[爆卦]Trial balance 試算表是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇Trial balance 試算表鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Trial balance 試算表這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者weisl (威索)看板NTU-Exam標題[試題] 101上 林蕙真 會計學甲一上 第一次小考...


◆ 考試範圍:課本第一章~第三章
◆ 考試時間:15:30~17:30(120分鐘),10/19
◆ 試卷共有6頁(包含本頁),總分一百分
◆ 鉛筆或原子筆(黑色或藍色)作答皆可
◆ 考試過程禁止使用手機,電子辭典等電子設備,若有違反視為作弊
◆ 作弊者該次考試以零分計算



1.( )繼續經營假設在下列何種狀況不適用?
(A)企業剛開始營運 (B)進行清算
(C)公允價值較成本為高 (D)淨變現價值無法取得

2.( )經濟個體假設中之「經濟個體」係指:

3.( )下列敘述何者不正確?

4.( )下列何項分錄將使權益增加?
(A)攤銷無形資產 (B)調整未過期租金收入
(C)調整未耗文具用品 (D)提列折舊

5.( )負債為資產之半數少$8,000,權益為負債之1.5倍,則權益金額為
(A)$48,000 (B)$8,000 (C)$64,000 (D)$80,000

6.( )期初資產$780,000,期初負債$540,000,本期資產增加$51,000,
(A)$240,000 (B)$291,000 (C)$286,000 (D)$296,000

7.( )負債減少時,其他會計要素之影響可能為:
(A)資產增加 (B)權益減少 (C)費用增加 (D)收入增加

8.( )對於日記簿之敘述,下列何者為非?

9.( )現金收入$1,000,誤過入現金帳戶之貸方,將使合計式試算表

10.( )試算表所能發現之錯誤是
(A)借貸方同時漏過或重過 (B)科目名稱誤用
(C)借貸同額增加 (D)應付票據餘額計算錯誤

11.( )試算表不平衡時,檢查其錯誤次序,應先查
(A)日記帳 (B)試算表 (C)分類帳 (D)明細帳

12.( )下列何種錯誤可以藉由編制試算表加以偵查出:

13.( )試算表不能平衡時,其借方總額與貸方總額之差額可以被2整除,可能表示:
(A)分類帳餘額重複抄記 (B)同一分錄被過帳兩次
(C)借方金額誤過入貸方 (D)一借方金額$90誤計成$900

14.( )九月一日支付6個月房租$12,000,當時以預付租金入帳。假設公司僅於每年

15.( )仁愛公司X4年7月1日預付一年期保險費$600,並以資產科目入帳。若該公司

16.( )結帳試算表中,調整前試算表欄的預付廣告費為$12,500,調整分錄欄貸方列
(A)借方$5,500 (B)貸方$5,500 (C)借方$7,000 (D)貸方$7,000。

17.( )「本期損益」帳戶結帳前之餘額為:
(A)損益表上之本期淨利或淨損 (B)權益之期初餘額
(C)損益表之期末餘額 (D)為$-0-

18.( )工作底稿上,若損益表欄上借方總額大於貸方總額,則表示:

19.( )迴轉分錄:
(A)非必要之會計程序 (B)增加簿記的便利性
(C)增加會計程序的一致性 (D)以上皆是

20.( )Bennoit Corporation paid dividends totaling £295,000 to its
shareholders. This transaction will decrease assets and
(A) decrease equity by £295,000.
(B) decrease liabilities by £295,000.
(C) increase expenses by £295,000.
(D) have no effect on the accounting equation.

21.( )At January 31, 2011, the balance in Bota Inc.'s supplies account was
$250. During February, Bota purchased supplies of $300 and used
supplies of $400. At the end of February, the balance in the
supplies account should be
(A) $250 debit.
(B) $350 credit.
(C) $950 debit.
(D) $150 debit.

22.( )Financial statements are prepared directly from the
(A) general journal.
(B) ledger.
(C) trial balance.
(D) adjusted trial balance.

23.( )Sail & Surf Cruises purchased a five-year insurance policy for its
ships on April 1, 2011 for $100,000. Assuming that April 1 is the
effective date of the policy, the adjusting entry on December 31,
2011 is
(A)Prepaid Insurance..................................15,000
Insurance Expense.................................... 15,000
(B)Insurance Expense..................................15,000
Prepaid Insurance.................................... 15,000
(C)Insurance Expense..................................20,000
Prepaid Insurance.................................... 20,000
(D)Insurance Expense...................................5,000
Prepaid Insurance.................................... 5,000

24.( )A business pays weekly salaries of $25,000 on Friday for a five-day
week ending on that day. The adjusting entry necessary at the end of
the fiscal period ending on a Thursday is
(A) debit Salaries Payable, $20,000; credit Cash,$20,000
(B) debit Salaries Expense, $20,000; credit Cash,$20,000
(C) debit Salaries Expense, $20,000; credit Salaries Payable,$20,000
(D) debit Salaries Expense, $5,000; credit Salaries Payable,$5,000

25.( )Mike Conway is a lawyer who requires that his clients pay him in
advanced of legal services rendered. Mike rountinely credits Legal
Service Revenue when his clients pay him in advanced. In June Mike
collected $12,000 in advance fees and completed 75% of the work
related to these fees. What adjusting entry by Mike's firm at the
end of June?
(A) Unearned Revenue ....................................9,000
Legal Service Revenue ................................. 9,000
(B) Unearned Revenue ....................................3,000
Legal Service Revenue ................................. 3,000
(C) Cash ...............................................12,000
Legal Service Revenue ................................ 12,000
(D) Legal Service Revenue ...............................3,000
Unearned Revenue ..................................... 3,000


1.Scotsman Company prepares monthly financial statements. Below are listed
some selected accounts and their balances in the September 30 trial balance
before any adjustments have been made for the month of September.

Trial Balance (Selected Accounts)
September 30, 2011

Debit Credit
Office Supplies ..................................... £2,700
Prepared Insurance .................................. 3,150
Office Equipment .................................... 16,200
Accumulated Depreciation ─ Office Equipment ....................... £1,000
Unearned Rent Revenue .............................................. 1,200

(Note: Debit column does not equal credit column because this is a partial
listing of selected account balances)

An analysis of the accout balances by the company's accountant provided the
following additional information:
(1) A physical count of office supplies revealed £1,000 on hand on September
30. (2%)
(2) A two-year life insurance policy was purchased on June 1 for £3,600. (2%)
(3) Office equipment depreciated £6,000 per year. (2%)
(4) The amount of rent received in advance that remains unearned at September
30 is £400. (2%)

Using the above additional information, prepare the adjusting entries that
should be made by Scotaman Company on September 30.


│ 立格修車公司 │
│ 試算表 │
│ X9年12月31日 │
│ │ │
│現金 $ 50,000│累計折舊 $ 108,000 │
│應收帳款 9,600│應付票據 600,000 │
│預付租金 24,000│預收收入 60,000 │
│預付保險費 22,500│股本 100,000 │
│零件 56,000│保留盈餘 31,000 │
│設備 864,000│修車收入 201,000 │
│薪資費用 68,500│ -------- │
│廣告費 5,400│ │
│ -------│ │
│ │ │
│合計 $1,100,000 │合計 $1,100,000 │
│  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄│  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄│


試作: (1)調整分錄。(12%)

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