

在 umbrellas產品中有252篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅咪塔 Mita,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 要下班了、要出遊了、要約會了 往窗外一看竟然下雨了 倘若擁有一把美麗時尚的雨傘 那就不會皺起眉頭了 / FULTON Umbrellas富爾頓皇家晴雨傘 創立於1956年的英國倫敦 以時尚的設計,細膩的製傘工藝聞名 更榮獲女王頒予英國皇室標章(Royal Warrant) 成為英國皇室御用雨具 / ...

 同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Bangkok69,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Sutthisan MRT station has a market where you can enjoy street food. This market has a roof to protect it from the rain, but the aisles are uncovered a...

umbrellas 在 王智勇 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 17:07:18

這裡是在六十石山下,一處饒具童心的拍照景點。 富里鄉農會羅山展售中心的中庭,用了繽紛鮮豔五顏六色的洋傘做成了花傘天蓬,在陽光下特別耀眼,又能具有遮陽效果,超適合拍出網美照,我就派我的小貓玩偶出來攔路拍照,果然非常可愛。 展售中心除了有賣當地名產比如御皇米、富麗米、金針花乾、各種果乾、餅乾、零食及...

  • umbrellas 在 咪塔 Mita Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-08 18:01:00
    有 67 人按讚


    FULTON Umbrellas富爾頓皇家晴雨傘
    更榮獲女王頒予英國皇室標章(Royal Warrant)
    拿到FULTON Umbrellas雨傘
    ☔Fulton Umbrellas最具象徵的鳥籠傘
    ☔FULTON Umbrellas 輕巧隨身傘 丹寧甜心
    ☔Fulton Umbrellas 航空碳纖傘


    #FULTONUmbrellas #富爾頓皇家晴雨傘 #精品雨傘
    #雨傘推薦 #英國皇室御用

  • umbrellas 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-08 02:08:25
    有 440 人按讚

    (快訊)義大利演員尼諾.卡斯泰爾諾沃(Nino Castelnuovo)辭世,享壽84歲。他的代表作是與凱薩琳.丹妮芙(Catherine Deneuve)聯袂出演的經典法國歌舞片《秋水伊人 The Umbrellas of Cherbourg》(1964)。

    卡斯泰爾諾沃憑藉影集《I promessi sposi》(1967)在義大利成為家喻戶曉的演員,甚至因此獲得保祿六世接見。早期演出作品亦包括《洛可兄弟 Rocco and His Brothers》(1960)、《五巨頭 The Five Man Army》(1969),晚年則以《英倫情人 The English Patient》(1996)當中的考古學家一角再次為世人所知。

    #NinoCastelnuovo #TheUmbrellasofCherbourg

  • umbrellas 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-19 09:19:00
    有 54 人按讚

    We made it to the summit of Bukit Timah Hill, woohoo!

    This was our first time scaling to the top as we explored the nature reserve over the weekend. I have to say it was really exhausting walking up the long and steep slope, not to mention that we still had a baby, umbrellas and diaper bag to carry, haha.

    We had a choice of climbing the stairs or walking along the main road to get to the summit and I was surprised that the kids chose the stairs in unison. All right, let's do it then!

    I had to stop a few times to catch my breath because very 喘 but I was glad we didn't give up and managed to perserve till the end. I was hoping to get a good view at the summit but other than this rock and a pavilion to rest, there was really nothing much there.

    We couldn't get a good view of the quarry too because it was blocked by the vegetation but at least we saw some monkeys and bugs. The highlight was seeing a giant forest ant and debating about whether a bird we saw high up in the tree was a red crowned barbet or common flameback woodpecker.

    It was fun making our way down the hill after and the kids said they wished they could roll down instead because that would be so fun! Hoping to explore more parks soon even though it is the busy exam period for the kids. We all need to take a breather from time to time, this definitely did me a lot of good and made me happy.

    #ahappymum #weekend #bukittimahnaturereserve #bukittimahhill #nevergiveup #wedidit #outdoorfun #exploringsingapore #familytime #adaytoremember