

在 a-team男團產品中有51篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大家好,想跟大家說我跟公司的合約到了,五年的時間,跟團體經歷過大大小小的事,一起站上小巨蛋,一起站上跨年舞台,發行了EP,舉辦了簽唱會,還當上了全運會的宣傳大使,這些美好的回憶都將永遠保存在我心中。 首先要感謝我的團員們,很感謝你們包容我這個明明年紀最大心態卻是最不成熟的團長,也很抱歉我明明應該是...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過275萬的網紅NewShowBiz完全娛樂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#2020超級華人風雲大賞 2020.01.31 完全娛樂 更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂YouTube頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/user/SETShowBiz?sub_confirmation=1...

  • a-team男團 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 00:00:05
    有 376 人按讚



    再來要感謝我的經紀人們,瓊貞姐、EROS跟米奇 。
    謝謝瓊貞姐給了我很多待人處事的道理,當時很倔強的我可能沒有明白其中的意思,經歷過很多事之後才知道每一句話都是金玉良言,受用至今 。
    謝謝EROS總是像姐姐一樣關心著我的狀態,真心的希望我更好 ,在我喪氣的時候狠狠地將我罵醒。



  • a-team男團 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-07 19:30:32
    有 299 人按讚

    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 挑戰性別規範 🇰🇿 🇰🇷

    📘《Ken的文法筆記 I.》一月出售(詳置頂貼文)

    📰 The K-pop inspired band that challenged gender norms in Kazakhstan

    They made their debut as a boy band, expecting to create music and amass fans along the way. Instead they were met with anger, protests and even threats.

    這篇文章關於哈薩克斯坦(Kazakhstan)男孩樂隊(boy band)。這對樂隊是給韓國流行音樂(K-pop)所啓發的,目的是創造音樂(create music)和累積粉絲(amass fans),結果他們遇到憤怒 (anger)、抗議 (protests)和威脅 (threats),原因是他們挑戰性別規範(challenge gender norms)。

    They perform choreographed dance routines, sing addictive tunes and have shockingly slick music videos - and no, we're not talking about a K-pop group.
    This is Q-pop, or Qazaq-pop - an up and coming pop genre in Kazakhstan, which all started with one band, Ninety One.

    這兩段介紹了哈薩克斯坦的有前途的流行文化類型(up and coming pop genre),跟K-pop差不多:給刻意安排的舞蹈動作(choreographed dance routines)、上癮的曲調 (addictive tunes)和華而不實的音樂錄像 (slick music videos)。

    But the band has not only made a name for itself through its music.
    It also made a huge statement when its five androgynous looking members - complete with long hair, guyliner and makeup, burst onto the scene in the deeply conservative country - and challenged its gender norms.

    這對樂隊不是因爲音樂成名(make a name),而是因為他們的外形:雌雄同體樣子的(androgynous looking)、長髮(long hair)、給男性使用的眼線液 (guyliner) 和化妝(makeup)。

    In 2014, an entertainment group in Kazakhstan held a singing competition - looking for talented individuals who could form a band.
    Four boys - A.Z. and Zaq were selected, with Bala and Alem cast separately. They were joined by Ace, who had come from South Korea's famous SM Entertainment - the group behind some of the country's most popular K-pop acts.

    "We became a team, wrote songs together, learned to dance and perform, and finally... debuted when we were ready," the band told the BBC in an email interview.

    這幾段介紹樂隊的由來,部分成員來自一個唱歌比賽 (singing competition),其中一名成員是韓國人。

    But the band's producer and the man responsible for creating the group, Yerbolat Bedelkhan, wanted more than just one band.
    His aim was to create a whole new genre of music in Kazkahstan, known as Q-pop, or Qazaq pop, inspired by K-pop.
    Although it has now swept the globe, back in 2014 K-pop was arguably less well known in the West although it had a massive Asian following.

    樂隊製作人(producer) 希望創造一個全新音樂類型 (a whole new genre of music),他參考的K-pop的經驗,在2014年K-pop在西方不是很知名 (well known)。

    "Ninety One were conceptualised as a domestic version of K-pop and to some extent are a manufactured group," said Megan Rancier, Associate Teaching Professor of Ethnomusicology at Bowling Green State University.

    But when they made their debut, their appearance was a shock to many in the highly conservative country.
    "The boys dressed in brighter colours, skinny jeans... their style was more provocative," Mr Bedelkhan told the BBC.
    "When they went outside they were dressed in a way that people in the street don't usually dress. In our country, it's not accepted that men can dress brightly."

    樂隊成員過的穿著在一個非常保守的國家 (a highly conservative country) 是個震撼 (shock),他們的風格被視爲挑釁的 (provocative)。

    People were so scandalised there were even protests, demanding the cancellation of their concerts and calling them "gay".
    "People in Kazakhstan are very protective of what they believe Kazakh men and women look like," Aizada Arystanbek, a Kazakhstani gender-related issues specialist told the BBC.

    "People's bodies and behaviour is policed by the public in a sense that there is always this notion of 'Is that a Kazakh thing to do?'"
    Many of those who protested were young men.

    "My father served in the army. When I show his photo, I am proud to say that... he's a real man. What about Ninety One?" one student against Ninety One says in a documentary about Q-pop, titled "Face the Music".

    "I can't say they are not men, but they can't be called men either."

    當地人要求樂隊取消演唱會(cancel concerts)和稱他們是同性戀(gay),很多抗議人士是年輕男人,他們不接受樂隊成員的外表。


    📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】



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    🎁 領獎期限: 01/09 20:00

  • a-team男團 在 A-Team Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-12 17:25:30
    有 63 人按讚

    【 2020.10.12 星空大來賓】

    小帥哥✨龔言脩 K✨來囉!


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  • a-team男團 在 NewShowBiz完全娛樂 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-31 16:00:11

    更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂YouTube頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/user/SETShowBiz?sub_confirmation=1

  • a-team男團 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-10-15 17:01:33

    台灣雅詩蘭黛集團看準現代人的自媒體社群影響力, 為慶祝雅詩蘭黛集團在台深耕30周年,2019/9/15~10/31在IG、FB、Twitter等社群媒體發佈參與粉紅絲帶相關活動之照片或影片,並標記 #TimeToEndBreastCancer、#粉紅絲帶、#ELCTW30,每則發文台灣雅詩蘭黛集團會額外捐出NTD$30贊助乳癌防治公益活動(上限TWD300,000),期盼透過眾人社群響應,為乳癌防治凝聚更多關注與影響力。龔言脩還特別把3個Hashtag寫在手上,提醒粉絲立刻上傳社交平台做公益。

    #粉紅絲帶 #邱勝翊 #閻奕格 #ATEAM #TimeToEndBreastCancer #粉紅絲帶 #ELCTW30

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  • a-team男團 在 NewShowBiz完全娛樂 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-03-03 22:02:43

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