[爆卦]Synergy effects是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Synergy effects鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Synergy effects這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 synergy產品中有644篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過41萬的網紅TopGear HK 極速誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 〖特約內容〗Esso強勢回歸大埔道! 「大師兄返嚟喇!」講緊係Esso重返大埔道332號呀,即係往深水埗方向,近美荷樓/前北九龍裁判法院前嗰到,並且已經投入服務喇! 新面貌嘅大埔道Esso最特別嘅,就係有一幅由兩位本地年青藝術家Omni Art繪製嘅巨型香港特色壁畫,記錄香港由小漁村演變成國際大...

 同時也有179部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過147萬的網紅アバンティーズ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,9月28日。走ろうみんなで 9月いっぱいで夢である留学のためにアバンティーズの動画をお休みさせて頂きます。 僕の夢のために応援してくれているファンの皆さんに寂しい想いをさせてしまう事、ごめんなさい。 そして、その夢を受け入れて背中を押してくれた2人、本当にありがとう。 この9月は皆んなに僕たちが全...

synergy 在 Cynthia Tee | Motherhood Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-26 11:37:08

The Synergy Ampoule Program is a four-week intensive skincare solution with hydration & firming, brightening, lifting, and anti-aging effects. The p...

synergy 在 мαʏα ʜᴀᴢᴇʟ ǫɪɴ マヤ • sɪɴɢᴀᴘᴏʀᴇ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 14:18:14

🇰🇷did my skin right with @bueno.sg, a 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲-𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱 that is used by more than 8,500 dermatological clinics in Korea! @bueno.sg’s meditech produc...

  • synergy 在 TopGear HK 極速誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 18:00:55
    有 43 人按讚



    新面貌嘅大埔道Esso最特別嘅,就係有一幅由兩位本地年青藝術家Omni Art繪製嘅巨型香港特色壁畫,記錄香港由小漁村演變成國際大都會,包括紮根多年嘅Esso同母公司埃克森美孚,同香港一齊成長嘅歷程。無論係駕駛人士定行山人士,嚟到都可以影相打卡,再去埋便利店買吓嘢飲休息下。




  • synergy 在 唐安麒 Angel Tong Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 12:30:37
    有 57 人按讚

    每年9月29日是 #世界心臟日 ,轉涼的秋冬是心臟病發高峯期,大家要加倍養心,維護心臟健康。



    中醫五行學說,紅色屬火🔥,故紅色食物進入人體後可入心、入血,具有益氣補血、促進血液循環的作用。用完整紅葡萄釀製成的紅酒🍷,富含多種黃酮類抗氧化素。《營養雜誌(Journal of Nutrition)》中的研究提到,紅葡萄皮中的槲皮素(Quercetin)有助調節血壓、減少炎症;白藜蘆醇則有保護和修護細胞、抗老化及預防認知衰退等功效;葡萄籽則含類黃酮、維他命E、亞油酸和原花青素,均屬高效抗氧化、抗炎、美肌聖品。🧏🏻‍♀️✨


    紅色莓果🍒女性尤其要多吃。美國國家健康研究院(NIH)公佈資料顯示,巴西莓ORAC含量為水果中第一名,具極高抗氧力,對美肌護膚特別有幫助。覆盆莓含強效抗氧化物,包括維他命C、槲皮素和沒食子酸(Gallic acid),有助新陳代謝、體重管理。蔓越莓更有助維持女性私密處酸鹼平衡,紓緩不適症狀。

    將這些食材配搭其他食物一起進食,更能產生「食物協同效應」(Food Synergy Effect),提高養分的吸收,達到「1+1> 2」的營養價值。例如紅酒的抗氧化素,能減低高溫烹調紅肉時可能產生的有害物質對健康的影響;同時攝取紅莓果的槲皮素和綠茶的兒茶素,能降低血小板活性,從而減少血栓的發生,維護心臟健康。❤️👍🏻

    #心血管 #心臟 #養生 #養心 #胸痺 #食療 #健康 #中醫 #唐安麒
    KK Box:bit.ly/3r6x6Q3
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    Listen Notes:bit.ly/3q61tom

  • synergy 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 20:29:34
    有 174 人按讚

    How to Have God’s Faith

    “Jesus replied, “Let the faith of God be in you! Listen to the truth I speak to you: If someone says to this mountain with great faith and having no doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done.” (Mark‬ ‭11:22-23‬ ‭TPT‬‬)

    In the passage above, Jesus said the “faith of God” and not “faith in God”. If we want to perform mighty miracles like casting a mountain into the sea, we will need to receive God’s own faith.

    “For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think reasonably, as God has apportioned to each person a measure of faith.” (Romans‬ ‭12:3‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    You see, there is the measure of faith that God already gave to us in the past, and also God’s own faith that He gives to believers at appointed timings.

    The former is the one that we keep free from unbelief through daily renewing of the mind, while the latter is more powerful because it is pure and guaranteed to mightily prosper in its intended purpose.

    “But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the profit of all. For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom, and to another the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; to another faith, by the same Spirit; and to another gifts of healings, by the same Spirit; and to another workings of miracles; and to another prophecy; and to another discerning of spirits; to another different kinds of languages; and to another the interpretation of languages. But the one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing to each one separately as he desires.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:7-11‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Faith is one of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. He distributes this “faith of God” at times. Every believer can receive this.

    To understand when this God-faith comes, we have to know the delivery system:

    “Faith, then, is birthed in a heart that responds to God’s anointed utterance of the Anointed One.” (Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭TPT‬‬)

    Many English Bible translations do a poor job of translating the verse above. They stray from the original Greek meaning. However, I like the translation I quoted above.

    The words translated as “anointed utterance” in Greek is “rhematos” which means “a spoken word”. “The Anointed One” is Christou, which is Christ.

    “Rhematos Christou” is not referring to God’s written Scriptures in general. That one would be the logos word, or “what God has said before”. The rhema word is talking about what Christ is currently actively saying to you through His Spirit inside you.

    When Jesus speaks a rhema word to you, it carries God’s authority. When you hear and act upon that word, the “faith of God” is imparted to you for mighty power to be released. This is when miracles and breakthroughs flow.

    Let us see this in action:

    “Peter answered him and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters.” He said, “Come!” Peter stepped down from the boat, and walked on the waters to come to Jesus.” (Matthew‬ ‭14:28-29‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Jesus said “Come,” and this rhema word carried the authority for Peter to transcend the natural laws of nature. When Peter heard the command and acted upon it, the “faith of God” was imparted to him, empowering him to walk on the waters.

    You may be surprised by this, but even Jesus depended on the rhema word from His Father during His earthly ministry.

    “Jesus therefore answered them, “Most certainly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things he does, these the Son also does likewise. For the Father has affection for the Son, and shows him all things that he himself does. He will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.” (John‬ ‭5:19-20‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Before doing any miracle, Jesus first received the rhema word from the Father, and He simply obeyed, acting upon what the Father showed Him.

    When Jesus acted upon the rhema word, God’s power flows because the authority, faith, and will of God are working in perfect synergy.

    It is therefore most crucial that we ask the Lord to give us the rhema word for our situation. To receive it, you can calm your emotions and pray about your situation, listening in silence to see what the Holy Spirit brings to your attention.

    Other than that, sometimes He uses your pastor or Christian friend to speak divinely inspired words to you. The Holy Spirit is the source of the rhema word. The way He delivers it isn’t the most important thing, so be open to however He chooses to convey the rhema word to you.

    When it comes, grab hold of it in your heart, and act upon it, for it is the key to unlock God’s supernatural provision in your situation!

    The 37 recorded miracles of Jesus Christ in the four gospels show us God’s heart of love and Grace towards us. As you explore them in “Messiah’s Miracles”, faith will arise in your heart to receive miraculous breakthroughs in your own life: https://bit.ly/messiahs-miracles