

在 transgression產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Sting of Death is Gone “Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will in any...

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2021-08-18 11:25:02

#Repost @qalbyapp ・・・ So you've ordered the latest cooking gadget that can cut down cooking time and it has multiple functions to help make your life ...

  • transgression 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-26 20:00:06
    有 110 人按讚

    The Sting of Death is Gone

    “Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will in any way hurt you.” (Luke‬ ‭10:19‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Many troubles we experience in life are the work of Satan and his demons, represented by the serpents and scorpions in the verse above. When they attack, do you know what to do?

    The power of a serpent is in its sometimes poisonous bite, and the power of a scorpion is in its toxic sting. The serpent’s mouth is in front, the scorpion’s stinger is at the back.

    Jesus is saying that He has given you authority and protection against the front, back and everything in-between of the enemy.

    When you understand how to tread on your demonic enemies, you become immune to harm.

    ““Death, where is your sting? Hades, where is your victory?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:55-56‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Sin is the scorpion’s poisonous sting which produces death. Satan wants people to nurture their sins so that their sowing into the flesh brings forth the mature fruit of death.

    Sin produces death because of the Law (the Ten Commandments). A transgression of God’s law brings the penalty of death and the curse of the Law. Without the Law, sin wouldn’t result in death.

    For a born-again believer, sin has become powerless to kill him (the spirit) because the believer has shared in Jesus’ death and has passed from death into life. He has been irreversibly saved.

    ““Most certainly I tell you, he who hears my word, and believes him who sent me, has eternal life, and doesn’t come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” (John‬ ‭5:24‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Sin is also unable to bring the curse upon a believer because Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse Himself at the cross.

    “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us. For it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree,” that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” (Galatians‬ ‭3:13-14‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    However, many believers don’t know these. When up against a believer, Satan is like a scorpion without a sting. He still tries to deceive believers that they can lose their salvation and that God curses them when they sin. Making a Christian think that God is against him destroys his faith because who can resist the power of God?

    Actually, the only way the sting can grow back is if you put yourself under the Law again. The moment you attempt works-based justification, it’s like Satan’s sting regenerates and is driven deep into your body, inflicting death through the curse of the Law.

    “For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse. For it is written, “Cursed is everyone who doesn’t continue in all things that are written in the book of the law, to do them.”” (Galatians‬ ‭3:10‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Satan may come with lies like a serpent and say, “You sinned again. You’re hopeless. God’s curse is upon you. God is going to destroy you because you keep repeating your sins and are unrepentant.”

    He heaps accusations and condemnation upon you. The moment you believe him, you are stung by the scorpion. The curse of the Law takes effect in your life because you have effectively put yourself under the covenant of the Law as a transgressor.

    Based on the principle of sowing and reaping, sin still bears the fruit of death, causing sickness, depression, infirmity, aging, and finally the death of the body, but sin cannot cause you to lose your salvation or bring you under God’s curse.

    God is for you, not against you. His favor continually shines upon you and it is not by your performance, but by the grace of God, made possible through Jesus’ finished work at the cross.

    When you fall because of sin, it is by the grace of God that you can immediately pick yourself up again. Do not cut yourself off from that supply by being self-condemned.

    In your war against Satan’s temptations, sometimes you will fall—and God knows that. But you can dust yourself off and get up again by receiving the grace and mercy of God. Do not allow Satan to trick you into thinking that God’s curse is upon you.

    The scorpion’s sting has been removed and the Law does not apply to you, so let it stay that way. You are a child of God under the New Covenant of Grace who is led by the Holy Spirit!

    Did you enjoy this excerpt from my eBook “Silencing the Serpent”? Learn how to silence the voice of the serpent and always emerge victorious in spiritual warfare:

  • transgression 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-27 15:01:38
    有 37 人按讚

    aggress 侵略、挑釁 (v.)
    aggressive 侵略的、侵犯的 (a.)
    ➡️ 步步逼近的
    E.g. An aggressive young man can go far in our firm.
    Congress 國會、立法機關
    ➡️ 全體與會人員走到一起,取得共識。
    E.g. After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal.
    progress 前進、進步 (v.) (n.)
    progressive 進步的、先進的 (a.)
    progression 前進、增長 (v.)
    ➡️ 向前跨步。
    E.g. The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery.
    transgress 違法、犯罪 (v.)
    transgression 違法、罪過 (n.)
    ➡️ 超越章法的界線。
    E.g. Jessica apologized for her transgressions.
    regress 退回、逆行 (n.)
    ➡️ 往回跨步
    E.g. John suffered brain damage from the earthquake and regressed to the mental age of a kid.

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    ✍️ 提升大考詞彙量
    ✍️ 近三年學測指考範文賞析

    方案1 👉 單人購買 2190 / 人
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    ✅ 追蹤我的Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/_seventeen.5/

    ✅ Instagram聽怎麼唸:https://www.instagram.com/p/CJRC5jkHnCX/?igshid=1f2uf95ucyc5r


  • transgression 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-14 20:40:53
    有 31 人按讚

    transact 交易、談判 (v.)
    transaction 辦理、交易 (n.)
    ➡️ 金錢和商品經過交易 「穿越 (trans)」到對方手中
    E.g. A record is kept of all the firm’s transactions.
    transfer 搬運、轉換、調動、轉變 (v.)
    transferable 可轉移的、可轉讓的 (a.)
    E.g. We aim to provide our students with transferable skills.
    transparent 透明的、顯然的、坦率的 (a.)
    ➡️ 光可以穿過 (trans),所以是透明的
    E.g. Alan is a man of transparent sincerity.
    transmit 傳送、播送 (v.)
    transmission 傳送、傳染、傳播 (n.)
    E.g. Contaminated foods transmit infectious diseases.
    transcribe 抄寫、謄寫 (v.)
    transcription 抄本、抄寫 (n.)
    ➡️ 轉寫到某處
    E.g. Clerk transcribes everything that is said in court.
    transplant 移植 (v.)
    ➡️ 器官從捐贈者體內「穿越 (trans)」到接受者體內
    E.g.I think the heart transplant is a wonderful thing.
    transgress 違法、違背、侵犯 (v.)
    transgression 違法、違背、侵犯 (n.)
    ➡️ 超越 (trans) 章法的界限
    E.g. The students were restricted not to transgress the bounds.

    ✍️ 大考英文作文各大題型說明
    ✍️ 提升大考詞彙量
    ✍️ 近三年學測指考範文賞析

    方案1 👉 單人購買 2190 / 人
    方案2👉 三人團購 1790 / 人
    ✅ 追蹤我的Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/_seventeen.5/

    ✅ Instagram聽怎麼唸:https://www.instagram.com/p/CIV1bMEHlt5/?igshid=172idat6wzi35


  • transgression 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-15 19:15:13

    最高の謝罪~効果的な謝罪と仲直りのベストタイミングとは →【今なら20日間無料】https://daigovideolab.jp/

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    Afifi, Walid A., Wendy L. Falato, and Judith L. Weiner. (2001) Identity concerns following a severe relational transgression: The role of discovery method for the relational outcomes of infidelity.

    この動画は上記の参考資料・動画を元に考察したもので、あくまで一説です。リサーチ協力の鈴木祐さんの論文解説チャンネルはこちら→http://ch.nicovideo.jp/paleo #今なら

  • transgression 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-27 20:00:14

    ▶︎ やばい恋人の見分け方

    ▶︎ ‪ウィリアム フォン・ヒッペル の われわれはなぜ嘘つきで自信過剰でお人好しなのか 進化心理学で読み解く、人類の驚くべき戦略 (ハーパーコリンズ・ノンフ... を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/36yrNh7

    Afifi, Walid A., Wendy L. Falato, and Judith L. Weiner. (2001) Identity concerns following a severe relational transgression: The role of discovery method for the relational outcomes of infidelity.


    リサーチ協力 Yu Suzuki http://ch.nicovideo.jp/paleo

    この動画は、参考資料から考察した科学の面白さを伝えるエンタメです。あくまで一説であり、真偽を確定するものではありません。 #今なら

  • transgression 在 POPA Channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2015-04-29 11:30:01


    加拿大McGill大學兒童發展心理學家Victoria Talwar,曾經設計了一個名為「偷看遊戲」的實驗,嘗試了解小朋友講大話的行為。Dr. Talwar認為,小朋友學會講大話,其實是智力發展上的里程碑。能夠認清真相,然後想像出一個不存在的假象,再去說服其他人相信這假象,需要一定的認知能力和溝通能力。

    不過那並不代表我們要放棄教導小朋友明白誠實的重要性,Dr. Talwar的實驗也可以給父母更多啟示。

    Talwar, V., & Lee, K. (2002). Development of lying to conceal a transgression: Children’s control of expressive behaviour during verbal deception. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 26(5), 436-444.

    Lee, K., Talwar, V., McCarthy, A., Ross, I., Evans, A., & Arruda, C. (2014). Can Classic Moral Stories Promote Honesty in Children? Psychological Science, 25(8), 1630.

    Talwar, Victoria, & Lee, Kang. (2011). A Punitive Environment Fosters Children's Dishonesty: A Natural Experiment. Child Development, 82(6), 1751-1758.

    Bronson, P., & Merryman, A. (2009). NurtureShock : New thinking about children (1st ed.). New York: Twelve.

