
為什麼這篇aha公司ptt鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在aha公司ptt這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者dolinian (杜麗娘)看板Tech_Job標題[徵才] Aha 招募 全球遠端 後端/UI...

aha公司ptt 在 ?麗莎寶貝lisababy? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 19:24:57

今天跟大家分享一個新接觸的韓國🇰🇷 保養品牌Commonlabs 雖然剛登陸台灣!但是在平台購買全部是韓國直送,也算慰籍一下無法出國的❤️🥺 品牌的維他命系列非常的吸引人,主打用「維他命」對抗🆚衰老 這次選擇了維他命C系列的兩件組,凝露面霜和凝凍面膜✌️ 對!只要是能不黑的全部喜歡😂😂 也喜歡這個...




*本篇徵才文由 Meet.jobs 徵才平台所發布,
應徵請點擊下方連結進入 Meet.jobs 平台投遞履歷。*

We are a venture-backed, full-remote, growth-stage fintech
startup, founded by Stanford and MIT engineers, based in Silicon
Valley. Our team has experience in entrepreneurship, finance, and
consulting in NY, SF, and Chicago.

We are incubating a product and looking to hire an all-star team
that can grow the business. Joining this team will put you at the
forefront of startup innovation. You will be able to scale a first
in class product. Our team is made up of builders, and you should
be no exception!

That’s why we are looking for energetic, proactive, and passionate
individuals who:

1. want to grow with us rapidly and internationally
2. love experimenting with creative products for quick agile MVP
iterative launches
3. want to work with a diverse workforce across 3 continents

We're building the next NFT-Crypto wallet for Gen Z students in
India & the US. We've created the first learn-to-earn edbank in
the edfi industry.

1. Junior Business Analyst/Intern 月薪 3k - 10k USD
2. Senior Back-End Developer 月薪 3k - 8k USD
3. Senior Full Stack Developer 月薪 3k - 8k USD
4. Senior UI/UX Web/App Designer 月薪 1.5k - 3.2k USD

[工作內容 / 應徵條件]
一個職位以上,避免篇幅過長,詳細工作內容 / 更多非科技職缺請見網站說明。



Click here for more info about our product:

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1637576136.A.D2A.html
misomochi : Take on me 11/22 18:34
EKman : 一樓大叔哦 11/22 18:43
gaea0127 : 這範圍還真大,推推 11/22 19:38
jobintan : 薪資不錯,為何不去軟工板貼?難道在那邊被桶了? 11/23 14:47

