

在 alleviate字根產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,650的網紅17.5英文寫作教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #文末送驚喜好禮🥰 ✏️ alleviate 減輕、減緩 (v.)​ 🗣 較常用於描述減緩疼痛、病痛的感受,或者減緩不好的事物發生。​ ​ E.g. The organization works to alleviate world hunger and disease.​ 這個機構致力於減少世界上...

  • alleviate字根 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-17 11:01:07
    有 52 人按讚

    ✏️ alleviate 減輕、減緩 (v.)​
    🗣 較常用於描述減緩疼痛、病痛的感受,或者減緩不好的事物發生。​

    E.g. The organization works to alleviate world hunger and disease.​

    E.g. The painkiller did nothing to alleviate Cindy's pain.​

    🕵️‍♂️ 從上述兩個例子可以很明顯看到alleviate通常會與不適或者負面的事物搭配使用。​

    🔗 alleviate one's hunger 充饑​
    🔗 alleviate one's agony 減緩某人的痛苦​
    🔗 alleviation 鎮痛物、減輕 (n.)​

    ✏️ decrease 減少、減小 (v.) (n.)​
    🗣 通常指數量、力量、體積、強度大小或者價格的降低。​

    E.g. A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease.​

    E.g. The price of wheat has decreased by 15%.​

    🕵️‍♂️ 在上面兩個例子中,我們可以看到decrease用來指出數量以及價格的下降。​

    🔗 decrement 減少、減少量 (n.)​
    🔗 decreasingly 漸減地​
    🔗 decrease rapidly / sharply 急遽地下降​

    ✏️ diminish 減少、縮減、貶低 (v.)​
    🗣 與decrease的不同之處為diminish有貶低價值、成就、重要性之意,但在部分情況與decrease相通。​

    E.g. These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.​

    E.g. DON'T let others diminish your achievements.​

    🕵️‍♂️ 在上面兩個句子中,diminish除了有減少之意,也可以當作貶低來使用。​

    🔗 diminution 縮小、減少 (n.)​
    🔗 diminutive 微小的、極小的 (人) ​ (a.) (n.)​
    🔗 diminish crime 減少犯罪​

    ✏️ lessen 變小、減少、減輕 (v.)​
    🗣 常用來描述抽象狀態的減少,舉例來說元氣、緊張、活力等等。​

    E.g. Eliana's vitality was lessened by illness.​

    E.g. The talk lessened the tension.​

    🕵️‍♂️ 從上面兩個句子來看,lessen可以用來描述局勢的緩和或者活力的減少,所以正面反面都可以使用。​

    🔗 lessen one’s memory 使記憶力衰退​
    🔗 lessen one’s vitality 減弱生命力

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  • alleviate字根 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-01-17 20:18:30
    有 169 人按讚


    How do I retain and use new vocabulary words?


    1. Use multiple vocabulary learning strategies (roots, pronunciation, definition, collocation, mind map, reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice).

    2. Learn the word's most common definition(s), part of speech, pronunciation.

    3. Pay attention to collocations.

    4. If the word is subject-specific (e.g. biology, cells, cell membrane), group it with other words in the same domain.

    5. Use mind maps to connect words, lexical chunks, sentences, and knowledge.

    6. Use the words in all four domains of English (reading, listening, writing, and speaking).

    7. Constantly review and use new words.

    8. Be clear on your learning goal and always have a study plan. Do NOT just cram words from an A-Z vocab list.


    或者留下email: https://goo.gl/forms/pOfWIj2sLTx1kr8u1



    1. alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline 的區別

    2. 用字首 (prefix)、字根 (root word)、字尾 (suffix) 是學習英文單字: https://goo.gl/PF9nA1

    3. 用語音學(Phonetics) 來學習英文單字: https://goo.gl/8pEktx

    4. 心智圖(Mind Map)學習單字的方式: https://goo.gl/seqt5k

    5. 學科分類單字+聽說讀寫練習: https://goo.gl/XHSqZW


    心智圖詞彙攻略: https://bit.ly/2QgajQw

  • alleviate字根 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-01-17 08:00:00
    有 0 人按讚


    How do I retain and use new vocabulary words?


    1. Use multiple vocabulary learning strategies (roots, pronunciation, definition, collocation, mind map, reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice).

    2. Learn the word's most common definition(s), part of speech, pronunciation.

    3. Pay attention to collocations.

    4. If the word is subject-specific (e.g. biology, cells, cell membrane), group it with other words in the same domain.

    5. Use mind maps to connect words, lexical chunks, sentences, and knowledge.

    6. Use the words in all four domains of English (reading, listening, writing, and speaking).

    7. Constantly review and use new words.

    8. Be clear on your learning goal and always have a study plan. Do NOT just cram words from an A-Z vocab list.


    或者留下email: https://goo.gl/forms/pOfWIj2sLTx1kr8u1



    1. alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline 的區別

    2. 用字首 (prefix)、字根 (root word)、字尾 (suffix) 是學習英文單字: https://goo.gl/PF9nA1

    3. 用語音學(Phonetics) 來學習英文單字: https://goo.gl/8pEktx

    4. 心智圖(Mind Map)學習單字的方式: https://goo.gl/seqt5k

    5. 學科分類單字+聽說讀寫練習: https://goo.gl/XHSqZW


    心智圖詞彙攻略: https://bit.ly/2QgajQw

