

在 arabic國家產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【伊斯蘭文化展 As-salamu alaykum ❗️】 #伊斯蘭文化展 4/9至4/18 國立國父紀念館National Dr.Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 開跑囉🕌 展區分為四大主題:#阿拉伯書法、#伊斯蘭文物、#伊斯蘭建築(知名清真寺)及 #伊斯蘭在台灣,17至...

arabic國家 在 Yuki Hsü Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-10-07 19:17:05

#華麗的窮游 #阿曼 很多人都問我阿曼🇴🇲是個怎麼樣的地方 甚至還有人說阿曼不是一個DJ 嗎?😅🙄 於是我跟大家分享一下我在阿曼的所見所聞 60年代的阿曼其實是非常落後跟封閉的 因為當時的國王只想要擁權 一點都不想發展國家 但一切的故事就在他送王子(也就是現在的國王)去英國唸書後發生 自從王子去...

arabic國家 在 國際內世鏡|Insight Into Issues Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 16:50:29

與以色列和阿拉伯聯合大公國(以下簡稱「阿聯」)外交關係正常化時隔一個月,美國總統川普於當地時間11日在推特上宣布巴林已同意與以色列締結全面的外交關係。這將是中東局勢巨大的轉變,象徵著阿拉伯國家與以色列的關係更近一步。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 川普在推特上表示,「今天達成另一次歷史性突破!我們兩個偉大...

  • arabic國家 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-09 21:10:00
    有 805 人按讚

    【伊斯蘭文化展 As-salamu alaykum ❗️】

    #伊斯蘭文化展 4/9至4/18 國立國父紀念館National Dr.Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 開跑囉🕌

    展區分為四大主題:#阿拉伯書法、#伊斯蘭文物、#伊斯蘭建築(知名清真寺)及 #伊斯蘭在台灣,17至18日現場還有文化體驗,除了現場書法揮毫,也有機會在日落開齋時間品嘗清真點心,歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀體驗。


    我國政府和民間致力於打造穆斯林友善環境,獲得萬事達卡國際組織 #全球穆斯林旅遊指數(GMTI) 肯定,在非伊斯蘭國家中穆斯林友善國家中,#名列第3🥉,顯見台灣 #宗教自由、社會多元的活力與面貌。



    As-salamu alaykum!
    It’s 1442 by the Islamic calendar and #Ramadan is almost upon us. To mark this special time of year and to raise awareness of Islamic culture among Taiwanese people, the Wen-hua Gallery and Culture Corridors of National Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall will be playing host to an Islamic Cultural Exhibition from April 9 to April 18!

    There are over 1.6 billion Muslims living around the world today and they inherit a culture which has given us great advances in mathematics, astronomy, navigation, medicine and philosophy. The exhibition will feature Arabic calligraphy, religious artifacts, famous mosques and delve into the history of Islam in Taiwan. The exhibition will culminate in an outdoor event showcasing Halal foods (after sunset) and giving people in Taiwan an idea of what Ramadan is all about.


    More info here: https://bit.ly/3s2C2Fw

  • arabic國家 在 看得見的記憶 How Memory Sticks Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-08 19:41:20
    有 19 人按讚

    不少人認為中東國家非常神秘,充滿戰爭與衝突,但無庸置疑的是,在這片土地上,孕育過許多偉大的文明,無論是哲學、占星、數理方面,阿拉伯文明在歷史上皆有舉足輕重的位置。歷史上曾經存在過的巴格達智慧宮(The House of Wisdom),亦稱巴格達大圖書館,是一千多年前阿拉伯帝國最重要的圖書館與翻譯機構。可悲的是,它在蒙古大軍入侵巴格達的戰役中被摧毀,書籍與文獻被扔棄於河中,墨水甚至把底格里斯河染黑。
    1258年2月,蒙古人入侵巴格達,大肆破壞,雖然在智慧宮被摧毀前,著名的波斯天文學家與數學家納西爾丁.圖西(Nasir al-Din al-Tusi)搶救出約40萬份手稿,可惜那只是冰山一角,當日智慧宮的盛景已不復返。
    #記住家 #記園林 #記價值 #記風格 #阿拉伯 #藝術 #圖書館 #建築 #書 #蒙古 #智慧 #戰爭 #wisdom #art #disaster #library #knowledge #arabic #baghdad #architecture #literature #history #war #instagood #destination #852 #hkig

  • arabic國家 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-19 13:47:10
    有 134 人按讚


    Saudi Arabia's use of AT-1K Raybolt anti-tank guided missile in Yemen.

    At one point during the previous administration, South Korea exported significant number of guided weapon system to Saudi Arabia at their request. This included AT-1K Raybolt and the Korea GPS-Guided Bomb (KGGB). Saudi Arabia reportedly fielded the Raybolt earlier than the Republic of Korea Army and even received KGGB straight out of Republic of Korea Air Force wartime munition stockpile.

    Existence of such deal was unknown to the public until a footage surfaced in the summer of 2018 showing an Arab coalition soldier armed with a Raybolt engaging a moving pick-up truck. The missile successfully destroyed the truck, which was hidden behind a hill.

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shHAXzazWJM

    Since then, numerous footage have surfaced, showcasing various engagement scenarios such as short-range, long-range, nighttime, anti-personnel, and so on.

    The way Saudi Arabia employed the weapon system remained a mystery until recently, when a Saudi source confirmed that the Saudi military in Yemen operates a dedicated "Special Forces" unit that employs the Raybolt.

    According to the source, this "Special Forces" unit carries out undercover missions disguised as, or attached to pro-Saudi Yemeni forces and "snipes" high-value targets using the missile.

    7 enemy leaders, 11 BMPs, 24 armored vehicles, 40 fortified positions, and numerous technicals were confirmed to have been destroyed by this unit. Although the claimed number is not verified by 3rd party sources, there are plenty of foogage which supports some degree of validity.

    Whatever the case is, Saudi Arabia's employment of Raybolt has surely benefited South Korea, having been able to put the weapon system to the test in live combat environment.

    Although there is no visual confirmation, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is another user of the Raybolt. According to official government figure, oversea order of Raybolt is said to be several times greater than domestic order, with UAE's order being 3 times greater than South Korea's. A dedicated Arabic simulator was even developed for foreign customers.

    The AT-1K Raybolt is significantly cheaper and lighter than its US counterpart, the FGM-148 Javelin.

    Related footage:








    ~Admin CBG

    #at1k #raybolt #lignex1 #현궁 #대전차미사일 #방산수출

