

在 aircraft中文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]臺灣六大戰略產業 In President Tsai’s inauguration speech, it was mentioned that Taiwan will develop six core strategic industries to transform it into...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅R. Y.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Digital Bug Cocoondenser Infinite Burn Loop Duel Replay: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0443610c3f1632175541a760a2c713bd9cb187905b Decklist: http...

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  • aircraft中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-28 16:05:03
    有 273 人按讚

    In President Tsai’s inauguration speech, it was mentioned that Taiwan will develop six core strategic industries to transform it into a critical force in the global economy. Below are the six industries and plans for developing them.

    Are you ready for the development of next generation technologies?
    Six Core Strategic Industries

    First, we will continue to develop our information and digital industries. We will take advantage of Taiwan's strengths in the semiconductor and ICT industries to secure a central role in global supply chains, and make Taiwan a major base for the development of next generation technologies, including IoT and AI.
    1. information and digital industries 資訊與數位產業
    2. semiconductor 半導體
    3. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) 資訊與通訊科技
    4. secure a central role 獲得一個核心地位
    5. a major base 重要的基地
    6. IoT (Internet of Things) 物聯網
    7. AI (Artificial Intelligence) 人工智慧

    Second, we are going to develop a cybersecurity industry that can integrate with 5G, digital transformation, and our national security. We will strive to create cybersecurity systems and an industrial chain that can protect our country and earn the world's trust.
    8. cybersecurity industry 資安產業
    9. integrate with 結合
    10. digital transformation 數位轉型
    Third, we are going to create biotech and medical technology industries integrated with the rest of the world. Throughout this pandemic, Taiwanese teams have proven that they are capable of working with world-class technologies to produce reagents and develop new drugs and vaccines. We are going to give these industries our utmost support, and transform Taiwan into a key force in the global battle against infectious diseases.
    11. biotech and medical technology 生物與醫療科技
    12. capable of 有能力做……
    13. world-class 世界級的;世界一流的
    14. reagent 試劑;試藥
    15. vaccine 疫苗
    16. utmost support 全力扶持;最大的支持
    17. key force 關鍵力量
    18. infectious diseases 傳染病
    Fourth, we are going to develop national defense and strategic industries by integrating military and civilian capabilities. In addition to domestically-produced naval vessel and aircraft programs that are currently underway, we will push harder to promote technological integration between the military and the private sector, to stimulate private sector production capabilities, and advance into the aviation and space industries.
    19. national defense 國防
    20. strategic industries 戰略產業
    21. domestically-produced 國內製造
    22. naval vessel 軍艦
    23. underway 正在進行的;正在發生的
    24. push harder 更加努力
    25. technological integration 技術整合
    26. stimulate 激發;刺激
    27. private sector 私營部門(即民營);民間
    28. the aviation and space industries 航空與太空產業
    Fifth, we are going to accelerate the development of green energy and renewable energy industries. Over the past four years, renewable energy has experienced explosive growth, and Taiwan has become a hotspot for international investment. Building on this foundation, I am confident that we will achieve our goal of deriving 20% of our overall energy from green sources by 2025. We are going to make Taiwan a center for green energy in Asia.
    29. green energy 綠能
    30. renewable energy 再生能源
    31. explosive growth 飛躍性地增長
    32. hotspot 熱點
    33. derive sth from sth 從…中得到,從…中獲得、取得
    Sixth, we are going to establish strategic stockpile industries that can ensure the steady provision of critical supplies. Facing changes to the global order, we need to keep key industrial chains in Taiwan and maintain a certain degree of self-sufficiency in the production of face masks, medical and daily supplies, energy, and food.
    34. strategic stockpile industries 戰略儲備產業
    35. the steady provision of critical supplies 關鍵物資的穩定供應
    36. the global order 全球秩序
    37. key industrial chains 重要的產業鏈
    38. a certain degree of 一定程度的……
    39. self-sufficiency 自給自足
    圖片出處:Google Search
    How might we develop these industries? What would be the first step to take?

  • aircraft中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-16 15:15:24
    有 611 人按讚

    [時事英文] 蔡英文總統BBC專訪關鍵英文詞彙

    今天要來與大家分享蔡英文總統的BBC專訪! It's an insightful one!


    專訪(中文): https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-51115705

    專訪(英文): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246



    Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has told the BBC that China needs to "face reality" and show the island "respect".

    1. face reality 面對現實
    2. show respect 表示尊重


    She was re-elected for a second term on Saturday, winning by a landslide after a campaign in which she focused heavily on the rising threat from Beijing.

    3. win by a landslide 以壓倒性優勢獲勝
    4. focus heavily on... 特別專注於...
    5. rising threat 上升的威脅


    The Chinese Communist Party has long claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and the right to take it by force if necessary. Ms Tsai* insisted that the sovereignty of the self-governing island was not in doubt or up for negotiation.


    6. the Chinese Communist Party 中國共產黨
    7. claim sovereignty 主張主權
    8. take it by force 以武力攻下台灣
    9. the sovereignty of ...的主權
    10. self governing 自治的
    11. not in doubt 毫無疑問
    12. not up for negotiation 不能談判

    *President Tsai


    "We don't have a need to declare ourselves an independent state," the 63-year-old president told the BBC in an exclusive interview, her first since the election. "We are an independent country already and we call ourselves the Republic of China, Taiwan."

    13. declare 宣布
    14. an independent state 一個獨立的國家;政府
    15. exclusive interview 專訪
    16. an independent country 一個獨立國家


    Such statements infuriate Beijing, which wants a return to the "One China" principle favoured by the main rival she saw off in the race for president, Han Kuo-yu from the Kuomintang party. His party traces its roots to the defeated nationalists in the Chinese civil war, who fled to Taiwan and continued to see the island as part of a greater China from which they had been usurped.

    17. infuriate 激怒
    18. return to 還給, 歸回
    19. main rival 主要競爭對手
    20. trace its roots 追根溯源
    21. defeated the nationalists 戰敗的國民黨
    22. flee to 逃往
    23. be usurped 被篡奪


    In recent years, that concept of One China has proved a useful compromise, Taiwanese supporters of it argue. China insists on its acceptance as a prerequisite for building economic ties with Taiwan, precisely because doing so is an explicit denial of its existence as a de facto island state.

    24. a useful compromise 有用的協定, 妥協
    25. insist on 堅持
    26. a prerequisite for... ...的先決條件
    27. build economic ties 建立經濟聯繫
    28. a explicit denial 明確否認
    29. de facto 事實上


    But it is clear that Ms Tsai* believes her victory is proof of how little appetite there now is for the One China concept and the ambiguity it allowed over Taiwan's real status. "The situation has changed," she says. "The ambiguity can no longer serve the purposes it was intended to serve." And what has really changed, she suggests, is China.


    30. it is clear that… ...是清楚的
    31. proof of… …的證明
    32. how little appetite there is for... 對...沒有多少胃口; 對...不接受
    33. One China concept 一個中國的概念
    34. ambiguity 模棱兩可
    35. real status 真實狀態
    36. intend to serve… 所欲實現的(成效)

    *President Tsai


    "Because [for more than] three years we're seeing China has been intensifying its threat... they have their military vessels and aircraft cruising around the island," she says. "And also, the things happening in Hong Kong, people get a real sense that this threat is real and it's getting more and more serious."

    37. intensify its threat 加劇威脅
    38. military vessels and aircrafts 軍艦和飛機
    39. get more serious 變得更嚴重


    Taiwan's interests, she believes, are not best served by semantics but by facing up to the reality, in particular the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth who flocked to her cause. "We have a separate identity and we're a country of our own. So, if there's anything that runs counter to this idea, they will stand up and say that's not acceptable to us. "We're a successful democracy, we have a pretty decent economy, we deserve respect from China."

    40. Taiwan’s interests are not best served by semantics. 文字遊戲並非最佳實現台灣利益(的方式)
    41. semantics 語義學; 文字遊戲
    42. face up to reality 面對現實
    43. the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth 台灣青年的志向
    44. flock to her cause 湧向她的目標
    45. a separate identity 一個單獨的、不同的身份
    46. run counter to 違反;有悖常理,背道而馳
    47. a decent economy 像樣的、相當不錯的經濟制度
    48. deserve respect 值得尊重






    Image source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246


    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8

  • aircraft中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-15 12:11:53
    有 609 人按讚

    [時事英文] 蔡英文總統BBC專訪關鍵英文詞彙

    今天要來與大家分享蔡英文總統的BBC專訪! It's an insightful one!


    專訪(中文): https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-51115705

    專訪(英文): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246



    Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has told the BBC that China needs to "face reality" and show the island "respect".

    1. face reality 面對現實
    2. show respect 表示尊重


    She was re-elected for a second term on Saturday, winning by a landslide after a campaign in which she focused heavily on the rising threat from Beijing.

    3. win by a landslide 以壓倒性優勢獲勝
    4. focus heavily on... 特別專注於...
    5. rising threat 上升的威脅


    The Chinese Communist Party has long claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and the right to take it by force if necessary. Ms Tsai* insisted that the sovereignty of the self-governing island was not in doubt or up for negotiation.


    6. the Chinese Communist Party 中國共產黨
    7. claim sovereignty 主張主權
    8. take it by force 以武力攻下台灣
    9. the sovereignty of ...的主權
    10. self governing 自治的
    11. not in doubt 毫無疑問
    12. not up for negotiation 不能談判

    *President Tsai


    "We don't have a need to declare ourselves an independent state," the 63-year-old president told the BBC in an exclusive interview, her first since the election. "We are an independent country already and we call ourselves the Republic of China, Taiwan."

    13. declare 宣布
    14. an independent state 一個獨立的國家;政府
    15. exclusive interview 專訪
    16. an independent country 一個獨立國家


    Such statements infuriate Beijing, which wants a return to the "One China" principle favoured by the main rival she saw off in the race for president, Han Kuo-yu from the Kuomintang party. His party traces its roots to the defeated nationalists in the Chinese civil war, who fled to Taiwan and continued to see the island as part of a greater China from which they had been usurped.

    17. infuriate 激怒
    18. return to 還給, 歸回
    19. main rival 主要競爭對手
    20. trace its roots 追根溯源
    21. defeated the nationalists 戰敗的國民黨
    22. flee to 逃往
    23. be usurped 被篡奪


    In recent years, that concept of One China has proved a useful compromise, Taiwanese supporters of it argue. China insists on its acceptance as a prerequisite for building economic ties with Taiwan, precisely because doing so is an explicit denial of its existence as a de facto island state.

    24. a useful compromise 有用的協定, 妥協
    25. insist on 堅持
    26. a prerequisite for... ...的先決條件
    27. build economic ties 建立經濟聯繫
    28. a explicit denial 明確否認
    29. de facto 事實上


    But it is clear that Ms Tsai* believes her victory is proof of how little appetite there now is for the One China concept and the ambiguity it allowed over Taiwan's real status. "The situation has changed," she says. "The ambiguity can no longer serve the purposes it was intended to serve." And what has really changed, she suggests, is China.


    30. it is clear that… ...是清楚的
    31. proof of… …的證明
    32. how little appetite there is for... 對...沒有多少胃口; 對...不接受
    33. One China concept 一個中國的概念
    34. ambiguity 模棱兩可
    35. real status 真實狀態
    36. intend to serve… 所欲實現的(成效)

    *President Tsai


    "Because [for more than] three years we're seeing China has been intensifying its threat... they have their military vessels and aircraft cruising around the island," she says. "And also, the things happening in Hong Kong, people get a real sense that this threat is real and it's getting more and more serious."

    37. intensify its threat 加劇威脅
    38. military vessels and aircrafts 軍艦和飛機
    39. get more serious 變得更嚴重


    Taiwan's interests, she believes, are not best served by semantics but by facing up to the reality, in particular the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth who flocked to her cause. "We have a separate identity and we're a country of our own. So, if there's anything that runs counter to this idea, they will stand up and say that's not acceptable to us. "We're a successful democracy, we have a pretty decent economy, we deserve respect from China."

    40. Taiwan’s interests are not best served by semantics. 文字遊戲並非最佳實現台灣利益(的方式)
    41. semantics 語義學; 文字遊戲
    42. face up to reality 面對現實
    43. the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth 台灣青年的志向
    44. flock to her cause 湧向她的目標
    45. a separate identity 一個單獨的、不同的身份
    46. run counter to 違反;有悖常理,背道而馳
    47. a decent economy 像樣的、相當不錯的經濟制度
    48. deserve respect 值得尊重






    Image source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246


    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8

