

在 unsupportive產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,755的網紅Prudence Liew 劉美君,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Courtesy of 56 years of constant practice. I'm getting better and better at maintaining a healthy relationship with myself. Another year older, anoth...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過58萬的網紅Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包,也在其Youtube影片中提到,他其實不是不支持你,這很重要,如果用錯方式,對雙方都影響很大。 ►Special thanks to Mel Robbins for this wonderful insight. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2U-Oqn7RXf-ydPqfSxG5g 梅...

unsupportive 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-14 15:43:40

Courtesy of 56 years of constant practice. I'm getting better and better at maintaining a healthy relationship with myself. Another year older, anoth...

  • unsupportive 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-10 13:37:17
    有 199 人按讚

    Courtesy of 56 years of constant practice. I'm getting better and better at maintaining a healthy relationship with myself. Another year older, another year wiser and I keep advancing in the #SelfLove department. Happy 56 to me ! ( It's still Dec 9 here in the States, guess I'm gonna celebrate again tmrw, off to bed now, nite nite ! )
    Thank you all for your continuous love and support for letting me be me !!

    The biggest gift you can offer me is to commit to advocating for Self-care and Self-advocacy.

    #SelfCare - a journey that has no end. It's a conscious act that one takes to promote their own physical, mental and emotional health. ( #Exercise improves your mood and gives you an improved sense of well-being that can help prevent and treat mental illnesses like depression ). I love staying in shape because it makes me feel good and somewhat Superior, lol...

    #SelfAdvocacy - the ability to speak up for yourself and the things that are important to you. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need and want and tell people about your thoughts and feelings. Not only you know your rights and responsibilities, you speak up for your rights, and you make choices and decisions that affect your life.

    Someone asked me what's the biggest challenge during the process of reinventing myself. #SelfDoubt - there'll always be people that are unsupportive of your goals. Naysayers or critical people who actively say things to discourage you. There are also those who think you're stupid for missing out on opportunities. Truth is, in order to continue to be the advocate for natural beauty routine, health and wellbeing, I did turn down multiple commercial skincare product endorsement jobs, simply because they contradicted my beliefs. Ok, I'm stupid 🤪

    My Story

    People often ask me how on earth could a 56 yrs old woman look so young? What product do you use?

    My answer has always been the same since I was 28. Self-care, healthy lifestyle and I use my own recipe to create my own essential oil products.

    It all began in 1992, my then boyfriend's mother, Karen, who led a very organic lifestyle, introduced me to the aromatherapy world. I went from reading a book about aromatherapy to seriously studying it, and then working on creating my own recipes. Creating my own perfect essential oil blend took me a bit of trial and error but it’s a task that was a lot of fun. And of course, the biggest satisfaction came from seeing how my skin transformed over time.

    It’s been a long time dream to have my own natural product line. However, in order to prove that my products work, I would need time to prove it. I knew that if I could let myself grow old without aging much, that would be the most solid proof that speaks louder than anything else. I was determined to show the world that leading a healthy lifestyle and using only organic products can truly slow down aging. We can all look amazing and age beautifully and gracefully without any help from cosmetic surgeries or regular visits to your dermatologists or esties.

    Good things take time, after countless tests on real humans, a little improvement at a time, slowly refining all my recipes. Here I am, 28 years later...I'm ready to present you with my homemade products. The first in line is "For your eyes only", 100% natural without any preservatives, suitable for all skin types, organically and carefully crafted, and prepared by me, just me, with my own two hands, with love!!

    There’s a saying that goes “ If you need to convince anyone else, be sure you’re convinced… “. Yes, I am, very much so…

    For those who believe in me, I've prepared a small batch of my babies, all signed and numbered, each in their own little luggage just for you. Guess what? They've already arrived Hong Kong. They're only available through one channel, one person actually, my darling hairdresser, Gary.
    Please WhatsApp Gary only if you're interested in my product. +852 98850960

    " For your eyes only " is an overnight treatment that helps visibly smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, firm the look of skin and actively hydrates while you sleep. It's lightweight and so gentle that it melts right on your skin as soon as you apply. It's a 12 weeks' supply if you use it nightly. But if you're desperate like some of my clients, and you wanna see improvement sooner, the bottle will still last you a good 6 weeks 😉

    #noFilter #noBeautyApp

  • unsupportive 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-07 12:33:38
    有 23 人按讚

    Super proud of my Wanita Muda Negara Rasmi for taking this campaign up. It’s important that we all know how young single moms are struggling to make ends meet, raise their children up yet, still have to deal with abusive ex-partners and unsupportive family members.

    I’ve seen, talked to, dealt with, helped a lot of young single moms who have to undergo stressful divorce procedures in order to have peace in life.

    They have to go extra miles to ensure they can fight the custody of their children while remaining steadfast during the journey.

    Not to forget how all the torture and stress would impact their mental health.

    It’s time we start talking openly about them, reach out and fight for good policies for them. Timely that we fight Child Marriage, hard.

    I’ll be sharing stories of young single mothers whom I have helped as their pro bono lawyers, so we can acknowledge their hardship and struggle.

    Ainie Haziqah


  • unsupportive 在 Beloved888 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-07-27 20:38:37
    有 2 人按讚

    Do you know foot problem actually can effect our posture? Foot problem happen due to wearing unsupportive shoes, having weak legs and walking on flat and hard surfaces. All of these contribute to changes in soft tissue structures of feet including loosen joints that cause foot bone to shift and in long term, it will cause back pain or knee pain.Sunfeet provide affordable and effective Orthotic & Prosthetic solutions without involve medication or surgical. #SunfeetMY #DrEdmundLee #malaysia @ Sunfeet International Rehab centre

  • unsupportive 在 Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-03-27 15:52:24

    ►Special thanks to Mel Robbins for this wonderful insight.


    #同步成長 #為什麼另一半不支持你

    更多啟發人生的勵志影片,請追蹤我們 ➡ Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包

    演講者: Mel Robbins


    ► 此頻道沒有啟動Youtube廣告。
    - Wisdom Bread


    ► 完整版影片:
    What to do when your partner is unsupportive | Mel Robbins

    剪輯/翻譯/字幕:Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包
    Music used in this video licensed to Wisdom Bread

    ► 收看最更新的影片,請追蹤臉書專頁:??


    ► 更多啟發、智慧、勵志影片 ??

    手機鬧鐘響的時候,千萬不要去按貪睡按鈕 (Snooze Button) - Mel Robbins

    給人生最好的建議 - 為什麼你應該趕緊去失敗?丹佐.華盛頓

    (2019)富爸爸 - 為什麼有些人擺脫不了窮人的思維 ,值得一看


    ► 收看最更新的影片,請追蹤臉書專頁:??

