

在 admitted入院產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅作者,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 科興疫苗有效率出爐:78%。 然而,美國CDC的流行病學專家 Denise Garrett很快指出Butantan的語言偽術:「他們展示的是輕度、中度和重度病症的結果,而不是預防感染的有效率。」 如果不是經他這麼說,也不會翻看原話。發言人真的沒有講過疫苗預防感染的有效率達78%,而是強調疫苗可以...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過36萬的網紅バイリンガルベイビー英会話,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【この動画にコメントを投稿する方法】 YouTube対策(判断)により、私達のチャンネルのコメントが閉鎖されました。非常に寂しいですが、是非、この動画について皆さんからコメントをいただきたいと思っているので、コメントはYouTubeのBilingual Babyコミュニティーのタブの中でお願いします...

admitted入院 在 MandyChen 陳諭 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-01 13:34:35

愛撒嬌的片尼妹妹,我們都不喜歡麻煩人,所以之前她不舒服自己入院沒說,每次她講要來找我,我不想她累一整天下班還要塞車過來我家,因為我家方向和她回家方向相反啊,所以常常是拒絕的(現在你知道為什麼了吼😉), 更不用說她下班後還要塞車過來月子中心探我,太遠了啦,不過,今天元旦放假,所以我們終於見面了,但⋯撒...

  • admitted入院 在 作者 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-08 08:15:34
    有 1,034 人按讚


    然而,美國CDC的流行病學專家 Denise Garrett很快指出Butantan的語言偽術:「他們展示的是輕度、中度和重度病症的結果,而不是預防感染的有效率。」

    如果不是經他這麼說,也不會翻看原話。發言人真的沒有講過疫苗預防感染的有效率達78%,而是強調疫苗可以保護受感染的患者達到78%:「The Butantan vaccine has a range of efficacy that goes from 78% to 100% in mild, moderate and severe cases.」

    「The vaccine protected 100% of the participants in relation to severe COVID-19 cases. It protected 100% of the participants in relation to moderate cases in the high-risk population. Not even a single volunteer of those who received the vaccine, required to be admitted at a hospital. Mild cases were prevented at a 78% rate with some 22% of participants requiring outpatient care after showing mild symptoms of COVID-19.」





    //But when pressed by journalists, he allowed that there were 218 cases of mild disease. “The exact number is 160 something in the placebo group and less than 60 in the vaccinated group,” he said. (This would equal 73%, not 78%, efficacy.) //


  • admitted入院 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-07 15:01:20
    有 3,698 人按讚



    Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani admitted to hospital with Covid-19 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55210243


    Covid: Most of California faces strict new lockdown as cases surge https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55198173

    * 巴基斯坦新冠病患至少六人因為醫院欠缺足夠的氧氣,死亡。

    Pakistan: Covid patients die due to oxygen shortage in Peshawar https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-55211459


    Mohsen Fakhrizadeh: 'Machine-gun with AI' used to kill Iran scientist https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-55214359


    At least one person has died and 227 have been hospitalised by an unidentified illness in India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh.

    Andhra Pradesh: 'Mystery' illness puts hundreds in hospital https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-55209763


    Brexit: UK-EU talks to resume in final push for trade deal https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55208218

  • admitted入院 在 WEi薇薇 - 小薇薇 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-11 03:32:03
    有 28 人按讚

    个案编号: 501
    由于病情瞬息恶化,16岁的嘉榆不能再等,她已经做了第一圈化疗,目前还剩下两个疗程必须做。现在的困难是,她家里已经没有能力应付化疗的医药费,同时也不能应付拖欠Pantai Hospital的费用。

    岂料,在第一圈化疗之后,嘉榆再度紧急入院,她还在医院( Pantai Hospital , Bangsar KL )的病床上,已经第10天了。如果病情稳定,顺利出院,她这次的费用是RM57,438.47,这是一个不小的数目,她的爸爸吴天进东凑西借已还了一部分款额,这包括使用嘉榆的医药卡来支付,这张医药卡的数额(RM50,000)已经报销了。(医药卡在第一圈化疗时,用了三万多块钱)


    嘉榆这次出院后,还剩下两个化疗疗程必须做。一个疗程需花费RM16,000 (两个疗程就RM32,000),在疗程后,如果女儿不能马上出院,医药费就继续往上加。



    吴天进现在要应付的医药费预算为RM77,500 :
    RM27,000--------拖欠Pantai Hospital

    为响应环保,上网捐款者如需要纸张收据,请把汇款单据(拍照或截屏)发到我们的Facebook messenger,我们会发出纸张收据给您。感谢大家。

    CIMB Bank Berhad , Account: 8008831182
    电话:03-7773 1116
    电话: 010-662 7819
    地址:16, Jalan Othman 2/40, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

    Case No: 501
    A Case of Public Funding:
    Bone cancer chemotherapy and medication fee of RM77,500.00 for life saving!

    “Everyone please save the life of a 16-year-old girl Ng Kah Yee immediately”

    Ng Kah Yee is a Form 5 student in a secondary school. She suddenly developed bone cancer this year. Upon admission, she was informed that it was the fourth stage, and the fourth rib on the left chest had a tumor.

    Due to the rapid deterioration of her condition, the 16-year-old Kah Yee cannot wait any longer. She had already received the first round of chemotherapy and there are currently two courses of treatment that must be done. The difficulty now is that her family is no longer able to cope with the medical expenses of chemotherapy, nor can she meet the payment of medical expenses owed to Pantai Hospital.

    Life is precious and cannot be given up easily. Although the process of chemotherapy is painful for Kah Yee, it still has to be done. During the visit, Kah Yee was seen crying and telling her mother that she would like to go home.

    The hearts of her parents are broken, this is their only daughter, a singleton, her parents cannot afford to lose her!

    "My daughter has already done the first course of chemotherapy, the medical cost is more than RM 30,000 and using her medical card to pay the bill."

    Unexpectedly, after the process of the first round of chemotherapy, Kah Yee was again, urgently admitted to the hospital, and she is still in the bed at Pantai Hospital today which has been admitted for 10 days. If the condition is stable and she is discharged from the hospital, this time, her medical fee is RM57,438.47, which is not a small amount. Her father Mr. Ng Tian Jin has paid some of the amount, which includes using Kah Yee’s medical card to pay and borrowed money from others as well. The amount of this medical card (RM50,000) has been reimbursed. (The payment via medical card was more than RM30,000 during the first round of chemotherapy)

    Mr. Ng Tian Jin is now feeling miserable, because of the medical expenditure due to his daughter's emergency admission (rescue breathing and drip) is RM57,438.47 and still owes about RM27,000.

    The doctor allowed Kah Yee to be discharged first before arranging the next 2 chemotherapy sessions. However, in order to be discharged, Kah Yee must be equipped with a removable ventilator. This ventilator requires RM18,500.

    Mr. Ng Tian Jin has to pay all the medical expenses and also buy a ventilator for his daughter. He has no ability and hopes that the enthusiastic people in the community will lend him a helping hand.

    After Kah Yee was discharged from the hospital this time, there will be two more courses of chemotherapy remaining. A course of treatment costs RM16,000 (RM32,000 for two courses). After the course, if the daughter cannot be discharged immediately, the medical expenses will continue to increase too.

    Previously, Mr. Ng Tian Jin was in the business of building materials machinery. Due to the economic downturn in recent years, the business has been hit hard. In order to have cash flow, he sold off all the property that can be sold. Currently, he can only work as a mechanical sales agent at a friend's company. The income is unstable and there is no stable salary as it is solely depended on sales commission.

    At the time when his financial condition was in the most difficult situation, the only daughter suddenly suffered from bone cancer. This news was like a bolt on a blue, which really shocked Mr. Ng Tian Jin.

    Mr. Ng Tian Jin has authorized the platform of Daai Public Funding to raise RM77,500 medical expenses for his daughter, and entrusted the platform of Daai to collect donations from all over the country, including overseas donations.

    He added that the doctor had confirmed the diagnosis. A 14cm tumor of the fourth rib on the left chest of his daughter was a malignant tumor.

    Mr. Ng Tian Jin current payable medical expenses budget is RM77,500:

    RM27,000 -------Arrears payment of Pantai Hospital
    RM32,000--------The next two sessions of chemotherapy

    Currently, Kah Yee's mother Madam Guo Yun Fang is taking care of her daughter for 24 hours.

    The platform of DAAI Public Funding calls upon the enthusiastic community to donate actively to Kah Yee, let us land a helping hand to assist her to go through this tough situation of her life. Thank you very much.

    In order to assist Kah Yee, any enthusiastic individual may choose to remit the donation to our designated bank account, or to come over to the Centre to donate (Open on Saturday, from 10 am to 6 pm)

    In response to environmental protection, for those online donators, if you need a paper receipt, please send the remittance document (photograph or screenshot) to our Facebook messenger, we will issue a paper receipt to you. Thank you very much.


    Bank A/C:

    CIMB Bank Berhad , Account: 8008831182
    Tel:03-7773 1116
    Mobile Phone:016-523 2553 (Miss Tan )
    Address:16, Jalan Othman 2/40, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

    Please like and repost this article so that more enthusiastic people can join us to help Kah Yee immediately.

    Declaration: Every photo uploaded on the platform of DAAI and the content of each article belong to the copyright of DAAI. Therefore, anyone who uses these photos or tampers with the content of the article without permission will be treated as misappropriation and copyright infringement. For those who violate the rules will be held accountable according to legislation of law.

  • admitted入院 在 バイリンガルベイビー英会話 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-04-09 19:57:15

    YouTube対策(判断)により、私達のチャンネルのコメントが閉鎖されました。非常に寂しいですが、是非、この動画について皆さんからコメントをいただきたいと思っているので、コメントはYouTubeのBilingual Babyコミュニティーのタブの中でお願いします⇩⇩⇩⇩

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bilingualbaby/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/bilingualbaby01




    Was hospitalized for two days.
    Was admitted to the hospital for two days.

    Was discharged today.
    Was discharged from the hospital today.

    「嘔吐」の英語はちょっとややこしいです。Throwing upとVomitingという2つの言い方があります。留学されている多くの方は「何が違うの?」と聞きます。


    A) I was throwing up all day.
    B) I was vomiting all day.
    C) I was puking all day.

    Cはまず使うのをやめましょう。かなりスラングですし、私でさえ使わない英語です(若干品がない)。で、AとBの違いですが、Aは一般的な言い方です。普通の人(お医者さんじゃない人)が使うのはThrowing up.という表現です。お医者さんは、Throwing upと使ってもいいですが、Vomitingの方が若干専門的のような気がします。日本語でいう「嘔吐」は「Vomiting」です。お医者さんが主に使います(普通の人は使えないことはないですが、どちらかというと若干先生の言葉に近いです)。

    Can’t keep anything down. (keep something down)

    ④Get an IV

    I got an IV.
    Does she need an IV?







    ④英語の字幕と日本語の字幕、どれも全く読まないでで最初から最後まで動画をもう一度見る。 絶対に、自分の理解度に驚くはずです。100%は理解できないかもしれないが、聞く前と比較すると本当にビビるぐらい英語力が伸びる。「ええ?これだけで英語力が上がるの?」と思われる方が多いと思うけど、4回も同じ箇所を見ているので、それだけで思っている以上に英語が身についている(同じ歌を4回聞けばなんとなく歌えると一緒)。留学する時に、こういう風にみんな学ぶ。因みに幼児も同じように言語を学ぶ。



    では、Good luck!!!

    **Follow us**
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bilingualbaby/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/bilingualbaby01
    Blog: https://ameblo.jp/bilingualbaby

    #英会話 #入院 #退院

  • admitted入院 在 Rinozawa Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-08-26 20:00:08

    2014年5月12日~17日/Y:2歳6ヶ月/R:4歳11ヶ月 He got out of shape in May, and he was hospitalized for four days.
    He went to the hospital early, and he received a diagnosis of the slight cold.
    However, as for the evening of the day, he vomited with all the food, and he was very out of condition.
    Therefore, he went to the hospital again the next day.
    Then he that a condition turned worse seemed to be admitted to the big hospital, and a letter of introduction was handed.
    As a result, he was infected with rotavirus.
    The mom is hospitalization life with him for a while.
    Rino and dad spent four days without Yuuma and mom, too.



    【Rino&Yuuma 2nd Channel】

    #family #rinozawa