

在 ait實習產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《美國在台協會實習生的一天》vlog系列 - Part 2 ✨你想到AIT實習嗎?你知道AIT每年春季和秋季都會招募台灣實習生嗎?「AIT實習生計畫」提供台灣大學生寶貴的職場實戰經驗,第一手體驗強化美台人民關係的各項活動。如果你想知道AIT的工作實況,一定要看我們的《美國在台協會實習生的一天》vlo...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過265的網紅Eleanor Lee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,*correction* AIT actually stands for "American Institute in Taiwan", sorry for the mistake!! AIT官網2021 Spring實習生招募: https://www.ait.org.tw/offices/job...

ait實習 在 ??the?Candyman糖果人?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 15:14:58

#bureaufrançaisdetaipei #法國在台協會 最近的小成就解鎖: 滿意外法國在台協會錄取我擔任今年歐洲教育展法國館的展務助理 畢竟我沒有留法的經驗(後來協會的人跟我說主要是因為我有在歐盟境內住過一年的關係) 算是補足了我沒能在AIT工作的遺憾(雖然我也只會幫FIT工作短短幾周而已啦...

  • ait實習 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-30 11:00:00
    有 814 人按讚

    《美國在台協會實習生的一天》vlog系列 - Part 2


    A Day in the life as a FMO Intern
    ✨Are you interested in interning at AIT? Did you know AIT is hiring local interns every spring and fall? AIT’s local intern program allows university students to gain valuable experience working on projects that strengthen U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties. If you want to learn more about what it is like to work in AIT, don’t miss our “A Day in the Life of an AIT Intern” vlog series! The second episode is to give a peek at the work of AIT’s Financial Management Office interns. This video will take you through the office, and get you an idea of what skills that an intern should be equipped to work at FMO.

    If you missed the deadline for the Spring term, don’t worry, more opportunities are coming up early summer. Comment below to ask our interns questions!

  • ait實習 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-09 11:00:01
    有 2,297 人按讚




    ✨Are you interested in interning at AIT? Did you know AIT is hiring local interns every spring and fall?

    AIT’s local intern program allows university students to gain valuable experience working on projects that strengthen U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties. If you want to learn more about what it is like to work in AIT, don’t miss our “A Day in the Life of an AIT Intern” vlog series! The first episode is to give a peek at the work of AIT’s Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) interns. This video will take you through the PDS office, AIT cafeteria and gym, and get you a behind the scene of an “IVLP Day” program featuring the Secretary-General to the President Dr. David Lee.

    If you missed the deadline for the Spring term, don’t worry, more opportunities are coming up early summer. Comment below to ask our interns questions!

  • ait實習 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-10-02 15:00:00
    有 243 人按讚

    我是Maddie,我暑期在AIT實習。我選擇Bethel學院不只是因為手語翻譯課程很棒,還因為校園小而美,學生和老師都很友善。雖然學校很小,但校園裡還是有很多活動,例如我參加的國際學生俱樂部和手語俱樂部,每一學期都會舉行好多次比賽、派對、電影放映、和志工服務,可以讓學生擴大自己的交友圈。Bethel有幾項很有趣的傳統,例如每年會有一段時間,全校會舉行埋伏遊戲,參加者會拿到一把玩具槍與一個人名,在被別人擊中之前要先擊中自己拿到的目標,每個人在那段時間都很緊張。不過我最喜歡Bethel的地方是它的社群,學校小,很容易認識人,透過校園、宿舍與樓層活動更是讓我們的社群更為緊密。-- Maddie #WhyIChoseMycollege #EducationUSA #DestinationUSA

    Hi, I’m Maddie and I worked at AIT this summer. I chose Bethel College not only because its Sign Language Interpreting program is great, but the campus is small and pretty, and the students and staff are really friendly. Despite being a small college, there are quite a few things to do at Bethel—for instance, I joined the international students club and the ASL club, and both hold events like games, movies, parties, or service projects a few times a semester, which is a great way to connect with more people. Bethel also has a few unique traditions which are fun. One is a campus-wide game called Ambush, where players get a squirt gun and a person’s name, and must shoot their target before getting shot themselves. Everyone is very paranoid for a few weeks during Ambush! But my favorite thing about Bethel is the community we have; being a small college, it’s easy to get to know people, and there are a lot of campus, dorm, and floor events that make it even easier.-- Maddie

  • ait實習 在 Eleanor Lee Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-15 21:07:48

    *correction* AIT actually stands for "American Institute in Taiwan", sorry for the mistake!!
    AIT官網2021 Spring實習生招募: https://www.ait.org.tw/offices/jobs/fnsip-spring-2021/
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/easy0119/
    Special thanks to Elaine who helped editing my video! follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elaine_tsao1110/
    In this video I shared about how I applied for my internship in AIT (American Institute in Taiwan) and my work there. It is really a great opportunity for Taiwanese university students :)so I hope this video will be helpful for those who are interested in applying!
    其實真的只是分享實習中的一小小部分 工作的一開始也會有點不知所措或是不知道自己到底可以幫上什麼忙 但當我真的鼓起勇氣問問題或是聊天時 就會發現很多時候事情沒有那麼難 只是自己還沒跨出那步!實習過程中學到的不只是做事 更是做人的態度