[爆卦]analog device中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇analog device中文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在analog device中文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者hiippo (hiippo)看板Tech_Job標題[徵才] Analog Device 資深...

Analog Device ( ADI , 雅德諾半導體)


No. 223號, 臺北市松江路223號

坐二望一準備飛天 (拍謝國文沒學好)

[email protected]


Job Title: Senior Analog Design Engineer
In this position, your primary focus will be signal chain and sub blocks desig
n, including ADC, DAC and various Amplifiers, you will also have opportunities
to participate in the design of power converters and other supporting circuit
ry across CMOS/BCD process nodes.

‧ Participate in cutting-edge analog and mix-signal IC development.
‧ Work with cross functional teams and cross sites, contribute to the be
sign topology and methodology for a given application.
‧ Develop the product objective specification document that includes di
e estimation, package selection, pin descriptions, block diagrams and all aspe
ct of IC electrical specifications.
‧ Model and Design from beginning to end which includes top level modeli
chematic captures, and simulations.
‧ Select the appropriate process that maximizes the value of the final I
duct with the best engineering trade-offs.
‧ Oversee the IC layout and provide guidance to the demo-board PCB layou
‧ IC bench verifications, failure analysis and yield improvements suppor

Required Skills and Qualifications
‧ Master or PHD in Electrical Engineering with experience in analog/mixe
nal IC development
‧ Strong skills in CMOS analog design and layout
‧ Strong s-domain and z-domain analysis skills
‧ Organized, thorough, and detail-oriented with strong communication ski
‧ Self-motivated with strong analytical and problem-solving skills
‧ Ability to work with a sense of urgency and thrive in a dynamic enviro

Preferred Skills and Qualifications
‧ Knowledge of discrete-time and continuous-time signal processing
‧ Experience in system and behavioral modeling
‧ Experience in Delta-Sigma ADC/DAC, SAR ADC and Power Amplifiers.
‧ Good silicon debug skills
‧ Understanding of layout
‧ Understanding of reliability concerns
‧ Different CMOS processes and geometry nodes

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1643099577.A.27D.html
gaspar921 : 是坐二望一吧01/25 16:47
playkkk : 坐二望三是指預期衰退嗎01/25 16:50
kavendish : 坐二望三是反串嗎01/25 16:59
wusam4667103: ????坐二望三是衰退吧?01/25 17:01
拍謝國文沒學好 已修正已被同事嗆
※ 編輯: hiippo ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 17:03:57
noCATme : 做兩次了朝第三次邁進(X 01/25 17:06
pacers : 中文這麼爛 真外商無誤 01/25 17:31
yhchen2 : 類別工程師01/25 17:33
zsxa1234 : 職稱都打錯是?01/25 17:41
bill12345678: ADI公司的類比職缺開在台灣算不錯了01/25 17:42
p5auser : 連公司中文名稱都可打錯,是不是該辭職 01/25 18:01
Albert666 : 幫推01/25 18:31
nottell : 設計場又是哪個新的場論 01/25 18:31
Homedoni : Anal og01/25 18:39
jeff0025 : 薪資???01/25 18:49
j27932821 : 沒看到pay?01/25 19:09
doomslayer : 資深類「比」工程師,「亞」德諾半導體,類比「廠01/25 19:13
doomslayer : 」,這篇文章錯字多到我以為是詐騙了,公司名還寫01/25 19:13
doomslayer : 錯,天啊..01/25 19:13
whitecut : 沒薪資先噓01/25 19:29
yhchen2 : 往好方面想 原PO看起來似乎蠻早下班的 01/25 19:44
ctct0513 : po文者 會不會是外國人啊? 01/25 20:07
bill12345678: 原po都說拍謝中文沒學好了,所以應該是外國人po的. 01/25 21:11
fredko4ko4 : 感覺是外國人… 01/25 21:12
k23210000 : 這缺是夢幻級別的吧 01/25 21:26
clement80161: 歪國人你好~ 謝謝尼喜歡台灣01/25 21:59
iamala : 進不了AD,但還好買得起analog dac。01/25 22:33
iamyourmama : 錯字太多了大哥 01/25 22:38
※ 編輯: hiippo ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 23:01:32
ejiah801210 : 這樣還想賺獎金r 01/25 23:37
doomslayer : 放在這邊徵才也可以算是門面,不修正一下還特地聲 01/26 02:04
doomslayer : 明,不禁覺得會落人口實。 01/26 02:04
Gocoba : 在台北的類比缺根本搶翻!可以選誰要待新竹 01/26 02:49
iamala : 這間從古至今薪水一直鳥鳥的,本來看到沒寫薪水也 01/26 07:55
iamala : 懶得提醒了。但是看到做錯沒打算改...不意外XD 01/26 07:55
iiiikkk : 外商薪水就250-350這個range 01/26 12:56
iiiikkk : 類比職缺扣除特定外商例如nv的特定部門薪水+股票整 01/26 12:58
iiiikkk : 包會超過這個range,其他的普遍都落在這個範圍內 01/26 12:58
bill12345678: 所以是薪水鳥鳥的,還是薪水250-350的Range? 01/26 16:44
alchemy123 : 有時間嘴砲不花時間改 沒時間改一兩個字 這更幽默 01/26 17:45
WildSpree : 這麼好的公司,怎麼HR程度這麼差 01/26 21:20
akain : 他不是HR啦 是RD,應該是被HR凹po文 01/27 09:06

