[爆卦]Whither 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Whither 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Whither 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 whither產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,026萬的網紅Gucci,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Sinead Burke is photographed nurturing seedlings: "I'm in my family home in Ireland and we have never been the gardening type. I have even been known ...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅賢賢的奇異世界,也在其Youtube影片中提到,各位大家好,歡迎來到HenHenTV的奇異世界,我是Tommy 離上次的六個童謠背後的恐怖故事之後,已經經過了兩年了,今天我就帶給大家六個童謠背後的黑暗故事,算是這個黑暗童謠的第二集。 童謠,朗朗上口的輕快的節奏,陪伴了我們的童年,以前只是記得哼那些童謠的旋律,但是卻不知道裡面的歌詞是什麼意思,大家...

whither 在 ISABEL LIN Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-19 10:10:11

(約翰福音 8:3-16)文士和法利賽人帶著一個行淫時被拿的婦人來,叫她站在當中, (John 8:3-16)And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set...

  • whither 在 Gucci Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-15 21:06:11
    有 2,038 人按讚

    Sinead Burke is photographed nurturing seedlings: "I'm in my family home in Ireland and we have never been the gardening type. I have even been known to allow cactus' to whither—unintentionally. This moment has given me an opportunity to reflect, and learn a new skill which I'm putting to the test with my sunflowers and tomatoes. I've learned that caring for plants must be individualistic, with so much gained from instigating the five senses. Nature is trying to tell us something. For plants to thrive, they require patience and selflessness—an oxymoron to our current climate." Talents and artists delve into creativity as a message to the Gucci Community of well-being, solidarity and kindness.
    The Gucci Community stands behind aiding those most vulnerable in this crisis, join by donating now to the United Nations Foundation’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund in support of the World Health Organization, and locally with Intesa Sanpaolo’s For Funding campaign which supports the Italian Civil Protection Department.

  • whither 在 宋熙年 Sarah Song Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-14 20:18:14
    有 119 人按讚

    This Valentine’s I received flowers that will never whither from my two Mr. Chans, and also an exquisite dinner for two in a very exclusive private kitchen that takes no reservations. Thank you @chanjason_ for being my Valentine always ❤️
    #happyvalentinesday #simplyromantic #mumlife #marriedlife #forricherorpoorer #insicknessandinhealth

  • whither 在 張嫚芯 Chang Man-Shing Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-07-17 12:55:07
    有 3 人按讚

    Need Purewater forever 
    “And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14:4‬ ‭
    #若茵蘋果攝影師 #allaboutlove

  • whither 在 賢賢的奇異世界 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-14 20:30:12

    童謠,朗朗上口的輕快的節奏,陪伴了我們的童年,以前只是記得哼那些童謠的旋律,但是卻不知道裡面的歌詞是什麼意思,大家知道什麼叫du du it de da di du, 你們沒有玩過?就是那種大家圍著把腳伸出來,然後就點到誰,誰就做鬼。有點像英國的black shoe game
    其實正式它這首歌是: whose shoe is a dirty shoe.好像完全不同的讀音哦~~
    第一首,Lucy Locket,露西的錢袋
    Lucy Locket lost her pocket,
    Kitty Fisher found it;
    Not a penny was there in it,
    Only ribbon round it.
    Lucy locket 不見了她的錢袋,被Kitty fisher找到了,但是錢袋裡面沒有錢,只有ribbon綁在上面。
    看起來詞沒有什麼問題啊~~但是究竟Kitty fisher和Locy locket是誰呢?
    其實Kitty fisher是在18世紀當時非常出名的妓女,她揮霍無度,而Lucy locket 也是妓女,或者是講交際花,所以很多男士就成為了她的錢袋,所以她的錢袋裡面沒有錢就是暗指很多男士資助她的生活。
    Only ribbon round it這裡其實是暗指Lucy Locket是一名妓女,
    用Kitty Fisher來撿到她的錢袋,也是暗指Lucy Locket也是妓女。
    第二首: Mary Mary quite Contrary 瑪麗小姐真倔強
    Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
    How does your garden grow?
    With silver bells, and cockle shells,
    And pretty maids all in a row.
    Mary, oh Mary, so quite contrary,
    How does your garden grow?
    These silver bells and cockle shells
    And pretty men all in our room,
    When you see contrary Mary,
    Told hereye, refuse to terry.
    We spoke very soft and slow
    Without your pretty men,
    Mary, Standing in a row.
    Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary.

    大家如果記得我在以前的影片有說過Bloody Mary,當時有兩個歷史傳聞,一個說伯爵夫人,另外一個就是瑪麗皇后,她迫害和折磨了很多新教徒,所以有血腥瑪麗的稱號。
    這是所說的院子是影射充滿屍體的墳地,那什麼是silver bells and cockle shellls呢?其實這兩種都是折磨人的刑具,銀鐘是夾手指的而Cockle Shells是暗指這個刑具,叫Choke Pear,這個東西是插進你的口,或是你的菊花等等,然後菊花開。。。滿地傷。。。
    第三首:Goosey Goosey Gander, 鵝鵝鵝
    Goosey goosey gander,
    Whither shall I wander?
    Upstairs and downstairs
    And in my lady’s chamber.
    There I met an old man
    Who wouldn’t say his prayers,
    So I took him by his left leg
    And threw him down the stair

    這是其實是在中世紀政治逼害,天主教徒不能讀拉丁文的禱告文,就算在家裡也不行,那些鵝就是指當年宗教逼害的官員,他們上門來檢查,如果發現天主教徒在家禱告,他們就會抓了他們嚴刑逼供,這個的who wouldn’t say his prayers應該是這樣意思,還有為什麼是左腳呢?原來以前的刑罰就是將繩子綁在他們的左腳上,然後扔下樓,重複直到他們死為止。
    Baa, baa, black sheep,
    Have you any wool?
    Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full;
    One for the master, And one for the dame,
    And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane.
    原版的最後一句是no no for the little boy who lives downs the lane.
    第五首:Little Miss Muffet, 小馬費特小姐
    Little miss Muffet she sat on her tuffet,
    Eating her curds eating and whey
    Along came a spider who sat down beside her
    And frightened miss Muffet away
    其實這個是真人真事來的,以前有個醫生叫thomas Muffet湯姆馬費,他是英國的博物學家和醫生,他很喜歡研究蜘蛛,甚至拿自己的女兒來做研究,就是餵她吃蜘蛛。。。。令她從此非常懼怕蜘蛛,雖然我在網上找了很久,並沒有找到證據馬費醫生真的有餵她吃蜘蛛,不過給滿屋都是蜘蛛一定讓她也驚嚇不少吧!
    第六首:Lady Bird, Lady Bird

    Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,
    Your house is on fire and your children are gone,
    All except one, and her name is Ann,
    And she hid under the baking pan.

    這裡的lady bird是指瓢蟲,也是暗指母親,其實這是影射當年的獵殺女巫,很多女巫被活活的燒死,有時包括她和她的家人和兒子,在這裡最後一句有不同的版本,有的是Porridge pan,有個的Baking pan,Frying pan,都是一些燒的廚具,


    在此謝謝我的朋友Chanty 幫我唱這些童謠,實在是大材小用了,她是一名創造歌手,會自己作詞寫曲,當中也有唱一些翻唱歌曲,大家記得去到她的Youtube頻道Chantaliamusic,聽聽她唱的歌曲,順便訂閱她的頻道哦!



    謝謝大家的支持,我們下個奇異世界見,Bye Bye。

  • whither 在 Live & Chill Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-06 17:59:59

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  • whither 在 T Gaming Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-12-06 19:00:03

    Noob Đập 101 LuckyBlock Claze Sẽ Ra Sao ? 101 LuckyBlock Claze Đại Chiến Với Boss Whither
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