

在 adapt名詞產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過62萬的網紅The News Lens 關鍵評論網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Adapt、adept、adopt只差一個字母,意思卻大不相同】#實用英文 首先我們先看一下Adapt,作為及物動詞使用時,意思是「使…適應不同情況或用途;改動;改造」,常在受詞後方加上to來連接名詞或是原形動詞,表示「改動…以因應…」。 Adapt作為及物動詞使用時也可表示「改編」,常用來描...

  • adapt名詞 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-08 07:57:35
    有 87 人按讚



    Adapt作為及物動詞使用時也可表示「改編」,常用來描述小說的改編影劇。Adapt sth. for television意思是「把…改編成電視劇」、adapt sth. for the big screen意思則是「把…改編成電影」。


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  • adapt名詞 在 海洋首都中的航海家 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-28 08:23:44
    有 758 人按讚


    航行員都知道:在有限水域中的船舶操縱與大洋中的船舶操縱有極大的差別,也因此而產生一些”異常反應”的專有名詞,譬如:淺水效應,岸吸/岸推,船體下坐(Squat),狗頭嗅地(Dog smelling),單俥右旋船在淺水區倒俥時之船頭可能向左,主要的原因都是來自船舶四周的海水,來不及湧入去填補船艉所造成之空穴.

    也因為這個緣故,Suez Canal當局對過河船隻有一些船寬,吃水,速度上的限制.基於經濟上的考慮,可以想像這些限制都是在”水工模型”下最大化的尺度界線.(越大的船過河費越貴),然而這些都是理想環境下的科學論證,實際上船舶操縱者的精神狀態,駕駛台的氣氛環境,外界視線,無線電之干擾,Marlboro菸未如預期,住艙走廊上”波斯市場”的氛圍….都在影響著”駕駛台資源管理(BRM)”,而使得船舶之實際Performance遊走在”紅線”邊緣,更糟的是一但越過紅線(Point of non-return),情況就越來越糟,猶如在山脊上騎腳踏車.


    The Suez Canal Authority occasionally brings out updated tables of width and acceptable draft for ships. Currently the permissible limits for suezmax ships are 20.1 m (66 ft) of draught with the beam no wider than 50 m (164.0 ft), or 12.2 m (40 ft) of draught with maximum allowed beam of 77.5 m (254 ft). Due to their design and size, a large number of ports around the world can accommodate suezmax vessels.
    17,65 56,96
    , a new set is being built for vessels as large as 366 meters in length, 49 meters in beam and 15.2 meters in draft at tropical frvessel.
    That would have surpassed the speed limit of about 7.6 knots (8.7 miles an hour) to 8.6 knots that is listed as the maximum speed vessels are “allowed to transit” through the canal, according to the Suez authority’s rules of navigation handbook posted on its website. Captains interviewed for this story said it can pay to increase the speed in the face of a strong wind to maneuver the ship better.
    “Speeding up to a certain point is effective,” said Chris Gillard, who was captain of a 300-meter container ship that crossed the Suez monthly for nearly a decade until 2019. “More than that and it becomes counter effective because the bow will get sucked down deep into the water. Then, adding too much power does nothing but exacerbate the problem.”
    “You might find yourself positioning the ship in one direction, and you’re actually moving in another direction,” said Kinsey. “There’s a very fine line between having enough speed to maneuver and not having too much speed that the air and hydrodynamics become unstable. Any deviation can get real bad real quick because it’s so tight.”

    The accident will be a missed opportunity if the industry doesn’t adapt, he said. “There will be vessels larger than this one that will be going through the Suez,” he said. “The next incident will be worse.”

    • The Ever Given's speed was 13.5 knots before it ran aground, The Japan Times reported.

    • Bloomberg reported the Suez Canal speed limit was between 7.6 knots and 8.6 knots.
    The Ever Given didn't have a tugboat escort through the canal, according to Bloomberg. The two ships immediately ahead of it reportedly had escorts, although such escorts were not required.

  • adapt名詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-06 08:00:10
    有 113 人按讚

    💵Paying Americans not to work


    ⛑Much of the harm from the coronavirus is unavoidable, but it would be nice if politicians didn’t compound the damage by ignoring the laws of economics. The worst blunder so far on that score is the $600 increase in federal jobless benefits that is already undermining the economic recovery.


    ⛑On Wednesday we ran an op-ed from Kurt Huffman, whose Portland, Ore., company helps chefs run and staff their restaurants. Because of the coronavirus, he had to lay off 700 people. But some restaurants have adapted with takeout and delivery, so he needs to hire some back.
    週三,我們做了一輯Kurt Huffman的特別專欄,他的公司位於奧勒岡州的波特蘭市,專門協助主廚經營他們的餐廳與提供人力,近期由於疫情的關係,他已經解雇了七百名員工,但有些餐廳已經成功轉向外帶與外送的服務,所以他需要重新聘僱一些員工。

    *op-ed:opposite to the editorial的簡稱,此為歐美報紙出版業專有名詞,相對內部編輯撰寫的社論(不具名)版面,op-ed是外部人士具名撰寫之時事評析。
    -lay off:解僱
    -adapt with:適應

    📰Some extra unemployment insurance is necessary, but the rich extra compensation from the $2.2 trillion Cares Act is encouraging those employees to stay home. Mr. Huffman did the math in his op-ed: A starting wage for a line cook is about $640 a week. Oregon’s unemployment offers about $416 per week. But thanks to the $600 federal bonus, that same worker now collects $1,016. Why would anyone take a pay cut to go back to work?

    -Cares Act:多翻為維生法案
    -line cook: 主廚底下的二廚



    ❓❓Quiz: His parents are one of the ________ which _________ his career.
    A. incentives, stop
    B. disincentives, adapt
    C. disincentives, undermine
    D. Inception, Trumps

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