

在 affection用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,330的網紅賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #練完這個字 #放假耍廢 #不用有罪惡感��你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “public display of affection”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔� 【public display of affection 放閃】 As for publi...

affection用法 在 步步|英文x英國生活Babysteps English Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 09:58:06

【喇舌的英式說法】 今天要來分享#舌吻 怎麼說啦~ 其實snog雖然是#英式 英文,但其實在美國用這個字大家應該也是聽得懂的,只是美國人可能比較會說French kissing(?)  有沒有留美的可以支援一下😂  _ 同場加映:  ▪️to be considered +形容詞...

affection用法 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-07-09 17:06:47

#練完這個字 #放假耍廢 #不用有罪惡感

你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “public display of affection”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔
 【public display of affection 放閃】 As for publi...

  • affection用法 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-29 18:03:26
    有 14 人按讚

    #練完這個字 #放假耍廢 #不用有罪惡感��你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “public display of affection”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔�
    【public display of affection 放閃】
    As for public displays of affection, only 48.2% of Taiwanese could accept seeing same-sex couples kiss in public.
    (同志可以在公開場合放閃嗎?只有 48.2% 的台灣人可以接受)�
    💡這也可以是情侶以外的愛喔,像是學生高調對老師表達感謝,這種也可以是 public display of affection
    💡右滑是 public display of affection 的發音影片,講到 public display of affection,我會聯想到火車上放閃的情侶,你上次在哪裡看到 public display of affection 呢?回想一下,不用死背它的翻譯喔!
    【留言練習】#小星星敲碗 希望更多翻譯練習,今天就多送一句~任君挑選,也可以兩個都翻譯,甚至自由造句喔~你會怎麼翻譯下列句子呢? 
    🎈「親親萬歲、放閃無罪」(這句好難 😂) 
    🎈用「public display of affection」自由造句
    期待看到你的留言 😍�
    #賓狗發音教室 的單字選自我們的 #5個單字系列 ,「5 個單字系列」結合新聞議題及英文單字,「賓狗發音教室」著重單字發音及用法。全部服用,效果最好 😂❤️ Photo credit: davitydave (flickr); no changes made to the pic�
    #pda #放閃 #publicdisplayofaffection #bingobilingual #英文單字 #學英文 #英文學習 #單字卡 #英文發音 #英文 #翻譯

  • affection用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-05-01 11:45:01
    有 55 人按讚

    <單字深入探討單元- “regard”>

    (1) 把…當成
    [to consider or think of in a specified way]
    * regard A as B 把A當成B
    例: I regard every assignment as a challenge.
    例: They regarded his behavior as childish.

    (2) 關心
    [to relate to; concern]
    例: The news does not regard the explosion.

    (3) 尊重; 顧慮
    [to have or show respect or concern for]
    * to regard highly 器重

    (4) 看重
    [to think highly of; esteem]

    (5) 觀察; 觀看
    [to look at; observe]
    例: She regarded him with amusement.

    (6) 對於..抱持..(的感情)
    [to look upon or think of with a particular feeling]
    例: to regard a person with favor 對一個人抱持著喜好的態度/情緒

    (7) 注意
    [to pay attention] (used without object)

    (8) 凝視
    [to look or gaze] (used without object)
    例: The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.

    (1) 注意; 考慮
    [thought of, attention to or concern for something]

    (2) 關係
    [reference; relation]
    例: to err with regard to facts

    (3) 論點; 特定面向
    [an aspect, point, or particular]
    例: quite satisfactory in this regard

    (4) 尊敬; 尊重
    [respect, esteem, or deference]
    例; a high regard for scholarship

    (5) 善意
    [kindly feeling; liking]
    * friendly regard 情意

    (6) 問候
    [regards, sentiments of esteem or affection]
    例: Give them my regards. 請代我向他們問候

    (1) as regards 關於; 至於 [in connection with]
    例: There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.

    (2) with /in regard to = referring to = concerning 關於; 有關
    例: With regard to the new contract, we have some questions.

    (1) regards (n.) 問候
    例: Please give my regards to your mother.

    (2) regarding (介系詞) 關於; 有關
    例: I have some comments regarding your presentation this morning.

    (3) regardless (adv.) 無論; 不管; 儘管
    regardless of + 疑問子句
    例: I’ll follow my dreams regardless of whether you support me or not.

    regardless of + 名詞
    Mary plans to travel Europe regardless of her parents’ objections.

    * regardless of = in spite of = despite

    (4) disregard (V.) 不理會; 漠視
    例: Please disregard the information in the previous email.

    (字典參考: dictionary.com | dictionary.cambridge.org | google.com)

