

在 affliction中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,755的網紅Prudence Liew 劉美君,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Love my best friend's page, gotta share... Teachings from Red Hat Lama Shamar Rinpoche 紅冠法王夏瑪仁波切的開示 ( PLEASE SHARE 請分享) 20160720 'Wherever the...


  • affliction中文 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-08-09 09:31:06
    有 9 人按讚

    Love my best friend's page, gotta share...

    Teachings from Red Hat Lama Shamar Rinpoche
    ( PLEASE SHARE 請分享)

    'Wherever there are world systems and beings,
    May I be like the lotus, not clung to by water,
    And the sun and the moon, unhindered in the sky.'
    ‘諸惑業及魔境, 世間道中得解脫, 猶如蓮花不著水, 亦如日月不住空’

    The lotus flower is used as a metaphor to illustrate the bodhisattva's conduct along the path. Bodhisattvas are not far removed from sentient beings. They don't live in mountain caves, but are very close to all beings and always have the desire to help and liberate them. Lotuses have their roots in dirty mud, but yet, their pure white blossoms remain pristine and untouched by the mud. In the same way bodhisattva practitioners along the path are not contaminated by the habitual tendencies and karma of the sentient beings that they are trying to liberate.

    If we harbor no hatred, no anger toward another sentient being, and the motivation for our actions is rooted in bodhicitta, then even in times of aggression we can still attain enlightenment, because our activities are uncontaminated by any affliction. With genuine bodhicitta in our mind, we do not hope for any return for our deeds, such as wanting to gain any wealth or fame in return as a reward for practicing generosity. Just as the sun and the moon benefit the world spontaneously and have no concept of "What would be good for me?" in the same way, our genuine bodhicitta is not tainted by the hope for any return. Rather, our mind is imbued with pure wishes to spontaneously benefit all sentient beings.

    “The King of Prayers, a commentary on The Noble King of Prayers of Excellent Conduct”, pg. 28. (英文版『普賢行願王論著』第28頁。)

    When we are fully awake, mind is free of the object with which it connects to through thoughts, perceptions and feelings. Mind is unobstructed. You neither have a single thought nor many thoughts. Mind does not exist substantially. Mind is no longer ignorant or stupid in the deepest sense. But we should understand that self-realization is not like being in a coma. Instead, there is clarity and power. Self-realized mind is free from the influence of phenomena. It is mind free from all need to occupy itself; it is now an independent mind.

    “From Calming Our Minds is the First Step, teaching given at Bodhi Path Washington, DC Metro Area in Spring 2004.”

    As long as we perceive and experience the various sense objects, but are not self-aware at the same time, we react in a kind of autopilot mode. Such a preoccupied state of mind is actually a kind of stupor or drowsiness, and is based on the ignorance of dense mental states in which self-awareness is lacking. It is an automatically occurring ongoing series of cognitive acts and reactions that take place without our being in touch with the self-reflective, self-aware aspect of our mind. In short, the reflective capacity of the mind that is the basis of wisdom remains inactive. Mental activity that proceeds without our being connected with mind's pervasive self-aware capacity is simply ignorant mental activity. It is a kind of noise that serves to distract mind from its actual nature.
    只要我們感知和體驗各種感覺對象,但同時不自覺,我們會以一種自動駕駛模式進行反應。 這種心識狀態其實就是一種昏睡或嗜睡,是基於缺乏自我認知的遲鈍精神狀態的無知。 這是一連串的自發性認知行為和反應,並沒有經心識自我反思和自我認知。 簡而言之,作為智慧基礎的心靈的反思能力沒有啟動。 簡單地說,沒有跟我們心識的完全自知能力所聯繫起來的都是無知的心識活動。這是一種噪音,會讓心識對自己實際的性質分心。

    Once training in mindful calm abiding has tamed and pacified the cascade of thoughts, inner images, and emotions, mind's awareness that is aware of itself can emerge on its own accord. In this sense, moments of clarity arise naturally.

    "Boundless Awakening", pg 16-17. (英文版『無量覺』第16-17頁)


  • affliction中文 在 邱志偉 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-02-24 13:14:31
    有 126 人按讚

    一早在高鐵上,由南向北一路細雨濛朧,也就是晴耕雨讀中看書的時候,繼續看昨晚回程高鐵上的小說,書中女主角看的書名是imperial affliction,中文是「莊嚴的痛苦」,她非常喜歡這本書一讀再讀,但現實世界中並不存在這本書,但整本小說都是洋蔥,早已分不淸Tears and rain,看累了,戴上耳機轉到James blunt,聽他唱you are beautiful,敘說在茫茫人海中看見天使的感覺,這又讓我想起Chicago 多年前的經典look away,則是敘說在人海中不想讓天使看到他的感覺,不知不覺中,台北站已經到了

  • affliction中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-07-27 05:46:42
    有 124 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父玄學論】 《人生三部曲》
    The Trilogy of Life (English version below)






    The Trilogy of Life is not just about falling in love, getting married and having kids, and being remembered via a photo hung on the wall after a hundred years. Some people become more naggy after being in love. Many people got married after being struck by the dizziness of love. Some people have the misconception that having children is a safeguard for old age but it seems like the offspring is a source of affliction instead. Oh, I have digressed, my apologies. Let us get back to the main topic. The main purpose of this article is to highlight the three secret codes that are inextricable from our lives and how they can help us achieve a sturdy health and physique, success in entrepreneurship, a blissful marriage, good academic results for the kids, profitable investments from real estate and gold, full recovery from illness, etc. These intricate secret codes can only be revealed by a master steeped in the knowledge of Chinese Metaphysics for many years and possessing an acute sense of observation and awareness.

    In all honesty, Master Dai Hu is one of those Masters who are well versed in these secret and intricate codes. Anyone who knows how to leverage on these codes in his or her daily life, he or she will lead a life free of worry. When I first started to impart these secret codes in recent years, many clients had already bought their secret codes from me. However, what they had were only one set of secret code. Ha ha ha! But this is not a mistake of theirs as they only had partial knowledge at that time.

    One of the secret codes is numerals. The others are totem, pattern, Chinese character and English alphabets. I recently divulged the secret codes of totem, patterns and English alphabets and there was inquiries from interested customers already. I would like to give thanks to the many Gods of Wealth for their blessings and protection. Only a Master with much divine assistance is able to bestow happiness, wealth and fortune to all sentient beings!

    Even though you might have received the Trilogy of Life, please remain humble and respectful, be diligent in accumulating merits through virtuous deeds, respect your teachers and elders, be filial to your parents, etc. Only then, you will be assured with a generous stream of merits and fortune for your future.


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    2021-10-01 13:19:08

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