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在 ance產品中有97篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅MyCrystal and Jade Live Shop,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🎉🎊MCJ Beauty 新产品推出,今晚@9pm直播见!MCJ Beauty launching new product, see you tonight @9pm Live😍 不知道为什么爆痘,每天看着自己皮肤越来越糟糕,真的很无助吧?😞 还总是被人家以为 “脸洗不干净”‼️😭😭 其实...

 同時也有53部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅I’m宇晴,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hi, 季末穿搭外加挑選了搭配服裝的唇膏,都是日常常用色 冷冷暖暖的天氣,把握能穿冬衣的機會! 再來就要迎接春天囉🪴🌼🍃 #宇晴 #yuching #lookbook 4 outfits INFO 🪐 ONE 💄nars #thrust 👕mercci22 beige (s) https:/...

  • ance 在 MyCrystal and Jade Live Shop Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-20 19:27:33
    有 46 人按讚

    🎉🎊MCJ Beauty 新产品推出,今晚@9pm直播见!MCJ Beauty launching new product, see you tonight @9pm Live😍


    还总是被人家以为 “脸洗不干净”‼️😭😭


    因为我用了这组专门针对痘痘肌而设的3合1净化洗脸霜 + 净化精华液。#30天就养成不长痘的肌肤😎

    这组MCJ 祛痘克星产品有以下特点:



    痘痘一直不能好,也许是因为你用的洗脸霜只是洗去表面的油脂,而无法做到深层洁净!⚠️ 而MCJ的洗脸霜能够渗透角质层,🌚帮阻塞了的肮脏毛孔来个大扫除!毛孔干净了,痘痘自然就会减少了‼️😬


    已经发炎的痘痘肌,每次洗完脸后会变得又红又肿?用MCJ的洗脸霜就不会这样了~里面的茶树油成分🌿拥有独特抗菌舒缓作用, 渗透力佳,能让肌肤红、肿、痒缓和下来。洗完还有淡淡清凉的感觉!❄️




    这款洗脸霜超省时,可用为去角质/面膜和洁面霜用途。✌️ 含有荷荷巴颗粒,有效温和去角质,在不伤皮肤表皮的情况下促进肌肤更新,使用后皮肤越来越干净!


    ✅ 含多种植萃精华,包括:牛蒡、金缕梅、莲花、海藻、茶树、维他命B5、和芦荟等。🌸100% 温和不刺激,_*主要针对调理水油平衡、净化毛孔和修复肌肤屏障!

    ✅ 专为暗疮皮肤配制,有效清除暗疮和青春痘,一天可以使用多次以加强疗效。让你的痘痘不再 #反反复复的生长!*_

    还你一张干净的脸蛋。👋👋 趁MCO期间,好好在家养好皮肤,MCO后就能美美见人了!😜

    Breaking out all of a sudden and bad skin makes you feel hopeless?😞

    It’s sad when others thought you did not clean your face properly‼️😭😭

    I had the same experience~😅 But what’s difference now is that my acne is visibly improved nowadays.

    All thanks to this combo of 3 In 1 Purifying Mask Cleanser+Purifying Essence II that saved my acne-prone skin in just 30 days!😎

    The unique benefits of MCJ Anti-Ance Combo are:

    👉3 In 1 Purifying Mask Cleanser

    ✅Deep Cleansing and Purify Pores

    The reason why your acne won’t go away is probably due to poor cleansing which only removes the dirty oil on the skin surface! ⚠️ MCJ cleanser can effectively cleanse deeply and thoroughly purify clogged pores! 🌚Cleaner pores can lead to lesser acne‼️😬

    ✅Antibacterial Tea Tree Oil

    Acne-prone skin often gets red and swollen after cleansing? Switch to MCJ cleanser to solve your skin concern~ 🌿The tea tree oil has unique soothing and antibacterial properties which can penetrate deeper to calm skin redness, swelling and itchiness. Skin feels cooling and refreshing after every wash. ❄️

    ✅Salicylic acid For Refined Skin Texture

    If you want to look good, make sure your skin has no flaws🤩✨!MCJ cleanser contains Salicylic acid that mainly helps to gently remove dead skin cells and refined pores. It leaves your pores feeling refreshed and skin looking brighter, smoother and lesser in blackheads and acne!

    ✅3 In 1 Functional For Easy and Quick Cleansing

    It can be used as a scrub, mask and cleanser.✌️ Enriched with jojoba beads to gently exfoliate skin without damaging the surface of the skin, helping promote skin renewal for a clearer skin!

    👉Pair With Purifying Essence II For Better Result‼️

    ✅ Enriched with various botanical extract such as Burdock, Witch Hazel, Lotus, Algae, Tea Tree, Pro-vitamin B5, aloe vera and etc which are 🌸100% mild to skin. Mainly help to *regulate water and oil balance, purify pores and repair skin barrier! *

    ✅ Specially formulated for acne-prone skin to reduce acne and pimples. Use it several times everyday for a quick treatment result. It really works wonderfully to make your acne go away, and no more coming back!

    If you’re dreaming of a clearer skin, 👋👋grab this chance to take care of your skin during MCO period, so that you 😜

  • ance 在 Oppa Sharing 【歐爸·旅游·分享站】 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-11 13:00:05
    有 8 人按讚

    来来来!! 领取50%折扣券购买Bio-essence去痘膏Ance Gel一只RM29.90

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    🛒 https://myshopping.page/AnceGel

    #TodayGotSales #LazadaMY

  • ance 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-28 21:21:34
    有 30,893 人按讚

    Xin chào cả nhà <3
    H đang trend mặt mộc nè mọi người ơi!
    Ai dám đón nhận thử thách mặt mộc thì về với team của Bii nha. Bii bật mí bí quyết để xoá mờ sẹo cũng như các vết thâm do nặn mụn để lại (icon cười)
    Rất đơn giản có thể thực hiện tại nhà luôn mà không cần đến tiệm spa nhé, đó chính là dùng Gel trị thâm sẹo mụn Hiruscar Post Ance. Đặc biệt tại live này của Bii, Bii giới thiệu chương trình khuyến mãi, các bạn xem chi tiết chương trình tại link comment Bii để bên dưới nhé.

