[爆卦]applauded meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇applauded meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在applauded meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 applauded產品中有42篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大仁哥應邀出席美國「全球武漢肺炎高峰會」,持續展現台灣模式 陳建仁前副總統,aka大仁哥,aka耶路撒冷聖墓騎士,aka教廷宗座科學院院士,受邀線上出席美國拜登總統主持的「全球武漢肺炎高峰會」,這個峰會邀請全球180國及相關國際組織代表與會,而台灣受邀參與也凸顯台美之間全球防疫的緊密夥伴關係! ....

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅The Family UK,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Last Friday, Ali came home from school and he excitedly announced that he successfully published his first book! Yes, his very own book...just like hi...

applauded 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 02:11:52

[Beijing] Young couples used to take beautiful wedding pictures at the Imperial Ancestral Temple because of the magnificent ancient architectural buil...

  • applauded 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-23 13:13:37
    有 3,460 人按讚


    陳前副總統透過預錄影片感謝美國、日本、立陶宛、斯洛伐克、捷克及波蘭援贈台灣疫苗,大仁哥說「台灣模式」向世界證明,現代民主國家可以秉持公開透明並運用科技對抗疫情。耶路薩冷聖墓騎士也認同美國「重建美好未來」(Build Back Better)的共同願景,教廷宗座科學院院士表示,台灣樂願支持美國美方規劃的「全球衛生安全財務中介基金」。

    Former Vice President Chen Chien-jen was among the attendees at the Global COVID-19 Summit, an event that was opened with a speech from US President Joe Biden, aimed at working towards the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and building a more resilient global healthcare system. Representatives from 180 countries, international organizations and NGOs were invited to attend and Chen pre-recorded a speech for the event which will be uploaded to a dedicated platform to be viewed by members of the public.
    In his speech, Former Vice President Chen applauded #US efforts to end the pandemic and #BuildBackBetter, as well as thanking all those countries that have saved lives in Taiwan through vaccine donations and holding up the #TaiwanModel as an illustration of how a modern democracy can work transparently with technology to fight the pandemic.
    He also announced Taiwan’s intention to contribute to a global health security financial intermediary fund which the US plans to establish. Taiwan will continue to take concrete steps, together with like-minded countries, to put an end to the pandemic.

  • applauded 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-01 17:26:10
    有 2,565 人按讚


    「凱達格蘭論壇-2021亞太安全對話 」剛落幕,有16位政要與專家線上視訊討論 #台海局勢對印太區域的挑戰、#四方安全對話、#灰色地帶脅迫、#後疫情時代建立可信賴供應鏈 等議題。



    蔡總統說,威權體制在COVID-19疫情中竄起,民主國家在後疫情時代更堅定捍衛共享價值和體制;她也強調台灣在民主、再生能源及半導體都是美日印澳的「四方安全對話」及歐盟「歐亞連結策略」 #不可或缺的夥伴。台灣願意承擔確保區域穩定的責任,我國盼與 #鄰國 在和平、穩定及互惠的原則下共存,並堅持捍衛民主和生活方式。






    The Ketagalan Forum—2021 Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue drew to a successful close yesterday. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the forum was held online this year, addressing a range of topics including developments in the Taiwan Strait, how QUAD are meeting the challenges of the #IndoPacific, #GrayZoneCoercion in the East and South China Seas and the reconfiguration of global supply chains in the #PostPandemicEra.

    In her pre-recorded address, President Tsai Ing-wen warned that as we emerge from the pandemic, authoritarian regimes have a new confidence in their alternative model to the liberal democratic order. Taiwan, she said, which continues to thrive, can offer a solution to many democratic countries who are struggling to get their footing back amid a series of challenges, including #ClimateChange, emerging diseases, non-proliferation, terrorism, and secure supply chains. She added that Taiwan is well-positioned to serve as an indispensable partner in sectors such as biotechnology, renewable energy, and the semiconductor industry, with the revival of the QUAD and the EU's proposed EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy.

    Keynote speaker, former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft, with her Formosan bear in tow, stressed her personal relationship with Taiwan and called out China’s government-run media outlets for trying to take advantage of the situation in Afghanistan to undermine Taiwan’s trust in the United States as a security partner. She applauded the Biden administration for its continuing demonstration of the US commitment to Taiwan and underlined the importance of Taiwan to US security at home, saying “If Taiwan is lost, we lose too.” She also pointed to what she called systemic discrimination in the UN system against Taiwan and expressed her support for Taiwan becoming a QUAD+ member.

    MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang stressed Taiwan’s determination to defend herself and to be a reliable partner in the creation of regional and global supply chains, citing US Founding Father Benjamin Franklin’s famous words, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

    The dialogue hosted four panels, with 16 officials or former officials and academics from countries, including the #US, #Japan, #France, #Australia, #India, #Singapore, #SouthKorea, #Vietnam and the #Philippines.

  • applauded 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-21 20:51:10
    有 402 人按讚

    這篇文章的最後一句 Having been lauded throughout the pandemic as a paragon of success, Taiwan has now become an example of how easily things can go wrong.



  • applauded 在 The Family UK Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-17 08:06:28

    Last Friday, Ali came home from school and he excitedly announced that he successfully published his first book! Yes, his very own book...just like his Lalajee. He named his book The Flower Book. But the best part of the book is the actual content, which is about recognising people who help us.

    Obviously Ali drew only pictures in the book but the way he explained it in detail is beyond amazing for a 4-year-old. We were all fascinated by his ideas and above all, his confidence. He went on and on talking about his book and told us how his teachers applauded him and congratulated him on publishing his first book. You could see that proud look on his face. He just couldn’t stop smiling, jumping joyfully up and down.

    But that’s not all...the even greater news is that Ali has now successfully sold his first book to his first customer for £3. Guess who his first customer is? Of course, none other than Dr Auntie - the most supportive auntie in the whole wide world! Now, this budding little author is already planning to publish his second book - bless him!

    MORAL OF THE STORY: Always take your children seriously and appreciate their ideas as they are, no matter how unrealistic they may be. Avoid interfering with their ideas or trying to make it perfect. Let them keep their originality. Our support will boost their confidence and encourage their creativity. Remember, every success story starts with an unrealistic dream...

  • applauded 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-08-07 23:50:43

    Michael Jordan's coach pleaded with him to go back in the game, and the opposing coach made sure Jordan had the chance to end his career with a basket. Jordan's last shot was a free throw, and like his final appearance in an NBA uniform, it was good.

    One of the greatest players in NBA history played the final game of his illustrious career Wednesday night, not in the setting that he would have preferred but in a special atmosphere nonetheless. Jordan's final moment on the court ended with him receiving applause and a lengthy standing ovation from nearly everyone in the arena — including the coaches and the other players.

    He soaked it all up with a wide smile and a wave to the crowd after exiting for good with 1:44 remaining in the fourth quarter of a 107-87 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers.

    "Now I guess it hits me that I'm not going to be in a uniform anymore — and that's not a terrible feeling," Jordan said afterward. "It's something that I've come to grips with, and it's time. This is the final retirement."

    Jordan finished with 15 points, four rebounds and four assists in 28 minutes — drawing several adoring ovations from the last sellout crowd that will ever watch him play.

    "The Philly people did a great job. They gave me the biggest inspiration, in a sense," Jordan said. "Obviously, they wanted to see me make a couple of baskets and then come off. That was very, very respectful, and I had a good time."

    Jordan's final points almost looked scripted, with Eric Snow of the 76ers fouling him in the backcourt for no apparent reason except to send him to the line.

    "Coach (Larry Brown) told me to foul him, get him to the line to get some points and get him out of there," Snow said.

    Both foul shots went in, and the Wizards committed a foul one second later so that Jordan could be removed from the game and receive the proper send-off. In a rare scene, the 10 players who remained on the court turned to Jordan and applauded, too.

    The 40-year-old Jordan would have preferred to end his career in the playoffs, but the Wizards never clicked during his two years in Washington and finished 37-45 in both seasons.

    But that was merely a footnote on this stirring night, the last time the basketball public was treated to one of the greatest athletes in history playing the game one last time.

    Jordan finished his career with 32,292 points — the third-highest total in league history, behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Karl Malone. His final career average of 30.12 goes down as the best in NBA history, just ahead of Wilt Chamberlain's 30.07.

    "I never, never took the game for granted. I was very true to the game, and the game was very true to me. It was just that simple," Jordan said.

    With the Sixers ahead by 21 points with 9½ minutes remaining, the crowd began chanting "We want Mike." The chant grew louder as the period progressed with Jordan remaining seated, and fans ignored the game to stand and stare at the Wizards' bench, wondering why Jordan wasn't playing.

    This being Philadelphia, they eventually booed.

    Jordan finally pulled his warmups off and re-entered the game with 2:35 left for his brief final appearance.

    "I played here. I told him I at least have to be able to come back (to Philadelphia)," Wizards coach Doug Collins said. "I told him to go back in for a minute. He said, 'I'm stiff.' I said, 'Please. They want to see you.' He said, 'Larry Hughes is going to foul out soon, so put me in then.'"

    Earlier in the game, Jordan showed his age.

    There was a play in the first quarter when he looked like the Jordan of old, except for the result. Starting near the foul line, Jordan ducked his shoulder, lowered his head, stuck out his tongue and drove to his right, the ball rolling off his fingers ever so softly as it arched toward the net.

    Rather than going in, though, the ball hit the front rim and missed — one of several of his shots that came up a few inches short.

    One of the exceptions was Jordan's final shot of the first half — a one-handed dunk that came after he received a nice pass under the basket from Bobby Simmons.

    Jordan hit his first two shots of the third quarter but didn't do much else positive in the period. On an alley-oop pass from Tyronn Lue, the ball hit him in the fingertips and bounced harmlessly away. A lazy crosscourt pass was picked off by Aaron McKie, leading to one of Philadelphia's 31 fast-break points. Jordan's final field-goal attempt was a missed layup with 8:13 remaining.

    "I'm not embarrassed," Jordan said, "but it's just not ... I've had better feelings in terms of playing a competitive game."

  • applauded 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2006-12-23 03:29:53

    Michael Jordan's coach pleaded with him to go back in the game, and the opposing coach made sure Jordan had the chance to end his career with a basket.

    Jordan's last shot was a free throw, and like his final appearance in an NBA uniform, it was good.

    One of the greatest players in NBA history played the final game of his illustrious career Wednesday night, not in the setting that he would have preferred but in a special atmosphere nonetheless. Jordan's final moment on the court ended with him receiving applause and a lengthy standing ovation from nearly everyone in the arena -- including the coaches and the other players.

    He soaked it all up with a wide smile and a wave to the crowd after exiting for good with 1:44 remaining in the fourth quarter of a 107-87 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers.

    ``Now I guess it hits me that I'm not going to be in a uniform anymore -- and that's not a terrible feeling,'' Jordan said afterward. ``It's something that I've come to grips with, and it's time. This is the final retirement.''

    Jordan finished with 15 points, four rebounds and four assists in 28 minutes -- drawing several adoring ovations from the last sellout crowd that will ever watch him play.

    ``The Philly people did a great job. They gave me the biggest inspiration, in a sense,'' Jordan said. ``Obviously, they wanted to see me make a couple of baskets and then come off. That was very, very respectful, and I had a good time.''

    Jordan's final points almost looked scripted, with Eric Snow of the 76ers fouling him in the backcourt for no apparent reason except to send him to the line.

    ``Coach (Larry Brown) told me to foul him, get him to the line to get some points and get him out of there,'' Snow said.

    Both foul shots went in, and the Wizards committed a foul one second later so that Jordan could be removed from the game and receive the proper send-off. In a rare scene, the 10 players who remained on the court turned to Jordan and applauded, too.

    The 40-year-old Jordan would have preferred to end his career in the playoffs, but the Wizards never clicked during his two years in Washington and finished 37-45 in both seasons.

    But that was merely a footnote on this stirring night, the last time the basketball public was treated to one of the greatest athletes in history playing the game one last time.

    Jordan finished his career with 32,292 points -- the third-highest total in league history, behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Karl Malone. His final career average of 30.12 goes down as the best in NBA history, just ahead of Wilt Chamberlain's 30.07.

    ``I never, never took the game for granted. I was very true to the game, and the game was very true to me. It was just that simple,'' Jordan said.

    With the Sixers ahead by 21 points with 9 1/2 minutes remaining, the crowd began chanting ``We want Mike.'' The chant grew louder as the period progressed with Jordan remaining seated, and fans ignored the game to stand and stare at the Wizards' bench, wondering why Jordan wasn't playing.

    This being Philadelphia, they eventually booed.

    Jordan finally pulled his warmups off and re-entered the game with 2:35 left for his brief final appearance.

    ``I played here. I told him I at least have to be able to come back (to Philadelphia),'' Wizards coach Doug Collins said. ``I told him to go back in for a minute. He said, 'I'm stiff.' I said, 'Please. They want to see you.' He said, 'Larry Hughes is going to foul out soon, so put me in then.'''

    Earlier in the game, Jordan showed his age.

    There was a play in the first quarter when he looked like the Jordan of old, except for the result. Starting near the foul line, Jordan ducked his shoulder, lowered his head, stuck out his tongue and drove to his right, the ball rolling off his fingers ever so softly as it arched toward the net.

    Rather than going in, though, the ball hit the front rim and missed -- one of several of his shots that came up a few inches short.

    One of the exceptions was Jordan's final shot of the first half -- a one-handed dunk that came after he received a nice pass under the basket from Bobby Simmons.

    Jordan hit his first two shots of the third quarter but didn't do much else positive in the period. On an alley-oop pass from Tyronn Lue, the ball hit him in the fingertips and bounced harmlessly away. A lazy crosscourt pass was picked off by Aaron McKie, leading to one of Philadelphia's 31 fast-break points. Jordan's final field-goal attempt was a missed layup with 8:13 remaining.

    ``I'm not embarrassed,'' Jordan said, ``but it's just not ... I've had better feelings in terms of playing a competitive game.''

    The standing ovation that Jordan received lasted about three minutes, with Jordan smiling, nodding and chewing gum throughout. The group Boyz II Men sang ``It's So Hard To Say Goodbye'' between the first and second quarters as a montage of Jordan's career highlights was shown on the scoreboard.

