#1Afrikaners - Wikipedia
Afrikaners are a South African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers first arriving at the Cape of Good Hope in the 17th and 18th ...
#2Afrikaners in South Africa: Overview and History - ThoughtCo
The Afrikaners are a South African ethnic group who are descended from 17th century Dutch, German, and French settlers to South Africa.
#4Afrikaner | people - Encyclopedia Britannica
Afrikaner, a South African of European descent whose native language is Afrikaans. They are descendants of the Boers. See Boer.
#5Afrikaner | South African History Online
The modern Afrikaner is descended mainly from Western Europeans who settled on the southern tip of Africa during the middle of the 17th century.
#6Afrikaner Identity | Facing History and Ourselves
Two main white groups emigrated to South Africa: first the Boers came, mainly from Holland, later calling themselves Afrikaners. Then the English arrived, ...
#7Afrikaners – News, Research and Analysis - The Conversation
Given the central role that ethnicity played and still plays in South African politics, it is good to have an unbiased estimate of Afrikaners' genetic history.
#8Afrikaners, Nationalists, and Apartheid - jstor
van Jaarsveld, The Awakening of Afrikaner Nationalism, 1868-1881 (Cape Town,. I96I), p. 40. 2 My translation conveys the same meaning as the Afrikaans text but ...
#9Afrikaners versus English - BBC World Service | The Story of ...
In 1807, the British banned slave ownership. Trek. The British finally subdued the Dutch in 1806, and in 1834 they banned the trade in slaves. The Afrikaners ...
#10The Afrikaners: Biography of a People (Reconsiderations in ...
The Afrikaners were pioneers in a virtually unknown hinterland of exotic peoples and dramatic vistas. There is the impression that the author is a desk-bound ...
#11Boers/Afrikaners - Encyklopedie Migrace
Autor · Afrikaner identity is characterised by the interconnection of religion, language and ethnicity. · Faith and culture played a key role in the shaping of ...
#12Is Afrikaans in danger of dying out? - BBC Future
... the cornerstone of white Afrikaner nationalism have recently been ... white Afrikaners serving in the military in 1980s Apartheid South ...
#13The Afrikaners - UVA Press
This book is a biography of the Afrikaner people. ... The Afrikaners emphasizes the crucial role played by historical actors without underplaying the impact of ...
#14The Afrikaners: Biography of a People - 博客來
書名:The Afrikaners: Biography of a People,語言:英文,ISBN:9780813930558,頁數:715,作者:Giliomee, Hermann,出版日期:2010/02/22,類別:人文社科.
#15Afrikaners - UNPO
The Afrikaners are descendants of Europeans who arrived in South Africa in the seventeenth century. They speak their own language, Afrikaans, ...
#16Afrikaners and the Future | André Brink | Granta Magazine
The nature of Afrikaner political power and the way in which it has been established in South Africa make it significant for the future. In other ex-colonies, ...
#17Afrikaners and the Boundaries of Faith in Post-Apartheid ...
This book examines the shifting moral and spiritual lives of white Afrikaners in South Africa after apartheid. The end of South Africa's ...
#18Afrikaners - Introduction, Location, Language, Folklore ...
Most Afrikaners are employed in fields ranging from civil service and education to mining, industry, and business. Afrikaners are the majority of whites in ...
#19David Goldblatt: Some Afrikaners Photographed | 誠品線上
David Goldblatt: Some Afrikaners Photographed:,DavidGoldblatt(1930-2018)beganworkingonSomeAfrikanersPhotographed(1975)in1963.
#20Afrikaner Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AFRIKANER is a South African of European descent whose native language is Afrikaans.
#21The Afrikaners | Hurst Publishers
The Afrikaners. Biography of a People. Edited by. Hermann Giliomee. 'A book to welcome . . . it includes an ...
#22Afrikaner definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Afrikaner means belonging or relating to the White people in South Africa whose ancestors were Dutch. ...an Afrikaner cattle farmer. An Afrikaner is someone who ...
#23YONELA DIKO: AfriForum is not the legitimate voice of ... - EWN
One of these populist organisations that have emerged in the last few years, driving Afrikaner nationalism in the midst of shared economic ...
#24afrikaners - Wiktionary
Search. afrikaners. Language · Watch · Edit. See also: Afrikaners. DanishEdit. NounEdit. afrikaners c. indefinite genitive singular of afrikaner.
#25High ischaemic heart disease mortality among young Afrikaners
The death rates from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) of White South Africans in districts where more than 80% were Afrikaners were compared with those for the ...
#26South Africa's Afrikaners should ignore Afriforum even ... - Quartz
Afriforum has successfully translated a growing resentment about the loss of Afrikaner control of the state into a political project.
#27The Afrikaners' Quest for Belonging in a Post-apartheid World
In this thesis, I analyse the experiences of white Afrikaans-speaking South Africans, who selfidentify as Afrikaners, and who immigrated to Australia in the ...
#28The Scots Afrikaners - Edinburgh University Press Books
It demonstrates how this Scottish religious culture helped to develop a complicated counter-narrative to what would become the mainstream discourse of Afrikaner ...
#29THE AFRIKANERS' AFRICA - The New York Times
“Internationalism,” the latest peri?? to the Afrikaner, has been defined by Dr. Verwoerd as an ideology “which tries to make people lose respect for what is ...
#30Patterns of African and Asian admixture in the ... - BMC Biology
The Afrikaner population of South Africa is the descendants of European colonists who started to colonize the Cape of Good Hope in the 1600s ...
#31Afrikaner Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Afrikaner definition, an Afrikaans-speaking native of South Africa of European, especially Dutch, descent. See more.
#32Afrikaner - Oxford Reference
Afrikaners descended largely from the Boers ('farmers'), mostly Dutch, ... Afrikaner political identity was formed and expressed by the National Party (NP) ...
#33Afrikaners in the New South Africa: Identity - ProQuest
Rebecca Davies. Afrikaners in the New South Africa: Identity Politics in a Globalised Economy. London and New York: Tauris Academic Studies, 2009.
#34Afrikaners: Stand up for what is right, for our future - Mail ...
Somebody recently asked me whether “Afrikaners” have a future in South Africa. Although I cannot answer this, my biggest fear is that, ...
#35The Afrikaners: Biography of a People - Google Books
This work is a biography of the Afrikaner people by historian and journalist Herman Giliomee, one of the earliest and staunchest Afrikaner opponents of ...
#36Boers, Afrikaners, and diasporas - AfricaBib
Following a discussion of the concept of diaspora and an overview of Afrikaner ethnicity and identity, a diasporic model is presented which combines two ...
#37South African Afrikaners Group Trains Farmers in Self-Defense
While Potgieter survived the ordeal, Afrikaner rights group Afriforum says 59 white farmers were killed in 2020 alone, a 30% increase in ...
#38Afrikaners | Encyclopedia.com
The Afrikaners are a numerical, ethnic, and political minority living in South Africa. Increasingly “Afrikaner” is being defined along linguistic-cultural lines ...
#39David Goldblatt | Some Afrikaners Photographed - Marian ...
Goldblatt began working on Some Afrikaners photographed , first published in 1975, in 1963. He had sold his father's clothing store...
#40Complex Portraits of Afrikaners During Apartheid - Feature ...
Right-wing Afrikaners made no secret of their sympathies for the Nazis and their hatred of Jews….Aside from a declaration of prejudice against ...
#41Afrikaners Abroad: Demonstrating the Impact of International ...
Key words: INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION, SOUTH AFRICA, AFRIKANER ... Afrikaners are a particularly interesting group to study, because they have long been iso.
#42Whiteness, racism, and Afrikaner identity in post-apartheid ...
God created the Afrikaner people with a unique language, a unique philosophy of life, and their own history and traditions in order that they ...
#43Afrikaans literature and dislocated identity in a European context
Long distance Afrikaners: Afrikaans literature and dislocated ... and how does this Europe relate to the characters' own Afrikaner identity?
#44LETTER TO EDITOR | Afrikaners need to reflect | News24
News24 reader Willem Dippenaar writes in response to Melanie Verwoerd's article, saying it is time for Afrikaners to reflect on the past in ...
#45(PDF) Beauty in Bastardy? Breytenbach on Afrikaans and the ...
Hermann Giliomee points out in his recent 'biography' of the Afrikaners (2003, 389). Was the Afrikaner community a racial or linguistic one? Was the push to ...
#46Afrikaners voice conflicting emotions on Mandela death
Erasmus Venter epitomises the conflicting feelings about the death of Nelson Mandela among the nearly 3m strong Afrikaners white community ...
#47About: Afrikaners - DBpedia
Afrikaners (Afrikaans: [afriˈkɑːnərs]) are a South African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers first arriving at the Cape of Good Hope ...
#48Retief Muller, "The Scots Afrikaners: Identity… - New Books ...
Retief Muller, "The Scots Afrikaners: Identity Politics and Intertwined Religious Cultures in Southern and Central Africa" (Edinburgh UP, ...
#49'An indictment of South Africa': whites-only town Orania is ...
Oranians claim the town is a cultural project, not a racial one. Only Afrikaners are allowed to live and work there to preserve Afrikaner ...
#50The Cape Afrikaners and the British Empire from the Jameson ...
Alfred Milner's view of the Cape Afrikaner was definitely coloured by the primacy of imperial supremacy. For the Afrikaners the alliance with Cecil Rhodes was ...
#51The Origins of the Afrikaners and their Language, 1652-1720
writings on the Afrikaners' past which is depicted in terms of the ... tongue, Afrikaner linguists search for the causes in Middle Dutch,.
#52Deputy Minister Andries Nel: Roundtable on Whiteness ...
... Affairs Andries Nel at the Roundtable on Whiteness, Afrikaans, Afrikaners at the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA).
#53Afrikaners for Dutch in WCup because of heritage - The San ...
When the Netherlands faces Spain on Sunday at Soccer City, a sizable portion of the Afrikaner population will be watching closely, and mostly ...
#54News - Why was Afrikaner Economic Empowerment more...
Under AEE, Afrikaner Nationalists adopted a political-legal framework to mobilize white Afrikaners and provide the basis for AEE. The Afrikaner ...
#55Poor Afrikaners and the new subculture of poverty ... - NomadIT
This paper examines the development of a new subculture of poverty among the poor Afrikaners, who tend to settle in predominantly white informal settlements ...
#56Afrikaner - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Afrikaner Add to list Share. Definitions of Afrikaner. noun. a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans.
#57On Afrikaners - The O'Malley Archives - Nelson Mandela ...
The O'Malley Archives is the product of almost two decades of research and includes analyses, chronologies, historical documents, and interviews from the ...
LOUIS TRICHARDT, SOUTH AFRICA -- The deputy mayor of this old Afrikaner frontier town is a new-generation "bitter-ender," defending a way of ...
#59Whiteness Afrikaans Afrikaners - African Books Collective
Whiteness Afrikaans Afrikaners. Addressing Post-Apartheid Legacies, Privileges and Burdens. by MISTRA. "Do the erstwhile colonial settlers - who, unlike in ...
#60why these Afrikaners converted to Judaism and moved to Israel
From a former Pentecostal pastor to entire families, a growing number of Afrikaners are converting to Orthodox Judaism and swapping South ...
#61The Prince and Afrikaners: The Royal Visit of 1925
Clingman, Stephen. Bram Fischer: Afrikaner Revolutionary. Cape Town: David Philip Publishers, 1998. Connors, Jane. Royal Visits to Australia.
#62'We Will Kill if . . . ' : Far-Right Afrikaners Circling the Wagons
After the battle, it was said, the thin river here ran red with African blood. More than a thousand descendants of those early Afrikaners ...
#63The Afrikaners: An Historical Interpretation | Wiley
This is a history of the Afrikaner peoples from their arrival in southern Africa in 1652, up to the present day. The account covers the establishment of the ...
#64University of Groningen Long Distance Afrikaners van der ...
Long Distance Afrikaners: Afrikaans literature and dislocated identity in a. European context. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 51(2), 196-207.
#65Review: Africa: The Afrikaners by Hermann Giliomee - The ...
The Nationalist intelligentsia devised its own version of Afrikaner history, emphasising Calvinism as a common cultural core and successfully ...
#66AFRIKANER | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
'In my academic posting here I report a study of South African Afrikaners (whites of Dutch origin).' More example sentences.
#67The Afrikaners: a concise history by Hermann Giliomee - LitNet
The Afrikaners: a concise history ... which its author considered readers might want to know about the historical story of Afrikaner people.
#68Afrikaners - Home | Facebook
Afrikaners. 104801 likes · 1444 talking about this. Hoe om 'n trotse Suid-Afrikaner te word, as jy nie klaar een is nie. Dit is eintlik baie eenvoudig....
#69The Afrikander Volunteer Corps and the Participation of ...
Consequently, the mere safety of Afrikaners were threatened by sporadic military ... an Afrikander Volunteer Corps (known as the Afrikaner Korps) was ...
#70'Afrikaners dominate rugby due to genetics' - IOL
'Afrikaners dominate rugby due to genetics' ... The announcement by the sports ministry this week that race quotas in team selection will be done ...
#71Inside the all-white 'Apartheid town' of Orania, South Africa
To live in Orania, you must be Afrikaner, a group that descends from the Europeans ... where it was meant to be a safe haven for Afrikaners.
#72Afrikaners in post-apartheid South Africa: Inward migration ...
This phenomenon is, here, called Afrikaner enclave nationalism. Drawing on a global revamping of race as a category of social subjugation, a strategy is ...
#73NB Publishers | The Afrikaners
About this book: Hermann Giliomee, top historian, is seen as the world expert on the history of the Afrikaners. This shorter, updated version of his masterly ...
#74Africa from Colonialism to Independence: Afrikaners / Boers
Afrikaners / Boers. Here you'll find a selection of books and eBooks from the library's catalog on the topic of the Afrikaners / Boers.
#75New study clarifies nature of genetic admixture in South ...
The results of the study, titled Patterns of African and Asian admixture in the Afrikaner population of South Africa, were published earlier ...
#76I, Afrikaner (2013) - IMDb
I, Afrikaner: Directed by Annalet Steenkamp. Follows four generations of South African Boers as they grapple with their identity as white farmers in a ...
#77The Afrikaner - Guernica Editions
It's the beginning of an inner journey during which Zoe comes to terms with her sense of guilt as a privileged white Afrikaner while also confronting a ...
#78Who are the Afrikaners? - Choices Program
How has the end of apartheid affected the economic situations of South Africans? February 29, 2008. What are the origins of Afrikaner nationalism?
#79Afrikaners try to preserve language | News | Al Jazeera
Afrikaners try to preserve language. South Africa's Afrikaans language is perhaps best known for the word apartheid, ...
#80Exodus: Afrikaners in Kenya | Scottish Centre for Global History
The Afrikaner community carved out an identity independently of the British community with whom there remained a social gulf. The British ...
#81A Brief History of Afrikaners and Ulster Presbyterians
This formation was called the laager and writers still speak of the laager mentality of Afrikaners. It is a label which could equally well be applied to ...
#82Whiteness, Afrikaans and Afrikaners - Mistra - Mapungubwe ...
Whiteness, Afrikaans and Afrikaners. 30 August 2018. Nelson Mandela Foundation,107 Central Street, Houghton. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
#83Afrikaners and the Boundaries of Faith in Post-Apartheid ...
This book examines the shifting moral and spiritual lives of white Afrikaners in South Africa after apartheid. The end of South Africa's.
#84The Beginnings of Afrikaner Ethnic Consciousness, 1850–1915
Van Jaarsveld also argues that without this awakening, the Afrikaners in the Cape Colony would have been absorbed in the English stream and Dutch/Afrikaans ...
#85The Afrikaners: Biography of a People | Foreign Affairs
This crowning work by one of South Africa's most prominent social scientists is likely to become a baseline for interpreting Afrikaner history for a long ...
#86Afrikaners flock to God and London | The Independent
... and drug dealers, is an unlikely home for the beginnings of the second Great Trek of South Africa's chosen people, the Afrikaners.
#87Afrikaner Blood / The Born Free Generation - Visa pour l'image
The Kommandokorps, a fringe group led by ex-apartheid leader Franz Jooste, holds holiday camps for Afrikaner teenagers, mainly of Dutch and German descent.
#88Retired general leads Afrikaners' quest for separate homeland ...
Viljoen and for many of his fellow Afrikaners, that place would be a homeland of their own -- a Volkstat, or people's state, where the Afrikaner ...
#89Milner, the Cape Afrikaners, and the outbreak of the South ...
Milner, the Cape Afrikaners, and the outbreak of the South African war: from a point of return to a dead end. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History.
#90Argentine Afrikaners tell fleeing South Africans: Don't come to us
At the turn of the century, three shiploads of Afrikaners left South Africa for Argentina to get away from the British, who had just won the ...
#91Afrikaners - Africa Is a Country
Until the death of Jan Jonker Afrikaner in 1889, the Afrikaners were an influential Orlam group in the Northern Cape and especially Namibia, ...
#92Religious Afrikaners, irreligious in conflicts - SciELO SA
The consequences of this unholy bond are still haunting the Afrikaner nation today. Keywords: Afrikaners; History; Religion; Calvinism; Schism; Conflict; ...
#93Afrikaner (Boer) Rebellion (Union of South Africa) - 1914-1918 ...
11,476 Afrikaners participated in an ill-conceived and misplaced revolt which government forces effectively supressed by the end of January 1915 ...
#94kenya's afrikaners maintain culture and ties to south africa - JOC
''I am not a South African, I am a Kenyan; but I am an Afrikaner," 56- ... The Kenyan Afrikaners are descended from settlers who fled South ...
#95Back to the future: Afrikaners unveil R3.5-billion plan... - Daily ...
In response Afrikaners mobilised to help them pay off their debt, sparking the rise of Afrikaner nationalism and political and economic ...
#96Patterns of African and Asian admixture in the ... - bioRxiv
ABSTRACT. The Afrikaner population of South Africa are the descendants of European colonists who started to colonize the Cape of Good Hope ...
#98Afrikaners in the New South Africa - Bloomsbury Publishing
How has the position of Afrikaners changed since the end of the Apartheid regime in South Africa? While the links between Afrikaner ...
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