

在 administrator電腦產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,723的網紅BennyLeung.com,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【HK01】Windows密碼毋須密密改?微軟新安全基準取消擾民政策 Windows通常約三個月(90日)便要求用家更改登入系統的密碼、加強資料保安,此項政策卻經常阻礙不少趕着用電腦開工的人士,造成不少難題。相信大家都領教過以下煩事:被要求更過密碼時急就章改了一個新密碼應付,卻沒有寫低;即使只...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅韋禮安 WeiBird,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🎧 數位平台點播:https://orcd.co/catrepublic 🔔 訂閱韋禮安官方頻道 : https://pse.is/WeiBird_Sub 韋禮安 2020 音樂人宅 MV 二部曲:「早餐am」、「晚餐pm」 首部曲「早餐am」:貓咪共和國 金馬新銳電影導演蘇文聖執導清新之作 以...

  • administrator電腦 在 BennyLeung.com Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-26 06:47:28
    有 43 人按讚



    PC用家,最慘莫過於被Windows定期強行要求更改登入密碼,事後卻不記得新密碼,活活把自己鎖在電腦外。Microsoft微軟公布Windows 10 1903版本(又稱「19H1」)和Windows Server 1903版本的安全基準設定草案(Security baseline draft),當中要留意是會取消定期變更密碼的密碼過期政策。




    諸種額外防護措施,如實施禁用密碼清單、多因素驗證、引入密碼猜測攻擊或異常登錄的偵測技術等,微軟都建議企業採取。只是上述做法不會加入到Windows群組政策(Group Policy)的建議安全基準。微軟在草案中也表明考慮取消強制Default關閉管理員(Administrator)和訪客(Guest)帳號的安排,亦不會Default開啟。管理員可視情況,手動啟用兩種帳戶。


  • administrator電腦 在 陳綺貞 Cheer Chen Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-01-15 20:54:41
    有 3,134 人按讚




    2019 陳綺貞 漫漫長夜 Cheer20 演唱會 台北小巨蛋場次工作人員

    主辦單位 Organizer:添翼文創事業有限公司、宜辰整合行銷
    演唱會行政統籌 Administrative Coordination:宜辰整合行銷
    演唱會出品總策劃 Published by:添翼創越工作室
    出品人 Publisher:鍾成虎
    節目及音樂總監 Show & Music Director:鍾成虎
    節目設計 Show Design :添翼創越工作室、陳綺貞
    總導演 Director:天空藍工作室 張文玲
    執行導演 Executive Director:天空藍工作室 盧雅伶
    舞台監督 Stage Manager:黃熙軒、邱垂遠、朱建仲
    舞台技師 Roadie:蘇育樟、黃維凡

    演唱/吉他/烏克麗麗/鋼琴 Vocal/Guitar/Ukulele/Piano:陳綺貞
    樂團團長/鍵盤 Band Leader/Keyboard:吳貞儀 (牙牙)
    吉他/烏克麗麗 Guitar/Ukulele:林建文(大頭)
    吉他/電子音效 Guitar/Effect:蔡坤奇(奇哥)
    鼓手 Drums:白克迪 Cody Byassee
    打擊樂手 Percussions:黃宏一
    貝斯 Bass:林羿妏
    電腦音樂編程執行 Programmer:張念達 (香菇)
    弦樂團 Strings:李琪弦樂團
    小提琴 Violin - 李 琪、陳翊婷、薛媛云、林麥麥、徐懿德、吳芷軒
    中提琴 Viola - 何佳珍、袁繹晴
    大提琴 Cello - 吳世傑、劉宥辰
    練團統籌 Rehearsal Administrator:周谷淳、黃維凡

    影像導演 Visual Director:楊秀敏
    影像製作 Visual Production:楊秀敏、賴志宣、沙韋佑、吳彤、徐瑜婷、徐偉倫
    影像執行 Live DJ:楊秀敏、馬莉、羅朵林
    導播 Program Director:必應創造 林欣慧
    助理導播 Program Director Assistant:鄧靜遠
    歌詞字幕播放 Lyrics Subtitle:蔡伊柔

    音響工程師 FOH Mixing Engineer:夏傑
    音響工程師 Monitor Engineer:必應創造 林宗磊
    現場錄音 Live Recording:楊大緯

    燈光設計&工程師 Lighting Design & Engineer:鹿米工作室 吳玉麟、伍翔麟(小伍)、沈佳穎(花花)
    舞台設計 Stage Designer:必應創造 馮建彰(二馬)、黃羿偉(一尾)
    硬體統籌 Technical Director:城鎮舞台 蔣宜成(小蔣)
    舞台工程 Stage Engineering:城鎮舞台
    結構工程 Structure:星船結構
    視訊工程 Projection Engineering:成陽視訊
    轉播錄影工程 EFP Recording Engineering:無限映像
    燈光工程 Lighting Engineering:極光工程有限公司、唯特企業有限公司
    音響工程 Sound Engineering:穩立音響
    雷射工程 Laser:小小雷射 黃朝偉(小默)
    電力工程 Power Engineering:助盛電力
    特效工程 Special Effect Engineering:宏益特效
    投影工程 Projection Engineering:成陽視訊
    樂器提供 Instrument provided:發聲現場
    錄音工程 Recording Engineering:穩立音響工程

    演唱會企宣 Marketing & Promotion:添翼創越工作室
    企宣統籌 Creative / Promotion Director:討海人
    企劃執行 Marketing Coordinator:賴怡玟、王芩敏
    宣傳執行 Promotion Executor:洪詩婷、洪維聯
    主視覺設計 Key Visual Design:蔡南昇
    主視覺拍攝 Key Visual Photographer:胡世山
    廣告製作 CF Production:奇采文創、尖蚪映畫

    造型 Stylist:曾瓊鶯、王瑾瑩(小丸)
    化妝 Make Up:妝顏造型工作室
    助理-梁安妘 @
    髮型 Hair:HC Hair
    藝人髮型師-何翰聰 (Johnny)
    樂手髮型師-曾翰松 (Hugo)
    助理-陳芷靚 (Una)

    平面紀錄 Photographer:莊平、王建發、陳立穎、李彥勳、張瑋中、陳文婕、吳仲倫、吳昭晨 、鄭卉君
    影像紀錄 Videographer:
    Lucky Sparks 鄭育哲
    演唱會行政 Administration:程壬杰、莊雅婷、羅婷瑋、王芩敏、羅伊庭
    周邊商品 Merchandise:Fight 30
    現場專輯販售 Album Sales:avex taiwan 愛貝克思
    場刊 Cheerpost:黃銘彰、曾榆皓、鄭雅文、海流設計、詹仕靜

    製企部經理 Marketing&Production Manager:賴怡玟
    執行製作 Production Executive:周谷淳
    資深製作助理 Senior Production Assistant:黃維凡
    新媒體策劃副理 New Media Deputy Manager:洪維聯
    企劃部執行 Marketing Executive:王芩敏
    公關宣傳部經理 PR & Promotions Manager:洪詩婷
    藝人經紀執行主任 Artist Management Executive Supervisor:程壬杰
    藝人經紀執行 Artist Management Executive:羅婷瑋
    版權處理 Publishing Administrative:何敏綺
    行政財務執行 Administrative & Financial Executive:莊雅婷
    財務執行 Financial Executive:陳瑞芬、吳美秀
    台灣演出活動經紀協力 Booking Agent:林亭慧

    hitFM/POP Radio/ KISS Radio/中廣流行網/ best 好事989電台/飛碟聯播網
    KKBOX / MyMusic / friDay音樂 / Spotify / Apple Music / LINE TV
    音樂版權 ℗ & ©:添翼創越工作室 Team Ear Music
    活動洽詢 [email protected]
    添翼官方網站 www.team-ear.com


    【漫漫長夜】 Official Live Video

  • administrator電腦 在 陳星合 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-09-09 20:57:41
    有 12 人按讚


    (Master Degree in Computer Science - Johns Hopkins University at Laurel, MD)
    Diego 17歲 Paula 13 歲 Alonzo 12 歲
    Felizi 8 歲 Matteo 6 歲

    九月,Diego , Paula, Alonzo進入惠文高中寄讀





    Contact Information
    Postal: Lane 400, Unit 11, Section 2, Nantun Road, Nantun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 408
    Email: tirizar@gmail.com
    Phone number: 0908 979 417
    LinkedIn Profile: http://pr.linkedin.com/pub/tommy-irizarry/25/16/815

    Diego violin in a quartet:

    Diego violin Doble de Bach:

    Diego plays piano Clair de Lune:

    You can see some other videos in this YouTube channel:

    Summary of qualifications
    Software developer for private industries and government agencies. Proficient web developer using classic ASP code, standard html, CSS and SQL Server for data storage. Web server administrator and SharePoint Power User.
     Android developer
     Certified Ethical Hacker
     Programming / Markup languages: HTML, XML, ASP, PHP, CSS, JavaScript/AJAX/JQuery, experience with Java, C++ and C.
     Mobile development: Java, Android, Android Studio.
     Technologies / Tools: IIS 6.0/7.5, SQL Server, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Microsoft SharePoint 2007/2010, Microsoft Office suite including InfoPath, Access, Excel, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, Facebook Advertising, Microsoft SharePoint Designer, Inquisite Surveys.
    Since November 2016-current
    Enterprise Iron
    Principal consultant – Web Developer
     Worked on the redesign efforts of the secure site for an international financial client. Applied responsive design principles using the Bootstrap framework while creating modular, reusable components of the code. Analyzed web page dependencies and identified legacy unused pages in the system.
    Since November 2015-current
    e-Nabler Corporation
    Android developer – Professional Services Contract
     Developed Java code for the eMobilePOS and Tupyx apps for their Android versions.

    Since October 2013-November 2014 TEK Systems
    Web Developer / Web Master for the Department of Veterans Affairs in DC
     Continued supporting Veteran’s Affairs IT systems, including managing SharePoint 2010 systems and supporting databases. We identified issues with several databases including the management of IIS and SharePoint logs which were consuming many recourses and in a couple of occasions made the systems unavailable.
     Enabled and configured space monitoring tools in the SharePoint server farms.
    Since November 2011-September 2013 Centuria Corporation
    Web Developer / Web Master for the Department of Veterans Affairs in DC
     Developed a training registration web site that has been tweaked and used multiple times for different registration purposes, including new telephone system training, and scheduling software upgrades of encryption on laptops and upgrades to Apple Mac OS. The system uses a web front end and a SQL back end.
     Performed a routine web server maintenance tasks including monitoring traffic logs, identifying and archiving sites no longer in use, evaluating tools to assist in the management of the web server.
     Administered and migrated the FTP server from Windows 2003 Server / IIS 6 into Windows 2008 R2 Server / IIS 7.5. Configured new sites to support general operations within the VA Intranet.
     Maintained and enhanced legacy sites, modifying forms and reports in needs to be updated. This includes modification and creation of site in the Enterprise Content Management System used at the VA.
     Assisted other team members in various tasks including the creating or modification of surveys in the Inquisite system, and also the migration of some surveys into SharePoint, the modification of an Access application.
    December 2001 – August 2011
    Systems & System Software Solutions
    Web Developer / Web Master for the Department of Veterans Affairs in DC
     Mr. Irizarry developed a web based application for the State Home Per Diem Office, which manages millions of dollars in payments to the state homes, to replace an Access database. The Access database was converted to MS SQL Server database and all data was migrated successfully. He created a web based interface using the standard VA intranet look and feel. He also developed a custom interface for each of the 3 roles (CBO, VAMC and VISN). Tools were built for the administrator to view current reports, view missing reports lists, and configure many parameters in the application. The VAMC report form was heavily automated using jQuery to perform auto calculations, increasing data validation and saving time to the users. After the application was launched users commented frequently about how user friendly is the new interface and about the time savings. Tasks that will take 2 hours to be completed now take 15 minutes. We have close to 12,000 reports in the system.
     There were various requests to the IT office for a web based training registration system of different types. Mr. Irizarry developed a registration system which was later used for the following projects: Take your child to work day, New Telephone system training registration, Laptop Hard Drive encryption software upgrade among others.
     Developed an alternate cascading style sheet for SharePoint 2007, converting the out of the box look and feel to the Department of Veterans Affairs standard website look and feel.
     After one of the VA’s laptops was stolen Mr. Irizarry worked to develop a Risk Assessment web based application. He created an Excel template which management will upload to an FTP server with information and details about remote employee access and the sensibility of the data accessed by those users. He also created VB Scripts to validate those Excel files an upload that information into an MS SQL database. Reports for upper management in Central Office were then created which prompted management to enforce stronger security measures, like hard drives encryption. In total more than 500,000 records were processed for the reports.
     Administration of IIS 6.0 web server and MS SQL Server databases used in our websites.
     Wrote migration scripts to move IIS 6.0 sites into a new IIS 7.5 server
     Designed, developed and maintained multi-tier applications for the Veterans Health Administration. Most of the sites access a MS-SQL Server database, use cascade style sheets and ASP server side processing. The sites were developed using Adobe/Macromedia tools like Fireworks, and Dreamweaver.
     Installed BlackBerry wireless email devices and trained users on the basic device usage.
     Web developer for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Redesigned and modified web pages to make them compliant with the Section 508 guidelines. Tested validation tools that verify if web pages are “Section 508” compliant. Section 508 are guidelines that must be followed by all government agencies and points to which government resources must be make accessible to people with disabilities, i.e. blind, deaf, etc.

    November 1999 - December 2001
    Compaq Computer Corporation
    Consulting Associate II
     Design and develop the XOOB (Xevo out of the box) Web user interface. XOOB uses COM+, ASP, XML, XSL and JavaScript to provide a web user interface to the Xevo Workbench Platform based on the role associated with the user. Development was done using Visual Studio tools, IIS and XMLSpy.
     Develop Active Server Pages for the Helpdesk solution for the PrimusASP project.
     Design and code an ActiveX component that serves as the bridge between the Compaq ASP Framework and the Infranet billing system for Primus. Supported integration with other components of our framework.
     Design, code and troubleshoot software for the Primus ASP (Application Service Provider) project. Software includes a DLL and various VB programs that run as NT Services, which are key components of the Compaq ASP framework.
    June 1998 – October 1999
    National Security Agency
    Computer Scientist
     Mr. Irizarry worked for as a software developer for the TOKENEER project. TOKENEER is a test platform for the integration of smart cards, biometrics (fingerprint, hand, iris and facial recognition) and a public key infrastructure. Development was done on Windows NT workstations using Visual C++ and Visual SourceSafe for source control. Mr. Irizarry used an SDK to capture and match fingerprints against a database of fingerprints. He also created software to created some statistics of “False Accepts and False Reject Rates” of the fingerprint. He also worked with other team members to identify which fingerprints characteristics could affect those rates. He then added error detection functions to the fingerprint recognition software to identify corrupted files of fingerprint images
     Conducted research for methods to add security services to an off-the-shelf computer.
     Developed C code to process fax data on an UltraSparc/SunOS station.
     Wrote software to generate a daily report of traffic load in a telephone switch by analyzing the switch logs.
     Certified Ethical Hacker – 03/28/2014
    Master Degree in Computer Science - May, 2001 Johns Hopkin

  • administrator電腦 在 韋禮安 WeiBird Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-17 12:00:11

    🎧 數位平台點播:https://orcd.co/catrepublic
    🔔 訂閱韋禮安官方頻道 : https://pse.is/WeiBird_Sub

    韋禮安 2020 音樂人宅 MV 二部曲:「早餐am」、「晚餐pm」


    韋禮安在 2020 年首發新 MV,回歸音樂人的日常為發想主題,將自己身邊的聲音素材透過音樂創作記錄下來,以兩首歌曲 MV 串連作為宅 MV 的二部曲系列,由金馬新銳導演蘇文聖導演執導,以「貓視角」將兩首歌串連成「韋禮安的某一天」,分為「早餐am」和「晚餐pm」二部曲,首部曲「早餐am」是充滿療癒幸福感的貓奴單曲「貓咪共和國」。

    這首「貓咪共和國」是一首 R&B 的輕鬆曲風,以基本的爵士和弦,然後加入自己養的三隻貓咪的聲音採樣;歌詞更以「貓咪」為第一人稱的「貓視角」,對人類散發充滿獨特貓風格的「愛意」。



    整支 MV 完全不用演出,因為這就是韋禮安真實的日常。養了三隻貓的他在家裡大概也就是做這些事情,很像記錄自己的生活一樣的 MV ;而導演為了拍攝這支貓咪 MV ,試鏡了十幾隻貓咪,最後選定了五隻表現穩定良好的貓咪,而且為了讓五隻嬌貴敏感的貓咪主角在拍攝現場有最好的表現,找的工作團隊裡幾乎全部都有養貓,了解貓咪習性,整團都是貓奴的狀況下,貓皇們果然非常進入狀況的拍到很多帥氣的畫面,現場也不時發出讚嘆聲和愛心噴發的眼神!

    在「宅 MV 」首部曲「早餐am」裡,我們從貓視角裡感受到韋禮安的寫歌日常,接下來的「宅 MV 」二部曲「晚餐pm」,更可以一窺韋禮安另一項「日常技能」的帥氣身影!敬請期待!

    貓咪共和國 Cat Republic
    作詞 WeiBird 韋禮安
    作曲 WeiBird 韋禮安、江尚謙、黃耀圻

    便便和尿尿給你 零食和玩具給我
    我現在不想理你 除非你開個罐頭
    咬斷你的耳機 把你沙發抓破
    打翻你的咖啡 弄髒我的肉球
    歡迎 來到 貓咪共和國
    簽證 入境 我只要你說
    來舔舔我的屁屁 因為 你讓我覺得安心
    這隻蟑螂送你 因為 怕你不會照顧自己
    咬斷你的耳機 把你沙發抓破
    打翻你的咖啡 弄髒我的肉球

    歡迎 來到 貓咪共和國
    簽證 入境 我只要你說
    歡迎 來到 貓咪共和國
    簽證 入境 我只要你說

    ──♫─工作人員名單 Staff Lists ─────────────────────────

    藝人經紀 & 音樂製作 Artists Agency & Production|耀聲音樂有限公司 Awesome Music Inc.
    總監 Director|韋禮安 WeiBird
    經紀統籌 Artist Management Supervisor|黃淩嘉 Linda Huang
    藝人經紀 Artist Manager|李語溱 Mao Li
    行政總務 Office/Administrative Support|廖婧紋 Melrose Liao
    版權經理 Publishing Manager|謝佩芙 Peggy Xie 

    ♩ 音樂製作 Song Credit

    貓咪共和國 Cat Republic
    製作人 Producer|韋禮安 WeiBird、蔡尚文 Aven Tsai
    編曲 Arrangement|韋禮安 WeiBird、江尚謙 Shang-Chien Chiang、黃耀圻 Zell
    合成器 & 取樣 Synthesizer & Sampling|韋禮安 WeiBird
    貝斯 Bass|黃耀圻 Zell Huang
    電子鼓 Electric Drums|江尚謙 Shang-Chien Chiang、韋禮安 WeiBird
    製作行政 Production Administrator|廖婧紋 Melrose Liao
    錄音工程師 Recording Engineer|韋禮安 WeiBird (Vocal)
    錄音室 Recording Studio|貓在外錄音室 Cat Outside Studio (Vocal)
    混音工程師 Mixing Engineer|黃文萱 Ziya Huang
    混音錄音室 Mixing Studio|Wooji Room
    母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|Derek Snyder
    母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|Polygon Audio

    Original Publisher|Awesome Music 耀聲音樂
    Sub Publisher|Universal Ms Publ Ltd

    ♩ MV製作 Music Video Credit

    導演 Director|蘇文聖 Shaun Su
    攝影指導 Director of Photography|林眾甫 Saint Lin
    攝影大助 First Assistant Camera|楊智伸 Chih-Shen,Yang
    攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李祖源 Lee Zu Yuan
    攝影實習生 Best Girl| 鄭琪 Chi, Cheng
    燈光師 Gaffer|曾中成 Zeng,Zhong -Cheng
    燈光助理 Best Boy|蕭立豪 Shiao li hao、張偉傑 Chang Wei Chieh
    製片 Producer|楊佑嘉 Nick Yang
    製片助理 Production Assistant|葉孟絢 Yeh Meng Hsuan、陳斐雯 Kelly
    場務 Gript|許峻豪 Hsu chun hao
    調光Colorist|詹謹嘉 Ben Chan
    美術 Art Director|陳宛滋 Chen Wan Tzu
    執行美術 Set Decorator|吳忠憲 Wu Jhong Sian、徐立潔 Hsu Li Chieh
    妝髮 Hair & Makeup|林怡秀Lin Qi、郭家安Guo Kutcher
    演員 Cast|和雨蓓 Noëlle、呼嚕、妞妞、帥帥、咪咪、布朗尼


    ──♫─ 更多韋禮安 ─────────────────────────

    韋禮安 WeiBird FB|https://www.facebook.com/Weibird.official
    韋禮安 WeiBird IG |https://www.instagram.com/weibirdmusic/
    韋禮安 WeiBird WeiBo 微博|https://www.weibo.com/weibird

    #韋禮安 #WeiBird #貓咪共和國

