into a ‘black box’, and has created widespread fears in society,” she wrote.

    “The public has no way of knowing the contents of the bail hearings under the national security law, especially the evidence used by the prosecutors and the courts’ assessment of the defendants.”

    Ho is among 47 democracy figures charged with conspiracy to commit subversion, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. They are accused of plotting to subvert state power via an informal primary poll held last July. Only 13 of the 47 have been granted bail since early March.

    After being detained for more than six months, Ho will make her bail application at the High Court on Wednesday morning.

    She publicised her arguments a day in advance, saying the reporting restrictions set out under section 9P of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance were originally meant to ensure that defendants received a fair trial. The law limits media coverage of bail hearings to basic information such as the defendant’s name, the court’s decision and bail conditions.

    Those regulations backfired because the lack of transparency had caused the public to doubt whether the national security law had been fairly implemented, Ho wrote, adding that Hong Kong society was worried about arbitrary arrests based on flimsy evidence.

    “In reality, the reporting restrictions benefit the Department of Justice, as it no longer needs to publicly explain the basis of the charges and various political accusations,” she wrote.

    “The restrictions have clearly contravened the principle of public justice, and if the courts still refuse to lift them, the public will inevitably suspect that the courts accept this unfair situation.”

    The open administration of justice was a fundamental principle of Hong Kong’s common law system, and courts should be scrutinised by the public and the press, Ho said, quoting the city’s former chief justice Denys Roberts.

    Hong Kong courts have mostly kept reporting restrictions in place for bail applications under the national security law, though some judges have issued written rulings explaining their decision to grant or refuse bail, which are typically published after a delay.

    Earlier on Tuesday, the court again denied the bail application of former pro-democracy lawmaker Gary Fan, a co-defendant in the subversion case. Like most of the 47, Fan has been in custody for months with no trial date lined up as yet.

    By Holmes Chan//

  • arbitrary 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-29 13:17:20
    有 96 人按讚

    [Royale with Cheese]”And you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?” “They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?” “No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the f*** a Quarter Pounder is”(*)


    一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。

    1. 好似寫過,但寫多次。應該好多人都有留意,Quarter Pounder 中文係「足三兩」。點解?因為四份一磅,就真係三兩咁重!係咪好神奇呢BB!這樣的知識你也知道,你真厲害。

    2. 唔使識整GPU唔使識光刻機,中間個圖寫住。3斤係4磅,而1斤16兩(唔識唱「半斤八兩」冇所謂,個圖左邊寫住呀!),咁即係 4磅等於48兩。兩邊除16,4份1磅就即係3兩,所以Quarter Pounder即係足三兩!係咪巧神奇呢!!!!數學之美呀!

    3. 不過,再聰明或煩膠少少嘅你,應該會知道,一切嘅關鍵,係嚟自邊個最初中西文化交流,將3斤變成4磅?1斤16兩你大約明白,但3斤變成4磅,fusion 嘢喎,好arbitrary,邊度走出嚟的?

    4. 原來係,光緒年代嘅香港法律!1884年,開咗埠了。所以咪有呢個 華洋雜交嘅3斤變成4磅.

    5. 咁大家應該知,東亞其他國家嘅斤呀,尺呀,同香港都唔同。但我仲有一個疑問,咁其他地方係咪叫足三兩?答案明顯唔會,只有香港(又,澳門呢?都應該咁叫)呢條式先成立。

    6. 咁其他地方點叫Quarter Pounder?就真係考起喎!日本,當然係叫返片假名,西洋事物嘛。韓國?唔知,冇去過麥當勞。台灣呢?出奇地我去台灣成百次,都好似未去過麥當勞,但目測,台灣係從來都冇Quarter Pounder嘅!「你可以睇到美國有幾愛台灣」。而同樣地,大陸我去過麥當勞,好似唔覺有Quarter Pounder.

    7. 又,原來不經不覺已經冇咗「Double足三兩」。只係得返le Big Mac.This city is dying

    8. 你睇,人地去中環街市就同文青女影相,我就研究埋啲乜撚足三兩,證明我真係溝唔到女嘅毒撚。「不過好彩我有錢」(認真,其實唔係,我低人工時先最多女。潘驢鄧小閒,唔一定要有錢或靚仔嘅。咁你睇我個肚腩點都唔似驢,所以,咪剩返嗰兩味。)

    (*) https://ytube.io/3L3c

    一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。

  • arbitrary 在 CGA Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-28 15:52:08

    The Teamfight Tactics ASIA ELITE, invitation match of Teamfight Tactics will be having live streaming on 12pm (GTM +8) this Sunday (28/3)! The tournament is hosted by ESAHK and technical advisory by Asian Electronic Sports Federation and across 7 regions including Macau, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. Come and catch the glorious moment!

    Special Acknowledgement (In arbitrary order):
    Macau - Macau E-Sports Federation
    Chinese Taipei - Chinese Taipei Esports Association
    Thailand - Thailand Esports Federation
    Indonesia - Indonesia Esports Association
    Singapore - Singapore Esports Association
    Malaysia - Malaysia Esports Federation

  • arbitrary 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-25 00:44:34

    He was warned about COVID-19 before Christmas 2019 by a doctor friend, State Security got involved!

    For a deeper dive into China's Propaganda influence and soft power, watch our liveshow ADVPodcasts: https://www.youtube.com/advpodcasts

    Conquering Southern China:

    Conquering Northern China:

    Stay Awesome China (my new documentary): https://vimeo.com/ondemand/stayawesomechina

    For Motorcycle adventures around the world, and a talk-show on two wheels go to ADVChina every Monday 1pm EST

    For a realistic perspective on China and world travel from an American father and a Chinese mother with two half-Chinese daughters go to Laowhy86 every Wednesday 1pm EST

    For a no-nonsense on the street look at Chinese culture and beyond from China's original YouTuber, join SerpentZA on Friday at 1pm EST

    Support Sasha and I on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
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    covid 19 coronavirus outbreak chinese communist party corona virus update

  • arbitrary 在 Mẹ Nấm Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-01-21 00:05:55

    Người Việt Đồng Tâm
    Để tranh đấu cho công lý và hỗ trợ người dân Đồng Tâm, mỗi người dân Việt đều có thể làm nhiều việc khác nhau trong đó có phần vận động sự quan tâm và can thiệp của quốc tế. Do đó, chúng tôi kêu gọi đồng bào Việt Nam trong và ngoài nước cùng gửi điện thư (email) đến tất cả các tòa đại sứ và lãnh sự quán có mặt tại VN, Liên Hiệp Quốc, các Tổ chức quốc tế nhằm kêu gọi họ yêu cầu chính phủ Việt Nam:
    - Đồng ý cho đại diện các đại sứ quán, các tổ chức trong nước và quốc tế đến thăm hỏi, tìm hiểu, giúp đỡ dân làng và các nạn nhân.
    - Cho phép các tổ chức quốc tế, phóng viên quốc tế như của AP, NY Times, Reuters, RFI, CNN, Aljazeera đến Đồng Tâm để tác nghiệp và cung cấp thông tin trung thực nhất.
    - Yêu cầu nhà cầm quyền Hà Nội ngừng sử dụng bạo lực, hay tiếp tục đe doạ sử dụng bạo lực cũng như chấm dứt hành vi vu cáo khủng bố đối với mọi dân làng Đồng Tâm.
    Dear Sir/Madam:
    It is with grave concerns that I draw your attention to the following:
    •​On January 9, 2020 a violent clash over a land dispute in Dong Tam commune, Vietnam where excessive military and police force was deployed that killed an 84-year-old civilian and injured several others. The elderly who had been a vocal leader in the struggle against land confiscation was shot twice in the head and once in the chest while sleeping in his bed. Several other elderly and farmers of the same commune were arrested or assaulted and badly injured. Reportedly there were some 3000 police heavily armed with tear gas, explosives and live ammunition that launched the attack at approximately 3 a.m. on that day targeting the house of the local elderly leader. His sons were also arrested and his daughter in law and grandchildren were also hunted down while running away by police sniffer dogs.
    •​This is the latest bloody conflict of land seizures in Dong Tam commune where tension has been simmering for some three years. Farmers claim that the government seizes 59 hectares (116 acres) of their farmland for the military-run Viettel Group, which is Vietnam’s largest mobile phone company, without consultation, consent and adequate compensation for the rightful owners.
    •​While violent land confiscations are not uncommon in Vietnam, this is the first time the authorities claimed there had been 3 policemen killed during the attack against the rightful owners of the lands. Human Rights Watch and other international human rights organizations have urged the authorities to investigate the killings fairly and to hold accountable those who used violence and whether excessive police force was justified so as not to wrongly accuse and further victimize the victims.
    •​Similarly, last year, just days before the Vietnamese traditional new year, “Tet”, on January 4 and January 8, the authorities in Ho Chi Minh city also launched an attack against the Loc Hung Vegetable Garden, a settlement area claimed by the Catholic Church and registered for agricultural use in 1991, 1995, and 2005, and ever since the land had been used by residents for growing vegetables.
    •​During the two-day operation, some thousand uniformed police and plain clothes forces wearing masks equipped with about 8 bulldozers and earth movers to demolish all the houses in Loc Hung Vegetable Garden, Tan Binh district, without prior warning, proper notice, or adequate compensation for the residents.
    •​This forced hundreds of displaced victims who are mostly defectors and people who had escaped the Communist regime in the North in 1954, and former prisoners of conscience, political dissidents and veterans of the former army of South Vietnam out of their homes.
    •​Lawyers in the country protested against the local authorities’ abuse of power claiming the state should have issued an order for land appropriation first before any issuance of an eviction order to residents of Loc Hung Vegetable Garden.
    Therefore, we earnestly ask [your embassy] [U.N. organization]…. to exert diplomatic pressure and
    1. Urge the Vietnamese government to end military and police repression and abuse of powers against civilians;
    2. Urge the Vietnamese government to recognize the importance of engaging in respectful dialogues and fair negotiations to solve land disputes peacefully rather than resorting to violence.
    3. Urge the Vietnamese authorities to investigate with impartiality and transparency and punish all those who are responsible for the human rights violations and the violence in Loc Hung Vegetable Garden and Dong Tam commune so that there is no impunity for crimes committed by state officials.
    4. Urge the Vietnamese authorities to permit access to Dong Tam and Loc Hung survivors by local and foreign journalists, diplomats, UN agency officials and other impartial observers to assess what evolved there and monitor the government’s investigation of these incidents.
    5. Urge the Vietnamese government to recognize unfair and arbitrary land confiscation for economic projects displacing local people is the source of social unrest, publi

