[爆卦]Unaccepted synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Unaccepted synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Unaccepted synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 unaccepted產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅明周文化 MP Weekly,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【編者的話】新秩序 The New Order 今期封面人物 Serrini,總有人會問:「她是誰?」 標準答案通常是:「唔知邊度嚟,話自己 #唱作人,但好多 #廣東話,不過好好笑,最近入咗叱咤我最喜愛女歌手最後五強(截稿前仍未公布賽果),擊敗了 #謝安琪 和 #GinLee。」 然後又總會有...


unaccepted 在 明周文化 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-01-05 15:49:39

【編者的話】新秩序 The New Order 今期封面人物 #serrini,總有人會問:「她是誰?」 標準答案通常是:「唔知邊度嚟,話自己 #唱作人,但好多 #廣東話,不過好好笑,最近入咗叱咤我最喜愛女歌手最後五強(截稿前仍未公布賽果),擊敗了 #謝安琪 和 #GinLee。」 然後又總會...

  • unaccepted 在 明周文化 MP Weekly Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-01 09:00:01
    有 955 人按讚

    【編者的話】新秩序 The New Order

    今期封面人物 Serrini,總有人會問:「她是誰?」

    標準答案通常是:「唔知邊度嚟,話自己 #唱作人,但好多 #廣東話,不過好好笑,最近入咗叱咤我最喜愛女歌手最後五強(截稿前仍未公布賽果),擊敗了 #謝安琪 和 #GinLee。」


    對於這個問題,Serrini最近有在社交媒體間接地回應過,direct quote如下:「有一次係一個得百幾人睇嘅live裡面,我話比大家知可以先comment #條女識用咩?同埋 #條女憑咩 比大家抒發感情先,因為我有聖誕禮物,點知有條友打左 #條女馮咩 然後就全部人係度笑到yap yap聲跟隊。」

    讀到這裏,如果你有個不太舒服的觀感,大概可以證明以下兩件事,第一,閣下應該年過四十;第二,維基百科上有關Avant-garde的定義是成立的,direct quote如下:

    The avant-garde are people or works that are experimental, radical, or unorthodox with respect to art, culture, or society. It is frequently characterized by aesthetic innovation and initial unacceptability.


    新時代的誕生,它一定被大眾initially unaccepted,因為它給觀眾從未見過的震撼。一個新類型的歌手,你覺得她「礙眼」,因為她將會帶給你一個從未有過的音樂新秩序,將來樂壇可能出現一個 #樹妮妮 現象,扭轉樂壇的方程式,又有何出奇?

    放諸 #時尚界,例子比比皆是,上世紀二十年代,Coco Chanel 穿上當時沒有女人會穿的西褲、Alexander McQueen用機械人設計服裝,以至最近流行但其實都不是新鮮事、但竟然很多人未聽過的虛擬 #KOL,Bjork當年著天鵝衫唱歌都是沒有人明白她在唱什麼,以Serrini這樣的姿色身形歌路談吐學歷踏上叱咤我最喜愛女歌手最後五強,又為什麼需要一個原因?反過來,如果五強是一些意料之內的名字,其實是不是反而需要一個原因去反省一下?今時今日,#大台 仍在,不過網民早已當家作主,諸如樂壇投票,諸如廣告出版,諸如我們作為傳媒人,若想生還,也請早日放下昔日編輯高高在上的姿態,今日我們要虛心聽聽網民的聲音,才能做個先拔頭籌的媒體。

    An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.
    ──Oscar Wilde

    Jiff Chung
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    #Serrini #歌手 #媒體 #社交媒體 #叱咤 #我最喜愛女歌手 #時裝 #時尚 #我就是我 INNER

  • unaccepted 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-19 23:29:03
    有 960 人按讚


    “Life just isn’t” (篇名很任性XD)

    來自 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 的好文翻譯


    Life isn’t about keeping score.

    It’s not about how many people call you and who you’ve dated, are dating and haven’t dated at all.

    It isn’t about who you’ve kissed, what sport you play, or which guy or girl likes you.

    It’s not about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin, or where you live or go to school.

    It's not about status, money, clothes, or sexuality.

    And it’s not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn’t about that.

    But life is about who you love and who you hurt.

    It’s about how you feel about yourself.

    It’s about trust, happiness and compassion.

    It’s about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love.

    Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence.

    It’s about what you say and what you mean.

    It’s about seeing people for who they are and not what they have.

    Most of all, it is about choosing to use your life to touch someone else’s in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise.

    These choices are what life’s about.




    >> https://reurl.cc/EzbMRR

    #Sonny老師手抄字超美 #大家晚安加油

  • unaccepted 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-18 19:50:31
    有 56 人按讚

    【絕食第80日】【80th Day of Hunger Strike: Update & Volunteers' Thoughts】
    17 / 9 / 2020

    ▍「除了停止了探訪外,這裡任何東西都沒變過。廁所依然是那麼髒,他們(入境處)連一塊香皂都沒有多給我們。」- 羈留者O生氣的說






    ▍“I am very angry about this lockdown. They (ImmD) did nothing more to advance any prevention or protection measures. Just lockdown. We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” — Detainee I

    Due to the discovery of the 2nd confirmed case of COVID-19 on 6th September, CIC has suspended all visit. All detainees have since been unable to receiving basic hygienic products from their visiting friends. It has been 10 days. Below are some thoughts of our volunteer H:

    CIC is exceptionally meticulous, or better put, bureaucratic about the hand-in articles from visitors to detainees. A book must be totally clean, even a stamp that says “Donated by XX School Library” would made the book ineligible for handing in; The soap must be in blue, yet stores often sell this brand of soap in a pack of six, so volunteers would always be left with 4 bars of non-blue soap; when you bought the towel with the exact wording, the staff will always let you know that your towel is “knock-off” and therefore unaccepted; M&M must come in 5 packs of the same colour. When the articles I bought first got rejected by CIC officers, I was very frustrated. In terms of their function, the towels and soap I bought were just fine. And every time I visited, I always saw other visitors’ “unapproved” articles got rejected. Imagining coming all the way with the hope of giving a little something to make your detainee friend’s life slightly better, and yet got rejected for the bureaucratic instructions of CIC, would you feel upset?

    Nevertheless, my angry and frustration has been numbed as I visited CIC more frequently. In order to successfully got the articles to detainees, I have become an expert. I have memorised the entire list of approved hand-in articles and know the prices for each item. And over time, I have stocked up these articles for the detainees. In the past few days, our concern group have received several calls from detainees, saying that they are lacking certain hygienic project. “We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” they said. I would love to let them know that I have stocked up, yet I now have no idea when I can give things to them due to the lockdown in CIC.

    From these calls from detainees, not only had I learnt about the certain items they need, but also what freedom meant to them. “40 detainees from 7/F have been sent to the isolation camp, do you have any news about them?”, detainee S asked me. “Actually I need help. I don’t want to stay long time in CIC. There is positive case here. CIC is not safe.” Detainee R said. I think the current lockdown of CIC have demonstrated exactly how CIC is not safe. There is a high risk for cross-infection of COVID-19 in CIC. So, why is the authority so determined to detain this group of innocent people, and put their health and lives in danger?

    “Most detainees have wrote a complaint letter together to the Immigration Department against the lockdown and ask for reasons.” Said O. “Hope this complaint letter could help reopen visit soon.”

  • unaccepted 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • unaccepted 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • unaccepted 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

