

在 unfilial產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【不照著家譜為孩子取名,就是不孝 !? 】 Unfilial Not to Name Your Child After the Family Tree Book? 現在社會,幾乎每個父母都會為孩子取個洋名。有的家長覺得這樣比較容易叫孩子的名,有的認為這樣才跟得上時代。 但我們畢竟是華人,刻在墓碑...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅謙預 QianyuSG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,孩子取名,不跟著家譜就是大不孝 !? 在新加坡,幾乎每個父母都會為孩子取個洋名。有的家長覺得這樣比較容易叫孩子的名,有的認為這樣才跟得上時代。 但我們必經是華人,刻在墓碑上的,終究是華文名。華文的源起在歷史中已隱藏著玄秘的力量,因此一個好的中文名有著巨大的力量來加持一個孩子八字的不足,不是英文...

unfilial 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-12 04:37:47

(English version below) 畜生其实就是,很多人的前世。打個比方說,愛好溜达且有些膽怯的人,是狗的特性習氣。性子急,喜食花生,喜跳迪斯哥,喜食香蕉的人,是猴子的習氣。不喜人言,執著不放的,喜歡東敲西打,喜两舌的,是蛇的習氣也。總而言之,統而言之,十二生肖各有其,特性及習氣。明眼...

  • unfilial 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-11 21:31:51
    有 1,294 人按讚

    【不照著家譜為孩子取名,就是不孝 !? 】
    Unfilial Not to Name Your Child After the Family Tree Book?





    In modern society, almost every parent will give the child a Christian name. Some parents say that it is easier to call the child with an English name, while some regard this as keeping up with the times.

    But we are Chinese after all. What is engraved on our tombs will still be our Chinese names. Due to its historic mystical origins, the Chinese language is much more powerful in empowering the child with auspicious energies for the inadequacies in his/her Bazi. A name from its English counterpart just doesn't measure up.


  • unfilial 在 張吉安 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-11 19:03:56
    有 673 人按讚


    12/09| 8pm | FB線上開鑼首播!

    今年,我們將藉著你的一張票券和文化付費,在每週六晚上8點,線上推出不同民間藝師的演藝,讓新常態的戲臺重生 --【鄉音戲臺HeriStage】!

    FB Live:www.facebook.com/JiAn1978
    票券/文化付費: https://classicaccents.org/support/


    Episode 11 : Teo Chew Opera House【Trial of The Unfilial Son】
    05/09 | 8pm | FB Premiere LiVE

    Pandemic Pain: One ticket for HeriStage Revival!
    With your contribution, we can bring performances online every saturday night 8pm, and help folk artists adapt to new practices brought on by the “New Normal” --【鄉音戲臺HeriStage】!

    FB Live:www.facebook.com/JiAn1978
    Contribution: https://classicaccents.org/support/

  • unfilial 在 張吉安 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-08 15:01:54
    有 360 人按讚


    12/09| 8pm | FB線上開鑼首播!

    今年,我們將藉著你的一張票券和文化付費,在每週六晚上8點,線上推出不同民間藝師的演藝,讓新常態的戲臺重生 --【鄉音戲臺HeriStage】!

    FB Live:www.facebook.com/JiAn1978
    票券/文化付費: https://classicaccents.org/support/


    Episode 11 : Teo Chew Opera House【Trial of The Unfilial Son】
    05/09 | 8pm | FB Premiere LiVE

    Pandemic Pain: One ticket for HeriStage Revival!
    With your contribution, we can bring performances online every saturday night 8pm, and help folk artists adapt to new practices brought on by the “New Normal” --【鄉音戲臺HeriStage】!

    FB Live:www.facebook.com/JiAn1978
    Contribution: https://classicaccents.org/support/

  • unfilial 在 謙預 QianyuSG Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-04 02:23:10

    孩子取名,不跟著家譜就是大不孝 !?





    It Is Unfilial Not to Name Your Child After the Family Tree Book?

    In Singapore, almost every parent will give the child a Christian name. Some parents say that it is easier to call the child with an English name, while some regard this as keeping up with the times.

    But we are Chinese after all. What is engraved on our tombs will still be our Chinese names. Due to its historic mystical origins, the Chinese language is much more powerful in empowering the child with auspicious energies for the inadequacies in his/her Bazi. A name from its English counterpart just doesn't measure up.

    Some parents name their child based on their emotions at that time. And there are parents who are obliged to follow the Family Tree Book. While the former is sentimental/emotional, is the latter necessarily a wiser move?






    Hi, I am Lee Ji Qian, a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner from Singapore. This journey in propagating Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics has been full of hard knocks and exciting discoveries.

    Through my videos and online writing, I hope to share my journey with you. So that you too can break free from the limits of your destiny and truly live a life you can call exciting. My destiny is in my own hands, not Heaven. So is yours.

    It does not matter whether we can live a long or short life.
    What matters most is living a life of value and contribution.

    ??‍? 服務諮詢 FOR MY SERVICES:


    *** 我使用的器材 OTHER TECH EQUIPMENT I USE ***

    這支影片 FOR THIS VIDEO:
    Iphone 6
    Wide Angle Selfie Ring Light
    3-in-1 Monopod: https://amzn.to/2rJ1M03
    Royal Voice Lavalier Mic (out of production)
    but this comes close : https://amzn.to/2pmj7Ly

    相機 CAMERAS
    Sony A6400: https://amzn.to/33NLssT
    Sony 128GB SD card: https://amzn.to/2NKv6vw
    Rode Videomicro : https://amzn.to/350TZsW

    Sony Mark III: https://amzn.to/2qOne3g
    128GB SD card: https://amzn.to/2Qfnl2n

    Neumann T102: https://amzn.to/34XuFE3
    Universal Audio: https://amzn.to/2CIOgM4
    Portabooth Plus: https://amzn.to/33MyBHE

    Zhiyun Crane M Gimbal: https://amzn.to/2Xfd7QZ
    Nitecore charger for A6400: https://amzn.to/2Qfo8QT
    Extra Sony A6400 battery: https://amzn.to/2Kh3oo8


  • unfilial 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-08-23 08:31:33

    (English version below)












    Have you started your recitation yesterday?

    I am referring to the Mantra of Repaying Parents' Kindness, as imparted by Shakyamuni Buddha.

    As the name indicated, this mantra can repay our gratitude to our parents of this lifetime. But it does not stop at there. Its merits are great enough to bless our parents from our past 7 lives, with a rebirth to the Pureland.

    Master Dai Hu has been reciting this mantra for at least 15 years, and still did it yesterday on the first day of the 7th Lunar Month.

    With the merits from this mantra, our parents of this and past 7 lives, and our ancestors, can have their negative karma eradicated and gain an increase in their wisdom. One level by one level, one lifetime by one lifetime, one realm by one realm, it will upwards all the way, till they can break away from the Three Evil Realms, or the six realms of reincarnation. Gradually, they will gain rebirth in a better world.

    It is the duty of all children to repay the debt of gratitude to their parents. They are the roots of our origin. As human beings, we must not forget where we came from. Without the egg and sperm from our parents, we will have no physical shell. Without this physical body, our consciousness will be drifting. We will be unable to cultivate to the next higher level, resigned to wandering in a gloomy and dark realm, where there is ghost bullying and going where karma takes us.

    We will not be able to break away from suffering and attain bliss. Therefore, our parents have shown much kindness in giving us this physical body for us to cultivate. It is a great debt of gratitude. Hence, the saying: The kindness of our parents is as wide as the ocean, while the kindness of our teachers is as vast as the universe.

    When a person does not repay his parents' kindness, he would have failed in upholding his status as a human. Under such conditions, when he has children, they would also be unfilial.

    Please think over this wisely, everybody. You must cultivate your wisdom. By then, you would naturally understand the many truth in all that have happened to you before, and be able to attain eternal bliss, leaving the cycle of sufferings.

    I wish diligence upon every one of you. Please recite this mantra 49 times daily, from Day 1 to Day 30 every 7th Lunar month. Dedicate the merits to your parents from this and past 7 lives. May they together be reborn in the Pureland of happiness, and attain eternal bliss with no suffering.

    If you miss out one day of recitation, due to work, forgetfulness or illness, you can wake up earlier the next day to recite that 49 times. In other words, you would have to do 2 sets of 49 times that day. Don't stop the cycle, so that your merits for your parents will be complete.



    Music: Atelier Amacha

  • unfilial 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-05-14 18:48:28






    We know that there are a few drama serials that advocate the virtue of filial piety. For example, in the drama serial "Lotus Lantern", the male lead character Chen Siang levelled the Hua Mountains to save his Mother. Of course, there is also the story of Nezha who dismembered his bones and flesh to repay his parents. These stories teach us the spirit of filial piety.

    Why should we be filial to our parents? This question should not even be asked in the first place. Without our parents, how can we even exist? Thus, a person who does not serve his or her parents will definitely not have a heart of gratitude.

    Without gratitude, our effort will never reap any fruit of reward, be it worldly or non-worldly aspirations, no matter in what we do in life. We will not receive any empowerment or blessings if we are unfilial.

    What would a person with no heart of gratitude be?

    A beast. For a beast has no conscious heart.


