

在 any單數動詞產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,961的網紅凌子楚 最清楚,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #一日文法神曲(491)形副有三級 國高中(含)以上,背單字要背形(abc)/音(自然或KK音標)/義(意思與詞類),特別是名/形/動/副,四大詞類。 名詞和動詞是雙胞胎,有單數和複數形。但動詞的複數,是因為主詞第三人稱單數,動詞才特別在字尾,加s或es。 形容詞和副詞是雙胞胎,都有三級的變化,原級...

  • any單數動詞 在 凌子楚 最清楚 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-12-23 12:45:08
    有 102 人按讚

    第一,形/副有三級。比較級,單(音節)加er,more + 多(音節)。最高級,單(音節)加est,the most + 多(音節)。
    第二,比較級的句型條件,有三種。一是,A比B=A than B。二是,句尾都有of the two或of both。
    第三,前面有副詞當加強語氣,much/very much/a lot/a little/far/by far/even/any或rather。

  • any單數動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-05-29 22:17:27
    有 341 人按讚

    ❤️ 俐媽英文教室:Wild(那時候我只剩下勇敢)文法句型篇Part 1
    ✏️ The only thing I could think to do was turn my back to the van and squat...
    ➡️ 句型"All that/What... + S + do/does/did + is/was + (to) Vr"表「⋯所做的事就是⋯」,其中to均被省略,造成be動詞與原型動詞併放,且注意要使用單數動詞is/was。
    ✏️ The sight of the square concrete pool lifted my spirits enormously not only because at the springs there was water, but also because humans had so clearly constructed it.
    ➡️ 對等連接詞not only...but also...要連接詞性、結構相同的字/片語/子句,故文中兩個because為對稱。
    ✏️ I wanted neither to get back together with Paul nor to get divorced.
    ➡️ 同樣地,對等連接詞neither...nor...用法同not only...but also...,文中的to get back及to get divorced即為symmetry(對稱)。
    ✏️ ...use DEET or any other such brain-destroying, earth-polluting, or future-progeny-harming chemical.
    ➡️ 文中使用compound adjective(複合形容詞),用法為:N/adj./adv.-Ving/Vpp,其中使用現在分詞Ving 表「主動」或過去分詞Vpp表「被動」由後面所修飾的名詞決定。文中化學物質chemical主動破壞腦部、汙染地球、傷害後代子孫,故均使用Ving形式。其中的連字符號"-"叫hyphen哦!
    ✏️ It turned out I wasn't able to keep my family together.
    ➡️ It turned out that + S + V表「結果是⋯」。
    ✏️ The heat was so intense that my memory of it is not so much a sensation...
    ➡️ so + adj./adv. + that + S + V表「如此⋯以致於⋯」,亦可強調intense而寫成倒裝句:So intense was the heat that my memory...。注意heat和intense可為collocation哦!
    ✏️ ...no matter how kindly his eyes twinkled when he smiled.
    ➡️ no matter + wh- = wh-ever表「不論⋯」,後面接副詞子句。文中的no matter how = however表「不論多麼⋯」,並不翻「然而」。
    ✏️ It was then that I spotted what I'd searched for days: mountain lion tracks.
    ➡️ It is/was + 強調部份(人、物、地、時) + that + S + V,此為強調句用法。別忘了俐媽的精典例句哦😝


  • any單數動詞 在 跟著恬恬與Fabianㄧ起刮世界地圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-01-29 09:00:01
    有 224 人按讚

    歐洲人vs亞洲人的隱私觀念 (臉書越來越超過了)





    Deutsch lernen:

    Am Nachmittag mache ich meine Hausaufgaben und dann surfe ich im Internet.

    1.Am Nachmittag時間副詞可以放在句首(position 1)或是ich後方(position 3),但此時主動詞不用倒裝,ich mache am Nachmittag.....
    2.machen:做 第一人稱單數動詞變化加e
    4. und dann這個連接詞的動詞與主詞需要倒裝
    5.in dem Internet: in+Dativ, in+dem可以縮寫成im

    European vs. Asians awareness of privacy

    After I met Fabian, I realized that our concept of privacy is quite different. I need to discuss with him which photos or information I can post on Internet. Once I was very impressive and surprised that he didn't want Line (a social networking app) to sync his photos. Becuz then Line will know all the pics he takes!

    I was born in Taiwan. I didn't learn the importance of privacy. For me, I will let any apps sync my photos. I thought it's not a big deal. And sometimes when I find some nice websites or activities, I register them and enter all my important personal data. I didn't think that maybe one day some companies or websites would sell your data to someone else. That's why sometimes we receive calls from cram school. (We never go there but they know our home number!)

    Today I heard from the radio that Facebook might develop a tool that facilitate advertisers. They can track our behavior online. Which means any links or websites you are browsing Facebook will know. Don't you think it's quite scary? It's like someone spying you. And actually Google does it, too. When you use Google, you might think it's quite friend;y becuz it knows your preference so it shows things you might like. However, it knows all your information and data! That's how it can show you the customized page.

    In summary, I just wanna remind that we should start to pay attention of our privacy. So no one can use your data for any bad uses.