[爆卦]Vulnerability 意思是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Vulnerability 意思鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Vulnerability 意思這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 vulnerability產品中有401篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ☁️”we don’t always have to put a positive spin on everything. Not every circumstance needs a silver lining.”♥️ . . There is so much going on, I just ...

 同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過68萬的網紅蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 20:29 Podcast每週四10點一集 ​👉https://arieltsai.lnk.to/ArielsWhisper_CH YouTube每週日11點一集👉https://bit.ly/3ucWNiG 之前在直播...

vulnerability 在 Jada Poon l Photographer Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 10:02:06

In a blink of an eye, it’s already been one year since I launched my first public exhibition, “Not a Superwoman”. In it, I shared 10 photography sto...

vulnerability 在 JOYCE FAN | YOGA TEACHER Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 02:55:07

Day 8️⃣ #AlOpenheart All time favourite - pincha scorpion 💙💙 #yogafanjoyce ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣ Heart opening’ poses and their many benefits are pretty c...

vulnerability 在 JOYCE FAN | YOGA TEACHER Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 02:55:07

Day 7️⃣ #AlOpenheart Can’t believe it’s the 7th day already. Saving my favourite shape for tomorrow, hence this should be my second favourite shape. ...

  • vulnerability 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-27 22:49:50
    有 55 人按讚

    ☁️”we don’t always have to put a positive spin on everything. Not every circumstance needs a silver lining.”♥️

    There is so much going on, I just wanted to send you guys a lot of love. Finding these really helpful. May your stories find safe harbour in the presence of people who will honour your vulnerability and resilience. Also, gentle reminder, we don’t need to solve people’s problems for them. More accurately, we can’t. And they often aren’t asking us to. But we can be there for them and support them. And if we don’t have the capacity to, we are allowed to say that we can’t. And vice versa. (This is all referring to interpersonal relationships)

    Here’s to loving all the ones who we are.

  • vulnerability 在 Podcast 電扶梯走左邊 - Left Side Escalator with Jacky Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 14:52:54
    有 35 人按讚

    認識 James 的時候覺得他是一個很好玩的人,很高的社交能量。可以一起歡樂,也是可以一起在咖啡廳認真 hustle 工作或是專研自我成長的好朋友。我們在自我成長的話題上有許多相似處跟認同的理念,正好有一次在他在做 self review relfection 的時候在咖啡店遇到。每次聊都有很棒的收穫,就覺得應該直接邀 James 上節目。

    那時候是節目的剛開始,聊起來特別放鬆,我特別喜歡的一點是 James 很沒有偶像包袱開放的分享很多私人的故事,其中一個重點就是面對失敗。大學沒考上目標,被裁員,自學,創業失敗,到現在的西雅圖科技工師創業大成功。『成功的人沒有不經過失敗的,只是爬起來繼續前進的次數比一般人多了一點』。之後很多科技業或是新創界的聽眾都有跟我說 - 受到這集 James 的 grit 跟面對失敗感動想要奮發圖強。
    我也深深體會到做節目訪談的過程,一個來賓有多願意放下包袱,真誠的分享自己人生遇過的種種難關,不只是事業上,甚至家庭,才會真正的跟我還有聽眾們產生強大的連結,才會更有深度也更有意義的學習一個人的人生觀跟故事。這集也對我之後做節目的願景有很正面的影響,謝謝 James 當初沒有保留的 openess & vulnerability🙌🏻


    #podcast #電扶梯走左邊 #人生捷徑 #自我成長 #medium #jobscan #創業

  • vulnerability 在 數碼捕籠 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-21 21:35:18
    有 1 人按讚

  • vulnerability 在 蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-11 22:00:09

    BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 20:29
    Podcast每週四10點一集 ​👉https://arieltsai.lnk.to/ArielsWhisper_CH


    1. 讓自己的脆弱和不完美被看見
    2. 學習勇敢去愛
    3. 練習感恩的習慣
    4. 勇於求助




    Sharing one of my favourite books and TED Talks of all time - “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brene Brown. Do you numb vulnerability? Do you always try to make the uncertain certain? Do you fear imperfection? Are you the one who’s scared to be the first to say “I love you”?

    This episode is for anyone and everyone because we can all appreciate vulnerability a little better. May we learn to have more compassion not just for others but also for ourselves.

    **Song at the end: Last Night (愛到明仔載): https://youtu.be/K45aclGIVGc



    Ariel 蔡佩軒的 3 步驟夢想實踐清單
    ■ STEP1 談夢想:沒有夢想很正常。不確定自己的夢想,更正常
    ■ STEP2 寫日記:最糟的都撐過去了。現在,不是最糟的時候
    ■ STEP3 列清單:堅持不是一個長跑,它是很多一個接一個的短跑
    ............................................... ​

    📔博客來 (獨家限量親簽版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉https://reurl.cc/AgQQyY
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9ZMzxx
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/E2kKyn
    📔MOMO (獨家限量海報版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9Zjj1O
    📔金石堂 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/Gd7kDD
    📔墊腳石 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻6/3網路及門市開賣
    📔博客來電子書(首賣二週) ─ 新書上線7折、境好電子書展單書再88折、二書85折👉🏻https://reurl.cc/2bX4Va
    📔其他:博客來 (海外運送)👉🏻https://tinyurl.com/yegltbc5
    📔PChome 全球購物 (103個國家)👉🏻https://global.pchome.com.tw/


    🔔 SUBSCRIBE訂閱: http://bit.ly/ariel_youtube
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    #Ariel悄悄對你說 #ArielsWhisper #Ariel蔡佩軒

  • vulnerability 在 bubzbeauty Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-04 03:46:25

    I had a lovely afternoon cooking whilst catching up with you guys. It's a bit of a lengthy one so if you're gonna watch all the way to the end, feel free to grab a snack and beverage!!

    Questions asked:

    What are your recent little victories?
    If you could (without worrying about family), where would you move to?
    How do you deal with uncertainty of your future?
    What can one do to maintain sense of identity in a relationship?
    What would you say to 10 year old you, past you and yesterday you?
    Have you grown up to be who you thought you would be?
    How do you know when you’re ready for a relationship?
    Was it hard transitioning from one child to two?
    What is your favourite date with RG?
    How do you know if someone is right for you?
    How do you like to start your mornings?
    What emotions do you feel the most recently?
    Have you tried Brazilian wax?
    Do you think you will talk about your divorce as a way to comfort other women?
    What are you and RG’s love language?
    How can I not let hate comments get to me and stop seeking approval?
    What are 5 things RG makes you feel that you couldn’t previously?
    How do you deal with toxic family members who you love?

    Here is the recipe I followed (I added seafood and used chicken instead for this day):
    TOFU STEW RECIPE: https://www.koreanbapsang.com/kimchi-soondubu-jjigae-soft-tofu-stew-kimchi/

    To ask a question for the next Q&A, comment below or follow me on instagram @itsbubz .

    Thanks for watching everyone!!

    Love, Lindy xo

    Music by Fiji Blue - Butterflies - https://thmatc.co/?l=46147060
    Music by kelsat - Exhale - https://thmatc.co/?l=E0810290
    Music by Ryan Farish - Honey - https://thmatc.co/?l=7BB8BBEA
    Music by Singto Conley - You Are The Stars - https://thmatc.co/?l=AFA938BF

  • vulnerability 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-26 21:13:34

    I am so excited to talk to the wonderful Lina Vasquez today! Lina and I realised we have a lot in common - growing up internationally and questioning who we really are in a world full of cultures and languages. We talk about blending into a new culture, vulnerability, multilingual meditation, struggling to express yourself in a language and much more. She shares her language stories and we open up about how our view of languages and life has changed over the years.

    We also did a video for her channel which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fst3Uss9pRE&t=770s
    Lina's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClZjE2TEk59ZbxH_hZiBkog

    0:00 Intro & welcome Lina
    1:23 How do languages define who we are?
    3:24 Identity is ever-changing
    4:33 Questioning "Who am I?"
    6:50 Feeling like a foreigner in your own country
    9:00 Blending into a new culture, finding connections
    10:10 Types of identity and vulnerability
    12:29 Analogy: transferring thoughts from one language to another
    14:28 Multilingual meditation & prayer
    20:05 Challenges and change help you grow
    21:36 The role languages play in our lives
    24:48 Stepping outside comfort zones

    Sorry for the abrupt end - technical difficulties! If you enjoyed our chat and want to hear more from us, leave a comment!


    Insta → https://www.instagram.com/lindiebotes/
    Website → http://lindiebotes.com/
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    $10 free italki credits (after first lesson) → https://go.italki.com/LindieBotes
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    My favorite resources → https://lindiebotes.com/language-resources/
    Merch → http://society6.com/lindiebotes


    Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!

    New here? Best videos → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRCVN94KILKXGx45JKaVBSpPkrpXhrhRe
    FAQ → https://lindiebotes.com/faq/


    Camera → https://geni.us/CanonPowerShotG7
    Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
    Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel

    Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com