[爆卦]Unhindered base是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Unhindered base鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Unhindered base這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 unhindered產品中有41篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 吐瓦魯呼籲 承認台灣人民進入聯合國機構場域的權利 吐瓦魯總理拿塔諾表示聯合國成立的宗旨在於服務及保護全世界人民,所有人民進入此一國際大家庭,都不應受到阻礙,這是所有人民的權利,而非部份人民的特權。 台灣人民無法參訪聯合國及參與會議,台灣媒體和記者也未被允許入場採訪聯合國會議及活動,進入聯合國場...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過86萬的網紅Joseph Prince,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We've lost count of the challenges everyone has faced in 2020 that has cast darkness on many people's lives. Besides the very real struggles in our da...

  • unhindered 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-26 20:00:02
    有 1,416 人按讚

    吐瓦魯呼籲 承認台灣人民進入聯合國機構場域的權利





    Thanks to #Tuvalu Prime Minister Kausea Natano for his speech urging the UN to grant Taiwanese people and press access to UN premises during the General Debate of #UNGA76:

    "Mr. President, I thank you for the recognition that to build resilience, we must respect the rights of people and that the UN must be revitalized to uphold the rights of all people of the world—people it was established to serve and protect.

    On this very note, Tuvalu calls for the recognition of the rights of the people of Taiwan to the UN premises. The UN system was established to serve the public interest of all peoples. Having unhindered access to the family of nations should be a right for all, not a privilege for some.

    It is most regrettable to see the ongoing injustice of Taiwanese people being barred from accessing UN premises for visits and meetings simply because the UN fails to recognize Republic of China (Taiwan) passports, which are, in fact, accepted by almost every country in the world. Likewise, Taiwanese media outlets and journalists cannot obtain accreditation to cover UN meetings and events.

    It is alarming that civic space in the UN and freedom of the press are being restricted. It is also unjustifiable that a person’s access to UN premises now depends on nationality rather than on safety and security grounds. Granting Taiwanese passport holders access to UN premises is an essential step for the meaningful participation of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people in the UN system."

    Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference for the UN.

  • unhindered 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-21 13:01:57
    有 735 人按讚

    【短片推介🇦🇺】澳洲《60分鐘時事雜誌》再講述香港痛苦現狀:"Danger for Hong Kong's next generation as Communist China tightens its grip",開場白聯繫到近日的美英澳安全同盟:“It’s no wonder Australia the US and UK have been shoring up defence tie, beating chest with multi-billion dollar announcement about building nuclear powered submarines. It’s all about countering China’s expansion with just the moment seems unhindered. Take what the communist regime is systematically dismentling in Hong Kong…”,高度推介。

    ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uIOE_nRlxo
    ⏺ 印太三國安全同盟AUKUS:新冷戰里程碑?

  • unhindered 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-07 20:25:35
    有 218 人按讚

    God is Not Like Man

    “Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?” They answered him, “If this man weren’t an evildoer, we wouldn’t have delivered him up to you.” Pilate therefore said to them, “Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law.” Therefore the Jews said to him, “It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death,” that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spoke, signifying by what kind of death he should die.” (John‬ ‭18:29-32‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Look how the religious leaders of Israel had murder in their hearts but were unable to do it because they were restricted by the Law.

    They keep the Law outwardly just for the public eye, and looked for ways to get around the Law to execute their murderous schemes.

    While they looked for any loophole to commit murder, God used His infinite wisdom and knowledge to find a way to save mankind.

    Under the Law, God said that the soul who sins must die. In Paul’s words, “the wages of sin is death”.

    There was only one way for us to be saved because we cannot fulfill the demands of the Law by ourselves. Someone else must die in our place as a substitute.

    This person must be a member of mankind, sinless, and his life has to be worthy enough to pay for all the sins of the world.

    That is why the only begotten Son of God had to become a man, bleed, and die as our atoning sacrifice for sins.

    Today, we are saved, blessed, and favored by God not because of our own obedience towards the Law, but because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. His sinless, divine blood is a massive overpayment for all our sin debts, purchasing every spiritual blessing of God for us.

    I read someone write that “your sin can hinder your prayers”. If that were true, then no Christians would have any answered prayers because we still fail God daily, in thoughts and deeds. We may not be able to live a completely sinless life, but thankfully our prayers are answered based on Jesus’ obedience at the cross. His shed blood is the only reason why we can always enjoy God’s favor.

    Let no one deceive you that sin is causing God to ignore your prayers. If God is omniscient, then He already knew all the sins you would commit in your life, and He still chose to let Jesus bear the punishment for your sins at the cross.

    What hinders us from receiving God’s promises today is only unbelief. When you have a bad opinion of God and see Him angry, demanding, and unapproachable, you will be unable to freely receive all that Jesus died for you to enjoy.

    Paul taught that no one can be justified through the works of the Law. Not before salvation, and not after salvation. God is so gracious that He made us the righteousness of God in Christ when we believed in Jesus as Lord.

    Abba God has the perfect, righteous reason to lavish His goodness upon you. Through your prayers of intercession, the people around you are also blessed.

    Some well-meaning Christians want to live godly through keeping the Law as a moral guideline, but it only serves to stir up sin’s rebellion in our flesh. They will experience short-lived victories ,only to fall back into sinful patterns when the willpower runs out.

    When you place your faith in God after receiving His Word, you will be progressively transformed to live a righteous life. The goal of godly living is the same, but the only way to get there is by beholding Jesus and trusting in Him.

    Live by the new and better covenant that is built upon better promises, and you will reign in life through the one Lord Jesus Christ!

    The four gospels written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are full of precious revelations of God’s truths and promises. When you get this four eBook bundle, you will learn the meaning of every one of Jesus’ miracles, parables, words, and deeds. Let this resource replace wrong legalistic beliefs, and position you to receive the abundance of God’s Grace through unhindered faith!

    A customer, Linda B, said this about the eBook bundle: “Well worth the money. Wish I had done it sooner. Wonderful study.”

    Get “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace” now ===> https://www.miltongoh.net/store/p18/understand-the-four-gospels-through-the-lens-of-grace.html

  • unhindered 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-16 20:45:10

    We've lost count of the challenges everyone has faced in 2020 that has cast darkness on many people's lives. Besides the very real struggles in our day-to-day life, we know there are also fears and mind games that can be hard to shake off.

    But the truth is, in the midst of the darkness, Jesus' light is right here and it shines even brighter. ✨ As His light pierces through every bit of darkness, it brings His life and love into the situation and into your heart. And in all of this, we have an unshakable hope that God loves us and is working everything together for our good (see Rom. 8:28).

    We want to encourage you to look around for those who are surrounded by darkness and in search of hope. During this time when we can do so many things unhindered by time and space (such as watching service online!), why not invite a friend or someone you cross paths with to attend a service or church gathering online?

    This Christmas season, be bold, reach out and gift a friend/loved one/colleague/neighbor a personal encounter with the Light of the world who came to bring joy, love, and peace. You never know, they might just receive a rhema word for their situation or have the encounter with Jesus that they need right now! ?

    We are praying and believing with you that even as you gather the courage to share Jesus with your friends, their hearts will be open and softened to receive Him. ❤️

    These clips are from the following sermons from Joseph Prince:
    - Rise Up And Reign Over Your Enemies (12 Apr 2020)
    - Can You See The Angels Protecting You? (2 Feb 2020)
    - God’s Ways To Good Fortune In All Areas (19 Apr 2020)
    - What To Focus On In Dark Times (29 Mar 2020)
    - Fear Not! Christ Is In The Crisis (22 Mar 2020)
    - The Lord Of Time And Space (5 Jan 2020)

    Decibel.one: A digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check out at https://decibel.one/ for more grace-centered content.

    Stay Connected –

    Decibel Website: https://decibel.one/
    Decibel Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dcbl.one/
    Decibel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decibel.one/

    #decibelone #decibel #JosephPrince

  • unhindered 在 Bingyen 郑斌彦 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-22 22:19:41

    XUE HUA PIAO PIAO 郑斌彦- 一剪梅 Cover Music Video 原唱:费玉清

    #雪花飘飘 #xuehuapiaopiao #费玉清 #tiktok #brotheregg #蛋哥

    Yi Jian Mei (xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao) · Yu-Ching Fe

    总有云开 日出时候
    就在最冷 枝头绽放

    一剪寒梅 傲立雪中
    此情长留 心间

    What does “Xue Hua Piao Piao” Really Mean?

    xue hua piao piao meaning

    zhēn qíng xiàng cǎo yuán guǎng kuò
    True love like the grassland so wide
    céng céng fēng yǔ bú néng zǔ gé
    Unaffected by layers of wind and rain

    zǒng yǒu yún kāi rì chū shí hòu
    There will be a time when the clouds open and sun shines

    wàn zhàng yáng guāng zhào yaò nǐ wǒ
    A thousand sunbeams fall onto us

    zhēn qíng xiàng méi huā kāi guò
    True love like plum blossoms blooming

    lěng lěng bīng xuě bú néng yǎn mò
    Unhindered by the cold icy snow

    jiù zài zuì lěng
    At the coldest hour

    zhī tóu zhàn fàng
    Its branches burst into a bloom

    kàn jiàn chūn tiān zǒu xiàng nǐ wǒ
    In sight, spring approaches you and me

    xuě huā piāo piāo běi fēng xiào xiào
    Snow petals drifting; the north wind whistles

    tiān dì yí piàn cāng máng
    The world ever a boundless

    yì jiǎn hán méi
    A spray of winter Plum Blossoms

    ào lì xuě zhōng
    Stands proudly in the snow

    zhī wèi yī rén piāo xiāng
    Only for that person its fragrance drift

    ài wǒ suǒ ài wú yuàn wú huǐ
    My love is without complains and regrets

    cǐ qíng chǎng liú
    This feeling forever present...

    xīn jiān
    In my heart

    [verse 2]
    xuě huā piāo piāo běi fēng xiào xiào
    Snow petals drifting; the north wind whistles

    tiān dì yí piàn cāng máng
    The world ever a boundless

    yì jiǎn hán méi
    A spray of winter Plum Blossoms

    ào lì xuě zhōng
    Stands proudly in the snow

    zhī wèi yī rén piāo xiāng
    Only for that person its fragrance drift

    ài wǒ suǒ ài wú yuàn wú huǐ
    My love is without complains and regrets

    cǐ qíng chǎng liú
    This feeling forever present...

    xīn jiān
    In my heart

    拍摄地点:布城中马友谊园 Putrajaya China-Malaysia Friendship Garden



    Facebook: Bingyen郑斌彦

    YouTube: Bingyen郑斌彦


    “马来西亚男孩”郑斌彦是马来西亚网络红人, 毕业于中国传媒大学导演系。他曾经在八度空间、NTV7和《星洲日报》从事幕后工作。虽然在这些大媒体公司上班让他拥有稳定的收入,但他心中一直有更远大的梦想,所以每当放工后他都会拍摄影片,经营自己的YouTube频道。2018年,郑斌彦为了追求更有价值和疯狂的人生,决定辞去记者工作,成立个人工作室BINGYEN STUDIO。如今郑斌彦不仅仅是一名Youtuber,同时也是一名YouTube讲师,知名创作歌手和影片制作人。

    -YouTube讲师,为企业和大专院校开设YouTube影片制作课程。曾接受988、One FM、Ai FM、星洲日报、东方日报、中国报等媒体的专访。


    -影片制作人,除了经营自己的频道,也为企业制作商业广告,曾合作的品牌包括Eco world、Lake City KL North、U Mobile、Astro、8TV、尊孔独中、白沙罗华小、我来也等等。

    BINGYEN STUDIO由网络红人郑斌彦成立。BINGYEN STUDIO的理念是协助更多人实现自己的梦想和传递正能量,提供视频、照片、音乐和课程四大服务。


  • unhindered 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-05-14 09:38:23

    Want to always keep the flow of God's grace, power and supply open to you? Then begin to walk in your identity as His child, completely righteous in Christ. Learn why seeing and calling yourself a sinner every time you approach God stinks of hypocrisy to Him and how and why your heavenly Father wants you to own the gift of righteousness you have through Christ. Catch a fresh revelation of His love as you see His desire for you to live free of pretense in His presence, and begin to see His grace and supply flow unhindered to turn all your challenges around!

    Get the full message at:
    JosephPrince.com - http://bit.ly/1q3XyXh
    iTunes - http://bit.ly/1kZgzD5
    Amazon - http://amzn.to/1iRSLlm

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