

在 viscera產品中有37篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過13萬的網紅WannaSinging 老王,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 戰場清潔工 Viscera Cleanup Detail ft.八毛 油條 可能會3D暈自己保重...

 同時也有371部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅1UP,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ゴートシミュレーター スカイリム TorchLight2(ノッチの鉱山) The Talos Principle SuperMeatBoy(Mr.minecraft) Octodad セインツロウ4 Viscera Cleanup Detail The Stanley Parale...

viscera 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-01-05 15:33:52

【動動五官】鬼臉運動去眼袋 ⭐️長期對著螢幕需適時休息 ⭐️別被色斑印記纏上 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 鬼臉運動去眼袋 眼睛是容易曝露年紀的部位,如果睡眠質素差、疲倦、壓力大或是熬夜過後,眼袋和黑眼圈一併浮現,看起來憔悴不堪,樣子比真實年齡還要老!可以試試近年流行的面部瑜伽運動,動起來讓...

  • viscera 在 WannaSinging 老王 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-17 20:59:20
    有 603 人按讚

    戰場清潔工 Viscera Cleanup Detail ft.八毛 油條


  • viscera 在 群 Gun Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-23 18:17:18
    有 114 人按讚






    [Xuántiān Shàngdì]

    Xuántiān Shàngdì is one of the most commonly seen Taoist deities in Taiwan. Since the usurping Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty claimed to receive the divine assistance of Xuanwu during his successful Jingnan Campaign against his nephew, he had a number of Taoist monasteries constructed in the Wudang Mountains of Hubei, where Xuanwu allegedly attained immortality.

    He is also treated as the metaphor of the North Star as the deity of natural worshipping. Great Deity of the Northern Peak, one of the cosmological "Five Forms of the Highest Deity"

    As one of the five forms of cosmological representations, north significance water, therefore it makes Xuántiān Shàngdì capable of being in charge of sea affairs. Also, the representations of the north constellation happen to be the black tortoise or black turtle. As one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is usually depicted as a turtle entwined together with a snake, and these animals happen to be the ones Xuántiān Shàngdì is stepping on.

    In folklore tail, Xuántiān Shàngdì was originally a butcher and the goddess Guanyin showed him his sins. To redeem his sins, he dug out his own stomach and intestines and washed them in the river. Because of that, he then became immortal ascended to heaven with the title of Xuántiān Shàngdì.

    After he became an immortal, his stomach and intestines absorbed the essence of the earth. His viscera transformed into a demonic turtle and a demonic snake, who started to hurt people. No one could subdue the demonic animals. Eventually, Xuanwu returned to earth and he borrowed the sword from Lü Dongbin to subdue them. After defeating them, he later used them as his subordinates. Due to this folklore tail, Xuántiān Shàngdì is also treated as a patron god of slaughter industry.

    Another speculation about this folklore tail is that because Xuántiān Shàngdì is the guardian god of Ming dynasty, and Ching dynasty wanted to weaken the gasp of the Xuántiān Shàngdì belief so had the story of the butcher transform made up.


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  • viscera 在 捏嘴巴 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-11 15:14:29
    有 57 人按讚


    #steampunk #lung #Viscera #手繪 #水彩 #色鉛筆 #內臟 #iron

