

在 adapted意思產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 承蒙感謝編導徐麗雯與音樂設計蔣韜 很開心能參與[無垢鳥]的演唱👶🏻 有機緣能以完整編曲做現場的演出 ——— 實在是太讓人珍惜了🙏🏻✨ ——— 愛導演大大,愛蔣韜先生⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ ⚡️MV已於平台發佈了⚡️ ⚡️快去看看/轉貼分享⚡️ . 《光的孩子The Child of L...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過239的網紅邱舒 ShuChiu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱 🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM 🔹英文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/GyAPQEhBp7U 無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉) White Drongo ( Adapted from ...

adapted意思 在 睿秋 Rachel Li Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 13:37:13

如何最有效減脂?⠀ .⠀ =====⠀ .⠀ 計畫旅行時,我們知道如果沒有足夠的資金,⠀ ⠀ 煩惱要住甚麼飯店,去哪裡玩是沒意思的。⠀ .⠀ 可是減脂時,很多人還沒搞懂基本的熱量攝取,⠀ 就去煩惱要幾點吃,要買甚麼補充品。⠀ .⠀ 可是由減脂金字塔可見,熱量與蛋白質攝取跟肌力訓練都比進食時間與補充品...

  • adapted意思 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-26 12:59:21
    有 27 人按讚

    ——— 實在是太讓人珍惜了🙏🏻✨
    ——— 愛導演大大,愛蔣韜先生⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄



    《光的孩子The Child of Light》
    片尾曲 無垢鳥 White Drongo



    無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉)
    White Drongo ( Adapted from a Hakka nursery rhyme "Black Drongo" )

    作詞改編:徐麗雯 Sub Author : Herb Hsu
    作曲改編:蔣韜 Sub Composer : Jiang Tao
    演唱:邱舒 Performer : Shu Chiu

    文/徐麗雯 By Herb Hsu






    光的孩子 The Child of Light
    台灣國際女性影展 Women Make Waves Taiwan

    🎬 #公廣金鐘入圍茶會

  • adapted意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-20 06:00:45
    有 178 人按讚


    在我的觀念裡,力量訓練可分為「基礎力量」和「專項力量」。前者是每一種運動項目都要練的,後者跟運動項目有關,例如游泳、自行車、足球和跑步的「專項力量」都會有差別。但「基礎力量」會大同小異,這個大同中就一定有蹲舉……等動作。但除了蹲舉還有哪些?《The System》這本談論基礎力量的專書已經明確回答了這個問題,下面引用原文書第34頁分享如下:

    帕列托法則(Pareto’s Principle),是一項著名的經濟學法則,又稱為「80/20法則」,它也適用於力量訓練動作的選擇。它所要表達的意思很簡單:把80%資源花在能產出最大效益的20%關鍵事情上,而這20%的關鍵又將為你帶來80%的效益。從訓練的目的來看,我們可以把這個法則的內容改寫成:從所有的力量動作中選出最關鍵的20%,而這關鍵的20%訓練動作將為運動員的力量與爆發力帶來80%的訓練效果。

    ●下背與後側動力鏈:羅馬尼亞式硬舉 (RDL)、背挺舉、反向背挺舉、早安動作





    We ascribe to the 80/20 rule—attributed as Pareto’s Principle, an economic principle. It states that for many events, 20 percent of the work yields 80 percent of the effects. Adapted for our purposes, 20 percent of all the exercise and movement choices yield 80 percent of the gains in strength and power development.

    ●SQUAT VARIATIONS—back squat, front squat, single-leg squat
    ●EXPLOSIVE MOVEMENTS—clean, snatch, jerk, push-press
    ●PUSHING AND PULLING—bench press, military press, pulls (clean and snatch), row variants
    ●LOW BACK AND POSTERIOR CHAIN—Romanian deadlift (RDL), hyperextension and reverse hyperextension, good morning

    That very short list of fundamental lifts compromises our particular 20 percent. Although we dedicate much more than 20 percent of our programming to these basic lifts, there is no doubt that well over 80 percent of the results we have seen in our athletes can be attributed to mastering this handful of movements and lifts.

    Made even simpler, placing the primary focus of your coaching on learning and refining your teaching of the fundamental lifts will yield far greater and more sustained gains in your athletes’ strength and power than many more complex and “comprehensive” programs.

    Any additional lifts or movements should be considered assistance or accessory work, which serve to address specific needs or deficits. Those exercises make up just a fraction of our time, as they fill gaps, rather than form the base of training—in other words, to provide assistance. Too many coaches try to be creative in exercise selection and end up with a collection of movements and lifts that improve nothing to any significant level.

    The fundamental movements of sport are squatting, jumping, running, bending, twisting, pushing, and pulling. By building proficiency in the quality, the stability and strength, and then the speed of those movements, we provide almost all of the sport specificity we need. This is how we put first things first, and spend the greatest amount of time and repetition on refining and strengthening movements.
    (以上原文出自《The System》第34頁)

  • adapted意思 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-18 22:42:23
    有 92 人按讚

    《微光》超赞观后感分享 #8💖✨
    改编自真人真事经典爱情小说的话剧《微光》,将一份简单爱情的记忆赋予温度和旋律,在爱情浪漫旅程中留下那道无法熄灭的 – 《微光》

    Wonderful reviews of the stage play “Afterglow”, episode 8!
    Thank you all for sharing your wonderful feedbacks…
    ⭐✨“I think the plot and all aspects of the play are well done!”
    ⭐✨“This stage play is great, and the actors acted vividly and emotionally!”
    ⭐✨“The LED backdrop is very nice and beautiful!"
    ⭐✨“Jessie seemed lively and girly!”

    Adapted from a romantic novel based on a true story, the stage play “Afterglow” brings out the warmth and melodies of the memories of a simple love, leaving an indelible afterglow on the romantic journey of love.💖💓
    “Afterglow” stars well-known artist Jessie Chung, Marcus Choot, Lily Lim, Paul Lee, John Lee and Jessica Chung, and is directed by Director Jeffrey Beh and Assistant Director Terry Lim. 🏹🏹🏹
    “Afterglow” means “faint light of hope” in Japanese, and signifies the conscience that exists in everyone.

  • adapted意思 在 邱舒 ShuChiu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 23:43:34

    9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱

    🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM

    無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉)
    White Drongo ( Adapted from a Hakka nursery rhyme "Black Drongo" )

    作詞改編:徐麗雯 Sub Author : Herb Hsu
    作曲改編:蔣韜 Sub Composer : Jiang Tao
    演唱:邱舒 Performer : Shu Chiu

    文/徐麗雯 By Herb Hsu

    The lyrics are inspired by “The Vimalakirti Sutra” and the Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo”.

    A black drongo is a highly territorial bird often seen resting on the back of a cow in the countryside. “Vima” in Sanskrit language means clean and pure, which is why the song is named “White Drongo”.

    The Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” is used in an important part of the film “The Child of Light”. Hummed by different characters without the accompaniment, it expresses how our lives and feelings are interrelated. With the rotatory and straight forward lyrics, we know how it feels when you’ve lost your parents and try to find something but in vain, which is what the protagonist of the film has been through and in accordance with the core of “The Vimalakirti Sutra”.

    A cluster of foam, a bubble, a flame, an illusion, a dream, a shadow, a cloud and lightning in the lyrics show us how transitory life is while the nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” itself describes an ordinary daily routine. The former is unreal while the later is real. When the spirituality meets the reality, endless questions arise ubiquitously.

    “White Drongo” is the ending song of the film “The Child of Light”. The initial conception about ending song is to deliver the feelings of going forward and fading away eventually. We expect that the ending shows the sense to nature and the impermanence of sutra expending to the unlimited ambit, and also provides people the power of inspiration and mind-curing.

    影片封面相片 / 楊鈺崑 攝影

  • adapted意思 在 貪眠狐 Kenith Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-10-10 12:51:43

    高達創戰者 GUNDAM Build Fighters OP2 粵語同人詞 翻唱 泠風ver

    wimp ft. Lil' Fang(from FAKY)
    原唱:BACK-ON & Lil' Fang(from FAKY)

    順從心 只因想戰鬥
    我很需要你 你很需要我

    然而原來難得我有著你 仍給我勇氣
    徬徨 情感 怯慌 與你 或令誰亦不安
    明明無需要去面對 明知要往後退
    而重新 再出發 從今天 我感覺不再孤單

    Oh it is the right time to wake up!
    (right time to wake up)
    Something in your heart. It has been to wake up!
    (it has been to wake up)
    Feeling your heart is heat to fight. Fight for yourself!
    Let us see something fly again!

    We can be build fighters
    從心裡燃希望 在我身邊有著無數支持
    使我一心向著前 We can together
    在你心中也寄望 創戰 戰鬥到底

    攜手一起前進吧 就算多少的障礙 仍會去闖
    無窮潛能釋放 把心中信念實現 無困惑
    在這一刻銘記住 要戰鬥 奮勇到底 而今天我可一再戰

