

在 appear意思產品中有34篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [錢多終勝,但國家有錢重要啲,定你屋企有錢重要啲?]答案係:俄羅斯最窮嘅學生,都高分過摩洛哥最富貴嘅學生一大截。雖然家庭收入只係人地一半。 Economist原文:It’s better to be a poor pupil in a rich country than the reverse(h...

appear意思 在 ナカヤマン。 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-23 13:48:50

ㅤ ㅤ One thousand years ago, epidemics were referred to as "鬼魅 (Oni and monsters)”. Japanese people believed that Oni and monsters brought disasters ...

appear意思 在 Chanwon❤️????| チャンウォン Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-23 22:41:49

So story started when I know my honey‘s bakery @tinybaker.my is now available for online order, but then I look at her stories wahlao ehhh, slot are f...

  • appear意思 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-04 09:54:40
    有 201 人按讚


    Economist原文:It’s better to be a poor pupil in a rich country than the reverse(https://bityl.co/3n1a)


    1. 幾時都話鍾意economist嘅冷,唔濫情。There are some things money can’t buy. Education, however, does not appear to be among them。

    2. 有常識都皆知,高收入嘅家庭,學生成績就好啲(用國際試計最公平)。而富國嘅成績,又會好過窮國。偏偏有啲人冇常識,會拎邊個邊個例子出嚟講,即係鄧小平謬誤—係呀鄧小平煙鏟但都好長命,所以不能話食煙短命。

    3. 又或者同你拗一大輪,喂考試不代表一切(而佢自己講嘅就代表一切),喂成績唔等於叻啲,喂數學又唔代表其他科喎。喂計平均冇意思,人人平均一粒睪丸(係呀識講呢個好叻呀可?),李嘉誠同我都平均幾千萬人工(而李嘉誠根本低人工過你,況且,外國冇李嘉誠?)。係喎GDP唔代表人工添喎,係喎用人均GDP唔科學呀,點解唔用中位數(你有見過中位數GDP?)。笨七就係多多事實,古今中外皆然。

    4. 好,發完勞蘇,相信呢度啲讀者係有常識嘅。高收入家庭學生成績就好啲,富有國家成績好過窮國,未必係因果,但有好強嘅相關。仲係唔信嘅,幫你唔到。

    5. 原因?如果講家庭,最簡單就話有資源補習啦,細細個一年去幾次日本啦(所以好有常識),多啲時間陪個仔啦,之類。講國家嘅,可能係多啲資源投放在教育啦,或者請到好嘅教師啦。

    6. 以上種種都冇乜特別,但好玩嘅係,有人問,咁邊個因素重要啲?係屋企富唔富有,定國家富唔富有?即係,做富國嘅窮人會高分啲,定窮國嘅富人會高分啲?

    7. 如果有常識嘅(可惜好多人冇),會知道咁問唔得準確。正如「樣重要啲定身材重要啲」「滿足感重要啲定人工重要啲」,唔量化,冇得討論。

    8. 所以,就量化啦。而且,唔止用「相對值」,用「絶對值」。即係點?即係,你香港最窮嘅10%,仲係富貴過索馬里最富有嗰10%嘛,邊有得比?

    9. 所以,就用絶對值比!富國學生同窮國學生,同樣屋企係搵兩千蚊美金個月,邊個會高分啲?你話呢?我個題話咗畀你知,梗係富國嗰個高分啲。

    10. 但如果我個題唔講,你會唔會咁諗?諗下,同樣係兩千蚊美金個月,在富國係窮人,在窮國係富人喎。而且,窮國一般物價低(你有冇見好先進嘅地方物價會好平?),理論上,同樣嘅人工,窮國個家庭生活水平仲高喎。「至少請個補習老師可能都係幾蚊美金」。即係我聽有香港人講第啲地方供樓好輕鬆,生活質素高啲,睇下係咪?

    11. 數據見到就唔係咁。圖中有一個好簡單嘅例,俄羅斯,已經唔係最高收入嘅國家,算係中上。但俄羅斯搵兩千蚊美金一年嘅家庭(在俄羅斯都好窮了,一年喎大佬!),分數仲係高過摩洛哥搵四千蚊一年嘅家庭(在摩洛哥好富貴了!供得起樓仲好鬆動)。

    12. 原因?唔知,但好可能同基本教育有關。先進國家差不多全部都免費九年甚至十X年教育,咁你啲友總有個譜,例如文盲率都低好多。況且社會保障都好啲,唔會啲學生早早出去幫補家計。

    13. 不過真係要質疑嘅,其實有冇諗過,甚麼也門之類,邊得閒同你做呢啲test?答案係其實研究者自己發明咗套嘢,將當地或者區域內嘅(中東速算比賽掛)成績,convert返做國際試成績,「即係整個regression咯」。咁有幾大可信性,就唔知了。

    14. 另外,文中冇講,但我睇到。見唔見到每一個國家,條線,一般都係upward slopping,左下去右上,咁一開頭就講,收入高分數高啦。但見唔見,有唔少都係升上去就開始冇咁斜,甚至平(俄羅斯,美國,日本)。有部份(韓國,也門!),甚至去到升上去,就跌返落嚟?即係一般嚟講收入高分數高—但去到最有錢嘅,反而分數低過冇咁有錢嘅—可能係,根本唔使用腦都得。

    15. 呀,其實都係常識,但重覆多次。上次寫過(https://fbook.cc/3GUt),至少印度嘅case,高分就入到名牌大學,名牌大學就人工高啲。咁今篇文話你知,高收入家庭啲小朋友就高啲分—夾埋,即係高收入嘅,下一代繼續高收入咯。個世界就係咁的。

    16. 仲有下集,不過再簡短啲。

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  • appear意思 在 Emmy追劇時間 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-18 18:18:22
    有 4,038 人按讚




    Asked whether he will campaign on behalf of Trump, who may be relying on Branstad to help swing key Midwestern states, the ambassador said that "if the President asks me to appear at some of his events, I will, as I did in 2016."


    He implied that China may have taken advantage of Trump's personal relationship with Xi, saying the US President was initially willing to believe "what (China) said about the virus and then he and the rest of the world found out what they said was not true."


    "The mistreatment of the Uyghurs, what they've done in Hong Kong and the South China Sea, they've alienated a lot of people in the rest of the world," Branstad said. "India, which has been a neutral country, what they've done to India has caused them real problems," he added, referring to ongoing tensions on the countries' shared border in the Himalayas.


    Branstad's son Eric is a senior adviser to Trump Victory 2020, the joint fundraising committee between the campaign and the Republican National Committee, and in a recording tweeted by Eric last week, Trump said that the elder Branstad was "coming home from China because he wants to campaign."


    The Trump campaign believes that Branstad -- as a popular former governor -- could have an impact on voters in Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and even Minnesota, according to two sources familiar.


    Outgoing US ambassador to China blames Beijing for coronavirus as he heads home to help Trump https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/18/asia/china-us-ambassador-terry-branstad-intl-hnk/index.html

  • appear意思 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-18 14:40:40
    有 2,332 人按讚

    【Sky News新聞特輯訪問:HK is not HK anymore but we still continue to fight with the spirit of HKers】

    感謝國際傳媒Sky News 主播 Brent O’Halloran在澳洲特意製作有關香港國安法,題為「Semi-autonomous Hong Kong is on a remarkable downwards spiral」的新聞特輯,讓我在這段艱難的時間,跟世界述說香港的抗爭狀況。

    由主播新聞特輯的起首說出「Activist in prison, politician barred, business threatened, this appear as the new normal of Hong Kong」(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuviOGi8DO4),頗明顯的完整反映國際社會對香港形勢的理解,相信這亦是驅使他們投放心力報導香港的重要原因。

    這個訪問,剛好是我在周庭和黎智英等人獲釋以後,所接受的第一個電視訪問,我也把握機會跟國際社會說明我們的心聲:「Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore. But with the spirit of Hong Kongers we still continue to fight.」


    semi-autonomous territory Hong Kong is on a remarkable downward spiral, with the freedom of residents either being taken completely or suffering under threat from China’s new national security law.

    The laws were created by the Communist Party in Beijing and were implemented in June. Offenders face up to a lifetime in prison and a new police department to enforce laws is shrouded in secrecy.

    Pro-Democracy Activist Joshua Wong told Sky News host Brent O’Halloran “the threat we face is tremendous, with the uncertainty of life sentence.” “Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore,” he said. “But with the spirit of Hong Kongers we still continue to fight.”

    #黃之鋒 #JoshuaWong
    ✍️ https://www.patreon.com/joshuawong
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