

在 amazon香港順豐產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅小龍江恩研究社,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 小龍在歐美出版的新書"Winning Ahead of Time: Using Gann theory, Financial Astrology and Economic cycle to trading"已經送到香港。 我在2018年年開始,曾到訪中國內地,香港,及台灣等地演講,及在香港在中國內...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Freeminder Emi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,事隔一年,今次再次做Timmy嘅廚房Tour,今次主要分享下呢年嚟個廚房收納上有乜變動,同埋分享埋一啲廚房小電器,希望大家睇得開心! 未睇上一集可以去呢度睇番: ?? 參觀廚房 Kitchen Tour|好物、雷品、收納分享? ? https://youtu.be/iTiru2KwhlI #Ki...

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2020-04-21 13:50:01

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amazon香港順豐 在 Miu Miu Chan Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-11 07:10:12

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amazon香港順豐 在 Hunger Food-Hong Kong Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 01:50:38

Acai Now Amazon Bowl $95 自從之前試過一次Acai bowl 就愛上了, 好食又fresh又健康, 而神奇地睇落輕盈一碗原來係夠飽肚. 所以想減肥sis 絕對可以試下. 香港賣正宗Acai bowl 應該10隻手指數得哂, 今次介紹係新開中環, 就係半山扶手電梯之間. 首圖...

  • amazon香港順豐 在 小龍江恩研究社 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-02 15:02:15
    有 44 人按讚

    小龍在歐美出版的新書"Winning Ahead of Time: Using Gann theory, Financial Astrology and Economic cycle to trading"已經送到香港。



    書已經在歐美各大書店,Amazon,Barnes & Noble,Walmart.com,Target.com等陸續有售。

    訂購: https://www.amazon.com/Winning-Ahead-Time-Financial-Astrology/dp/B094LBP7Y3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I4L5C7YPI951&dchild=1&keywords=winning+ahead+of+time&qid=1622615330&sprefix=winning+ahead%2Caps%2C378&sr=8-1


    預訂: https://cutt.ly/SbOVDCf

    小龍江恩短炒班報名表: https://cutt.ly/0vF4Y2r

    2021年6月網聚: https://cutt.ly/UbD6ccc


  • amazon香港順豐 在 小龍江恩研究社 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-11 21:27:00
    有 34 人按讚





    書將會在下周起歐美各大書店,Amazon,Barnes & Noble,Walmart.com,Target.com等陸續有售。現在在審核的最後步驟,相信亦不會有意外。

    預訂: https://cutt.ly/SbOVDCf

    小龍江恩短炒班報名表: https://cutt.ly/0vF4Y2r
    Investors clearly could do much better if they knew what lies ahead. The stock market, a conclusion coming into being after countless buy or sell activities of investors. but it must conform to the general law of the universe, as investors are part of nature or we called cycle. Importantly, knowing where we currently stand regarding the economic cycle and the market cycle can give us a better idea of what lies ahead.

    WD Gann Said ” If you stand at the right starting point and with the cycle of reappearing history ready, predicting what will happen in 100 years or even 1,000 years can be as easy as predicting that in 1 or 2 years.”

    "There’s no better teacher than history in determining the future."
    Since the 1900's, economists in western countries have engaged in the study the law of the cycle, and all believed that there was a long-term law in the economic growth or recession. There is noting new thing under the sun.In 1930, the American economist S. Kuznets proposed a business cycle applying to housing construction, with an average length of 20 years. This long-term cycle is known as the "Kuznets" cycle or building cycle. C Juglar, a French economist, published his Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain, and the United States in 1862. In this book, he pointed out that the capitalist economy fluctuated every nine to ten years, as generally called "Juglar cycle". Joseph Schumpeter took this as the "medium-term cycle", or the "Juglar cycle". All research prove the economic cycle is existing.

    In the last few years, I used the name of “SiuLung” to publish my prediction. In Chinese, ‘Siu’ stands for little and “Lung” stands for dragon. So "Siulung" means modest but powerful and lofty aspirations.

    After reading this book, you will understand the power of cycle, Gann, Financial Astrology and Siulung’s Gann Reversal Day. Mastering the Siulung's Gann Reversal Day reveals how cycles not only coincide with, but also cause, financial market risk and opportunity.

  • amazon香港順豐 在 小龍江恩研究社 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-10 21:35:00
    有 24 人按讚



    書將會在下周起歐美各大書店,Amazon,Barnes & Noble,Walmart.com,Target.com等陸續有售。現在在審核的最後步驟,相信亦不會有意外。

    預訂: https://cutt.ly/SbOVDCf

  • amazon香港順豐 在 Freeminder Emi Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-18 20:15:12


    ?? 參觀廚房 Kitchen Tour|好物、雷品、收納分享? ? https://youtu.be/iTiru2KwhlI

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    Follow me !
    Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hkfreeminder​
    instagram : freeminder_emi
    MeWe:freeminder Emi
    Email contact : hkfreeminder@gmail.com



    Equipment I use :
    Canon M6

    Thank you for watching my youtube channel, my name is Emi (Emily). I give reviews on all things about beauty, travel, lifestyle. I really hope you find this channel useful. Enjoy !

    Disclaimer :
    Unless stated nothing in the video is sponsored or a paid advertisement. Please note that I do sometimes include affiliate links. These do not effect the price you pay for products but allow me to make a small commission on sales if you do purchase. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.

    Freeminder / Emi / 決戰Bangkok / 再戰bangkok / 潮遊朝鮮 / 北韓 /
    貓島 / 快閃東京 / 仙台 / 獨遊日本 / 柬埔寨 / 吳哥窟 /日本自由行 / 我愛夏日熱辣辣推介 / HENNA / 染髮 / 網購 / 速戰Bangkok / 賞楓 / 賞銀杏 / 秋遊東京 / 倫敦東京聖誕新年之旅 /倫敦 /巨石陣 /大英博物館 / 褔袋 / 無印良品 / 聖誕節 / 香港youtuber /明治神宮 / 立教大學 / 古早味蛋糕 / 本地消費 / NMIC /鹿莎 / 馬莎 / marksandspencer / MUJI / Vlogmas /Amazon / Japan /日本制 / 琉球皇 / Oki /美樹ミケ山田 / 慈山寺


  • amazon香港順豐 在 Freeminder Emi Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-11 23:15:11


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    Equipment I use :
    Canon M6

    Follow me !
    Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hkfreeminder​
    instagram : freeminder_emi
    Email contact : hkfreeminder@gmail.com

    Thank you for watching my youtube channel, my name is Emi (Emily). I give reviews on all things about beauty, travel, lifestyle. I really hope you find this channel useful. Enjoy !

    Disclaimer :
    Unless stated nothing in the video is sponsored or a paid advertisement. Please note that I do sometimes include affiliate links. These do not effect the price you pay for products but allow me to make a small commission on sales if you do purchase. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.

    Freeminder / Emi / 決戰Bangkok / 再戰bangkok / 潮遊朝鮮 / 北韓 /
    貓島 / 快閃東京 / 仙台 / 獨遊日本 / 柬埔寨 / 吳哥窟 /日本自由行 / 我愛夏日熱辣辣推介 / HENNA / 染髮 / 網購 / 速戰Bangkok / 賞楓 / 賞銀杏 / 秋遊東京 / 倫敦東京聖誕新年之旅 /倫敦 /巨石陣 /大英博物館 / 褔袋 / 無印良品 / 聖誕節 / 香港youtuber /明治神宮 / 立教大學 / 古早味蛋糕 / 本地消費 / NMIC /鹿莎 / 馬莎 / marksandspencer / MUJI / Vlogmas /Amazon / Japan /日本制 / 琉球皇 / Oki /美樹ミケ山田 / 慈山寺


  • amazon香港順豐 在 Freeminder Emi Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-28 22:00:12


    #日式 #調味料 #Donki自費購入

    ??Payme 贊助我哋嘅頻道﹕https://payme.hsbc/emmi​ ??
    ?★ PayPal 贊助頻道經營﹕http://bit.ly/2Nw6syD​ ★?

    ? www.thatsmibeauty.com
    ? 登記成為會員任何消費滿HK$600即減HK$50
    ? 購物消費滿$500免本地順豐運費

    接受PAYME / 銀行轉帳 /Credit card / Paypal付款

    ✅ 想收到出片第一手消息,記得「訂閱」同㩒著埋隔離個「? 鐘仔」,一有新片佢就會提你睇㗎喇!

    Follow me !
    Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hkfreeminder​
    instagram : freeminder_emi
    MeWe:freeminder Emi
    Email contact : hkfreeminder@gmail.com



    Equipment I use :
    Canon M6

    Thank you for watching my youtube channel, my name is Emi (Emily). I give reviews on all things about beauty, travel, lifestyle. I really hope you find this channel useful. Enjoy !

    Disclaimer :
    Unless stated nothing in the video is sponsored or a paid advertisement. Please note that I do sometimes include affiliate links. These do not effect the price you pay for products but allow me to make a small commission on sales if you do purchase. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.

    Freeminder / Emi / 決戰Bangkok / 再戰bangkok / 潮遊朝鮮 / 北韓 /
    貓島 / 快閃東京 / 仙台 / 獨遊日本 / 柬埔寨 / 吳哥窟 /日本自由行 / 我愛夏日熱辣辣推介 / HENNA / 染髮 / 網購 / 速戰Bangkok / 賞楓 / 賞銀杏 / 秋遊東京 / 倫敦東京聖誕新年之旅 /倫敦 /巨石陣 /大英博物館 / 褔袋 / 無印良品 / 聖誕節 / 香港youtuber /明治神宮 / 立教大學 / 古早味蛋糕 / 本地消費 / NMIC /鹿莎 / 馬莎 / marksandspencer / MUJI / Vlogmas /Amazon / Japan /日本制 / 琉球皇 / Oki /美樹ミケ山田 / 慈山寺
