

在 ages英文產品中有66篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過80萬的網紅每天簡單學英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, I have never seen the movie 我從未看過那部電影 I haven’t seen you for ages 我好久沒見到你了 I went there three days ago 我三天前去過那兒 Mr. Wang is fixing his bike. 王先生在修他的自行...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過49萬的網紅哥倫布 Columbus,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我的文法課程 ▶ https://grammar.cool/ 我的發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool/ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 我的免費講義 ▶ https://columbus.english.cool/ 我的英語教學部落格 ▶ https://english.cool/ ...

ages英文 在 英文奪星捷徑,前I-Banker 打造 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-21 17:30:52

私人信件都係啲非常熱門,大考/ DSE 都有機會出...⁣ ⁣ 所以同學要好熟悉呢種題型⁣ ⁣ ✅不過有罐頭句就唔使怕,瞬間提升你語感+組織⁣ ⁣ 即學精選句子 100% 令你輕易有星⁣ ⁣ 🚨記住:罐頭句嘅精髓係想大家深入消化,然後靈活運用 ⁣ ⁣ Opening:⁣ 1. It's been a...

ages英文 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 19:06:40

#familyholiday #trip 今天我家祖孫三代在宜蘭度過了非常愉快的一天。第一次造訪 傳藝中心,不小心還看到一個 #葛瑪蘭公主 的舞蹈表演,印象非常好。以他的門票價格來說我給五顆星❤️ 真是一個非常適合小孩、情侶、文青造訪的好地方。 我絕對會跟外國朋友好好介紹推薦這個地方。以下推薦...

  • ages英文 在 每天簡單學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-23 21:48:33
    有 691 人按讚

    I have never seen the movie 我從未看過那部電影
    I haven’t seen you for ages 我好久沒見到你了
    I went there three days ago 我三天前去過那兒
    Mr. Wang is fixing his bike. 王先生在修他的自行車

  • ages英文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-03 05:11:06
    有 193 人按讚

    #GIVEAWAY送10本書 #推介好書懶人包

    全球最大型英文書展Big Bad Wolf #大野狼 網上書展進行得如火如荼,低至$10一本英文書,7月5日就會結束!好多我之前介紹嘅書已經售罄💥💥 不過唔緊要,我又剛落單買書,大家可以睇吓我揀嘅精選推介😜 #買書懶人包‼️(我仔4歲😉)

    Marvel Avenger Ultimate Carry Pack

    Art Activity Book


    One Hundred words

    Coding and Computers

    Captain America: English Vocabulary

    The Three Little Pig (AR book)


    全部都勁減低至2折,平到$1X 就有一本英文書!(多圖慎入🤗)

    雖然好多媽媽仲有疑惑使唔使買咁多實體書,但對兒童嚟講係唔使疑惑嘅,除咗冇電子嘢咁傷眼,仲有好多好處。例如Bat Bat 近日好鍾意睇一本有關機械操作原理嘅書,每晚我都會講一頁俾佢聽,所以佢一上床就會自動揭去接續前一晚之後嗰頁,我想跳一頁都唔得!每頁嘅左上角、右下角......每頁唔同位置佢都記得內容。

    因為小朋友睇實體書真係特別好記性👍🏻 全球好多研究都發現,實體書可以令大腦讀得更專注,亦會增強情景記憶,有助閱讀理解、長久記憶、兒童認知發展,對睡眠同身心健康都更有益,同睇電子書甚至youtube 片都好唔同。

    📚#GIVEAWAY #凱林分享禮📚

    大野狼今日聯絡咗我,感謝凱林家讀者踴躍支持書展,決定送出10本Big Bad Wolf英文兒童圖書,鼓勵各位小朋友養成閱讀好習慣,書目隨機(適合3-8 歲),名額10位‼️


    1️⃣ 追蹤/ Like #MRSCOLAM & Big Bad Wolf Books
    2️⃣ 留言分享一個小朋友讀實體書嘅好處,然後tag 3位朋友
    3️⃣ Like👍🏻😆💗😯我專頁任何3個posts


    🔸大野狼書展將於7月5日結束,未買嘅快啲去,有超過60,000 本書可以揀!
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  • ages英文 在 Allie’s Phonics繪本玩樂ABC Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-25 11:35:54
    有 9 人按讚

    👉🏻找到了一個ABC Kids Home Workout 和大家分享! 適合一邊消耗小小孩體力,一邊還能學英文🤣


  • ages英文 在 哥倫布 Columbus Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-08-12 21:12:37

    我的文法課程 ▶ https://grammar.cool/
    我的發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool/


    我的免費講義 ▶ https://columbus.english.cool/
    我的英語教學部落格 ▶ https://english.cool/
    我的 FB ▶ https://www.facebook.com/littlecolumbus
    我的 IG ▶ @littlecolumbus


    課程相關問題請聯絡 ▶ courses@english.cool
    合作邀約請聯絡 ▶ columbus@english.cool


    我是哥倫布!我是在加拿大長大的香港人!現在喜歡在 YouTube 做出有趣好懂的英文教學內容。
    YouTube 頻道外,我在 2020 年創立了 English.Cool 英文庫,目前已成為台灣/香港地區 No.1 英文教學資訊網站!


    1. Here's Johnny
    2. Greetings (過時了)
    3. Salutations (過時了)
    4. Greetings and Salutations (過時了)
    5. What's the good word? (過時了)
    6. Good day
    7. Good morning
    8. mornin'
    9. Good afternoon
    10. Good evening
    11. How do you do?
    12. It's nice to see you
    13. It's good to see you
    14. It's a pleasure to meet you
    15. Pleased to meet you
    16. Yo
    17. Hi
    18. Hi there
    19. Hello
    20. Hello there
    21. Hey
    22. Hey there
    23. What's up
    24. Sup
    25. Whazzup
    26. Whaddup
    27. How are you?
    28. How are you doing?
    29. How you doin'?
    30. How you doin'? (猥瑣版)
    31. How's it goin'?
    32. How goes it?
    33. What's goin' on?
    34. What's new?
    35. What's happenin'?
    36. How's your day?
    37. How's your day going?
    38. Good to see you
    39. Look who it is
    40. Look what the cat dragged in!
    41. There he is!
    42. Ayyy
    43. Holla
    44. Hiya
    45. Heya
    46. Yello
    47. Howdy
    48. Howdy-doo?
    49. Howdy, partner? (牛仔愛用)
    50. How's tricks?
    51. How's it rollin'?
    52. How's it hangin'? (有點帶黃)
    53. What's up, homeslice?
    54. What's up, doc?
    55. Whaddup, buttercup!
    56. What's good?
    57. What's good in the hood?
    58. What's the dilly?
    59. What's the dizzle?
    60. What's trippin'?
    61. What's poppin'?
    62. What's crackin'?
    63. What's crackalackin'?
    64. What's cookin'?
    65. What's cookin' good lookin'?
    66. What's kickin', chicken?
    67. What's shakin', bacon?
    68. Long time no see
    69. It's been such a long time!
    70. How long has it been?
    71. It's been too long!
    72. It's been ages!
    73. It's been a while!
    74. It's been a minute
    75. Where have you been hiding?
    76. How have you been?
    77. What have you been up to?
    78. Whatcha been up to?
    79. How are things?
    80. How are things comin' along?
    81. How are you getting on?
    82. How are you holding up?
    83. How's life?
    84. How's life been treating you?
    85. How's everything?
    86. How's everything with you?
    87. How's everything going?
    88. Oi (英國/澳洲)
    89. What's the craic? (愛爾蘭)
    90. You okay? (英國)
    91. You alright? (英國)
    92. Alright? (英國)
    93. G'day, mate (澳洲)
    94. How are you going? (澳洲)
    95. Ahoy, matey (海盜用的)
    96. Aloha (夏威夷語)
    97. Hola (西班牙文)
    98. Ciao (義大利語)
    99. Namaste (印度教)
    100. Nihao (中文)

  • ages英文 在 Charis Chua Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-05-20 22:10:43

    FB : https://www.facebook.com/charischuamusicz

    這一次把韋禮安的 '有沒有'重編~想用另一種方式表達出原曲的情緒,所以就帶點兒爵士樂團的味道。
    感謝好友們道生+Takeshi 的參與,也要感謝年輕有才的Timo 幫忙Live錄影與剪接
    It has been ages since I've released a cover video! Here is one that I've had up my sleeve for a while, but couldn't find the time to properly release it.
    "有沒有 Have or Have Not" by singer-songwriter William Wei, the very first single he released.
    I've always tried to put my own spin on covers instead of doing it exactly the same as the original, hence the change of meter, the 'jazzy' feel etc.
    Had fun with my muso mates Dawson and Takeshi as well! We recorded all the video and audio live, and the talented young Timo had the herculean job of editing the many takes he shot.
    Hope you enjoy it!

    Piano/Vox = Charis
    Bass= 道生
    Drums= Takeshi Sakamoto
    Location= 皮老闆練團室
    Video= Timo T 導

  • ages英文 在 肥佬周Raiden San Youtube 的精選貼文

    2014-03-07 13:43:26

    英文名稱:Virtua Racing
    1992年,世嘉AM2-研在推出了首部3D遊戲《VR戰士》後,意猶未盡。他們將3D多邊形技術運用到了賽車遊戲上。1992年底,3D賽車遊戲《VR賽車》在MODEL1 街機主板上問世,每秒18萬多邊形的處理能力令業界嘆為觀止,四種視角隨時自由切換更是艷惊四座。在日本的街機廳,《VR賽車》紅得發紫,受玩家追捧程度超乎想像。

