

在 access動詞產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,913的網紅椪皮仔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「每日英文閱讀分享#002」 【compound】 當一個字同時擁有好幾個詞性與意思的時候,就值得我們多看一眼! 最準確的方式就是查字典,體會每一個單字的用法 compound可以當名詞、形容詞、動詞 (發音也不同:動詞重音在後,名詞重音在前) n. 混合物、複合字 a. 複合的、合成的 v...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅【TOEIC対策】猛牛ちゃんねる,也在其Youtube影片中提到,TOEIC対策単語問題!シリーズ45問目です。PART5形式の問題でTOEIC600点を取れるだけの単語力を身につけましょう! 🐥そういえばさ 🐔なに? 🐥今回は動画では説明せんかったけど 🐥be close toとbe able toは、後に来る単語の種類も違うんやで 🐔後に来る単語の種類? 🐥...

access動詞 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 16:03:11

📝Day 228 0710​ #17來搞懂這些字​ #Nativecamp合作貼文 ​ ​ 在疫情爆發之後,大家都開始居家上班或學習​ 而有些人也會透過這段期間來提升自我​ 而線上課程則成了許多人學習上的首選​ 因此17今天要來推薦一個實用的學習平台🥺​ 在此之前,我們先來看看你們在平台會遇到的各種...

access動詞 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-21 13:12:48

Access VS Assess ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Access (verb): 到達/ 存取/ 訪問 e.g. Can you access the Internet? 你能存取網絡嗎?(=你能上網嗎?) e.g. The apartment is situated at a central l...

access動詞 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-10 00:26:24

/ June 1, 2019 HKBU Students Erupt over Cafeteria Food . Summary: Likely spurred by the impression that their last day as dormitory residents equated ...

  • access動詞 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-23 18:20:55
    有 7 人按讚





    n. 混合物、複合字
    a. 複合的、合成的
    1. to mix sth together
    2. to make greater or worse
    3. to be formed from sth (此時用法為:be compounded of/from )


    例句:The World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Increasing Vaccination Model acknowledges that people’s thoughts and feelings about vaccines — including their perceived risk, worry, confidence, trust, and safety concerns — can reduce their motivation to get vaccinated, compounding the practical issues and challenges to expanding access to and uptake of the services that provide them.

    ps. 如果你也想跟我一起培養每日閱讀習慣,可以在下面留言用這個單字造個句子,我就會把整篇筆記傳給你喔!


  • access動詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-28 08:00:02
    有 78 人按讚



    🐦Widespread Twitter Hack Reaches Bill Gates, Kanye West, Elon Musk, Joe Biden and Barack Obama

    🌪Twitter was hit with a widespread attack Wednesday that allowed hackers to take over an array of accounts including those of celebrities, politicians and billionaires such as Bill Gates, Kanye West, Joe Biden and Barack Obama, as well as Apple Inc. and other companies.

    -widespread: 廣泛的、普遍的
    -an array of: 一大群、一系列
    -take over: 接管、接手

    ☄️The attack, which security experts called the most significant hacking incident in Twitter’s history, began before 4 p.m. EDT, when compromised accounts—many of them related to the digital currency bitcoin—began posting messages requesting money be sent to cryptocurrency accounts. The attacks quickly spread to additional, more prominent accounts, with the bogus messages sometimes receiving thousands of likes before they were taken down, only to be posted again a short time later, sometimes on the same account.

    -compromised: 動詞原意有損害、危及含義,此次過去分詞做形容詞用,做受損害的意思
    -prominent: 重要的、著名的
    -bogus: 假冒的
    *EDT: Eastern Daylight Time,美東日光節約時間的意思,日光節約時間需另外換算

    🐦Twitter, late Wednesday, said it believed the hackers perpetrated the attack by targeting employees who had access to the company’s internal systems and tools. The hackers may have accessed information or engaged in other malicious activity, Twitter said, adding it was still investigating the incident.

    -perpetrated: 犯(罪)、做壞事
    -engage in: 參與、涉入...
    -malicious: 惡意的



    The company has _______ in an ________of fraudulent schemes.
    involve, series
    engaged, array
    involving, archaic

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  • access動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-24 19:00:54
    有 28 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    Is Kim Jong-un Critically Ill? 👀
    💬 金正恩病危❓


    1. critically ill「病危的」:critically 常用來形容「病情危急地」。
    2. absent「缺席的」
    3. speculation「猜測,推斷」:當名詞,動詞為 speculate。
    4. credible「可信的」
    5. severity「嚴重性,嚴重程度」:當名詞,形容詞 severe。
    6. North Korean defector「脫北者」:defector「叛逃者」,指脫離原本國家、逃到對立政治立場的另一個國家者。
    7. obesity「過胖」
    8. decline「拒絕,謝絕」:比 reject 跟 refuse 要婉轉一些。
    9. in light of「有鑑於」


    On April 15, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was absent from the celebration of his grandfather Kim Il-sung’s birthday. Kim Il-sung was the founder of North Korea, and the anniversary of his birth is the nation’s most important holiday. Ever since then, there has been speculation about Kim Jong-un’s health. Kim’s last known appearance was at a Politburo meeting on April 11.
    4 月 15 日,北韓領導人金正恩缺席祖父金日成的誕辰。金日成是北韓國父,所以他的誕辰可說是北韓全國上下最重要的國定節日。自此之後,有關金正恩健康堪慮的傳言四起。而金正恩最後一次現身,是參加 4 月 11 日勞動黨中央政局會議。

    According to a U.S. official, Kim is in grave danger after undergoing surgery. And another U.S. official told American media that the concerns about Kim’s health are credible, but the severity of his condition is hard to access. What kind of surgery? Daily NK, a newspaper run by North Korean defectors, reports that Kim received heart surgery because of “excessive smoking, obesity and overwork.” On the other hand, two separate South Korean government sources have said that the reports about Kim’s health aren’t true, and that there have been no unusual signs coming from North Korea.
    一名美國官員指出,金正恩術後病危,而另一名美國官員告訴媒體,有關金正恩健康的揣測是可信的,不過嚴重程度還不得而知。那麼,金正恩做的是什麼手術?由脫北者經營的韓國媒體《Daily NK》指出,金正恩所接受的手術是心血管手術,因為他有「嚴重煙癮、過重而且過勞」。不過另一方面,兩個不同的南韓政府消息來源指出,有關金正恩的健康傳聞並非屬實,北韓看起來並沒有任何不正常的徵兆。

    When asked about Kim’s health condition, the U.S. National Security Council and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. The State Department and the CIA have also made no public statements. But in light of the military exercises carried out by North Korea on April 14, which included the launch of several missiles, U.S. intelligence agencies are continuing to closely monitor the situation.

    1. the U.S. National Security Council「美國國家安全會議」:簡稱國安會,是由美國總統主持的最高級別國家安全及外交事務決策委員會,處理外交與安全事務。
    2. the Office of the Director of National Intelligence「國家情報總監」:處理有關國家安全的情報事務時的主要諮詢對象,統領 16 個美國情報體系。在建立國家情報總監之前,美國情報體系龍頭是中央情報局(CIA)總監。
    3. the State of Department「美國國務院」:美國政府負責外交事務的行政部門。

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • access動詞 在 【TOEIC対策】猛牛ちゃんねる Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-01-01 17:30:03


    🐥be close toとbe able toは、後に来る単語の種類も違うんやで
    🐥be close toは後に「名詞」を置いて「~に近い」やん
    🐥でもbe able to は後に「動詞の原形」を置いて「~できる」やん
    🐥せやから、今回の場合やったら後が access our Web site「私たちのウェブサイトにアクセスする」ってなってるから
    🐥そしたらbe close toにしたらおかしいな、って考えることもできるねん



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