[爆卦]Yelled at是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Yelled at鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Yelled at這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 yelled產品中有164篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Selangor sajoo.. janji ada laut.. 😝 Masa sampai sini,i was busy checking in at the reception.. and my kids dok duduk kt lobby.. jauh jugak lah lobby n...

 同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅lilysayonara,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#夏の匂い #リリィさよなら #lilysayonara #山崎あおい #夏祭り 夏ソング #花火 -この町に帰ってきたよ- inst: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T3EWBddB0aXjg8nvRn7vBQ7Pybzd4ysh/view?usp=shar...

yelled 在 Sanya Shoaib ???? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 08:42:12

If you’re not looking for getting your childhood ruined, this isn’t for you. WHY YOU SHOULDN’T WATCH DISNEY PRINCESS MOVIES - PART 1 Sure, we’ve all...

yelled 在 faezahelai Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 11:36:04

Selangor sajoo.. janji ada laut.. 😝 Masa sampai sini,i was busy checking in at the reception.. and my kids dok duduk kt lobby.. jauh jugak lah lobby n...

yelled 在 Catherine Chang Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 20:50:48

#母語式學習法 #多些工但學得更徹底, 「好機車喔~」這句話對我來說真是無所不在耶,我超常講的!不算髒話,又可以在小孩面前大講特講😏 這個「機車」絕對不會是motorcycle喔(未免也太直翻了🤦‍♀️)! 英文有一個滿接近的形容詞是 mean 情境1: 想像哥哥把妹妹的洋娃娃頭髮剪掉,妹妹很生氣覺...

  • yelled 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-18 22:02:11
    有 21 人按讚

    Selangor sajoo.. janji ada laut.. 😝
    Masa sampai sini,i was busy checking in at the reception.. and my kids dok duduk kt lobby.. jauh jugak lah lobby ngan reception tu.. masa tu org pon ramai jugak lah dok beratoq nk check in..andddd!!! i saw Dealova bukak face shield dia.. face shield tau.. bukan double mask.. mask mmg dok pakai..from the reception i yelled!!
    Semua yg dok beratoq kt situ pusing tgk cheq.. depa pon teroih pegang mask depa check pakai ka dak.. yg pakai bwh hidung teroih tarik tutup hidung.. terkejut gamak kot dengaq sora cheq dh mcm pompuan gila keriau kt anak sbb tk pakai face shield 🤣😂🤣😂
    Ampa yg ada kt situ hari tu sorry na.. cheq tk marah kt ampa.. anak cheq tk pakai face shield.. nk lari pi lobby lambat!! Kita pakai sora jantan.. habih terkejut 1 hotel 🤣😂🤣😂
    Sib baik cheq pakai mask siap face shield so org tk nampak lah sapa pompuan gila iteww!! 😝😝
    Wearing tudung from @febyfaezahelai
    Kami anak beranak seropa nk masuk fencing 🤺 dh.. janji selamat!!
    Haaaa anak @suzzannaelai tu.. dia nk tunjuk ketiak dia putih.. sbb dia pakai mask kt ketiak 🤣😂 masa amik gambaq ni tempat ni kosong so anak menakan cheq tk pakai mask
    #OCDmomproblems #realOCDnotthefakekind #myfamily #nakmelangkawitakutcovidbuatmember #dealovaheyrinna #auroraheyricca #mybabygirl #mylittleprincess #mommylovesyou #faezahelai #feelingblessed #alhamdulillah

  • yelled 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-09 21:13:46
    有 59 人按讚

    英文有一個滿接近的形容詞是 mean
    😡 You’re so mean! Get out!

    My teacher was mean to me today. I didn’t do anything and he still yelled at me.

    😡 I just can't get rid of this mosquito! It's really annoying!

    A: Why are you so mean to me?
    B: It's pretty easy. You're a slob. You haven't shaved your leg in two weeks.
    🌟 在Instagram上,有更完整的學習體驗喔!

  • yelled 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-01 13:13:16
    有 533 人按讚


    //2019 年 10 月 20 日九龍遊行案,前民陣召集人陳皓桓、民主黨前主席何俊仁、社民連前立法會議員梁國雄等 7 人,被指煽惑他人參與未經批准集結、組織未經批准集結等。7 人早前承認控罪,法官胡雅文今(1 日)在區域法院判 7 人監禁 11 至 16 個月。除了黃浩銘,其餘被告的刑期與早前 8.18、8.31、10.1 未經批准集結案刑期同期執行。//


    【吳文遠 - 10.20九龍遊行案件感言】











    【Avery Ng: On October 20 Kowloon Rally】

    This is a political case, so I think it is appropriate to frame my remarks within the political context of this matter.

    We live in rapidly changing and challenging times. Journalists, newspaper publishers, broadcasters, academics, teachers, students, artists, singers, trade unionists, political activists, democratically elected representatives, and many other citizens are being silenced, arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned by the Hong Kong government for supposed reasons relating to “security”.

    What’s more, the definition of this “security” is constantly shifting and expanding. A newspaper article published yesterday, a speech, an opinion, a slogan--even a gesture may be treated as a threat to security today.

    Actions that would have previously and sometimes rightly merited community service or fines just a few short years ago, now lead to the possibility of jail. Where once there was the space to disagree agreeably and debate ideas honestly. Now there is intolerance.

    Every day brings a new re-interpretation of the rules. Every day we reach a new level of absurdity. Even children’s cartoon books have now reached the status that they are seen by some as a threat to “security”.

    The inevitable question arises: Whose security is being protected--the liberty of citizens? Or are these laws in fact protecting and securing the power of the already-powerful?

    What kind of order are we seeking? Are these laws designed to uphold the rule of law, ensure freedom, a level playing field, and the chance of prosperity for all citizens? Or are they meant to usher in an era in which the government can rule unchallenged and unchecked?

    In the times that we find ourselves in, one needs to make a choice that is at once simple yet immensely difficult. As Vaclav Havel writes: Do we live in the truth? Or conform to lies and absurdity?

    In my pursuit to live in the truth, we are merely the kid who yelled “hey, the Emperor wears no clothes.”

    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐️Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐️

  • yelled 在 lilysayonara Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-13 22:00:11

    #夏の匂い #リリィさよなら #lilysayonara #山崎あおい #夏祭り 夏ソング #花火


    inst: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T3EWBddB0aXjg8nvRn7vBQ7Pybzd4ysh/view?usp=sharing

    『夏の匂い(CITY ver.)』

    君と手を繋ぎ歩いた道 夢中で走った

    祭りの夜は2人 いつもはしゃぎすぎて


    高鳴る胸と切ない恋 その横顔さえも
    まぶたの裏で今も 夏の匂いに包まれて


    幸せの形探し 裸足のまま彷徨い続けて

    こんなに時は流れ カッコ悪い大人になったけど

    君と手を繋ぎ歩いた道 夢中で走った
    約束の場所まで あともう少し
    ヒグラシの声 祭りの夜
    『The Scent Of Summer』

    The road I walked with you, holding hands, We ran like crazy
    Just like that day, I was surrounded by the scent of summer

    On festival nights, the two of us were always too excited
    We often get yelled at.
    We didn't do our homework, we just played around every day
    We weren’t afraid of anything.

    We laughed innocently, as if it was natural
    I waved to you and said, "See you tomorrow.

    The road we walked, holding hands with you
    We talked a lot while listening to the clamor in the distance
    My throbbing heart and sad love, even your face in profile
    Behind my eyelids, I'm still wrapped in the scent of summer

    The scenery of the town keeps changing
    The four seasons that comes around steadily
    The days that pass in the midst of it
    Two people who someday got separated

    Wandering barefoot, searching for the shape of happiness
    And I've come back to this town
    So I could see you once again

    Even though the time has passed, I am still immature
    But this feeling towards you has never changed

    The road I walked with you, holding hands, We ran like crazy
    I'm almost there to the promised place
    The sound of the cicadas in the midst of night festival
    Even the sky of fireworks
    Just like that day, I'm wrapped in the scent of summer
    I'm wrapped in the scent of summer

    ■Music &vo. 滉紀(ひろき)
    Twitter (https://twitter.com/lily_sayonara)
    Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/lily_sayonara/?hl=ja)
    Cho.&vo. 山崎あおい(https://twitter.com/aoi_punclo)
    ■Illustration amehal (https://amehal.wixsite.com/ameyadori )
    ■Arrangement&mix&movie 青城希 (https://twitter.com/XV_NozomiAoki)
    ■English subtitle Dutch

  • yelled 在 Hapa 英会話 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-04-28 19:00:01

    辞書を引くと「叱る」= “Scold” と訳されていますが、実際はこの単語、ネイティブの日常会話では(アメリカでは)使われることはほとんどありません。今日はアメリカ人が口にする「叱る・怒る」の表現を、その叱り(怒り)具合に応じてご紹介したいと思います。

    1. Get mad at someone「◯◯を叱る」 0:59
    ・I got mad at my son for being rude to others.(私の息子は失礼な態度を取っていたので叱りました)
    ・My teacher got mad at me today.(今日先生に叱られました)
    ・My boss got angry at me for being late.(遅刻をしたので上司に怒られました)

    2. Yell at someone 「◯◯を怒鳴りつける」 3:03
    ・The teacher yelled at the student for cheating.(先生はカンニングをした生徒を大声で叱りました)
    ・I got yelled at by my boss today.(上司に怒鳴られました)
    ・I got yelled at by my wife for coming home late.(帰りが遅いと奥さんに叱られました)

    3. Chew someone out「◯◯を厳しく叱る」 4:26
    ・The manager was really upset and she chewed everybody out.(マネージャーはすごく腹を立てていてみんなを叱りました)
    ・We got chewed out by our C.E.O.(会長に厳しく叱られました)
    ・She chewed him out for driving drunk.(彼が飲酒運転したことに彼女は激怒しました)

    4. Lecture someone「◯◯を説教する」 5:17
    ・I got lectured by my parents last night.(昨晩、親に説教されました)
    ・This is not a lecture. I just want to talk to you.(これは説教ではありません。話しをしたいだけです)
    ・Don’t lecture me about my career.(私のキャリアについて説教しないでください)


    ☆【Hapa Buddies】Hapa英会話オンラインコミュニティ

     ・インスタ: https://www.instagram.com/hapaeikaiwa

    ☆ Spotifyオリジナル番組「English Mindset」
    英語力ゼロで海外に飛び出したアスリートやクリエーター、留学経験なしの経営者などをゲストに迎え、インタビューを通して英語習得のカギとなった彼らの思考ロジックに迫る番組。 http://spoti.fi/HapaENGLISHMINDSET



  • yelled 在 臺灣尋奇 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-07-10 20:00:14

    驚!! 非洲黑龍第一次挑戰腳底按摩 【黑色星期五】#5
    African's First Taiwanese Foot Massage Challenge! 【Black Friday】#5

    卡緊餒追蹤辣 https://bit.ly/3iSXOqN 


    "We are Not the same". He yelled in tears.
    #exclusive pics of the toes inside