

在 accommodate中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,072的網紅Vegan Kitty Cat,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌱 如何開始吃全食物蔬食 🌱 繼上一篇發文後,有人詢問該怎麼開始吃全食物蔬食。對我來說,因為吃全食物蔬食的時候已經是轉蛋奶素的11年後、轉vegan的8年後了,所以對我來說這個轉換其實是「如何戒掉加工食品」,跟素不素已經無關了。這是我的一些小撇步: 1️⃣ 做菜的時候用水或蔬菜高湯代替油 2️⃣...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Arianna 史愛蓮,也在其Youtube影片中提到,➥ 捷運大坪林站。30 Thirty Cafe 3:58 龍蝦來了!!!! **店家資訊* 30 Thirty Cafe. 電話:02-8914-6543. 店址:新北市新店區民權路21-1號. 營業時間:上午 10:30 至 22:00 . 低消:NT$150(另加收10%服務費) ...

accommodate中文 在 Janet Lee Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-01 10:02:21

Halo, is it still the new year? Back from my CNY hometown break and just hours after collecting my luggage in KLIA after my Singapore stint with the ...

  • accommodate中文 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-01 20:09:00
    有 125 人按讚

    🌱 如何開始吃全食物蔬食 🌱


    1️⃣ 做菜的時候用水或蔬菜高湯代替油
    2️⃣ 用味增代替鹽,或是如果你買得到又不忌五辛,可以試試鹽代替品「Table Tasty」(味增鈉含量也高,但是是目前唯一已知不會升高血壓或讓你得胃癌的高鈉食品)
    3️⃣ 用自製椰棗糖漿代替糖(作法:去核椰棗泡熱水一小時後加點檸檬汁用果汁機攪拌。具體請參考葛雷格醫師的「食療聖經食譜」)
    4️⃣ 用小米、藜麥、全麥麵條等代替白米、白麵條等精緻澱粉
    5️⃣ 最好家裡不要放加工食品,這樣想吃也沒得吃
    6️⃣ 外食的時候盡力就好了。真的想吃甜膩膩的vegan巧克力奶油蛋糕,那就放鬆心情好好享受吧!你偶爾吃什麼,真的沒有每天吃什麼來得重要(我自己昨天才剛吃了兩塊草莓蛋糕)
    7️⃣ 請餐廳配合。我常去的一家餐廳有道菠菜沙拉裡頭會放年糕,我總是請他們不要給我年糕,多給我點菠菜
    8️⃣ 找到你喜歡的有機蔬菜農場,跟種出你每天吃的菜的人聊聊天。我個人覺得這會讓我更充滿感激,也給整個備餐體驗加分
    9️⃣ 更多食譜,可以參考「食療聖經食譜」或關注NutritionFacts.org取得最新的科學實證營養資訊(我們還沒有中文網站,但是大部分影片都有中文字幕可以選)



    🌱 How to start eating more whole food plant-based 🌱

    After I made the post about being mostly whole food plant-based (WFPB), I received some questions from people who’d like to know how they can start doing that, too. I think it’s worth noting that when I started eating WFPB, it was already 11 years since I went vegetarian and 8 years since I went vegan. So for me, it was really about cutting out processed plant foods rather than cutting out any animal products. Here are some of the tips that have helped me:

    1️⃣ Replace oil with water or vegetable broth when cooking.
    2️⃣ Replace salt with miso, or if you have access, try salt substitute “Table Tasty.”
    3️⃣ Replace sugar with date syrup when baking (search “date syrup” on NutritionFacts.org for recipe).
    4️⃣ Replace refined grains with whole grains such as millets, quinoa, whole wheat noodles, etc.
    5️⃣ Try not to have processed foods at home at all so you naturally wouldn’t eat them.
    6️⃣ Try your best when you eat out, and if you really want that vegan chocolate cake topped with cream and packed with sugar...just enjoy it and don’t feel bad (I just had two pieces of an amazing vegan coconut strawberry cake last night). It’s really the day-to-day stuff you eat that counts.
    7️⃣ Ask the restaurant to accommodate. For example, one of my favorite restaurants adds rice cakes to their spinach salad dish. I always ask them to take out the rice cakes and give me more spinach instead.
    8️⃣ Find your favorite organic vegetable supplier and know where your food comes from. Talk to the people who grow your food. It may bring appreciation and make your meal prepping experience nicer, at least for me!
    9️⃣ For more healthy recipes, check out the How Not to Die Cookbook and follow NutritionFacts.org for the latest science on evidence-based nutrition.

    (This photo was taken a couple years ago when you could still do this thing called “enjoying summer in Europe”...and when I was maybe 10% chubbier and more tanned than now.)

  • accommodate中文 在 麻利 malisheep Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-06-17 21:49:54
    有 424 人按讚



    #沸點直擊#已是夜深 【煲底下的法國人 范偉樂神父】
    與青年一同祈禱,談 #修身齊家治國平天下

    「大家好!明顯地,我不是香港人,我是一個法國人,希望你們聽懂我的廣東話。你們知道嗎?我們在法國罷工罷課,是很專業的!我在這裡,見到那些穿黃背心的朋友,你們或許會知道。不過,在法國罷工罷課,不像現在這樣,很多時人們只是維護自己利益,有時更會發生暴力,就好像「黃背心」(示威行動) 一樣,我們在法國會這樣罷工的。







    故此,我們要關心「治國」問題,也要先「修身」和「齊家」,保持這樣的精神才能有真正的平安。真正的自由不單是外在的自由或政治的自由,也是內心的自由。所以我們要向我們的天父祈禱,因為我們的力量有限制,有時會不知該怎樣做,所以我們投奔天主 ,求祂幫助我們。

    仁慈的天父,我們今晚在此聚集一起,因我們相信在困難中、在黑暗中,祢時常會與我們同在。求祢賜給我們團結共融的精神,好好保護祢賜給我們的愛和平安,亦為香港社會祈禱,或許香港社會人與人關係有點複雜,但無論我們在哪兒,也求祢讓我們造和平的工具,去做一些小事、 說一句話, 把大家的關係修好,使人與人之間的關係,可以互相包容和幫助。



    Hello, everyone. It's apparent that I'm not a Hongkonger. I'm French. Hope you can understand my Cantonese.
    Well, you know, when we're on strike in France...stop working or going to classes...we're very professional. I see lots of you here wearing a yellow vest. May be you know. However, in France, when we're on strike, it's not like here. People try to protect their own interests and would even gone violent sometimes...just like the Yellow Vest Movement. We would strike like that in France.
    But these few days in Hong Kong, lots of people hold onto each other, not for their personal interest but for the future of Hong Kong, for justice, for freedom, for peace...express their opinion and care. I'm really moved.

    I came to Hong Kong four years ago. I'm a Catholic priest and I came to serve Hong Kong. Four years ago, I don't know Cantonese. The Hongkongers I came across then gave me a feeling that they're fond of individualism and consumerism. They don't even want to greet each other...apparently a bit cold. But what happened these few days told me that I was wrong then about Hongkongers. Hongkongers can devote their sweat and blood not for their own self benefit but for their ideal, for the future of Hong Kong, for peace and freedom. As Bishop Ha said: Hongkongers, you should be proud of yourselves. Keep this spirit. We should treasure this spirit.

    For the first two or three years when I first came to Hong Kong, I'm not quite sure about the identity of Hongkongers.
    Hongkongers are Chinese but doesn't really like the identity of being Chinese. Hence, I'm a bit confused. But for the past few days, I begin to understand better the identity of Hongkongers. So many people hold onto each other in solidarity to protect the most valuable notions: freedom, peace and love. Thank you everyone to be part of this massive scale movement.

    I'm still learning Chinese. Recently, I learnt a saying...I'm sure you all know that saying: improve your own self, manage your family, govern your country and then peace for all.

    'Peace for all' means we all need peace. We're here these few days because there's a bit of problem about 'governing'.

    This discrepancy in governing makes everyone worry about the future...worry about the freedom of gathering, the freedom of religion like what we're having now will be gone.

    It's because of this discrepancy in governing, people come out to voice their opinion. But please remember, 'govern your country' is only at the third place. The first one is 'improve your own self'. That means, you should first have peace and safety...to protect the relationship between us and God...to protect the love between us and the others.

    The second one is 'manage your family'. It's true that we have different opinion in the family. Sometimes, we argue...we have conflicts. But we have to protect the love within our family, accommodate each other, forgive each other so that we can make up to the discrepancy in 'governing'.

    Hence, if we're going to care for 'governing our country', we have to, first of all, 'improve our own self' and 'manage our family'. With such a spirit, we will have real peace. Real freedom is not just a superficial freedom or political freedom. It's the inner freedom in our heart. We must pray to our heavenly Father. Our strength is limited. Sometimes, we don't know what to do. We must go to our God and beg for His help.

    Merciful God, we're here tonight...we believe that when there is hardship, when we're in the dark, You are with us. Please grant us the spirit of solidarity, so that we can protect the love and peace you gave us. We pray for Hong Kong. May be the relationship among Hongkongers are a bit complicated but wherever we are, please let us be the instrument of peace...do something, may be very small, say a word or two to repair the relationship among us...so we can be accommodative and help each other.

    We thank you...for the past few days, lots of people are sacrificing for justice, freedom and love. Although we don't know if in the future, we can pray or express our opinion like what we're doing now, please let us keep up with this spirit of solidarity and peace.

    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Nicolas de Francqueville

  • accommodate中文 在 蔡至誠。PG財經筆記Simple Is The Best Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-08-20 19:42:03
    有 132 人按讚

















    就好比聽John Bogle的專訪─ A Motley Fool Special Interview



    TED上有個關於時間管理的影片─How to gain control of your free time,我想是對於「沒有時間」這問題非常好的解答。


    Laura Vanderkam在影片中說到:


    We don't build the lives we want by saving time. We build the lives we want, and then time saves itself.


    The key to time management is treating our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater.


    Time is highly elastic. We cannot make more time, but time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it.




    想做,自然會有時間,就像Laura Vanderkam最後所說的,打造自己想要的生活,時間自然來。

    There is time.

    Even if we are busy, we have time for what matters.

    And when we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we've got.

  • accommodate中文 在 Arianna 史愛蓮 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-03-10 08:00:00

    ➥ 捷運大坪林站。30 Thirty Cafe 3:58 龍蝦來了!!!!
    30 Thirty Cafe.
    營業時間:上午 10:30 至 22:00 .







    ↓ 快訂閱 ↓ 現在訂閱 ↓(30 Thirty Cafe的FB)



    - - -
    IG: @_ariannachuucc
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/AriannaChuc/
    支援我的頻道: https://ko-fi.com/shiailian

    Hello Everyone!
    Today my friend, Shigeki Nakayama and I tried out 30 Thirty Cafe's food! It was so delicious! If you are in the area, and looking for a great place to try then you should definitely come here! Don't be shy if your Chinese isn't the greatest, they can accommodate you and the menu has both Chinese and English!

    昨天我跟我的新朋友中山一起去了30Thirty Cafe嘗試他們的菜!太好吃了!

