

在 add縮寫產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅70s Vintage,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 兩用腰包一直是穿搭的萬用款,胸前掛上一個腰包,除了讓搭配更加分,東西也很好拿😹 Staff | 玉盛 TOP/ Healthknit 5233 PNT/ 古著拼貼燈芯絨長褲 ACC/ Roundhouse Cycling BB Cap BAG/ Kelty Ripstop Mini Fanny...

add縮寫 在 WUWOW 趣味英文┃走到哪學到哪 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 22:02:50

#職場英文wu就棒 #跟wow編一起學英文 👉 教你如何「完美舉例」? 避免在客戶面前尷尬踩雷 我們常用來舉例的 For example, 縮寫可千萬不能用"ex"阿 (在國外客戶面前用錯就尷尬了阿😱😱😱) 小補充: 1.「ex.」是excercise的縮寫,主要課本中的範例或練習題唷! 2...

add縮寫 在 旅人筆記(K & Vicky) Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-06-17 17:22:44

💕 Taipei City, Taiwan. 👉 米其林主廚操刀『T.R Bar & Kitchen』藏身台北大直英迪格酒店,提供時尚歐陸風味義法料理的全日餐廳&餐酒館。700坪多功能戶外露臺,無遮蔽落地窗觀景視角,絕美食尚用餐空間。 - 📸 地中海小卷串 Squid-on-a-Stick NT $...

add縮寫 在 Emily ?? ?? ??⠀ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 16:33:58

《英文作文要注意的事》 英文作文要注意什麽?先說一些大家應該都知道的: 1️⃣開頭就講重點 英文作文和中文作文本質上就完全不一樣,中文重鋪陳、環環引入正題;英文作文則是像國寫第一題一樣,習慣直接切入,一語道破主題,功力不夠就不要鋪陳太久,趕快講重點吧! 2️⃣連接詞很重要! 選擇適當的連接詞...

  • add縮寫 在 70s Vintage Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-20 19:11:03
    有 3 人按讚


    Staff | 玉盛

    TOP/ Healthknit 5233
    PNT/ 古著拼貼燈芯絨長褲
    ACC/ Roundhouse Cycling BB Cap
    BAG/ Kelty Ripstop Mini Fanny

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  • add縮寫 在 Yes Please Enjoy by Fanning Tseng Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-09-07 08:15:07
    有 46 人按讚

    ◼︎ Wolford For Oktoberfest https://goo.gl/okTdZA

    Wolford在慕尼黑總店(Weinstraße 11, Munich)配合慕尼黑十月啤酒節的慶典,特別推出了「只要購買一雙絲襪系列單品,就可以免費在襪子腰頭燙上特別設計的施華洛世奇水鑽裝飾」的加值活動;不用預約,只要人到現場購買,就可以直接挑選喜歡的水鑽設計,有扭結麵包、愛心,或是兩個字母的名字縮寫都可以。


    Wolford has a special Oktoberfest activity. As long as you buy one (or more) of stockings in the Wolford Munich Boutique, you will get a free service to add a delighted Swarovski Rhinestones on the item you buy.

    If you have always been a fan of Wolford, or you look for some fine quality stockings for the cold season; take this opportunity and visit the Wolford Munich Boutique before 3rd of October. Follow the link and find out which pattern I took?


  • add縮寫 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-04-05 20:16:03
    有 2 人按讚


    Oxford Dictionaries add 'clicktivism' and 'haterade' as new words for angry times

    Donald Trump's linguistic dexterity may be questionable, but the US president's lexicon has had an impact on the English language, which is reflected in the latest additions to oxforddictionaries.com, the online reference guide to current English.

    New coinages that reflect the latest wave of online political activism form a significant section of more than 300 new definitions in the database, which is a sister work to the Oxford English Dictionary.

    Additions including "clicktivism" (a pejorative word for armchair activists on social media), "haterade" (excessive negativity, criticism, or resentment), "otherize" (view or treat – a person or group of people – as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself) and "herd mentality" (the tendency for people's behavior or beliefs to conform to those of the group to which they belong) all emerged during the 2016 battle for the White House, said head of content development Angus Stevenson.
    牛津線上字典內容開發負責人安格斯•史蒂文生說,新增詞彙包括"clicktivism"(網路點擊行動主義)、"haterade"(極端仇恨)、"otherize"(異己)和"herd mentality"(羊群心態),它們都曾出現在2016年的白宮選戰中。

    "We are getting a convergence of high-level politics and online language in quite a new way," Stevenson said. "We had all the words around Brexit in the last update and we are now starting to see all the words around Trump coming into the dictionary."

    Stevenson said that new terms from Trump, his supporters and opponents were emerging more rapidly than in the past. "We have lots to add all the time. We don't have 'fake news' or 'alternative fact' this time, because they have just started gaining currency, but I am sure they will be in the next update," he added.
    史蒂文生說,來自川普及其支持者與反對者的這些新字的出現速度比以往任何時候都快。他還補充說:「我們總是有很多詞語要添加。這一次,我們沒有收錄'fake news'(假消息)及'alternative fact'(另類事實),因為它們剛開始流傳,但我可以確定的是下次更新自典時,它們將被收錄。」

    As well as political terms, public conversations about diet, fitness and gender were a strong influence on the words included in the latest update. "Superfruit", a nutrient-rich fruit considered to be especially beneficial for health and wellbeing; HIIT, the acronym for high-intensity interval training; and "third gender", a category of people who do not identify simply as male or female, all made it into the online database.
    與政治詞彙一樣,人們關於飲食、健康和性別的交談也對這次的詞彙更新造成了很大的影響。"Superfruit"(超級水果),指的是一種富含營養的水果,對身體健康非常有益;"HIIT",是"high-intensity interval training"(高強度間隔訓練)的首字母縮寫;"third gender"(第三性別),指的是那種無法被簡單判定為男性或女性的群體。這些字詞都被收錄進線上資料庫中。

    Social media were the source for many of the new coinages, though most were the kind of compounds that would have language purists clutching their pearls. "Craptacular" (remarkably poor and disappointing), "bronde" (hair dyed both blond and brunette) and "fitspiration" (a person or thing that serves as motivation for someone to sustain or improve health and fitness) all made the cut.

    Stevenson said the need for brevity on Twitter was not responsible for rising numbers of compound words, but it had widened the pool of those inventing new terms. "People feel much freer to coin their own words these days," he said, advising anyone who wished to make a permanent dent in the English language to make sure that their word sounded attractive. Citing the word "vlog", he said ugly-sounding words tended not to gain very wide currency. He added: "They have to have a euphonious sound."

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文

