

在 always後面形容詞產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅和Cindy學英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Cindy解惑室】 今天有匿名網友問我 respectably, respectfully, respectively 3個字該怎麼分? 乍看之下還真的不好分~~不過去掉後面的"ly"就清楚多囉! 先比較respectable和respectful:兩個都和"respect"「尊敬」有關 ...

  • always後面形容詞 在 和Cindy學英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-09-06 21:34:41
    有 114 人按讚

    今天有匿名網友問我 respectably, respectfully, respectively 3個字該怎麼分? 乍看之下還真的不好分~~不過去掉後面的"ly"就清楚多囉!

    respectable=respect+able 尊敬+可以=值得尊敬、值得信賴的
    Ex: He is a respectable man. 他是個值得尊敬的人

    respectful =動詞respect+字尾ful成為形容詞=尊敬的
    Ex: He is always respectful to elders. 他對長輩總是很尊敬。

    Ex: They are successful in their respective fields. 他們在各自的領域都很成功。



  • always後面形容詞 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-04-01 00:09:39
    有 12 人按讚

    小編分享一下昨天(3/31)的例句, 有關 "prissy" 的解說, 謝謝
    Yu-Shih Lin的分享!!

    Actually, I was a prissy little tot. I had a fluffy white cat called Snuffles.
    事實上, 我曾經是個嬌氣的小孩。我還曾有隻毛茸茸的貓叫 Snuffles.
    prissy little tot = 嬌氣的小孩
    電影 Now You See Me 精彩對話

    Yu-Shih Lin 我查這個單字,新牛津有翻譯成嬌氣,解釋也很符合
    (prissier, prissiest)
    (of a person or their manner) fussily and excessively respectable
    a middle-class family with two prissy children.

    [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副詞或介詞詞組修飾的形容詞] 大驚小怪的;一本正經的;謹小慎微的
    * If you say that someone is prissy, you are critical of them because they are very easily shocked by anything rude or bad. [disapproval] [Informal]
    I grew to dislike the people from my background — they were rather uptight and prissy.

    prissy adjective /'prɪs.i/ disapproving (行為和衣著)拘謹的;一絲不苟的;刻板的
    * always behaving and dressing in a way that is considered correct and that does not shock 
    1. a prissy sort of a woman

    若從電影的角度來看小編比較傾向的"嬌氣" 解釋,因為後面接著"I had a fluffy white cat called Snuffles."說話者是Arthur, 四騎士的贊助商(男)。

  • always後面形容詞 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-05-09 17:10:08
    有 272 人按讚

    ★ 在麥肯錫、Google、微軟、Goldman Sachs上班的人也會犯的英文錯誤: 台灣外商公司主管員工 12 大英文email 文法錯誤 ★

    1. "Please give me your mail." "那東西我等等mail給你"

    解析: mail 是請郵差送; 若意指電子郵件,務必說 email

    2. "Thank you for the constructive feedbacks."

    解析: feedback 是不可數名詞,不可以加 s

    3. "Here are some advices for you."

    解析: advice 是不可數名詞,不可能 'are' 也不可加 s

    4. "We can discuss about it in the meeting."

    解析: discuss 正常為及物動詞,不需要加 about
    (正確) We can discuss it in the meeting.

    5. "I greatly appreciate you for your attending the annual meeting."

    解析: appreciate 跟 thank 不一樣,appreciate 後面只能加事情,不能加人

    6. "Thank you for providing us so much useful information."

    解析: provide 的正確用法為 provide sb with sth 因此要改成:
    Thank you for providing us with so much useful information.

    7. "The holiday season always reminds me what is truly important in life: family and friends."

    解析: remind 的正確用法為 remind sb of sth 因此要改成:
    "......always reminds me of what is truly important in life: family and friends."

    8. "Congratulations for the pay increase you got from your supervisor."

    解析:congratulate (v.) 這字的用法為 congratulations to sb on sth 恭喜某事的介係詞用 on 不用 for

    (例) Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding.

    9. 某公司 (P&G, HTC, Google)、組織、單位、學校 (Harvard University) 的所有格用單數 its 不用 their (代名詞是 it 不是 they) ---用複數不合邏輯,
    中文的 "它們有很好的課程" "它們的炸雞很好吃" 的它們為邏輯謬誤。


    10. 和客戶見完面說: It's great meeting you. 不說 It's great to meet you. 同樣的,假如昨天跟客戶講電話, 應該說 It was great talking with you on the phone yesterday. 不說 It was great to talk with you on the phone yesterday.

    不定詞 to meet 是剛見面時使用的 (Nice to meet you!) 見完面用Nice meeting you.

    11. Detail 的用法:

    (誤) For more detail, please contact Robinson at xxx-xxxxx, or email xxx@uuuuuuu.

    ---詳細內容通常不止一項,所以要加s "For more details, ...."

    Detail 當形容詞時要加 ed:

    (誤) I will provide you with some detail information.
    (正確) I will provide you with some detailed information.

    但當 detail 用在介詞片語 in detail 時,不加s

    I will explain it to you in detail.

    12. "I wish that you can come join us."

    I wish 加 that 字句時,是承接不可能發生的事情。如果是可能發生的事情,用 hope: "I hope that you can come join us."
    不然意思會改變,變成已知道對方不可能加入: "I wish (that) you could come join us."

    若 wish 後面加 to V. 時,可看作正式的 want
    "I wish to....” 似 “I want to..."

