

在 apocalypse歌詞產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,664的網紅NOISE BOOK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這陣容真的是Punk Bad kids組合。 入選了,謝謝 無限自由音樂藝術節 Unlimited Freedom Festival,我們10月7~9號,南投見 🕸🕸🕸 台灣最壞PUNK KIDS二十四波演出確認 🕸🕸🕸 . 🌏 Shotup 狂漲樂隊 🌏 前ShootUp 猛漲2/4...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅大象體操Elephant Gym,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這樣的2020年,我們寫了一首這樣的歌——〈敬啟者 Dear Humans〉。 給所有活著、並期待或害怕末日來臨的人們。人們鑄下大錯、人們後悔、人們領悟、人們乞求著被世界原諒。但何不從現在開始?好好愛著那些該愛的,好好珍惜地球上的每一個生命、每一方土地。 這封信,給末日來臨時逃離地球的人類們。我...

  • apocalypse歌詞 在 NOISE BOOK Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-08-28 15:51:12
    有 6 人按讚

    這陣容真的是Punk Bad kids組合。
    入選了,謝謝 無限自由音樂藝術節 Unlimited Freedom Festival,我們10月7~9號,南投見

    🕸🕸🕸 台灣最壞PUNK KIDS二十四波演出確認 🕸🕸🕸
    🌏 Shotup 狂漲樂隊 🌏
    前ShootUp 猛漲2/4
    🌏 NOISE BOOK 🌏
    🌏 鞋帶Shoelace 🌏
    🌏 共犯結構 Accomplices 🌏
    🌏 Ape Apocalypse 末日之猩🌏
    The Apes Landed.
    Plan D spelled Destruction. But ended in an Uneasy Truce.
    The world is left in ruins.
    The battle for species supremacy continues.
    After parting company with fellow Space Apes 7 and 22, Post Human Primates Half of One and Spare Ape met Dr Z who had just escaped from incarceration, and Watermelon Jones who had just blown up the residence of his human masters with the power of rock.
    Across the remnants of a dying civilization, the answer is whispered… "this IS the Ape Apocalypse!"
    Banging On The Instruments Of Mass Destruction, the Apes wrote the Second Chapter of their destiny, and word spread around the Eastern Isles of Taiwan and Japan.
    Old Dirty Ape, a hermit from the mountains with questionable hygiene who studies the Music of Humans crossed an island to seek out the renegades and aid with Human relations.
    Unwittingly, The Apes recruit a genetically modified spy, Cyclo Sapien, who struggles as his loyalties are torn between his Human and Ape sides.
    🌏 類比梭羅🌏
    出生在崇尚物質的世代,終將受到矛盾、選擇的考驗,永遠無法脫離從小就被制約的道德監獄。狂放不羈的喉音、時而輕柔時而暴力的雙吉他交織、黑暗幽默的bass line和punch力道破表的鼓組,唱出自然與人類社會的矛盾,並試圖在矛盾之中,找到屬於人性的出口。我們是,類比梭羅。
    🔸預售單日 1000(不含露營)
    🔸預售三日 2400(不含露營)
    🔸預售三日 2600 (含露營卷)
    或洽7-11 ibon購票。
    📌📌📌 實體購票📌📌📌:
    ⏩ Salut Pizza (Taichung, Taiwan)
    25-9 Da Ye Rd. Taichung, Taiwan //
    台中市西區大業路 25-9號
    ⏩ 公海Gong High
    No.256, Sec. 1, Xiangshang Rd. Taichung ,Taiwan
    ⏩ 蘇活七號SoHo7
    23-7 Da Ye Rd. Taichung, Taiwan //
    台中市西區大業路23-7號 (DaYe Rd 23-7)
    ⏩ 3 Giants Brewing Co. 巨人啤酒釀造
    No. 569, Fengdong Rd,, Fengyuan District
    ⏩ 迴響音樂藝文展演空間Sound Live House (Taichung)
    No.429-b1, Sec. 2, Henan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan
    ⏩Message Paul Davies for tickets!
    購買預售票請傳訊與Paul Davies聯絡
    More tticket office
    無限自由音樂藝術節 Unlimited Freedom Festival
    ✯ 贊助/合作提案:unlimitedfreedomfestival@gmail.com
    see you soon!
    2017.10.7-10.9 無限自由音樂藝術節
    FOUR GET ME A NOTS(JP) || 血肉果汁機 || 激膚 My Skin Against Your Skin || ONE'S TRUTH(JP) || Swimbrights (JP) || MISTY(JP) || HEM(JP) || RAPRIN(JP)|| DEER(MX) || LGF Band || TORANDO(JP) || SKATER×SKATER (JP) || GREEN EYED MONSTER (JP) ||FREEMAN (TH) ||The Whitest Crow(TH) || 奏手侯(JP) || UZA(KR)||Band Joe(KR) ||FreeScoop(KR) || JVNR(KR)|| Manju Pocket(KR) ||
    || 屍體派對 Body on the party || GO GO RISE 美好前程 || JOKER || The Sulis Club (HK) || 好事花生 || 雨國 || 步行者 || Cat in the case || 生活要事 || Shotup 狂漲樂隊 || 謝謝你得肺癌 || 黑色收音機派對 || 奇克拿ChicKNUP || 混亂之島 || 習慣性窒息 || The WaiiT等等樂團 || 深深一擊 || 霧虹 Fogbow || 嘻扣樂團 || 老破麻 || Night Owls || 宋德鶴 || 花渣|| GREEN EYED MONSTER(JP) ||冰球ICYBALL || 倒車入庫 || 杜爾與索克 || Playmess || 毀滅體制 || 麻花捲怪獸 || One Way Street || 一種心情 || 暖嶼 || 重擊者 || Burning Beak || Aurora||Twangover||The ShapeMaster || || Moss || DA META4 || Point 22 || 急診室|| ゲシュタルト乙女 Gestalt Girl ||The Sackgasse - 死胡同 || NOISE BOOK || 鞋帶Shoelace || 共犯結構 Accomplices|| Ape Apocalypse 末日之猩 ||類比梭羅 ||可蕾寶貝||Karei & ooo || 無碼寶貝||Fourteen Pl∀s|14+ || OtaMetal || Holy Bulldogs|| 雪橇犬 || 絨毛兔 || 鸚鵡 + 粗魯|| 國境之男 || Glory Day'z-GD'z || and more.....

  • apocalypse歌詞 在 大象體操Elephant Gym Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-10-15 23:00:10

    這樣的2020年,我們寫了一首這樣的歌——〈敬啟者 Dear Humans〉。




    In a time like 2020, this is the song we wrote —— “Dear Humans”.

    To all the living humans who expect or are afraid of the coming of apocalypse: People made big mistakes. People regretted making them. People admitted the wrongs. Now, people are begging to be forgiven by the world. But why not start making amends right away? Love those who deserve to be loved. Cherish every form of life and every inch of land.

    This letter is written to the humans who left the Earth when the apocalypse came. We are the pets that accompanied you in the past, but then you left us here alone. We are dogs, cats, turtles and potted plants.

    And now, please listen to what we have to say.


    2020 大象體操跨界計劃|
    【莎士比亞的妹妹們的劇團 王嘉明作品《物種大樂團》】
    ▶︎地點:台北國家戲劇院 National Theater


    〈敬啟者 Dear Humans〉

    放棄了的 進化了的
    The abandoned, the evolved
    Do you still believe in the choice you made?

    後來的 大象早就 學會遺忘
    Before long elephants learned to forget
    流浪的 北極熊也 在天上飛翔
    Nomadic polar bears now soar in the sky
    突然 一艘船 從天而降
    A vessel dropped from the clouds all at once
    狼狽的 沈重步伐
    Plodding, trudging
    你是否 就是早已離開的人啊
    Are you the one who’s already left?

    宇宙中 完美的家 你說那是無聊的謊
    “The ideal home in the universe” You call this a tedious lie
    眼前的 這片海洋 卻恢復原來的模樣
    The ocean before our eyes has renewed, revived
    為什麼 人類 渴望遠方
    Why do humans thirst for the distance
    卻 無法守護 腳下土壤
    But fail to protect the soil under their stride?
    你問我 該怎麼做 才能被原諒
    You asked me what to do
    To receive forgiveness

    曾相信的 曾心愛的
    Once believed, once beloved
    I still believe in the choice I made

    我從來 沒有離開也不想要遺忘
    I never left, I don’t forget
    一輩子 都在這裡等待 著你回來
    Waiting for your return with all my life
    好想 告訴你 不用害怕
    To tell you that don’t be afraid
    放下所有的 後悔悲傷
    Lay down all the regrets and sorrow
    只要你 願意擁抱我們曾受過的傷
    As long as you embrace our woes

    偶然的 巧合 已開始流轉
    Circumstantial, Coincidental, Circulation
    那 隨機的 安排也不斷在變換
    Random orders, tireless changes
    淘汰的 願望 又回來了嗎
    Is the eliminated hope rekindled?
    曾 緊緊擁抱的 和深深愛過的
    Once caressed, once cherished
    未來的 還在 遙遠的未來
    The future is still in the far-fetched future
    而 過去的已經消失在過去了
    Yet the past has vanished in the past


    【音樂製作 Music Production】

    製作 Producer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    作詞 Lyrics:張凱婷 KT Chang、張凱翔 Tell Chang
    作曲 Composer:張凱婷 KT Chang
    編曲 Arrangement:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    電吉他 Electric Guitar:張凱翔 Tell Chang
    鍵盤 Keyboard:張凱翔 Tell Chang
    電貝斯 Electric Bass:張凱婷 KT Chang
    鼓 Drums:涂嘉欽 Chia-Chin Tu
    錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:陳瑩哲 Ying-Che Chen @小白馬音樂工作室 White Pony Music Studio
    混音工程師 Mixing Engineer : 邱建鈞 J-Jyun Ciou @玩痛音樂工作室 Playtone Studio
    母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer : 陳陸泰 A-Tai
    母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio : 原艾母帶工程錄音室 Mugwort Mastering


    【MV製作 Music Video Production】

    監製 Executive Producer:伊晉褕 Eric Yi
    導演 Director:許睿庭 RAY
    攝影師 Director of Photography:萬又銘 ONE
    攝影助理 Camera Assistants:張岳群 Henry Chang
    燈光師 Gaffer:萬又銘 ONE
    燈光助理 Best Boys:曾鈺展 Yu Zhan Cent、楊鈺銘 Yu Ming Yang、陳宇颿 Yu Fan Chen
    美術指導 Production Designer:潘幸均 PAN
    小精靈 Elf:馮會元 Hui Yuan Feng
    演員 Cast:艾迪 Addy、吳為 Wei Wu、Ray Han、蹦蹦 Bong Bong
    後期製作 Post production:萬事屋影像制作 Onezpro Studio
    剪接 Editor:朱威 Wei Chu
    調光 Color Grading:周采葳 Cai Wei Zhou
    合成 FX Artist:江偉 Will Chiang
    器材協力 Equipment Support:乒乓影像器材 Ping Pong Film Studio、仙人掌影業器材 Cactus Studio
    歌詞翻譯 Lyrics Translation:覃天愛 Tien-Ai Chin
    特別感謝 Special Thanks:眉角映像 MEGA Pictures、TheBayStudio、嚴敏 Mia Min Yen

  • apocalypse歌詞 在 Sandra Tavali李婉菁 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2011-11-06 05:17:46

    屠馬 Slay the Trojan Horse

    混音協助:DJ Point 許志遠


    We've had enough of this melodrama
    Sick of this bloodstained propaganda
    We don't need your laboratory panda
    Taiwan's never been part of China
    We've had enough of this melodrama
    Sick of this bloodstained propaganda
    We don't need your laboratory panda
    Taiwan's never been part of China
    Please tell me, Lord, what I should do
    They don't listen when you speak the truth
    Those who lead try to play God for the rich and poor
    But they forget the love of money is the root of all evil
    Loopholes spotted
    The panda turns herbal and they smuggle it
    Welcome the Trojan horse with their arms wide open
    Fuck the government that's trying to drug and pimp them
吾等不憤 不為人,吾等不怒 不為人

    We've had enough of this melodrama
    Sick of this bloodstained propaganda
    We don't need your laboratory panda
    Taiwan's never been part of China
    We've had enough of this melodrama
    Sick of this bloodstained propaganda
    We don't need your laboratory panda
    Taiwan's never been part of China
    Prophets are killed, prophecy fulfilled
    Secular priests reenact the Apocalypse for real
    This island forsakes the blessings of The Dalai Lama
    17,000 cops sent to escort a king from China
    That's when they confiscate their own country's flag
    That's when they paint freedom and democracy black
    Justice and patriotism depend on what side you're on
    Where you're from, and better yet who you don't confront
    This ain't Greek mythology, we live street reality
    We're Formosans. We won't fail like the Trojans
    Beating a dead horse is not an option
    Decapitation is a sentence more proper than ancient
    Arm yourself with intelligence and conscience
    It's time to pick up the blade for self-protection
    Democracy starts with blood and revolution
    I'll claim my trophy over your lamentation

