

在 aligning中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,646的網紅國立陽明交通大學電子工程學系及電子研究所,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【創業實務演講】 Starting a business is the new MBA, 2015/12/22, 1:20 - 2:50 pm at NCTU,The speech will be conducted in English. - Invite you all to regis...

  • aligning中文 在 國立陽明交通大學電子工程學系及電子研究所 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-11-17 17:08:13
    有 1 人按讚

    【創業實務演講】 Starting a business is the new MBA, 2015/12/22, 1:20 - 2:50 pm at NCTU,The speech will be conducted in English.
    Invite you all to register to join it.
    ※ Registration website: http://goo.gl/forms/6LyyZqZ60Z
    Guest Lecture of Entrepreneurship Realization創業實務演講
    Title: Starting a business is the new MBA
    Time: 1:20 pm - 2:50 pm, 2015/12/22 (Check-in: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm)
    Place: International Conference Hall, MIRC, National Chiao Tung University
    地點:國立 交通大學 電子與資訊 研究中心一樓國際會議廳
    Speaker: Jamie Lin
    【Speaker's Biography】
    Jamie Lin is the Founding Partner of AppWorks, which launched its Taipei-based accelerator program in 2010 to help Internet startups optimize their products and business strategies. Every six months, AppWorks Accelerator recruits 30 promising startups working in mobile internet, internet of things, and other rapidly growing areas. With over 250 startups in its alumni network to date, the AppWorks ecosystem is the largest of its kind in Asia. Star alumni include EZTABLE, Tagtoo, CHOCOLABS, UrAd, and many more. AppWorks also manages a total of US$61 million in VC funds. It leads seed and Series A rounds for its startups, investing US$100K to 5M and aligning co-investors based on their needs.
    Jamie has an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business and a bachelor's degree in engineering from the National Taiwan University. His life as an entrepreneur began during his college years, when he co-founded his first company - Hotcool, a B2C computer retail website - with classmates in 1999. Hotcool is now Intumit, a leading provider of Chinese-language big data solutions. In 2006, Jamie co-founded travel social network Sosauce with his friends in New York; two years later, the company pivoted to become 3D game production house Muse Games.
    【講者簡 介】
    林之晨是 AppWorks 之初創投的 創始合夥人。AppWorks 從 2010 年起在台北 經營 AppWorks Accelerator 創業加速器。每半年一 期,每期嚴選 30 家移動互聯網、物 聯網新創企業加入。累積畢業校 友至今達 250 家,已成為為亞洲最指標性創業加速 器。AppWorks 同時管理共美金 6,100 萬創投基 金,全力支持 AppWorks 校友融資需 求。AppWorks 畢業的明星新創企業包括 EZTABLE、Tagtoo、CHOCOLABS、UrAd 等。
    創辦 AppWorks 前,Jamie 在 2006 年於紐約與朋友 共同創立旅遊社群網站 Sosauce。2008 年,Sosauce 轉型成為今 日的 3D 遊戲製作公 司 Muse Games。更早之前,Jamie 曾於 1999 年和同學共 同創辦了 B2C 電腦零售網 站哈酷網。達康股災後,哈酷轉型為碩網資訊,至今仍是中文大數據的領 導品牌。Jamie 是 NYU Stern School of Business 的企管碩 士,台灣大學工程學士。
    ※ The speech will be conducted in English. The admission is free of charge but registration is required (limited to 200 seats). Everyone is welcome. 英文演講, 免費入場,一律網路報名(限200人),歡迎各界 人士參加。
    ※ Registration website: http://goo.gl/forms/6LyyZqZ60Z
    ※ Contact person: Ms. Yang, (03) 5712121, Ext. 54832
    ※ Organizers: College of CS, NCTU and MOST Project Office of “Development and Applications of Advanced Communications Networking Technologies" 主辦單位: 國立交通大 學資訊學院,科技部「前瞻通訊網路技術開發與應用計畫規劃」辦公室。

