

在 accident詞性產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過827的網紅Ann's English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #AnnsINUSE Can I crash at yours? 翻譯是👇 「我可以睡在你家嗎?」 而不是我可以砸爛你家嗎😂 Crash這個字有好~多意思👀 但在介紹這個字之前 我更想大推這首歌‼️🤩😍 🎧🎧🎧 這首crashing大概是我最愛的歌之一了🥴 優美高級的詞彙跟隨性又自然的字句穿插...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過66萬的網紅buycartv,也在其Youtube影片中提到,至1976年傳送至今邁入45個年頭的Golf GTI車系,在車壇的經典程度絕非三言兩語就足以詮釋,GTI在與『性能鋼砲』一詞畫上等號的同時,亦已成為Volkswagen的性能代表作。今次全新第八代Golf GTI正式與大家見面,與此同時,Volkswagen也推出了限量45台的「熱血魅力版」,價差十...

accident詞性 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 12:32:11

英模班第一回的震撼教育還好嗎? 俐媽在班群裡解決了大家的疑惑,安撫了你們的心情😊 很快的,明天又由模A率先上場體驗第2️⃣回了! 是的!你沒有看錯! 這堂課俐媽錄了近2 hr 40 min😱 因為趁著暑假在家學習比較沒有下課時間的限制,你們也可以自己分上/下半堂學習, 俐媽一口氣把所有大題的答題技...

accident詞性 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 21:05:56

其實被動式若只有is + pp或 are + pp 這種公式,事情不就太簡單了? 問題是出在被動式也會有「時態變化」啊,BE動詞是會改變時態的啊。 譬如你想講你的車子被吊了,卻用現在式,就會變成你車子被吊是經常發生、規律發生、一再發生、還會再發生的事情(或許你車子真的那麼常被吊?也太倒楣了吧?!...

accident詞性 在 Ann’s English ᵕ̈ 安的美語 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 21:19:38

#AnnsINUSE Can I crash at yours? 翻譯是👇 「我可以睡在你家嗎?」 而不是我可以砸爛你家嗎😂 Crash這個字有好~多意思👀 但在介紹這個字之前 我更想大推這首歌‼️🤩😍 🎧🎧🎧 這首crashing大概是我最愛的歌之一了🥴 優美高級的詞彙跟隨性又自然的字句穿插...

  • accident詞性 在 Ann's English Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-15 00:28:26
    有 2 人按讚

    #AnnsINUSE Can I crash at yours?







    But it’s not ah~~


    根據Cambridge Dictionary

    🔸 動詞 (V.) 🔸

    1️⃣ 撞毀、撞車、墜毀、捏碎
    If a vehicle crashes or someone crashes it, it is involved in an accident, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged and someone is hurt.

    ✏️ The plane crashed into the river.

    2️⃣ 因撞擊發出巨大聲響或破壞
    to hit something, often making a loud noise or causing damage

    ✏️ I can hear the waves crashing on the shore.
    ✏️ A dog came crashing through the bushes.

    If something such as a business crashes, it suddenly fails or becomes unsuccessful.

    ✏️ The crypto market crashed because of a meme posted by Elon Musk.

    If a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating.

    ✏️ The whole system just crashed.

    to sleep at someone else's house for the night, especially when you have not planned it

    ✏️ They crashed on my floor after the party.

    6️⃣ 未經邀請擅自闖入派對
    to go to a party or other event without an invitation
    (未買票闖入其他場合:crash the gate)

    ✏️ We’re gonna crash the gate at the soccer game.

    🔸形容詞 (adj.)🔸

    7️⃣ 快速、短期、高強度的
    (Of a class) teaching you a lot of basic facts in a very short time with high intensity
    (短期衝刺訓練班:crash course)

    ✏️ You’ll learn a lot in this crash course.

    🔸名詞 (n.)🔸

    8️⃣ 車禍、事故、撞擊產生的聲響、破產、當機
    ✏️ a car crash
    ✏️ I heard a crash.
    ✏️ They lost a fortune in the crash.
    ✏️ a computer crash


    請不要吝嗇 #分享 給你的朋友喲 💛
    還要 #收藏 起來複習哦💛

    快到Instagram追蹤 @anns.english
    照著自己的步調 👣
    也一定要跟你的親朋好友分享喲 🤗
    🚪 IG傳送門 👉 https://www.instagram.com/anns.english/

    #安的美語 #線上英文 #英文家教 #學英文
    #英文學習 #英文片語 #英文俚語 #英文口說
    #英文教學 #英文會話 #英文筆記 #英文發音 #輕電音 #ILLENIUM

  • accident詞性 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-14 13:00:29
    有 46 人按讚

    1) Censorship(検閲)
    Are you for or against censorship?
    Recently, YouTube has been censoring controversial videos.
    There are certain expressions that are censored from mainstream media.
    2) Narrow down(絞り込む)
    narrow downは、条件を定めて多くの中から絞り込むことを意味します。narrowは「狭い」を意味し、範囲や選択肢がどんどん狭くなっていくニュアンスが含まれます。ネットで調べ物をするときに具体的なキーワードを入力して検索結果を絞り込んだり、旅行中に訪れたい場所を数か所に絞り込むような状況で使えます。
    You should be more specific and narrow down your search.
    I narrowed down the guest list to ten people.
    There’s no way we can visit all of these places in one day. We have to narrow them down.
    3) Go too far(〜をやり過ぎる)
    go too farは本来、遠くに行き過ぎることを意味しますが、日常会話では「やり過ぎ」や「言い過ぎ」など度が過ぎることを表します。カッとなって言い過ぎてしまったり、冗談の度を過ぎるような状況で使われます。「ちょっとやり過ぎ」はgo a little too farのように、a littleを加えるだけでOKです。
    You went too far. You should apologize to her.
    I know you were trying to be funny but you went too far.
    Do you think I went too far? I didn’t mean to offend him.
    4) Average American(平均的なアメリカ人)
    この表現は「平均的なアメリカ人」を意味し、特に典型的なアメリカ人と比較をする時に、「____ than your average American.」という表現がよく使われます。例えば、「彼は典型的なアメリカ人より控えめだ」と言う場合は、「He is more reserved than your average American.」と言います。この表現はアメリカ人に限らず、average Japanese person(平均的な日本人)、average child(平均的な子供)、average student(平均的な学生)のように別の名詞に置き換えることができます。
    She is a lot more mature than your average teenager.
    He’s much bigger than your average Japanese guy.
    The burgers here are a little pricy but they’re way bigger than your average burgers at fast food restaurants.
    5) Come on(いい加減にして)
    come onは使い方によって色々な意味がありますが、今日の会話では「いい加減にして」という意味で使われています。特に、しつこい相手に何かをやめて欲しい時や勘弁して欲しい時などに「Come on!」と言います。
    Come on! Cut it out.
    Come on! I’m trying to study. Stop bothering me.
    Come on, give me a break. I didn’t drop your camera on purpose. It was an accident.
    本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第337回「表現の自由と検閲の必要性」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。

  • accident詞性 在 海洋首都中的航海家 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-28 08:23:44
    有 758 人按讚


    航行員都知道:在有限水域中的船舶操縱與大洋中的船舶操縱有極大的差別,也因此而產生一些”異常反應”的專有名詞,譬如:淺水效應,岸吸/岸推,船體下坐(Squat),狗頭嗅地(Dog smelling),單俥右旋船在淺水區倒俥時之船頭可能向左,主要的原因都是來自船舶四周的海水,來不及湧入去填補船艉所造成之空穴.

    也因為這個緣故,Suez Canal當局對過河船隻有一些船寬,吃水,速度上的限制.基於經濟上的考慮,可以想像這些限制都是在”水工模型”下最大化的尺度界線.(越大的船過河費越貴),然而這些都是理想環境下的科學論證,實際上船舶操縱者的精神狀態,駕駛台的氣氛環境,外界視線,無線電之干擾,Marlboro菸未如預期,住艙走廊上”波斯市場”的氛圍….都在影響著”駕駛台資源管理(BRM)”,而使得船舶之實際Performance遊走在”紅線”邊緣,更糟的是一但越過紅線(Point of non-return),情況就越來越糟,猶如在山脊上騎腳踏車.


    The Suez Canal Authority occasionally brings out updated tables of width and acceptable draft for ships. Currently the permissible limits for suezmax ships are 20.1 m (66 ft) of draught with the beam no wider than 50 m (164.0 ft), or 12.2 m (40 ft) of draught with maximum allowed beam of 77.5 m (254 ft). Due to their design and size, a large number of ports around the world can accommodate suezmax vessels.
    17,65 56,96
    , a new set is being built for vessels as large as 366 meters in length, 49 meters in beam and 15.2 meters in draft at tropical frvessel.
    That would have surpassed the speed limit of about 7.6 knots (8.7 miles an hour) to 8.6 knots that is listed as the maximum speed vessels are “allowed to transit” through the canal, according to the Suez authority’s rules of navigation handbook posted on its website. Captains interviewed for this story said it can pay to increase the speed in the face of a strong wind to maneuver the ship better.
    “Speeding up to a certain point is effective,” said Chris Gillard, who was captain of a 300-meter container ship that crossed the Suez monthly for nearly a decade until 2019. “More than that and it becomes counter effective because the bow will get sucked down deep into the water. Then, adding too much power does nothing but exacerbate the problem.”
    “You might find yourself positioning the ship in one direction, and you’re actually moving in another direction,” said Kinsey. “There’s a very fine line between having enough speed to maneuver and not having too much speed that the air and hydrodynamics become unstable. Any deviation can get real bad real quick because it’s so tight.”

    The accident will be a missed opportunity if the industry doesn’t adapt, he said. “There will be vessels larger than this one that will be going through the Suez,” he said. “The next incident will be worse.”

    • The Ever Given's speed was 13.5 knots before it ran aground, The Japan Times reported.

    • Bloomberg reported the Suez Canal speed limit was between 7.6 knots and 8.6 knots.
    The Ever Given didn't have a tugboat escort through the canal, according to Bloomberg. The two ships immediately ahead of it reportedly had escorts, although such escorts were not required.

  • accident詞性 在 buycartv Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-09 17:58:55

    至1976年傳送至今邁入45個年頭的Golf GTI車系,在車壇的經典程度絕非三言兩語就足以詮釋,GTI在與『性能鋼砲』一詞畫上等號的同時,亦已成為Volkswagen的性能代表作。今次全新第八代Golf GTI正式與大家見面,與此同時,Volkswagen也推出了限量45台的「熱血魅力版」,價差十萬塊卻增加了HUD抬頭顯示器、Harman Kardon頂級音響以及DCC主動式底盤控制系統,讓我們一起來看看嘉偉哥的試駕心得吧!

    Volkswagen Golf GTI 其引擎搭載的是2.0升直列四汽缸渦輪增壓直噴引擎,最大馬力245匹,最大扭力則為37.8公斤米,搭配7速DSG雙離合器自手排變速箱,為前置引擎前輪驅動,懸吊系統為GTI專屬運動化懸吊 (車身降低15mm) 前麥花臣後獨立多連桿均附防傾桿,零百加速僅需6.3秒,最高極速為250 km/h。

    Volkswagen Golf GTI 標配7具SRS氣囊和IQ.Drive智能駕駛輔助系統,包含ACC 主動式固定車距巡航系統、Front Assist 車前碰撞預警系統、車道維持及偏移警示系統(含修正輔助功能)、主動式車道修正輔助系統、Emergency Assist緊急待援輔助系統、Travel Assist智慧車陣穿梭系統、Area View 360度環景顯示等功能。

    Egzod, Maestro Chives, Neoni - Royalty [Instrumentals]
    Chasing Stars – Lesion X
    Hotham - Distant
    LiQWYD - Coral
    LiQWYD - Slow Down
    SSTTL – Babasmas

