

在 administrative中文產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅moto-one.com.hk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 〔頭盔王招聘Digital Marketer/店務助理/文書助理〕 頭盔王電單車 去年全港電單車架數增長數目近10000架,作為少數在疫情下逆市擴展的行業,我們正積極擴充業務並急需新血加入!如果你熱愛電單車,希望將這份熱誠分享給更多初次接觸電單車的人,歡迎你加入頭盔王的團隊成為我們的一份子,保障更多...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅13N,也在其Youtube影片中提到,As soon as I signaled and moved in to the right lane, the Jeep driver did the same right after without seeing me already in the lane. Dashcam 行車記錄器:...

administrative中文 在 Nelson TANG, Chak-man 鄧澤旻 (日文) Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-02 14:04:34

〈從浸會看中大:遙望那所謂緣份〉 從前在那邊遍體鱗傷。今天下定決心搬家了,不知該如何整理遺物。先讓我從這幀照片講起--這是接下來參與的一個攝影展裡,展覽第三部曲中攝影集的第一幀照片,攝於2020年11月的中文大學。 講起中大,總是有種心照不宣的感覺。從前單純地從對面河,又或隔座山遙望中大,總是有...

administrative中文 在 一路上 IG,一路温 DSE (HKU LLB) Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-10 21:26:53

準備入大學的同學,我有一個壞消息告訴你們:大學九成九的教授都不懂教書。 Professor Tai 是萬中無一的例外。 大學進了人們眼中的神科港大 BBA (Law),人們又會想這些學生都很勤力,必定很少「走堂」。錯,要自信的學生乖乖由 sem 頭到 sem 尾乖乖坐在 lecture hall...

administrative中文 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 22:01:26

: 現學現賣,照著 @kam2eat 克萊兒姐姐昨天早餐的滑蛋啟示依樣畫葫蘆,成功複製出美美的起司滑蛋。 我沒有阿姐說的那種起司,直接拿三明治起司片撕碎丟入蛋液中;阿姐提醒我如果鍋子大的話要多打幾顆蛋才滑得動,我一口氣打四顆蛋,煎好後分四等份,滑上工科老爺昨天做的芝麻粉吐司(我強迫他幫我消耗一些芝...

  • administrative中文 在 moto-one.com.hk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-10 18:42:06
    有 17 人按讚

    〔頭盔王招聘Digital Marketer/店務助理/文書助理〕

    〔Digital Marketer〕

    Work location: Sheung Wan/ Yau Ma Tei
    Salary: 22K +, negotiable based on experience
    5 Days work

    Key Responsibilities:

    -Responsible for increasing online sales through connecting with the right audiences, design and execute creative campaigns and continuously improving UI and UX.
    -Handle weekly advertising (Digital Marketing) and Commercial strategies
    -Lead and plans in brand strategy and providing strategic solutions in fast-paced environment
    -Review business priorities, practical solution to business problems proactively
    -Work closely with the creative and production team of 50 people.
    -Analyse, design, implement lead generation systems on website
    -Design and implement Loyalty Program and reduce Abandon Carts
    -Conduct user research, user testing, AB testing to optimize customer experience
    -Analyze user journey to understand motivation, expose pain points, issues and improvement opportunities
    -Responsible for planning, budgeting, executing, monitoring promotion plans to boost business growth.
    50% work on general marketing, 50% work on UI/UX

    To be successful in this role you will exemplify our CORE values and:

    -Degree in Marketing, Journalism, Communications is preferred
    5+ years marketing experience at agencies or in-house is preferred
    -Experience in Shopify is a bonus
    -Strong market business sense and well knowing of the market
    -Experience in marketing plans and brand building activities including social media, search engine, digital and media planning
    -Strong analytic with good presentation and communication skills, and able to work under pressure
    -Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese
    -Be proactive approach, with extreme confidence in taking ownership of your work and the results it drives
    -Attention to detail, consistency and accuracy
    -Last but not least, you should be a motorcycle enthusiast and able to share the joy of riding to your audience!

    Interested candidate please send your CV to info@helmetking.com


    店員(12K - 18K,另有花紅,視乎經驗)













    如果你自問對人唔生外,鐘意同一班同樣熱愛電單車好玩的同事相處,歡迎聯絡我們!請將簡單的CV email到info@helmetking.com期待你的加入!

    〔Administrative Officer/ Administrative Assistant〕

    Job Description
    -Prepare invoicing
    -Execution and monitoring of all regular purchasing duties
    -Review payments and receipt transactions
    -Prepare company secretarial documents
    -Provide clerical and administrative support to the office team
    -Assist in ad-hoc job assignments, Pick up and deliver documents.
    -Coordinate with team and suppliers in the purchasing scope of work
    -Maintain complete and updated purchasing records/data and pricing in the system
    -Book Keeping and Data Entry

    -Higher Diploma, Associate Degree or above in Business
    -Administration or other related disciplines
    -1-3 years’ experience in administrative field
    -Responsible, good team player, detailed-oriented and organised
    -Proficiency in MS Office applications and Chinese Word Processing
    -Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese
    -Candidates with more experience and qualifications will be considered as Administration Officer
    -Holder of a valid HK driving license (Class 3, 22) is preferred
    -Fresh graduates will be considered

    We offer competitive remuneration package and comprehensive fringe benefits including:
    -5-day work per week
    -Discretionary Performance Bonus
    -Marriage Leave
    -Annual Company Trip
    -Staff Shopping Discount
    -9 Days Annual Leave
    -To embrace the idea of work-life balance, we also endeavor to create a fun and enjoyable environment for our team members.
    Interested candidates please apply with FULL RESUME with SALARY EXPECTATION and AVAILABILITY. Please send your CV to info@helmetking.com

  • administrative中文 在 彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-29 12:00:01
    有 66 人按讚


    拜登(Joe Biden)2021年1月20日宣誓就職之後,將面臨過去75年裡任何一屆新總統都未曾經歷的最嚴重全國危機。新冠疫苗或許可以初步投入使用,但由於美國人冬季要待在擁擠的室內,感染可能仍將保持猖獗形勢。數千萬人仍將處於失業狀態,許多兒童可能尚未返回教室。而總統自己的幕僚在著手處理醫療、環境變化、貿易和核武器控制等政策優先事項的同時,或許還需要再遙距工作好幾個月。

    還有不那麼明顯,但可能更加艱巨的挑戰:重建在特朗普四年任期內遭到破壞的政府。特朗普對「行政國家」(administrative state)的攻擊挫傷了聯邦員工的士氣,擠走了數千名公務員─而這些公務員正是最適合幫助美國擺脫當前困境的專家。美國的疫情應對暴露出特朗普對專業知識開戰所造成的代價。紐約大學(New York University)公共服務教授、布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)高級研究員萊特(Paul Light)表示:「一些政府機構遭到了破壞,亟待修復。」


    拜登當局應當明確宣布將接受國會以及政府內外監督者的嚴格監督。當局可以支持國會民主黨議員所宣導的立法,擴大對聯邦僱員舉報行為的保護,使他們在根據《資訊自由法》(Freedom of Information Act)提出請求,以揭發不當行為時不致遭到報復。撰文 Romesh Ratnesar;譯 牛小婧

    #拜登 #新冠疫苗 #特朗普 #疫情 #民主黨


  • administrative中文 在 老外看中國、老外看台灣 A Laowai's View of China & Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-09 18:27:39
    有 633 人按讚

    【香港大學學生會無懼國安法聲明|Statement that the Hong Kong University Students’ Union fears not of the National Security Law】

    (Please scroll for English version)






    “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” (National Security Law) took effect at 11:00 p.m. June 30. Actual provisions of the law were published on the same day. The first arrest was made in holding flags on July 1. Ever since the regime blatantly suppressed the slogans of “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” and “Hong Kong Independence is the Only Way Out”, freedom of expression has been quashed. Everything has changed. The good old Hong Kong no longer exists.

    The University of Hong Kong is to be for Hong Kong. Now that Hong Kong was devastated, our institute is certainly no exception. The Chinese version of the National Security Law specifies strengthening “supervision and regulation of schools”. The word “universities” was even inserted into the English version on July 5. Subsequently, the University demolished words on the Lennon wall, submitting to tyranny. Institutional autonomy and academic freedom had been the foundation of achievements of the University of Hong Kong for more than a century. The National Security Law, however, dealt a blow to such.

    There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast. Hongkongers has shined out bright and brought hope to the city. Such lights shall last forever. Albeit darkness ahead, we shall fight against malignancy.

    Do not yield and bow to white terror of the regime by self-censorship. The Hong Kong University Students’ Union shall walk alongside Hongkongers to safeguard our Hong Kong until the dawn comes.

    The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
    July 8, 2020

  • administrative中文 在 13N Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-08-29 11:27:33

    As soon as I signaled and moved in to the right lane, the Jeep driver did the same right after without seeing me already in the lane.

    Dashcam 行車記錄器: GoPro Hero2 #13N 追蹤 13N Instagram:

  • administrative中文 在 翼 WingsThunder Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2015-07-03 16:00:00

    Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Covent Garden, Buckingham Palace
    不過如果想睇美食片就記得去IG/ Facebook啦!
    MINECON 2015: http://minecon.mojang.com
    翼 VLOG 播放清單: http://bit.ly/WingsVlog
    翼的Google+: http://plus.google.com/+wingsthunder
    翼的Facebook專頁: http://facebook.com/aywingsthunder
    翼的Twitter: http://twitter.com/aywingsthunder
    翼的Instagram: http://instagram.com/wingsthunder

    Minecon 2015 Crew:
    永樂: http://youtube.com/theonelockchannel
    嘉神: http://youtube.com/garsongv
    黑: http://youtube.com/ph0enixb1ack
    汐曈: http://youtube.com/kikixdlam

    Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com

  • administrative中文 在 老外看中國、老外看台灣 | A Laowai's View of China & Taiwan | 郝毅博 Ben Hedges Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2013-06-14 09:10:40



    郝毅博的英文節目(LEARN CHINESE NOW)




    Hello!各位觀眾朋友們大家好!我是郝毅博。最近有網友問我為什麼會說中文? 我可能沒跟大家說過,我除了在倫敦大學念中文外,其實我是在香港出生的,也到台灣念過中文,所以你們覺得,我的普通話是不是講得比周星馳還好?






    大家看看這張照片,「我們的上一代為逃避共產黨而來,請不要讓我們的下一代重回魔掌。」這是在香港回歸中國15周年時貼在路上的標語。右邊的英文標語是,「The Queen made us Pearl of the Orient, the party ruined it」,意思是說,女皇讓我們成為「東方之珠」,共產黨卻把他毀了。注意到嗎?標語裡用的是Party,是指共產黨,不是指中國。

    王力宏不是唱「龍的傳人」嗎?難道香港人就不想當「龍的傳人」,他們當然想。我看到一篇香港人的文章說,其實香港人是「被迫」討厭中國人的,因為被中共洗腦的中國人,帶著「黨的思維」來到香港,一聽到香港人介紹自己是香港人,就大大的批評說:「你是中國人,這是中國香港!」 於是這位香港作者就很納悶:「 你不會說你是北京人上海人四川人嗎,怎麼我們說自己是香港人就有罪啊?」



    只是從1997年到現在香港回歸中國16年,房價被炒高、黑心食品多、奶粉沒得買、小學現在還有可能要上「愛黨教育」,這讓香港人怎麼能接受? 我相信有一天中國脫離共產黨的統治,香港人一定會很自豪的對世界說:「我來自中國!」

