

在 accusation中文產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅小小人物做小事 - 高松傑Jacky,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 平反元朗黑夜 (第一版) Debunking Yuen Long Nightmare 721 (Version 1) Youtube: https://youtu.be/98JZlfcINoA 本視頻會不斷被修正更新。中文字幕版本會在本週稍候發佈。 本視頻提供了大量證明721只是一個派別...


accusation中文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 11:59:07

【左滑看5種表達太過份的說法!】 快來承認你有說過「太over」😂 在我們的文化裡,就是完全沒有理解障礙對吧?但其實你有想過,你跟不會中文的人這樣說時,人家會霧煞煞嗎?! 📌影片中的句子 - 中英翻譯: 1. You’ve gone too far! Even if it’s a joke, ...

accusation中文 在 Sabrina英文小教室|英文教學·英文學習 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 14:31:15

✨時事一把抓: 艾倫秀員工踢爆艾倫私底下行徑&花木蘭爭議 新聞報導說明 請右滑👉  ❤️這邊只有幾句報導,快速閱讀此篇完整的新聞內容,請至FB粉絲專頁「Sabrina英文小教室」點選「發送訊息」的按鈕,並發送「九月時事」即可獲得免費的時事整理(只要20分鐘就可以讀完英文新聞,提升閱讀力!有附...

  • accusation中文 在 小小人物做小事 - 高松傑Jacky Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-22 01:33:15
    有 24 人按讚

    平反元朗黑夜 (第一版)
    Debunking Yuen Long Nightmare 721 (Version 1)
    Youtube: https://youtu.be/98JZlfcINoA


    This video will be continuously updated and corrected. Provide hard video evidence that proves that 721 was just a conflict between two fractions, and debunk the false accusation biased media have made to smear HKPF. In case we are blocked, you can always find the video back in our website:

    00:34 – 偏頗媒體的721版本
    01:55 – 721早有約定
    02:50 – 黑衣如何主動挑起暴力
    04:49 – 警方反應為何合理
    05:48 – 警方為何需要撤退
    07:18 – 元朗站外非法集結警方反應合理
    08:00 – 元朗廚師被襲時間警方沒有區別對待白衣人
    08:56 – 元朗721白衣人拘捕人數為何符合比例
    10:37 – 為什麼721凌晨後只是單純的派別毆鬥
    15:54 – 為什麼警察在村口拍白衣人的肩膀
    16:59 – 為什麼警察在村口說沒有看見持有武器的人
    18:09 – 更多721元朗站中不是無差別襲擊的證據
    22:56 – 到底偏頗媒體有多偏頗

    We are not a PR company. Please do not underestimate the amount of people who are willing to contribute to resolve conflict.


    Special thanks to:

    Everyone content creator who worked on this topic before.

    Every jounarist who tried to cover this incident as roundedly as possible.

    Hong kong truth 香港真相 3.0


    And eveyone who have helped and contributed to the creation of this video.

  • accusation中文 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-23 07:38:42
    有 241 人按讚

    Thanks to Jinny Lau, here's the youtube link if you're interested in the original source. https://www.youtube.com/watch…

    [Fake news in Canadian Chinese Media]
    UPDATE: 加港齊心之下,CSBC 已經收爆投訴!



    LIHKG Post詳情: https://lihkg.com/thread/1495186/page/1
    CSIS 電話即打: 613-993-9620
    CBSC都可以投訴埋: (最底有template)
    致:加拿大中文電台新聞及公共事務總監 Travena 李潔芝

    At approximately 9:20am on August 21, 2019, Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung, commented on the Triad Attack targeting Hong Kong civilians that occurred on July 21, 2019. According to his words, he reviewed all live feeds and put the blame on the civilians for provoking the “locals” to attack. Mr. Leung even went as far as calling the civilian’s defense against armed attackers with a fire-hose as “the action that started the whole incident” Mr. Leung has been very vocal as a Beijing supporter, and he had history of defaming victims, including a woman who suffered permanent blindness from police shooting in Hong Kong.

    Time to call CSIS: 613-993-9620
    And complain to CBSC

    In case you need a template for the complaint:
    I am very distressed by the false accusation and fake news broadcasted during radio program News Talk on AM1470 (CJVB Fairchild Radio, Vancouver). I am now writing to complain and express my displeasure with Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung’s irresponsible behavior, and demand CBSC to take action in preventing more slanders and lies being aired on AM1470.

    At approximately 9:20am on August 21, 2019, Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung, commented on the Triad Attack targeting Hong Kong civilians that occurred on July 21, 2019. According to his words, he reviewed all live feeds and put the blame on the civilians for provoking the “locals” to attack. Mr. Leung even went as far as calling the civilian’s defense against armed attackers with a fire-hose as “the action that started the whole incident”. There are many videos during the attack, including a reporter beaten live on camera by these white-shirt triad thugs that can be served as solid evidence that Mr. Leung’s statements are untrue. Furthermore, his blaming of the victims is disgusting and completely unacceptable.

    Mr. Leung has been very vocal as a Beijing supporter, and he had history of defaming victims, including a woman who suffered permanent blindness from police shooting in Hong Kong. I am seriously concerned about AM1470’s neutrality with the way they handle the anti-extradition protest in Hong Kong. I believe Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung is unfit to host or participate in any current event programs on AM1470, and demand of his immediate removal.

    #fakenews #freehkmtl #savehk #cansavehk #梁燕城fakenews事件 #梁燕城

  • accusation中文 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-06-05 14:49:21
    有 224 人按讚




    例如,說到「指控」,英文第一個想到的字是 accuse/accusation,不過有時候,allege/allegation/allegedly(宣稱;據說)譯成「指控」也很方便,例如以下三例,就取自「商論」英中雙語文章,把allegation譯成「指控」。

    //On Dec 21. 2010, Shi was given a life sentence. He allegedly fabricated military driver licenses and used fake military license plates on his 2 trucks to evade tolls worth RMB3.68m.

    Rupert Murdoch and his son James agreed to appear before UK lawmakers investigating phone hacking, while in the US, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is examining allegations that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp may have tried to hack into the phone records of victims of the Sept 11 attacks, AP reported Friday.
    傳媒大亨默多克及兒子詹姆斯已同意出席英國議會聽證會,接受有關電話竊聽醜聞的質詢。與此同時,默多克旗下新聞集團被指控曾試圖入侵9 • 11襲擊事件中受害者的電話記錄,美國聯邦調查局已就此事展開調查。

    But with Uber facing a series of setbacks, including allegations of intellectual-property theft...

    * * *

    商論app的訂閱完全獨立於英文版The Economist,兩者無關,不是買一送一。


  • accusation中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • accusation中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • accusation中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

