

在 successful造句產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅馬米高 MMG English Channel,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有好多網友inbox問我Present Perfect Tense (現在完成式)同Simple Present Tense (簡單現在式)既問題,我講多少少: Present Perfect Tense 現在完成式 呢個Tense 用於由以前發生,但冇指明特定時間(i.e. yesterd...


  • successful造句 在 馬米高 MMG English Channel Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-01-06 14:32:54
    有 419 人按讚

    有好多網友inbox問我Present Perfect Tense (現在完成式)同Simple Present Tense (簡單現在式)既問題,我講多少少:

    Present Perfect Tense 現在完成式
    呢個Tense 用於由以前發生,但冇指明特定時間(i.e. yesterday, last week...),又對現在有關連既事。例如 「I have had everything (all these accomplishments). 我已經擁有一切(成就)」。呢度Have係auxiliary verb(助動詞);had係main verb(主動詞),以past participle(過去分詞)形式出現。係呢一句Present Perfect Tense帶出「已經擁有」呢個時間性。Already呢個adverb(副詞)可以配合使用於Present Perfect Tense,強調「某事比另一件事早發生」,例如「 I would not need to be more successful when I have already had everything. 當我早就擁有一切,我唔需要更成功。」

    Simple Present Tense 簡單現在式
    一般用於陳述事實、表達概念。例如 「I have everything. 我擁有一切。」Have 就係main verb。Already 亦可以用喺Simple Present Tense,喺度表達「有野比起預期早左發生」,或者「一啲發生左但係你預期之外嘅事」。例如「 I already have everything. 我擁有一切(感覺早左或者意料之外)」。

    另外一個問題:用左Present Perfect Tense仲可以加”at this moment”?
    我嘅答案係翻譯時要睇當事人想表達嘅原意。我想保留當事人想強調嘅意思,以及我想帶出”This instant”同”At this moment”既分別。雖然中文嘅譯法大家都係叫「而家」,但係意思有少少分別。”This instant”通常配合Imperatives(命令式動詞)使用,好似我片中例子:「Shut up this instant!而家(即刻)收聲!」呢個「而家」帶有「即刻去做某件事」嘅意思;At this moment 既而家就淨係「而家」,當刻嘅意思。基於上述原因,最後我決定加個逗號隔一隔帶有Present Perfect Tense既句子,加”at this moment”喺最後。

    PS: 我完全理解口語英文變化好多,我自己講英文嘅時候都會犯正統文法上嘅錯誤。我當初分享英文片段,就係想借生活化嘅題材,以不同嘅表達方式去引起大家興趣,因為解釋英文嘅時候,contextualization 將語言運用搬到去生活上既情景,對理解語言有好大幫助。香港嘅學習英文模式就係缺乏真實嘅context情景去應用同理解,學生學grammar只係機械式不斷造句,睇passage只係睇textbooks作出黎既文章,一嚟欠缺真實性,二嚟邊個會有興趣睇?我希望每一次嘅討論都可以令你有動力去查下、去了解英文嘅運用,甚至問下身邊既人:「應該點講?」。Thank you.

  • successful造句 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-06-03 11:45:00
    有 49 人按讚

    <八種常用寫作句型分享-3 >

    accuse sb of Ving 控告;指責某人於某事
    e.g. At present, plenty of parents accuse school teachers of their indifference to their children’s psychological development.

    be adjacent to 與…比鄰; 連接; 靠近; 貼近
    e.g. The fancy hotel is within a walking distance to Time Square and is adjacent to the two major shopping malls in the city.

    have an affinity for 對…有吸引力; 喜歡
    e.g. The truth is that if you have an affinity for a person, you overlook most of his or her imperfections. That is why love is blind.

    be aggrieved at 因..感到焦慮; 對…感到悲傷
    e.g. Caroline’s mother is rather aggrieved at her having been taking drugs since her high school.

    be allergic to 對…有過敏反應; 厭惡…
    e.g. Suggestions and criticisms are usually unpleasant to people but do good to them in fact. Sadly to say, some are even allergic to them and thus make no progress.

    come into antagonism with 與..鬧翻; 對抗
    e.g. The two entrepreneurs came into antagonism with each other since their companies’ new products seem to be coincidentally identical in terms of function, leading to big loss in profits.

    be apt to 有…傾向; 很容易..; 有可能
    e.g. The old are apt to make such mistakes as thinking the young should always be at their mercy because they are definitely more experienced in everything.
    老年人很容易犯諸如此類的錯- 認為年輕人必須一直聽從他們,因為老年人在每件事都是非常有經驗的

    aspire after/towards/for + N. ; aspire to V. 渴望; 嚮往; 追求; 有志於
    e.g. Caroline aspires to become a successful businesswoman since she is obsessed with feminism.

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