[爆卦]T-Play Bukit Batok是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇T-Play Bukit Batok鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在T-Play Bukit Batok這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 t-play產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過104萬的網紅9bulan10hari,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, JANGAN BUAT MAIN EMOSI ISTERI KETIKA BERPANTANG! Ada segelintir ibu akan merasa sangat down selepas melahirkan anak.. Fikiran bercelaru! especial...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,130的網紅kao140522,也在其Youtube影片中提到,MUSIC: https://youtu.be/wWSAI9d3Vxk https://youtu.be/wpkeZ2kwpkM...

t-play 在 一隻阿圓 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 11:21:34

今天跳舞影片的超顯白唇膏 因為已被問炸 本來明天才要發文的😂 (是第一張顏色唷R4 Vintage Rose) 但我發現我每次唇膏換色都會有人發現😂 然後立刻私訊問色號跟品牌!!太強了 其實韓國的彩妝品牌雖然多 但如果來過首爾shopping的人應該都知道 有些品牌很難找TT 首爾分店可能也不多...

  • t-play 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-26 11:30:43
    有 1,119 人按讚


    Ada segelintir ibu akan merasa sangat down selepas melahirkan anak..

    Fikiran bercelaru! especially ibu-ibu yg baru pertama kali ada anak.

    Segalanya 'asing' bagi mereka. Tangisan anak buat mereka takut dan berdebar-debar. Cemas tak tentu pasal.

    Bila anak tak berhenti menangis, dia rasa stress dan tak tahu nak buat apa lagi utk menenangkan bayi mereka.

    Ibu akan rasa sedikit trauma dan beranggapan proses berpantang ni satu proses yg rumit dan menyusahkan.

    Kalau sampai satu tahap takleh nak handle lg emosi tu, mereka akan menangis tanpa sedar.. kemurungan dan tidak suka bercakap dgn orang lain.

    Suami, cegah dan rawat sebelum terlambat!

    Bantu mereka sehabis baik..termasuklah bergilir-gilir jaga anak di malam hari.. sediakan makanan yang sihat dan sedap untuk isteri.. bantu menguruskan rumah.. bantu uruskan anak2 yang lain dan yang paling penting jaga hati dan perasaan mereka.

    Jangan cakap perkara2 yg boleh menyentuh perasaan.. jangan buat perkara2 yang tidak baik dibelakangnya termasuk curang atau pasang kayu tiga.

    Jagalah dan hargailah isteri anda.

    Sebab itu pentingnya, kita perlu ada ilmu tentang kehamilan sehinggalah proses berpantang.

    ✅Apa yang perlu kita buat.. apa yang tak boleh buat.
    ✅Tips untuk handle situasi berpantang.
    ✅Makanan apa yang terbaik utk galakkan susu ibu.
    ✅Peranan isteri dan suami ketika berpantang.
    ✅urutan ibu berpantang.

    Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : ebook.9bulan10hari.com 😍

    Copyrights 9bulan10hari silakan SHARE 😍😍

    Some mothers will feel very down after giving birth..

    Thoughts are messy! Especially mothers who first have children.

    Everything's ' foreign ' to them. The child's cry makes them scared and pounding. Worried is not sure about it.

    When the child doesn't stop crying, he feels stressed and doesn't know what to do to calm their babies.

    Mother will feel a little traumatized and consider the process of abstinence is a complicated and difficult process.

    If you can't handle the emotions at one level, they will cry without realizing it.. depression and don't like to talk to others.

    Husband, prevent and treat before it's too late!

    Help them all the best.. including taking care of their children at night.. provide healthy and delicious food for the wife.. help manage the house.. help manage other children and most importantly take care of their hearts and feelings ...

    Don't say things that can touch your feelings.. don't do bad things behind them including cheating or installing three wood.

    Take care and appreciate your wife.

    That's why it's important, we need to have knowledge about pregnancy until the abstinence process.

    ✅ What should we do.. what can't do.
    ✅ Tips to handle confinement situations.
    ✅ Which food is the best to encourage mother's milk.
    ✅ The role of wife and husband during confinement.
    ✅ mother massage in confinement.

    For papa mama who wants pregnancy knowledge - birth - abstinence - educate children & breastfeeding mother's milk can click this link to get it: ebook.9bulan10hari.com 😍

    Copyrights 9 months10 day please SHARE 😍😍Translated

  • t-play 在 Familystaysg Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-11-13 08:52:45
    有 148 人按讚

    [WIN] Rated as the best indoor playground in the west, we can't agree more that T-Play at HOMETEAMNS Bukit Batok has the THEME & FUN that even we from the east find the traveling worthwhile!

    3 lucky child (and 2 adults each) will win the chance to enter for free, by joining this contest found in our review article below - just click and read it!

    Contest period: 13Nov - 17Nov!



  • t-play 在 Familystaysg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-10-02 20:41:50
    有 8 人按讚

    Quite surprised to find a fun playground in the west - theme is transport inspired! It’s been ages since we brought the boys to an indoor playground! Firstly it’s huge over 4200 sqft, not too busy during weekdays, and plenty of interactive play for my boys whether it’s for the 1 year old toddler or 4 year big boy, they were both entertained - serious! There were multiple of different slides, rock climbing , trampoline, tunnels, ball pits and even a parent (beanbag) area! Stay tune to my article on @hometeamns Bukit Batok newly revamped Premier Deluxe Villa review article + T-Play indoor playground posts! Giveaway coming up soon!


    #familystaysg | #tplayground | #indoorplaygroundsg | #sgkids | #sgbabies | #hometeamnsbukitbatok | @ T-Play at HOMETEAMNS Bukit Batok

